UniSA Declaration Form

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University of South Australia Student Declaration

I declare that the information provided by me in this application is true and accurate to the best of my
knowledge. I agree to tell the University of South Australia immediately if there is any change to the
information I have given in this application. I have read and understood the University’s Guidelines on
Payment and Refund of Fees for International Students set out at www.unisa.edu.au/Study-at-

I confirm I have sufficient financial resources to pay for travel, tuition and living expenses for myself and
any dependents for the duration of my stay in Australia. I understand that if I obtain work in Australia
this is considered an opportunity for social interaction and not as a source of income. I am a genuine
student and I intend to obtain a successful education outcome and stay in Australia temporarily.

I authorise the University of South Australia to make enquiries and obtain information and my official
records from third parties including but not limited to the Department of Immigration and Border
Protection, government bodies, educational institutes previously attended by me, former or current
employers and financial institutions. I understand that the University may release my personal
information to the University’s partner educational institutions, government departments or any other
relevant bodies for verification and assessment. I understand that any information obtained will be kept
on record and considered when assessing my application for entry into the program.

I understand that the University of South Australia may vary or reverse any decision regarding admission
or enrolment made on the basis of incorrect, incomplete or fraudulent information or documentation. I
understand the University of South Australia reserves the right to inform other institutions and the
relevant government departments of the provision of any such fraudulent documentation or

I agree that if I do not meet the entry requirements for the program I have applied for that I can be
considered for an alternative program at the University of South Australia and may have my application
forwarded to University’s partner pathway provider the South Australian Institute of Business and
Technology (SAIBT).

I acknowledge that the documents submitted with my application become the property of the
University and will not be returned to me.

I declare that I have read, understood and agree to the above Declaration.

Full Name: ___________________________

Date: ___________________________

Signature: ___________________________

University of South Australia | UniSA International | Level 1, 101 Currie Street, Adelaide SA 5000 | +61 8 8302 0114 | +61 8 8302 9121
CRICOS provider number 00121B

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