Esther Project - 1-3
Esther Project - 1-3
Esther Project - 1-3
Indirect Participation
The two ways that have been established as the dormant means of participation with the
enterprises are:
Collective Bargaining
Joint Consultation
A) Collective Bargaining: This form of indirect participation is usually carried out
between employers or their representative and the representatives of the employees (that
come in form of trade union). Its primary purpose is purely economic. According to
Ubeku (1983) it is a system of wage and condition of service determination in which the
employer (management) shares administrative decision making responsibility with the
union. The Nigerian Federal Ministry of Employment, Labour and Productivity defined
it as; negotiations about working conditions and terms of employment between an
employer, and group of employees with one or more employers organization on the one
hand and one or more representative workers" organization, on the other hand with a
view to reaching an agreement.
iii) To meet the workers" demand for better insight (and voice) into the management of
the organization for which they work. In this way, a moral right would be satisfied and
increased co-operation and efficiency would result.
Direct Participation
Writers agree that the aim of participation is to secure better, greater employee
involvement and thereby achieve a better use of manpower skills and abilities, many of
which are latent unless they are released by leadership and managerial effort. The
process of direct participation of employees in managerial decision, which seeks to
expose those skills and abilities, can take place in diverse ways.
1) Consultative Management: As the name implies, this type of direct
participation entails managers consulting with their employees in order to encourage
them to think about issues and contribute their own ideas before decisions are made.
Although managers do not consult on every issue, they do set a climate for consultation.
However, they must be genuinely receptive to employees" ideas so that employees do
not see that shallowness of any participative procedure that is not supported by a real
desire for employee ideas.
2) Group Discussion: This is form of democratic management in which the manager
refers a number of decisions to the employee group so that the group"s idea and
influence can be made use of. At times, especially in it"s extreme form, managers can
loose control of whatever decision, they refer to their group because it is based on
a ,,one person, one vote line".
3.5 Instrumentation
The research instrument for this study was a self developed questionnaire which
was is two parts. As this is the most commonly used tool in survey research. The first
part was on personal data of the respondents while the second part was on questions for
which answer was sought in keeping with the objective of the study. Data used for
study was obtained from two main source, primary and secondary source. Primary
source of data collection was that first-hand information obtained from questionnaire
administration, personal observation and oral interviews. Secondary source were
obtained from existing materials such as textbooks, journals, articles, unpublished
research works etc.
3.6 Techniques for Data Analysis
All completed questionnaire forms were collected, coded and analyzed using
descriptive statistics involving the use of simple percentages and frequency tables.
3.7 Problems of Data Collection
Since the questionnaire was the principal sources of data collection, the researcher faced
the following problems, constant postponement of visit by respondents for reason of
being busy, limited time to complete the study and some refused making personal
contribution for fear of being quoted.