Filing of A Complaint - Rev. Dr. Leonard Small

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Rev. Dr. Leonard Small Sent Widiza 17 West 54" Street Savannah, GA. 31405 912-6957169 Mark Massey September 19, 2023 Clerk of Council 2 East Bay Street Savannah, GA 31401 Mr. Massey, ‘The affidavits attached to this correspondence represent a formal filing of a complaint with your office. ‘The matter at question is the fitness of Mr. Detric Carlton Leggett to stand for office in the upcoming City elections on November 7, 2023. On personal knowledge of me and Mr. Roger White and many others we are stating emphatically that Mr. Leggett has falsified his qualifying documents and doesn’t live in the 2nd District. Mr. Leggett actually lives in the 3" District at 506 Vinson Ave. He has lived there for years and has illegitimately sat on City Council and voted. ‘The signed and notarized documents along with this letter to you as Clerk of Council, the Board of Elections, the Office of the Secretary of State and the District Attorney is offered to correct this malfeasance. Sincerely, SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN BEFORE ME ON THIS tue _LG/oxy oF 2023 Pewused Mths NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: 2222 AFFIDAVIT SEP 19 2023 1) My name is Rev. Leonard Small; | am a United States Citizen and lifelong resident of Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia. = 2) Lam of legal age; above 18 years old. 3) 1am a qualified and of sound mind, 4) am making these statements of my own accord and they are truthful to the best of my knowledge. 5) am a registered voter and citizen of Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia. 6) have reviewed the Notice of Candidacy and Affidavit submitted to the Savannah Clerk of Council Office by Mr. Detric C. Leggett dated August 21, 2023. 7) am aware of his stated residence address as 649 East 38” Street. 8) lam declaring that his true address,( where he lives), with his family is S06 Vinson Ave which disqualifies him serving the 2 District now. 9) | believe he has also committed perjury on the aforementioned form and is answerable at law. 10) | have personally observed him at the Vinson Street address and spoken with neighbors. 11) Ihave spoken with people living on 38" Street know him and will attest that he doesn’t and hasn't lived there for many years. 12) He has also used 1017 East 33 Street at times but doesn’t live there either. Executed this the, 2023 in___(city),__(state). _ ignature Printed FORE ME ON THIS wwe [$0501 Sephialote—_ 2085 NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: _[ “J! day of. ‘SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN SEP 19 202: AFFIDAVIT 1) My name is Roger White; | am a United States Citizen and lifelong resident of Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia. 2) 1am of legal age; above 18 years old. 3) am a qualified and of sound mind. 4) | am making these statements of my own accord and they are truthful to the best of my knowledge. 5) | ama registered voter and citizen of Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia. 6) | have reviewed the Notice of Candidacy and Affidavit submitted to the Savannah Clerk of Council Office by Mr. Detric C. Leggett dated August 21, 2023. 7) am aware of his stated residence address as 649 East 38” Street. 8) lam declaring that his true address,( where he lives with his family), is S06 Vinson Ave which disqualifies him serving the 2 District now. 9) | declare that he has also committed perjury on the form in number 6 above and is answerable at law. 10) | have personally observed him at the Vinson Street address and confirmed his residency with his neighbors. 11) | have known him to live on Vinson Street in the 3” District for years. Executed this the J? day of. Sg 2023 in Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia tigi Signature dbp 2 Printed ‘SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN BEFORE ME ON THIS THE g DAY OF Sap be bot. 202.3, NOTARY PUBLIC My Commision Expres ~ reeahee th 2098 RECEIVED _ ape Toons camntoily Aug31203 | : Sti oF Georgia | NOTICE OF CANDIDACY AND AFFIDAVIT SEP 19 2023 (COUNTY/MUNICIPALITY) the andogned, being ist uly sno on on, do deoseandany myoanein etic. Canllon Legge myresidence adéressis (1% Lust S84 sheeet (Sie Nabe) co) Seayonneh Abe bucenr Georg) sito! “iy Gaus) ‘Gay ip Coes my post office addess is my telephone numberis_F] 12. ~ 272-6300 3 Gases ‘Taney my ptesion bins, or caption Gfamyix_ © reverting Room Tech i the name of my precinct is 1am an elector of the county/municipality of my residence eligible to vote in the election in which Im a candidate; the name of the office Iam seeking is 4 sy tects Was a ost een een hi oe, ea DEC Pa 1 ill have been a legal resident ofthe State of Georgia for ©°O consccutve years; a legal resident of Che thawa county for TO _ consecutive years; a legal resident of my district if applicable) for_ SO. consecutive years; and a legal resident of my circuit (if applicable) for consecutive years; Lam a citizen ofthe United States; Tam eligible to hold such ofc; hat Tm candidate fo such office inte Masnecipe | tobeheld onthe iia IS ayo Novenler 202%; have never been convicted and sentenced in any court of competent jurisdiction for fraudulent violation of primary or election laws, ‘malfeasance in office, oF felony involving moral turpitude or conviction of domestic violence under the laws of this State, any other State, or ofthe United States, o, if so convicted that my civil rights have been restored; and atleast ten years have elapsed from the date of ‘completion ofthe sentence without subsequent conviction of another felony involving moral turpitude; I am not a defaulter for any federal, state, county, municipal, or school system taxes required of such offieeholder or candidate if such person has been finally adjudicated by a court of competent jurisdiction to owe those taxes, but such ineligibility may be removed at any time by full payment thereof, or by making payments tothe tax authority pursuant toa payment plan, or under such other conditions as the General Assembly ‘may provide by general law (pursuant to Ga. Const. Art Il, Sec. II, paragraph If); I will nt knowingly violate any provisions of the Georgia Election Code (0.C.G.A. § 21-2) or of the rues of regulations adopted thereunder. ‘Tunderstend that any false statement knowingly made by me inthis Notice of Candidacy and Affidavit will subject me to criminal penalties as provided by law and ! hereby request you to cause my name to be placed onthe ballots tobe used in such election as ‘a candidate for the office Iam seeking, (etary Poicy My Commision Expires, - 1), 6 (Required by Ga. Election Code 0.C.G.A. §21.2.132.) 1 desire that my name appear onthe ballot as follows ‘Should Ibe elected, I desire that my name appear on official (the surname of the candidate shall be as it appears ‘documents as follows: ‘on the candidate's voter registration card) (over)

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