S12014 May
S12014 May
S12014 May
Edexcel GCE
Statistics S1
Advanced/Advanced Subsidiary
Tuesday 10 June 2014 Morning
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
Materials required for examination Items included with question papers
Mathematical Formulae (Pink) Nil
Candidates may use any calculator allowed by the regulations of the Joint
Council for Qualifications. Calculators must not have the facility for symbolic
algebra manipulation, differentiation and integration, or have retrievable
mathematical formulas stored in them.
Instructions to Candidates
In the boxes on the answer book, write the name of the examining body (Edexcel), your
centre number, candidate number, the unit title (Statistics S1), the paper reference (6683),
your surname, other name and signature.
Values from the statistical tables should be quoted in full. When a calculator is used, the
answer should be given to an appropriate degree of accuracy.
Advice to Candidates
You must ensure that your answers to parts of questions are clearly labelled.
You must show sufficient working to make your methods clear to the Examiner.
Answers without working may not gain full credit.
P43017A This publication may only be reproduced in accordance with Pearson Education Limited copyright policy.
©2014 Pearson Education Limited
1. A random sample of 35 homeowners was taken from each of the villages Greenslax and
Penville and their ages were recorded. The results are summarised in the back-to-back stem
and leaf diagram below.
Some of the quartiles for these two distributions are given in the table below.
Greenslax Penville
Lower quartile, Q1 a 31
Median, Q2 64 39
Upper quartile, Q3 b 55
(b) On the graph paper on the next page draw a box plot to represent the data from Penville.
Show clearly any outliers.
(c) State the skewness of each distribution. Justify your answers.
P43017A 2
Question 1(b) graph paper
2. The mark, x, scored by each student who sat a statistics examination is coded using
y = 1.4x – 20
The coded marks have mean 60.8 and standard deviation 6.60.
P43017A 3
3. The table shows data on the number of visitors to the UK in a month, v (1000s), and the
amount of money they spent, m (£ millions), for each of 8 months.
Number of visitors
2450 2480 2540 2420 2350 2290 2400 2460
v (1000s)
Amount of money spent
1370 1350 1400 1330 1270 1210 1330 1350
m (£ millions)
P43017A 4
4. In a factory, three machines, J, K and L, are used to make biscuits.
It is known that 2% of the biscuits made by machine J are broken, 3% of the biscuits made by
machine K are broken and 5% of the biscuits made by machine L are broken.
(a) Draw a tree diagram to illustrate all the possible outcomes and associated probabilities.
(b) Calculate the probability that the biscuit is made by machine J and is not broken.
(c) Calculate the probability that the biscuit is broken.
(d) Given that the biscuit is broken, find the probability that it was not made by machine K.
kx x 2, 4,6
P X x k x 2 x 8
0 otherwise
where k is a constant.
(a) Show that k = .
(b) Find the exact value of F(5).
(c) Find the exact value of E(X).
(d) Find the exact value of E(X 2).
(e) Calculate Var(3 – 4X) giving your answer to 3 significant figures.
P43017A 5
6. The times, in seconds, spent in a queue at a supermarket by 85 randomly selected customers,
are summarised in the table below.
A histogram was drawn to represent these data. The 30 – 60 group was represented by a bar
of width 1.5 cm and height 1 cm.
Given that x denotes the midpoint of each group in the table and
3 mean median
coefficient of skewness
standard deviation
(d) Evaluate this coefficient and comment on the skewness of these data.
P43017A 6
7. The heights of adult females are normally distributed with mean 160 cm and standard
deviation 8 cm.
(a) Find the probability that a randomly selected adult female has a height greater than
170 cm.
Any adult female whose height is greater than 170 cm is defined as tall.
(b) find the probability that she has a height greater than 180 cm.
(c) find P A B .
(d) Determine whether or not A and B are independent.
P40105XA 7
Scheme Marks
1. (a) a = 44 These answers may be in or near the B1
b = 76 table B1
(b) 55 1.5 55 31 91 [and 31 1.5 55 31 5 ]
(c) Greenslax : [Q2 Q1 20, Q3 Q2 12 or (Q2 Q1 ) (Q3 Q2 )] ve(skew ) B1
Penville: [Q2 Q1 8, Q3 Q2 16 or (Q3 Q2 ) (Q2 Q1 )] +ve (skew ) B1
Don’t insist on seeing “skew” so just –ve and +ve will do. Treat “correlation” as ISW
Justification that is consistent ddB1 (3)
Total 9
A fully correct box plot scores 4/4. If not fully correct apply scheme and need evidence for M1
If two box plots are seen ignore the one for Greenslax. If not on graph paper M1 max for (b)
M1 for sight of 55 1.5 55 31 or 91 seen (possibly implied by RH whisker of box plot)
May be implied by a fully correct box plot
1st B1 box with whiskers (condone missing median)
2nd B1 25, 31, 39, 55, RH whisker to end at 75 or 91. Two RH whiskers is B0
Accuracy must be to within 0.5 of a square so e.g. lower quartile at 30 or 32 is OK
A1 only one outlier plotted at 99. Allow cross to be vertically displaced
If the RH whisker goes to 99 (2nd B0) and A0 even if outlier is identified since we require
a horizontal “gap” between RH whisker and outlier.
(c) 1 B1 Greenslax ve (skew) We must be able to tell which is which but labels may be
implied by their values but not simply from Q3 Q2 Q2 Q1
2nd B1 Penville + ve (skew). If there is just one, unlabelled comment assume Penville.
If only values for Q3 Q2 etc are given they should be correct ft for Greenslax and correct for Penville
If values for Greenslax imply +ve skew then 1st B0 and 3rd B0
Scheme Marks
2 60.8 20
mean = or 60.8 = 1.4x 20 (o.e.) M1
= 57.7142… awrt 57.7 A1
standard deviation = or 6.60 = 1.4x M1
= 4.7142… awrt 4.71 A1
Total 4
1st M1 sub. 60.8 for y into a correct equation.
Allow use of x or any other letter or expression for mean
1st A1 for awrt 57.7 or (o.e.). Correct answer only is 2/2
1 A1cso
k= 18 (*) (2)
(b) 6 1 B1
[2k + 4k ]= ( 13 or any exact numerical equivalent)
18 3 (1)
(c) 1 2 1 1
E(X) = 2 4 6 8 or 2 2k 4 4k 6 6 k 8 6 k M1
9 9 3 3
7 52 A1
=5 (or exact equivalent e.g. )
9 9 (2)
(d) 1 2 1 1
E(X2) = 4 16 36 64 or 4 2k 16 4k 36 6k 64 6k M1
9 9 3 3
1 112 A1
= 37 (or exact equivalent e.g. )
3 3 (2)
(e) 1 7
Var (X) = 37 – 5 [= 3.95… or ] M1
3 9 81
If in parts (c), (d) and (e) there is a correct expression worthy of M1 but later they incorrectly go on
and multiply or divide by some number n, then allow the M1 but mark their final answer (A0)
Answers only in (b), (c), (d) and (e) score all the marks.
(c) M1 for an expression for E(X) with at least 3 correct terms (products) allow use of k e.g. 104k
(d) M1 for an expression for E(X2) with at least 3 correct terms (products) allow use of k e.g. 672k
A1 for any exact equivalent only. E.g. 37.3 is A0 but, of course, 37.3 is OK
(e) 1st M1 for E(X2) [E(X)]2 ft their answers to (c) and (d). Must see values used correctly.
2nd M1 for statement “ 42 Var(X)”seen or for 42 their Var(X) provided their Var(X) > 0
Do not allow for 16 E( X 2 ) but can score M0M1
NB condone 42 Var( X ) if the answer later becomes positive.
A1 for exact fraction ( 5120
81 o.e.) or decimal approximation that is awrt 63.2
Beware: rounding to 3sf in (c) (5.78) and (d) (37.3) gives 62.3 which could be misread as 63.2
Scheme Marks
6 (a) 70 – 80 group - width 0.5 (cm) B1
1.5 cm2 is 10 customers or 3.75cm2 is 25 customers or 0.5c = 3.75 or 1 M1
σ= 76 2 M1
= 21.2658……. (s = 21.3920) awrt 21.3 A1
(d) 376 75.4
Coeff’ of skewness = = 0.08464… awrt 0.08 (awrt 0.06 for 75.6)
21.2658... M1 A1
There is (very slight) positive skew or the data is almost symmetrical (or both) B1ft
Any mention of “correlation” is B0 (3)
Total 11
(a) B1 for 0.5
M1 for one of the given statements or any method where “their width” “their height” = 3.75
Correct height scores M1A1 independent of width so B0M1A1 is possible.
(b) k
M1 for a correct fraction: + 10 where k = 13.5 or 14 for (n + 1) case.
11.5 13.5
NB may work down so look out for (80) 10 etc Beware: 69.5 11 75.44 (but M0)
25 25
(c) M1 for a correct expression with square root, ft their mean
A1 for awrt 21.3 or, if clearly using s allow awrt 21.4. Must be evaluated...no surds.
(d) M1 sub. their values into formula allow use of s but their or s must be > 0
A1 for awrt 0.08 but accept 0.085 No fraction
B1ft for a correct comment compatible with their coefficient.
Allow “symmetrical” for |coeff’| < 0.25
They may say it is “slightly skew” so omit “positive” but do not allow “negative” if coef’ +ve
Condone “strongly” positive skew.
Scheme Marks
7 (a) The random variable H ~ height of females
170 160 M1
P H 170 = P Z [ = P Z 1.25 ]
1 0.8944 M1
= 0.1056 (calc 0.1056498…) awrt 0.106 (accept 10.6%)
(b) 180 160
P H 180 = P Z [ 1 0.9938 ] M1
= 0.0062 (calc 0.006209…) awrt 0.0062 or 31
5000 A1
[P( H >180| H >170)] = M1
= 0.0587 (calc 0.0587760…) awrt 0.0587 or 0.0588
P H h
(c) P(H > h |H >170) (= 0.5) or 0.5 M1
P H 170
[P(H > h)] = 0.5 "0.1056" = 0.0528 (calc 0.0528249…) or [P(H < h)] = 0.9472 A1ft
h 160
1.62 (calc 1.6180592…) M1 B1
h = awrt 173 cm awrt 173 A1 (5)
Total 12
(a) 170 160
1st M1 for attempt at standardising with 170, 160 and 8. Allow + i.e. for
2nd M1 for attempting 1 – p where 0.8 < p < 1. Correct answer only 3/3
(b) 1st M1 for standardising with 180, 160 and 8
1st A1 for 0.0062 seen, maybe seen as part of another expression/calculation.
2nd M1 using conditional probability with denom = their (a) and num < their denom. Values needed.
2nd A1 for awrt 0.0587 or 0.0588. Condone 5.87% or 5.88% or 528 31