CHN Module 1 Notes Community
CHN Module 1 Notes Community
CHN Module 1 Notes Community
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D.THEORETICAL MODEL/APPROACH stress, education, the environment, finances, and
social status/ stigma (prejudice).
Community Health Nursing Theories ● Health indicators (mortality rates, disease
prevalence, levels of physical activity, obesity,
❖ Nursing theory provides the basis for care of tobacco or other substance use) describe the
the community and family. health status of a community and serve as targets
❖ Theorists have developed sound principles to for the improvement of a community’s health.
guide nurses in providing high-quality care.
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C. Components of a Community
A community is simply a group of people living
1. School Health Nursing together, especially within a defined geographical
Promote the health of school personnel and location, they mostly share norms, religion, values
students. It aims to prevent health problems that and identity in common.
would hinder students learning and performance of
their developmental task. A community can be described as a complex
whole resulting from the combination of the
2. Occupational Health Nursing environment, people, health, quality of life, and
Aimed in assisting workers in all occupation to cope economics.The functionality of a community
with actual and potential stresses in relation to depends solely on these key elements.
their work and work environment.
The components of the community are as follows
3. Community Mental Health Nursing
Promotion of mental health and prevention of ⮚ The people.
mental illness across the lifespan and across ⮚ The environment.
sectors. ⮚ The economy.
⮚ Culture
⮚ Quality of life
✧ A community is a group of people sharing
common geographic boundaries and or These components will be discussed in details.
common values and interest within specific
social system People as Components of Community
A group of people is the most fundamental or
✧ Communities also vary in terms of essential component of community. When a group
community dynamics- citizen participation, of people live together and share a common life
power and decision making structures and and bind by a strong sense of community
community collaboration efforts consciousness at that moment a community is
(Allender and Spradley) formed. Hence a group of people is the first
prerequisites of community.
✧ Webs of people shaped by relationships,
interdependence, mutual interests and The Environment as Component of Community
patterns of interaction The environment as a component, influences
(Behringer and Richards) lifestyle in any community setting and it is an
indispensable component it cannot be overlooked.