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Set-1 6. The compound interest on yearly for 2 years? 1) 3000

a certain sum of money for 2) 2980 3) 3050 4) 3180
2 years at 5% is Rs.328, 13. The compound interest
1. For which principal, then the sum is (1)Rs.3000 earned in two years at 15%
compound amount will be (2) Rs.3600 (3)Rs.3200(4) per annum is Rs. 20640.
Rs 9800 for 2 years at the Rs.3400 What is the sum invested
2 7. Two years ago, the value of (in Rs.)? 1) 64000 2) 60000
rate of 16 3% per annum
interest compounded my motorbike was 3) 56000 4) 52000
annually. Find Compound Rs.62500. If the value 14. For which principal,
interest and Principal. depreciates by 4% every compound amount will be
(1)7200,2600 (2)8200,4500 year, now its value is (1) Rs 3430 for 3 years at the
(3)7300,2800 (4)7500,3000 Rs.56700 (2) Rs.57600 (3) rate of 16 %per annum
2. For which principal, Rs.57500 (4) Rs.55700 interest compounded
compound amount will be 8. The sum of money which annually. Find Compound
Rs 6400 for 2 years at the becomes Rs.2420 at 10% interest and Principal.
1 rate of compound interest 15. The compound interest on
rate of 33 3% per annum
after two years is(1) Rs.1000 at 10% per annum
interest compounded Rs.2000(2) Rs.1000 (3)
annually. Find Compound for 3 years in (Rs.) is: (1)
Rs.2500 (4) Rs.1500 Rs.1331 (2) Rs.331 (3)
interest and Principal. 9. The sum for 2 years gives a
(1)3600,2800 Rs.300 (4) Rs.1300
compound interest of 16. A sum of money amounts
(2)40000,3500 Rs.3225 at the rate of 15%
(3)4000,5400 (4)5700,3200 to Rs. 6655 at the rate of
per annum. The sum is (1) 10% compounded annually
3. Find compound interest Rs.10000 (2) Rs.20000 (3)
and compound amount for for 3 years. The sum of
Rs.15000 (4) Rs.32250 money is 1) Rs. 5000 2) Rs.
Rs. 1280 at 12 2% rate of 10. The income of a company 5500 3) Rs. 6000 4) Rs. 6100
interest in 2 years. increases 20% per year.If 17. The compound interest on
(1)1620,340 (2)2200,1500 the income is Rs.26,64,000 Rs. 1000 at 10% per annum
(3)2300,2800 (4)3500,2200 in the year 2012, then its for 3 years in (Rs.) is: 1) Rs.
4. For which principal, income in the year 2010 1331 2) Rs. 331 3) Rs. 3004)
compound interest will be was: (1) Rs.28,55,000 (2) Rs. 1300
Rs 440 for 2 years at the Rs.18,50,000 (3) 18. The amount (in Rs.)
rate of 20% per annum Rs.28,20,000 (4) received at 10% per annum
interest compounded Rs.21,20,000 compound interest after 3
annually. Find Amount and 11. A sum of Rs. 2420 is years is Rs. 1,19,790. What
Principal. (1)1000,1440 accumulated in 2 years at was the Principal? 1) 90000
(2)1200,1500 (3)5300,1800 10% compound interest on 2) 100000 3) 80000
(4)6500,1000 a certain amount. The the 4)75000
5. A certain sum amounts to original amount is 1) Rs. 19. What will be the amount on
Rs.5,832 in 2 years at 8% 1000 2) Rs. 2000 3) Rs. 1500 Rs. 12500 at the rate of 20%
per annum compound 4) Rs. 2500 per annum compounded
interest, the sum is 12. What is the compound yearly for 3 years? 1) Rs.
(1)Rs.5,000 (2) Rs.5,200 (3) interest (in Rs.) on Rs. 21080 2) Rs. 21560 3) Rs.
Rs.5,280 (4) Rs.5,400 12500 at the rate of 12% 20600 4) Rs. 21600
per annum compounded
P a g e 1 of 18
20. The compound interest on annually. Find Compound year and 12 %for second
64,000 for 3 years, interest and Principal. year compounded
compounded annually at 26. For which principal, annually. Find Principal and
7.5% p.a. is 1) Rs. 14,400 2) compound interest will be Compound interest.
Rs. 15,705 3) Rs. 15,507 4 ) Rs 2100 for 1 years 8 32. The amount of Rs.10,000
Rs. 15,07 months at the rate of after 2 years, compounded
21. When principal = Rs.S, rate 12 2%per annum interest annually with the rate of
of interest = 2r% p.a, then a compounded annually. interest being 10% per
person will get after 3 years Find Principal and Amount. annum during the first year
at compound interest 27. For which principal, and 12% per annum during
6𝑆𝑟 𝑟
(1)Rs. (2) Rs.S(1+ )3 compound amount will be the second year, would be
100 100
(3)Rs.S (1 + )3 (4) Rs. Rs 6300 for 1 year 9 months (in rupess) RS. 10,000 1)
50 2
S(1 + 100)3 at the rate of 16 3 %per 11,320 2) 12,000 3) 12,320
annum interest 4)12,500
compounded annually. 33. The amount on Rs.25,000 in
Set-2 Find Compound interest 2 years at annual
and Principal. compound interest, if the
28. For which principal, rates for the successive
compound amount will be years be 4% and 5% per
22. For which principal, 1 annum respectively is: (1)
Rs 5600 for 2 2 years at the
compound amount will be 1
Rs.30,000 (2) Rs.26,800 (3)
1 rate of 33 3%per annum Rs.27,300 (4) Rs.28,500
Rs 4200 for years at the
1 interest compounded 34. The amount on Rs.25,000 in
rate of 33 3%per annum
annually. Find Compound 2 years at annual
interest compounded interest and Principal. compound interest, if the
annually. Find Compound 29. For which principal, rates for the successive
interest and Principal. compound interest will be years be 4% and 5% per
23. Rs. 6400 for 2
years at the Rs 190 for 1 year 73 days at annum respectively is: (1)
rate of 25% per annum the rate of 33 3 %per Rs.30,000 (2) Rs.26,800 (3)
interest compounded annum interest Rs.27,300 (4) Rs.28,500
annually. Find Compound compounded annually. 35. For which principal,
interest and Amount. Find Principal and Amount. compound interest will be
24. The compound interest on 30. For which principal, Rs 2700 for 3 years at the
Rs.6,000 at 10% per annum compound interest will be rate of 12 2% for the first
for 1 2 years, when the Rs 590 for 2 years 73 days 1
year, 11 9%for second year
interest being compounded at the rate of 50% per
and 10% for third year
annually is, (1)Rs.910(2) annum interest
compounded annually.
Rs.870 (3)Rs.930 (4) Rs.900 compounded annually.
Find Principal and Amount
25. For which principal, Find Principal and Amount.
36. For which principal,
compound amount will be 31. For which principal,
compound interest will be
Rs 4200 for 1 year 4 months compound amount will be
Rs for 21 2 years at the rate
at the rate of %per annum Rs 390 for 2 years at the 1
1 of 33 3 %per annum
interest compounded rate of 33 3% for the first
interest compounded

P a g e 2 of 18
annually. Find Amount and 3. If the amount is 2.25 times 10. If a Certain sum of money at
Principal. of the sum after 2 years at Compound Interest
37. What will be the amount compound interest becomes 4 times of itself in
received on Rs. 25000 at (compound annually), the 7 years, In How many years
the rate of 20% per annum rate of interest per annum it will become 64 times of
compounded yearly for 4 is: (1) 25% (2) 30% (3) 45% itself. (1) 18years (2)
years? 1) Rs. 51840 2) Rs. (4) 50% 21years (3) 16 years (4)
50350 3) Rs. 53550 4) Rs. 4. .If the amount is 3 8 times 24years
48750 the sum after 3 years at 11. If a Certain sum of money at
38. Find compound interest, compound interest Compound Interest
simple interest and compounded annually, becomes 3 times of itself in
difference between then the rate of interest per 8 years, In How many years
compound interest and annum is (1) 25% (2) 50% it will become 81 times of
simple interest on sum of 2 1 itself. (1) 18years (2)
(3)16 3 % (4) 33 3%
Rs. 30000 at 3%rate of 32years (3) 16 years (4)
interest in 3 years. 5. A sum of money becomes 24years
39. What does Rs.250 amounts eight times of itself in 3 12. If a Certain sum of money
to rupess in 2 year with years at compound becomes 8 times of itself in
compound interest at the interest. The rate of 3 yrs, In how much time it
rate of 4% in the Ist year interest per annum is (1) will become 128 times of
and 8% in the second year? 100% (2) 80% (3) 20% (4) itself (1) 7years (2) 12years
(1)Rs.280(2) Rs.280.80 10% (3) 16 years (4) 24years
(3)Rs.468 (4) Rs.290.80 6. If a certain sum of money at 13. A sum of money doubles
Compound Interest of rs. itself in 4 years at
27 becomes 64 in 3 yrs. Find compound interest. It will
Set-3 rate (1) 25% (2) 50% (3) amount to 8 times itself at
2 1
(AMOUNT BECOMES N TIMES 16 3% (4) 33 3 % the same rate of interest in
- 1) 7. If a certain sum of money at : (1) 18years (2) 12years (3)
Compound Interest of rs. 16 years (4) 24years
72 becomes 98 in 2 yrs. Find 14. If a certain sum becomes
1. A sum of money becomes
rate (1) 25% (2) 50% (3) two times in 7 years at
eight times of itself in 3 2 1
16 3% (4) 33 3% compound interest, then in
years at compound
how many years, it will
interest. The rate of 8. If a certain sum of money of
become eight times? 1) 14
interest per annum is (1) rs. 102400 at Compound
2) 21 3) 28 4) 35
100% (2) 80% (3) 20% (4) Interest becomes 145800 in
15. A sum borrowed under
10% 3 yrs. Find rate (1) 25% (2)
2 1 compound interest doubles
2. If a sum of money 50% (3) 16 3% (4) 12 2%
itself in 10 years.When will
compounded annually 9. If a certain sum of money it become fourfold of itself
becomes 1.44 times of amount to rs. 8000 in 2 yrs, at the same rate of interest
itself in 2 years, then the Rs 27000 in 5 yrs, Find rate ? (1) 15years (2) 20years (3)
rate of interest per annum 2
% (1) 25% (2) 50% (3) 16 3 24 years (4) 40years
is (1) 25% (2) 22%(3) 21% 1
% (4) 33 3 % 16. A sum of money placed at
(4) 20%
compound interest doubles
itself in 5 years. In how
P a g e 3 of 18
many years, it would 23. If a Certain sum of money at is (1) 6% (2) 7% (3) 3% (4)
amount to eight times of Compound Interest 5%
itself at the same rate of amount to Rs 4500 in 11 5. At what rate per annum will
interest (1) 10years(2) years, Rs 6750 in 22 years, Rs.32,000 yield a
15years (3) 7 years(4) Find Principle 1) 3000 2) compound interest of
20years 4000 3) 4500 4) 4100 Rs.5044 in 9 months
17. A sum of money at 24. The least number of years interest being compounded
compound interest amount in which a sum of money on quarterly? (1) 20% (2) 32%
to thrice itself in 3 years In 19% p.a. compound (3) 50% (4) 80%
how many years will it be 9 interest will be more than 6. In 3 years Rs.3000 amounts
times itself ? (1) 9years (2) double is (1) 3 years (2) 4 to Rs.3993 at x% compound
27years (3)6 years (4) years (3) 5 years (4) 2 years interest,compounded
3years 25. The least number of years annually. The value of x is
18. A sum of money placed at in which a sum of money on (1)10 (2) 8 (3) 5 (4) 3 3
compound interest doubles 19% p.a. compound 7. A certain amount of money
itself in 4 years. In how interest will be more than at r%, compounded
many years will it amount double is 1) 3 years2) 4 annually after two and
to four times itself? (1) 12 years 3) 5 years4) 2 years three years becomes
years(2) 13 years (3) 8 years Rs.1440 and Rs.1728
(4) 16 years Set-4 (AMOUNT BECOMES respectively. r is (1) 5 (2) 10
19. If a certain sum becomes 3 N TIMES - 2) (3) 15(4) 20
times in 6 years at 8. At what percent per annum
compound interest, then in 1. At what rate per annum will will Rs.3000/- amounts to
how many years, it will Rs.625 amount to Rs.676 in Rs.3993/- in 3 years if the
become 81 times? 1) 81 2) 2 years at compound interest is compounded
1 1
162 3) 27 4) 24 interest? (1) 42% (2) 4 5% annually? (1) 9% (2) 10%
20. A certain sum becomes k 1 1
(3) 11% (4) 13%
(3) 4 6 % (4) 4 3 %
times in 5 years at 9. At what rate percent per
compound interest. In 30 2. At what rate per annum will
Rs.2304 amount to Rs.2500 annum will Rs.2304 amount
years it will become how to Rs.2500 in 2 year at
many times? 1) 5k 2) 6k 3) in 2 years at compound
1 1 compound interest? (1)
k6 4) k5 interest? (1) 42% (2) 4 5% 1 1 1
1 1 42% (2) 4 5% (3) 4 6 % (4) 4
21. If a Certain sum of money at (3) 4 6 % (4) 4 3 % 1
Compound Interest %
3. At what rate percent per 3
amount to Rs 6000 in 7 10. A sum of money invested at
annum the compound
years, Rs 9000 in 14 years, compound interest
interest on Rs.1500 for 2
Find Principle 1) 3000 2) amounts to Rs.650 at the
years is Rs.449.40? (1) 10%
4000 3) 4500 4) 4100 end of first year and Rs.676
(2) 12% (3) 14% (4) 15%
22. If a Certain sum of money at at the end of second year.
4. A sum of Rs.8000 will
Compound Interest The sum of money is:
amount to Rs.8820 in 2
amount to Rs 3000 in 13 (1)Rs.600n (2) Rs.540
years if the interest is
years, Rs 6000 in 26 years, (3)Rs.625(4) Rs.560
calculated every year. The
Find Principle 1) 2000 2) 11. A sum of money amounts
rate of compound interest
4000 3) 1500 4) 4100 to Rs.4,840 in 2 years and to
Rs.5,324 in 3 years at
P a g e 4 of 18
compound interest sum. 1) Rs. 1000 2) Rs. 2000 to Rs. 800 in 3 years and to
compounded annually. The 3) Rs. 5082 4) Rs. 3000 Rs. 840 in 4 years. The rate
rate of interest per annum 18. A sum of Rs. 3000 amounts of interest per annum is: 1)
1 2
is: (1) 10% (2) 9% (3) 11% to Rs. 6000 in two years at 2 2 % 2)4% 3) 5% 4) 63%
(4) 8% compound interest. The 25. If the amounts received at
12. The compound interest on interest for four years is: 1) the end of 2nd and 3rd
a certain sum for two Rs. 9000 2) Rs. 12000 3) Rs. years at Compound Interest
successive years are Rs.225 6000 4) Rs. 3000 on a certain Principal are
and Rs.238.50. The rate of 19. In 3 years Rs. 3000 amounts Rs. 24200, and Rs. 26620
interest per annum is: (1) to Rs. 3993 at x% respectively, what is the
72% (2) 5% (3) 10% (4) 6% compound interest, rate of interest per annum?
13. Sum becomes Rs.4500 after compounded annually. The 1) 10 per cent 2) 5 per cent
two years and Rs.6750 after value of x is 1) 10 2) 8 3) 5 3) 20 per cent 4) 16 per cent
four years at compound 4) 3 3 .
interest. The sum is (1) 20. If Rs. 2500 becomes to Rs.
Rs.4000 (2) Rs.2500 (3) 2970.25 in 2 years at Set-5 (TIME)
Rs.3000 (4) Rs.3050 compound interest
14. A sum of money at compounded annually, 1. In how many years will
compound interest will what is the yearly rate of Rs.625 amounts to Rs.676
amount to Rs.650 at the interest (in %)? 1) 7 2)93) 11 at 4% per annum
end of the first year and 4)13 1
compound interest? (a) 12
Rs.676 at the end of the 21. A sum of money invested at 1
(b) 2 (c) 2 (d) 3
second year. The amount of compound interest 2

money is (1) Rs.1,300 (2) amounts in 3 years to 2. In how many years will
Rs.650 (3) Rs.1,250 (4) Rs.2,400 and in 4 years to Rs.8,00 amounts to Rs.882
Rs.625 Rs.2,520. The interest rate at 5% per annum
15. A sum of Rs.3000 amounts per annum is: (1) 5% (2) 6% compound interest? (a) 12
to Rs.6000 in two years at (3) 10% (4) 12% 1
(b) 2 (c) 22 (d) 3
compound interest. The 22. A sum becomes Rs.4500
3. In how many years will
interest for four years is: (1) after two years and Rs.6750
Rs.1,0000 amounts to
Rs.9000 (2) Rs.12000 (3) after four years at
Rs.13310 at 10% per annum
Rs.6000 (4) Rs.3000 compound interest. The 1
compound interest? (a) 12
16. If Rs. 10000 amounts to Rs. sum is (1)Rs.4000 (2)
11664 invested in Rs.2500 (3) Rs.3000 (4) (b) 2 (c) 22 (d) 3
compound interest Rs.3050 4. In what time will Rs.1000
(compounded annually) for 23. An amount of money at amounts to Rs.1331 at 20%
two years then the annual compound interest grows per annum, compounded
rate of compound interest up to Rs.3,840 in 4 years 1
half yearly? (a) 12 (b) 2 (c)
is 1) 10% 2) 9% 3) 8% 4)6% and up to Rs.3,936 in 5 1
22 (d) 3
17. A man invested a sum of years. Find the rate of
money at compound interest. (1) 2.5% (2) 2%(3) 5. In how many years will
interest. It amounted to Rs. 3.5% (4) 2.05% Rs.2,000 amounts to
2420 in 2 years and to Rs. 24. A sum of money invested at Rs.2,420 at 10% per annum
2662 in 3 years. Find the compound interest amount

P a g e 5 of 18
1 1
compound interest? (a) 1 2 years (3) 1 years (4) 2 payable yearly is 1) Rs. 30 2)
2 2
years Rs. 31 3) Rs. 33 4) Rs. 32
(b) 2 (c) 22 (d) 3
12. The compound interest on 3. The difference between
6. In what time will Rs.1000 simple and compound
amounts to Rs.1331 at 20% Rs.30,000 at 7% per annum
for n years is Rs.4347. The interest compound
per annum, compounded annually, on a sum of
1 value of n is (1) 3 (2) 2 (3) 4
half yearly? (1) 12 years(2) 3000RS for 2 years at 4%
(4) 5
1 per annum is . 1) Rs. 4.8 2)
2 years (3)1years(4) 2 13. In how many years will a
sum of Rs. 800 at 10% per Rs. 3.1 3) Rs. 48 4) Rs. 3.2
annum compounded semi- 4. Sita deposited Rs.5,000 at
7. A sum of Rs.3,200 invested
annually become Rs. 10% simple interest for 2
at 10% p.a. compounded
1 years. How much more
quarterly amounts to 926.10? 1) 22 years 2) 3
money will Sita have in her
Rs.3,362. Complete the 1
1 years3) 2 years 4) 12years account at the end of two
time period. (1) 2 years (2)
14. In how many years will Rs. years, if it is compounded
1 years (3) 2 years (4) 2,000 yield Rs. 662 as annually. (1) Rs.50 (2) Rs.40
years compound interest at 10% (3) Rs.77.50 (4) Rs.85.50
8. The time in which per annum compounded 5. The difference between the
Rs.80,000 amounts to annually? 1) 3 2) 2 3) 4 4)5 simple and compound
Rs.92,610 at 10% p.a. 15. In how many months will interest on a certain sum of
compound interest, Rs. 8000 yield Rs. 2648 as money at 6% rate of
interest being compounded compound interest at 20% interest per annum for 2
1 per annum compounded years is Rs.36. Then the
semi annually is : (1) 12
1 semi-annually? 1) 18 2) 24 sum is : (1)Rs.1000 (2)
years (2) 2 years (3) 2 2years
3) 12 4) 30 Rs.3600 (3) Rs.6,000 (4)
(4) 3 years 16. A sum of Rs. 2000 amounts Rs.7,000
9. Rekha invested a sum of to Rs. 4000 in two years at 6. The difference between the
Rs.12000 at 5% per annum compound interest. In how simple and compound
compound interest. She many years will the same interest on a certain sum of
received an amount of amount become Rs. 8000? money at 4% rate of
Rs.13230 after n years. Find 1) 2 2) 4 3) 6 4)8 interest per annum for 2
n (1) 2.8 years (2) 3.0 years years is Rs.48. Then the
(3) 2.5 years (4) 2.0 years Set-6 (CI & SI) sum is : (1) Rs.6,500 (2)
10. A sum of Rs.3,200 invested Rs.5,500 (3) Rs.3,0000 (4)
at 10% p.a. compounded 1. The difference between Rs.7,0000
quarterly amounts to compound interest and 7. The difference between the
Rs.3,362. Compute the simple interest on Rs. 1000 simple and compound
time period. (1) 2years (2) 1 for 2 years at 9% per annum interest on a certain sum of
years (3) 2 years (4) 4 years payable yearly is 1) Rs. 8.1 money at 5% rate of
2) Rs. 81 3) Rs. 18.81 4) Rs. interest per annum for 2
11. In what time will Rs.1000
18 years is Rs.15. Then the
amounts to Rs.1331 at 20%
2. the difference between sum is : (1) Rs.6,500 (2)
per annum, compounded
1 compound interest and Rs.5,500 (3) Rs.6,000 (4)
half yearly? (1) 1 2 years (2) Rs.7,000
simple interest on Rs. 5000
for 2 years at 8% per annum
P a g e 6 of 18
8. The difference between money for 2 years at 10% The rate of interest per
simple and compound per annum is Rs. 4. The sum annum is : (1) 5% (2) 6% (3)
interest compound (in Rs.) is 1) 400 2) 200 3) 10% (4) 12%
annually, on a certain sum 300 4) 800 19. The difference between
of money for 2 years at 4% 14. The difference between compound interest and
per annum is Rs.1. The sum compound interest and simple interest on an
(in Rs.) is (1) 650 (2) 630 (3) simple interest on a certain amount of Rs. 15,000 for 2
625 (4) 640 sum of money for 2 years at years is Rs. 96. The rate of
9. The difference between 5% per annum is Rs. 41. interest per annum is 1) 6%
simple and compound What is the sum of money? 2) 7% 3) 8% 4) 9%
interest(compounded 1) Rs. 7200 2) Rs. 9600 3)
annually) on a sum of Rs. 16400 4) Rs. 8400
money for 2 years at 10% 15. If the difference between (3,3,1 CONCEPT)
per annum is Rs.65. The the compound interest and
1. The difference between
sum is (1) Rs 65650 (2) Rs the simple interest on a
compound interest and
65065 (3) Rs 6565 (4) Rs certain sum at the rate of
simple interest on Rs. 1000
6500 5% per annum for 2 years is
for 2 years at 9% per annum
10. The difference between Rs. 20, then the sum is: 1)
payable yearly is 1) Rs. 8.1
simple and compound Rs. 2000 2) Rs. 4000 3) Rs.
2) Rs. 81 3) Rs. 18.81 4) Rs.
interests on a sum of 6000 4) Rs. 8000
money at 4% per annum for 16. The difference between
2. the difference between
2 years is Rs.8. The sum is simple and compound
compound interest and
(1) Rs.400 (2) Rs.800 (3) interests compounded
simple interest on Rs. 5000
Rs4,000 (4) Rs.5,000 annually on a certain sum
for 2 years at 8% per annum
11. The difference between the of money for 2 years at 4%
payable yearly is 1) Rs. 30 2)
simple and compound per annum is Rs. 8. The sum
Rs. 31 3) Rs. 33 4) Rs. 32
interest on a certain sum of is 1) Rs. 10000 2) Rs. 20000
3. The difference between
money at 5% rate of 3) Rs. 5000 4) Rs. 15000
simple and compound
interest per annum for 2 17. The difference between the
interest compound
years is Rs.15. Then the compound
annually, on a sum of
sum is: (1) Rs.6,500 (2) interest(compounded
3000RS for 2 years at 4%
Rs.5,500 (3) Rs.6,000 (4) annually) and the simple
per annum is . 1) Rs. 4.8 2)
Rs.7,000 interest on a sum of
Rs. 3.1 3) Rs. 48 4) Rs. 3.2
12. If the difference between Rs.5000 at a certain rate of
4. Sita deposited Rs.5,000 at
the compound interest and interest for 2 years is Rs.72.
10% simple interest for 2
the simple interest on a The rate of interest per
years. How much more
certain sum at the rate of annum is : (1) 5% (2) 6% (3)
money will Sita have in her
5% per annum for 2 years is 10% (4) 12%
account at the end of two
Rs.20, then the sum is: (1) 18. The difference between the
years, if it is compounded
Rs.2000 (2) Rs.4000 (3) compound
annually. (1) Rs.50 (2) Rs.40
Rs.6000 (4) Rs.8000 interest(compounded
(3) Rs.77.50 (4) Rs.85.50
13. The difference between annually) and the simple
5. The difference between the
simple and compound interest on a sum of
simple and compound
interest (compounded Rs.1000 at a certain rate of
interest on a certain sum of
annually) on a sum of interest for 2 years is Rs.10.
P a g e 7 of 18
money at 6% rate of 2 years is Rs.8. The sum is 16. The difference between
interest per annum for 2 (1) Rs.400 (2) Rs.800 (3) simple and compound
years is Rs.36. Then the Rs4,000 (4) Rs.5,000 interests compounded
sum is : (1)Rs.1000 (2) 11. The difference between the annually on a certain sum
Rs.3600 (3) Rs.6,000 (4) simple and compound of money for 2 years at 4%
Rs.7,000 interest on a certain sum of per annum is Rs. 8. The sum
6. The difference between the money at 5% rate of is 1) Rs. 10000 2) Rs. 20000
simple and compound interest per annum for 2 3) Rs. 5000 4) Rs. 15000
interest on a certain sum of years is Rs.15. Then the 17. The difference between the
money at 4% rate of sum is: (1) Rs.6,500 (2) compound
interest per annum for 2 Rs.5,500 (3) Rs.6,000 (4) interest(compounded
years is Rs.48. Then the Rs.7,000 annually) and the simple
sum is : (1) Rs.6,500 (2) 12. If the difference between interest on a sum of
Rs.5,500 (3) Rs.3,0000 (4) the compound interest and Rs.5000 at a certain rate of
Rs.7,0000 the simple interest on a interest for 2 years is Rs.72.
7. The difference between the certain sum at the rate of The rate of interest per
simple and compound 5% per annum for 2 years is annum is : (1) 5% (2) 6% (3)
interest on a certain sum of Rs.20, then the sum is: (1) 10% (4) 12%
money at 5% rate of Rs.2000 (2) Rs.4000 (3) 18. The difference between the
interest per annum for 2 Rs.6000 (4) Rs.8000 compound
years is Rs.15. Then the 13. The difference between interest(compounded
sum is : (1) Rs.6,500 (2) simple and compound annually) and the simple
Rs.5,500 (3) Rs.6,000 (4) interest (compounded interest on a sum of
Rs.7,000 annually) on a sum of Rs.1000 at a certain rate of
8. The difference between money for 2 years at 10% interest for 2 years is Rs.10.
simple and compound per annum is Rs. 4. The sum The rate of interest per
interest compound (in Rs.) is 1) 400 2) 200 3) annum is : (1) 5% (2) 6% (3)
annually, on a certain sum 300 4) 800 10% (4) 12%
of money for 2 years at 4% 14. The difference between 19. The difference between
per annum is Rs.1. The sum compound interest and compound interest and
(in Rs.) is (1) 650 (2) 630 (3) simple interest on a certain simple interest on an
625 (4) 640 sum of money for 2 years at amount of Rs. 15,000 for 2
9. The difference between 5% per annum is Rs. 41. years is Rs. 96. The rate of
simple and compound What is the sum of money? interest per annum is 1) 6%
interest(compounded 1) Rs. 7200 2) Rs. 9600 3) 2) 7% 3) 8% 4) 9%
annually) on a sum of Rs. 16400 4) Rs. 8400
money for 2 years at 10% 15. If the difference between
per annum is Rs.65. The the compound interest and (A+B FORMULA CONCEFT)
sum is (1) Rs 65650 (2) Rs the simple interest on a
1. Find compound interest,
65065 (3) Rs 6565 (4) Rs certain sum at the rate of
simple interest and
6500 5% per annum for 2 years is
difference between
10. The difference between Rs. 20, then the sum is: 1)
compound interest and
simple and compound Rs. 2000 2) Rs. 4000 3) Rs.
simple interest on sum of
interests on a sum of 6000 4) Rs. 8000
money at 4% per annum for
P a g e 8 of 18
Rs. 5000 at 4% rate of compound interest and simple interest on sum
interest in 2 years. simple interest on sum of ofRs.50000 for 9 months at
2. Find compound interest, Rs.30,000 in 1 years at 6% 8% per annum, interest
simple interest and per annum, the interest being compounded
difference between being compounded quarterly is:
compound interest and halfyearly, is: 14. Find compound interest,
simple interest on sum of 9. Find compound interest, simple interest and
Rs. 300 at 3%rate of simple interest and difference between
interest in 2 years. difference between compound interest and
3. Find compound interest, compound interest and simple interest on sum
simple interest and simple interest on sum of ofRs.40000 for 1 year at
difference between Rs.40,000 in 1 years at 20% per annum, interest
compound interest and 10% per annum, the being compounded
simple interest on sum of interest being compounded quarterly is:
Rs. 25000 at 3%rate of half-yearly, is: 15. What is the compound
interest in 3 years. 10. Find compound interest, interest earned on Rs.
4. Find compound interest, simple interest and 80,000 at 40% per annum in
simple interest and difference between 1 year compounded
difference between compound interest and quarterly?
compound interest and simple interest on sum of 16. What is the difference (in
simple interest on sum of Rs.10,000 in 2 years at 4% Rs.) between compound
Rs. 30000 at 3%rate of per annum, the interest interest and simple interest
interest in 3 years. being compounded half- for 3 years on a principal of
5. Find compound interest, yearly, is: Rs. 1000 at the rate of 20%
simple interest and 11. Find compound interest, on per annum?
difference between sum ofRs.10,000 in 2 years 17. The difference between the
compound interest and at 4% per annum, the simple interest and
simple interest on sum of interest being compounded compound interest
Rs. 40000 at 5%rate of half-yearly, is: (1)Rs.636.80 (compounded annually) on
interest in 4 years. (2) Rs.824.32 (3)Rs.912.86 Rs. 40,000 for 3 years at 8%
6. The compound interest on (4) Rs.828.82 per annum is:
Rs. 4000 for 4 years at 10% 12. Find compound interest, 18. Find the difference
per annum will be simple interest and between the compound
(1)Rs.1856.40(2)Rs.1600 difference between interest and the simple
(3)Rs.1856 (4)Rs.1756.60 compound interest and interest on Rs.32,000 at
7. Find compound interest, simple interest on sum 10% p.a. for 4 years
simple interest and ofRs.30000 for 6 months at (1)Rs.2051.20 (2)
difference between 12% per annum, interest Rs.2052.50 (3) Rs2025.20
compound interest and being compounded (4) Rs.2501.20
simple interest on sum of quarterly is: 19. For which principal,
Rs. 800000 at 5%rate of 13. Find compound interest, difference of compound
interest in 5 years. simple interest and interest and simple interest
8. Find compound interest, difference between is Rs. 305 at the rate of 5%
simple interest and compound interest and per annum interest
difference between
P a g e 9 of 18
compounded annually for 3 find compound interest: on a sum of Rs. 20000 at the
years. (1)Rs.1300 (2) Rs.1210 (3) rate of 40% per annum
20. For which principal, Rs.12,36 (4) Rs.1132 compounded half yearly?
difference of compound 3. The sum for 2 years gives a 1) 8000 2) 8650 3) 8750 4)
interest and simple interest compound interest of Rs. 8800
is Rs. 124 at the rate of 10% 3225 at the rate of 15% per 9. What does Rs.250 amounts
per annum interest annum. The sum is 1) Rs. to in 2 years with
compounded annually for 3 10000 2) Rs. 20000 3) Rs. compound interest at the
years. 15000 4) Rs. 32250 rate of 4% in the Ist year
21. On what sum does the 4. The amount of Rs.10,000 and 8% in the second year?
difference between the after 2 years, compounded (1) Rs.280 (2) Rs.280.80 (3)
compound interest and the annually with the rate of Rs.468 (4) Rs.290.80
simple interest for 3 years interest being 10% per 10. What is the difference in
at 10% is Rs.31? annum during the first year compound interest on
22. The difference between and 12% per annum during Rs.5000 for 1 1 4 year at 8%
simple and compound the second year, would be per annum if interest
interest (compounded (in rupess) 1) 11,320 2) compounded yearly and
annually) on a sum of 12,000 3) 12,320 4) 12,500 compounded half-yearly
money for 3 years at 10% 5. What does Rs.250 amounts (1)Rs.8.16 (2) Rs.8
per annum is Rs. 93. The to rupess in 2 year with (3)Rs.4.80 (4) Rs.4
sum (in Rs.) is (1) 30000(2) compound interest at the
30300 (3) 3000 (4) 3030 rate of 4% in the Ist year
23. If the difference of the and 8% in the second year?
compound interest and the (1)Rs.280 (2) Rs.280.80 (TREE METHOD)
simple interest on a sum of (3)Rs.468 (4) Rs.290.80
1. If Compound Interest on a
money for 3 years is Rs. 6. The compound interest on
Certain sum of money for 2
186. Find the sum of Rs.2000 in 2 years if the 2
money, if the rate of rate of interest is 4% per years at 163% compound
interest in both the cases annum for the first year and interest annually is Rs.
be 10%. 3% per annum for the 2600. Find Principle
second year, will be (1)Rs.72,00 (2) Rs.42,00 (3)
Set-8 & 9 (1)Rs.142.40 (2) Rs.140.40 Rs.8200 (4) Rs.21,00
(A+B FORMULA CONCEFT) (3)Rs.141.40 (4) Rs.143.40 2. If the difference between
7. A principal of Rs.10,000 Compound interest and
1. A principal of Rs.10,000 after 2 years compounded Simple interest on a certain
after 2 years compounded annually, the rate of amount for 2 years at 147%
annually, the rate of interest being 10% per compound interest
interest is 10% per annum annum during the first year annually is 30, then find
find compound interest: and 12% per annum during Principle. (1)Rs.1470 (2)
(1)Rs.21,00 (2) Rs.12,10 (3) the second year (in rupees) Rs.42,00 (3) Rs.8200 (4)
Rs.12,500 (4) Rs.11,320 will amount to: Rs.21,00
2. A principal of Rs.10,000 (1)Rs.12,000 (2) Rs.12,320 3. If the difference between
after 2 years compounded (3) Rs.12,500 (4) Rs.11,320 Compound Interest and
annually, the rate of 8. what is the compound simple interest on a certain
interest is 6% per annum interest (in Rs.) for 1 year
P a g e 10 of 18
amount for 2 years at 11 % years at some rate is 200 earned in 2 years is Rs.4160
2 rupees and the difference 1) 8 2) 10 3) 12 4) 6
for first year and 147% for
between compound 15. The simple interest on a
the second year, is Rs. 50 interest and simple interest sum of money for 3 years is
then find Principle. on the same amount of Rs. 240 and the compound
(1)Rs.3150 (2) Rs.42,00 (3) money is Rs. 7, then find interest on the same sum,
Rs.8200 (4) Rs.21,00 the rate (1) 7% (2) 6% (3) at the same rate for 2 years
4. The sum of money that 8% (4) 10% is Rs. 170. The rate of
yields a compound interest 10. At a certain rate per 1
interest is: (1) 8% 2)2916 %
of Rs.420 during the second annum, the simple interest 1 5
year at 5% p.a is (1)Rs.4,000 3) 12 2% 4) 5 17%
on a sum of money for one
(2) Rs.42,000 (3) Rs.8,000 year is Rs.260 and the 16. On a certain principal if the
(4) Rs.21,000 compound interest on the simple interest for two
5. The principal that yields a same sum for two years is years is Rs.1400 and
compound interest of Rs.540.80. The rate of compound interest for the
Rs.420 during the second interest per annum is (1) two years is Rs.1449, what
year at 5% per annum is 4% (2) 6% (3) 8% (4) 10% is the rate of interest? 1) 7
(1)Rs.7,000 (2) Rs.5,000 (3) 11. On a certain principal if the per cent 2) 3.5 per cent 3)
Rs.8,000 (4) Rs.6,000 simple interest for two 14 per cent 4) 10.5 per cent
6. If Compound interest for years is Rs.1400 and 17. On a certain principal if the
2nd year on a Certain sum compound interest for two simple interest for two
of money at 1 33 3 % years is Rs.1449, what is the years is Rs.1400 and
compound interest rate of interest? (1) 7 per compound interest for two
annually is Rs. 280, then cent (2) 3.5 per cent (3) 14 years is Rs.1449, what is the
find Principle. (1)Rs.630 (2) per cent (4) 10.5 per cent rate of interest? (1) 7 per
Rs.420 (3) Rs.820 (4) Rs.210 12. The simple and compound cent (2) 3.5 per cent (3) 14
7. If Compound Interest for interest that can be earned per cent (4) 10.5 per cent
2nd years, at 122% in two years at the same 18. The difference of
compound interest rate is Rs. 1,000 and Rs. compound interest and
annually on a certain sum 1,040 respectively. What is simple interest for 3 years
of money is Rs. 720, then the rate (per cent per and for 2 years are in ratio
find Principle. (1)Rs.512 (2) annum) of interest? 1) 9 2) 23:7 respectively. What is
Rs.5120 (3) Rs.8200 (4) 10 3) 8 4) 11 rate of interest per annum
200 100 300
Rs.5220 13. what is the rate of interest (in%)? 1) 2) 3)
7 7 7
8. If Compound Interest for (in%) if simple interest 400
2 7
2nd year is Rs. 210, at 16 earned on a certain sum for
3 19. For a certain amount of
2 the 3 years is Rs. 6,000 and
% for first year and 147% for money the compound
compound interest earned
the second year, compound interest for 2 years is Rs.
for 2 years is Rs. 4,160? 1) 9
interest annually, then find 615 rupees and the simple
2) 8 3) 12 4) 6
Principle. (1)Rs.1260 (2) interest for the same
14. What is the rate of interest
Rs.12,00 (3) Rs.8200 (4) period is 600 rupees. What
(in%) if simple interest
Rs.21,00 is the original amount? (a)
earned on a certain sum for
9. If simple interest on certain 6000 (b) 7875 (c)1500
the 3rd year is Rs.2,000 and
amount of money for 2 (d)2250
compounded interest
P a g e 11 of 18
20. For a certain amount of The sum of money is (1) (1) Rs.400 (2) Rs.450 (3)
money the simple interest Rs.3700 (2) Rs.3650 (3) Rs460 (4) Rs.480
of Rs 225 for three years Rs.3850 (4) Rs.3750 30. If the compound interest
and the compound interest 25. A certain amount of money on a sum for 2 years at
for 2 years at the same rate earns Rs.540 as Simple 122 % per annum is Rs.510,
is Rs 153 then what is the Interest in 3 years. If it the simple interest on the
principal invested? (a) 6000 earns a compound interest same sum at the same rate
(b) 7875 (c)1500 (d)2250 of Rs.376.20 at the same for the same period of time
21. In the form of simple rate of interest in 2 years, is: (1)Rs.400 (2) Rs.480
interest on any money, Rs find the amount (in (3)Rs.450 (4) Rs.460
540 is received in 3 years, if Rupees). (1) 1600 (2) 1800 31. The simple interest on a
at the same rate the (3) 2000(4) 2100 certain sum of money for 2
compound interest of 26. The simple interest on a years at 5% is Rs.1600. The
376.20 for 2 years is sum of money at 4% per compound interest at the
received. Then what is the annum for 2 years is Rs.80. same rate after 3 years
principal? (a) 1600 (b) 1800 The compound interest in interest compound
(c)2000 (d)2100 the same sum for the same annually, is (1) Rs.2520 (2)
22. The compound interest on period is (1) Rs.82.60 (2) Rs.2522 (3) Rs.2555 (4)
a certain sum of money at a Rs.82.20 (3) Rs.81.80 (4) Rs.2535
certain rate per annum for Rs.81.60 32. On a certain sum of money,
two years is Rs.2,050, and 27. The compound interest on the simple interest for 2
the simple interest on the a certain sum of money for years is Rs. 350 at the rate
same amount of money at 2 years at 5% per annum is of 4% per annum. It was
the same rate for 3 years is Rs.410. The simple interest invested at compound
Rs.3,000. Then the sum of on the same sum at the interest at the same rate
money is (1) Rs.20,000 (2) same rate and for the same for the same duration as
Rs.18,000 (3) Rs21,000 (4) time is (1) Rs.400 (2) Rs.300 before, how much more
Rs.25,000 (3) Rs.350 (4) Rs.405 interest would be earned?
23. The simple interest and 28. If the compound interest 1) Rs. 3.50 2) Rs. 7 3) Rs. 14
compound interest on a certain sum for 2 years 4) Rs. 35 2
(compounded annually) on at 3% per annum is 33. The simple interest on a
a certain sum of money Rs.101.50, then the simple certain sum of money for 2
with a given rate for a interest on the same sum at years at 5% is Rs. 1600. The
period of 2 years are Rs.900 the same rate and for the compound interest at the
and Rs.954 respectively. same time will be (1) same rate after 3 years
The sum of money is (1) Rs.90.00 (2) Rs.95.50 (3) interest compound
Rs.3700 (2) Rs.3650 (3) Rs.100.00 (4) Rs.98.2 annually is 1) Rs. 2520 2) Rs.
Rs.3850 (4) Rs.3750 29. If the compound interest 2522 3) Rs. 2555 4) Rs. 2535
24. The simple interest and on a sum for 2 years at 34. If the simple interest on a
compound interest 122 p.a is Rs.510, the sum of money for 2 years at
(compounded annually) on simple interest on the same 5% per annum is Rs. 50, the
a certain sum of money sum at the same rate for compound interest on the
with a given rate fora the same period of time is same at the same rate and
period of 2 years are Rs.900 for the same time is: 1) Rs.
and Rs.954 respectively.
P a g e 12 of 18
50.50 2) Rs. 51.25 3) Rs. and paid back in two years (1)Rs.32,800 (2) Rs.32,200
51.50 4) Rs. 50.05 in two equal annual (3)Rs.32,000 (4) Rs.32,400
instalments. What was the 11. A man borrowed some
amount of each instalment money and agreed to pay-
(INSTALLMENT) ? (1) Rs.5,769 (2) Rs.7,569 off by paying Rs.3150 at the
(3) Rs.7,009 (4) Rs.7,500 end of the 1st year and
1. A sum of Rs.21000 was
6. A builder borrows Rs.2550 Rs.4410 at the end of the
borrowed at 10% per
to be paid back with 2nd year. If the rate of
annum compound interest
compound interest at the compound interest if 5%
and paid back in two years
rate of 4% per annum by per annum, then the sum is
in two equal annual
the end of 2 years in two (1) Rs.5000 (2) Rs.6500 (3)
instalments. What was the
equal yearly instalments. Rs.7000 (4) Rs.9200
amount of each instalment
How much will each 12. If Rahim deposited the
? (1) Rs.12000 (2) Rs.12100
instalment be? (1) Rs.1352 same amount of Rs.x in
(3) Rs.12200 (4) Rs.12300
(2) Rs.1377 (3) Rs.1275 (4) bank at the beginning of
2. A sum of Rs.13000 was
Rs.1283 successive 3 years and the
borrowed at 8% per annum
7. A man lends some money bank pays simple interest of
compound interest and
at 5% compound interest 5% per annum, then the
paid back in two years in
and paid two equal amount at his credit at the
two equal annual
instalments of Rs.882. Find end of 3rd year will be: (1)
instalments. What was the 861 x 1261 x
the principal amount. (a) Rs. (2) Rs. (3) Rs.
amount of each instalment 400 400
1240 (b) 1640 (c) 1440 (d) 21 x 26481 x
?. (a) 7280 (b) 7290 (c) 5120 (4) Rs.
1740 20 8000
(d) 5130 13. A man buys a scooter on
8. A man lends some money
3. A sum of Rs.5150 was making a cash down
at 10% compound interest
borrowed at 6% per annum payment of Rs.16224 and
and paid two equal
compound interest and promises to pay two more
instalments of 968. Find the
paid back in two years in yearly instalments of
principal amount. (a) 1580
two equal annual equivalent amount in next
(b) 1780 (c) 1680 (d) 1880
instalments. What was the two years. If the rate of
9. A sum of money is paid
amount of each instalment interest is 4% per annum,
back in two annual
?. (a) 2806 (b) 2809 (c) 2807 compounded yearly, the
instalments of Rs.17,640
(d) 2808 cash value of the scooter, is
each, allowing 5%
4. A sum of Rs.5300was (1) Rs.40000 (2) Rs.46824
compound interest
borrowed at 12% per (3) Rs.46000 (4) Rs.50000
compounded annually . The
annum compound interest 14. A man borrowed a sum of
sum borrowed was (1)
and paid back in two years Rs. 5000 from bank at 20%
Rs.32,800 (2) Rs.32,200 (3)
in two equal annual per annum. He pays back
Rs.32,000 (4) Rs.32,000
instalments. What was the Rs. 2000 at the end of each
10. A sum of money is paid
amount of each instalment year. Calculate how much
back in two annual
? (a) 3132 (b) 3136 (c) 3134 amount he will pay at the
instalments of Rs.17,640
(d) 3135 end of 3rd year to clear all
each, allowing 5%
5. A sum of Rs.13,360 was his dues. (a) 1360 (b) 1460
3 compound interest
borrowed at 84% per compounded annually. The (c) 1560 (d) 1660
annum compound interest sum borrowed was
P a g e 13 of 18
15. Mr. Dutta desired to Rs.3.06 (3) Rs.8.30 (4) when it was payable
deposit his retirement Rs.4.80 annually for 2 years is: (1)
benefit of Rs.3 lacs partly to 4. A money-lender borrows Rs.60,000 (2) Rs.30,000 (3)
a post office and partly to a money at 4% per annum Rs.40,000 (4) Rs.50,000
bank at 10% and 6% and pays the interest at the 8. The rate of simple interest
interests respectively. If his end of the year. He lends it for which Rs.6,000 will
monthly interest income at 6% per annum amount to Rs.6,900 in 3
was Rs.2000, then the compound interest years is (1) 5% (2) 7% (3) 2%
difference of his deposits in compounded half yearly (4) 4%
the post office and in the and receives the interest at 9. There is 40% increase in an
bank was: (1) Rs.50,000 (2) the end of the year. In this amount in 8 years at simple
Rs.40,000 (3) nil (4) way, he gains Rs.104.50 a interest. What will be the
Rs.1,00,000 year. The amount of money compound interest (In Rs.)
he borrows, is (1) Rs.6,000 of Rs.30000 after 2 years at
Set-12 (MCQ
(2) Rs.5,500 (3) Rs.5000 (4) the same rate? (1) 6150 (2)
Rs.4,500 7687.5 (3) 4612.5 (4) 3075
1. A man saves Rs.2000 at the 5. There is 100% increase to 10. There is 40% increase in an
end of each year and an amount in 8 years, at amount in 8 years at simple
invests the money at 5% simple interest. Find the interest. What will be the
compound interest.At the compound interest of compound interest (in Rs.)
end of 3 years he will have: Rs.8000 after 2 years at the of Rs.30000 after 2 years at
(1)Rs.4305 (2) Rs.6305 same rate of interest. (1) the same rate? (1) 6150 (2)
(3)Rs.4205 (4) Rs.2205 Rs.2,500 (2) Rs.2,000 (3) 7687.5 (3) 4612.5 (4) 3075
2. A man borrowed some Rs.2,250 (4) Rs.2,125 11. Simple interest on a certain
money from a private 6. A man gave 50% of his sum of money for 3 years at
orgainsation at 5% simple savings of Rs.84,100 to his 8% per annum is half the
interest per annum. He wife and divided the compound interest in
lended 50% of this money remaining sum among his Rs.16000 for 2 years at 10%
to another person at 10% two sons A and B of 15 and per annum. The sum placed
compound interest per 13 years age respectively. on simple interest is (1)
annum and thereby the He divided it in such a way Rs.14000 (2) Rs.3500 (3)
man made a profit Rs.3,205 that each of his sons, when Rs.7000 (4) Rs.5600
in 4 years. The man they attain the age of 18 12. Rs.260200 is divided
borrowed. (1)Rs.80,000 (2) years, would receive the between Ram and Shyam
Rs.1,00,000 (3) Rs.1,20,000 same amount at 5% so that the amount that
(4) Rs.1,50,000 compound interest per Ram receives in 4 years is
3. What is the difference annum. The share of B was the same as that Shyam
between compound (1) Rs.20,000 (2) Rs.20,050 receives in 6 years. If the
1 (3) Rs.22,000 (4) Rs.22,050 interest is compounded
interest on Rs.5,000 for 12
years at 4% per annum 7. The sum of money which annually at the rate of 4%
according as the interest is when given on compound per annum then Ram's
compounded yearly or interest at 18% per annum share is (1) Rs.125000 (2)
halfyearly? (1) Rs.2.04 (2) would fetch Rs.960 more Rs.135200 (3) Rs.152000
when the interest is (4) Rs.108200
payable half yearly than
P a g e 14 of 18
13. Simple interest on a certain increase by a factor of 64? be the compound interest
sum of money for 3 years 1)64=(1.01)12y of Rs. 30000 after 3 years at
8% per annum is half the 2)64=(1.04)12y 3)64=(1.04) the same rate? 1) Rs.
compound interest on 12y 4)8= (1.01)6y 3745.92 2) Rs. 7491.84 3)
Rs.1200 for 2 years at 10% 18. The compound interest on Rs. 9364.8 4) Rs. 5618.88
per annum. The sum placed a certain sum for 2 years at 23. There is 40% increase in an
on simple interest is (1) 10% per annum is Rs. 525. amount in 8 years at simple
Rs.525 (2) Rs.1050 (3) The simple interest on the interest. What will be the
Rs.260 (4) Rs.420 same sum for double the compound interest of Rs.
14. A bank offers 15% time at half the rate per 10000 after 3 years at the
compound interest per half cent per annum is: 1) Rs. same rate? 1) Rs. 1576.25
year. A customer deposits 5202) Rs. 550 3) Rs. 5004) 2) Rs. 6305 3) Rs. 7881.25 4)
Rs. 2400 each on 1st Rs. 515 Rs. 4728.75
January and 1st July of a 19. A man borrowed some 24. A man borrowed some
years. At the end of the money from a private money and agreed to pay-
year, the amount he organisation at 5% simple off by paying Rs.3150 at the
wouled have gained by way interest per annum. He end of the 1st year and
of interest is 1) Rs. 2268 2) lended this money to Rs.4410 at the end of 2nd
Rs. 1134 3) Rs. 5674) Rs. another person at 10% year. If the rate of
283 compound interest per compound interest in 5%
15. If the amount on a certain annum, and made a profit per annum, then the sum is
principal in 3 years at 12% of Rs. 26,410 in 4 years. The 1) Rs. 5000 2) Rs. 6500 3)
rate of interest man borrowed 1) Rs. Rs. 7000 4) Rs. 9200
compounded annually is Rs. 200000 2) Rs. 150000 3) Rs. 25. Rs.260200 is divided
12,000, what will be the 132050 4) Rs. 100000 between Ram and Shyam
amount (in Rs.) after the 20. There is 40% increase in an so that the amount that
4th year? 1) 14330 2) 15440 amount in 8 years at simple Ram receives in 4 years is
3) 13440 4) 14550 interest. What will be the the same as that Shyam
16. A sum of money is invested compound interest (in receives in 6 years. IF the
at 20% compound interest rupees) of Rs. 30000 after 2 interest is compounded
(compounded annually). It years at the same rate? 1) annually at the rate of 4%
would fetch Rs. 723 more in 6150 2) 7687.5 3) 4612.5 4) per annum then Ram's
2 years if interest is 3075 share is 1) Rs. 125000 2) Rs.
compounded half yearly. 21. There is 40% increase in an 135200 3) Rs. 152000 4) Rs.
The sum is 1) Rs. 15,000 2) amount in 8 years at simple 108200
Rs. 30,000 3) Rs. 20,000 4) interest. What will be the 26. B borrows Rs.5,000 from A
Rs. 7,500 compound interest (in at 6% p.a. simple interest
17. A certain amount grows at rupees) of Rs. 30000 after 2 and lends it to C at
an annual interest rate of years at the same rate? 1) compound interest of 10%
12%, compounded 6150 2) 7687.5 3) 4612.5 4) p.a. If B collects the money
monthly. Which of the 3075 back from C after 2 years
following equations can be 22. There is 40% increase in an and repays A, the profit
solved to find the number amount in 10 years at made by in the transction is
of years, y, that it would simple interest. What will 1) Rs. 1,050 2) Rs. 500 3) Rs.
take for the investment to 4504) Rs. 600
P a g e 15 of 18
27. A sum becomes Rs.2,916 in year, payable half-yearly, compounding been done
2 years at 8% per annum and the simple interest for half yearly, the interest
compound interest. The a year is Rs.180. If the rate would have increased by
simple interest at 9% per of interest in both the cases 324. What was the amount
annum for 3 years on the is 10%, then the sum is (1) (in Rs.) lent? 1) 32000 2) Rs.
same amount will be (1) Rs.60,000 (2) Rs.72,000 (3) 36000 3) Rs. 40000 4) Rs.
Rs.600 (2) Rs.675 (3) Rs.650 Rs.62,000 (4) Rs.54,000 72000
(4) Rs.625 32. If the difference between 36. On a certain sum of money,
28. The difference between the the compound interest, the difference between the
compound and the simple compounded every six compound interest for a
interest on a sum for 2 month, and the simple year, payable half-yearly,
years at 10% per annum interest on a certain sum of and the simple interest for
when the interest is money at the rate of 12% a year is Rs.180. If the rate
compounded annually, is per annum for one year is of interest in both the cases
Rs.28. If the interest were Rs.36,the sum is : (1) is 10%, then the sum is (1)
compounded half yearly Rs.10,000 (2) Rs.12,000 (3) Rs.60,000 (2) Rs.72,000 (3)
the difference in the two Rs.15,000 (4) Rs.9,000 Rs.62,000 (4) Rs.54,000
interests will be (1) Rs.44 33. A certain amount grows at 37. If the difference between
(2) Rs.28.35 (3) Rs.43.41 (4) an annual interest rate of the compound interest,
Rs.43.29 12%, compounded compounded every six
29. An amount was lent for two monthly. Which of the month, and the simple
years at the rate of 20% per following equations can be interest on a certain sum of
annum compounded solved to find the number money at the rate of 12%
annually. Had the of years, y, that It would per annum for one year is
compounding been done take for the Investment to Rs.36,the sum is : (1)
half yearly, the interest increase by a factor of 64? Rs.10,000 (2) Rs.12,000 (3)
would have increased by (1) 64 = (1.01)12y (2)64 = Rs.15,000 (4) Rs.9,000
Rs.241. What was the (1.04)12y (3) 64 = (1.04)12y 38. Sita deposited Rs.5,000 at
amount (in Rs.) lent? 1) (4) 8 = (1.01)6y 10% simple interest for 2
10000 2) Rs. 12000 3) Rs. 34. An amount was lent for two years. How much more
20000 4) Rs. 24000 years at the rate of 20% per money will Sita have in her
30. An amount was lent for one annum compounded account at the end of two
year at the rate of 18% per annually. Had the years, if it is compounded
annum compounding compounding been done half yearly. (1) Rs.50 (2)
annually. Had the half yearly, the interest Rs.40 (3) Rs.77.50 (4)
compounding been done would have increased by Rs.85.50
half yearly, the interest Rs.241. What was the 39. Find the rate percent per
would have increased by amount (in Rs.) lent? 1) annum, of Rs.2000
324. What was the amount 10000 2) Rs. 12000 3) Rs. amounts to Rs.2,315.25 in a
(in Rs.) lent? 1) 32000 2) Rs. 20000 4) Rs. 24000 year and a half, interest
36000 3) Rs. 40000 4) Rs. 35. An amount was lent for one being compounded half
72000 year at the rate of 18% per yearly. (1) 11.5% (2) 10% (3)
31. On a certain sum of money, annum compounding 5% (4) 20%
the difference between the annually. Had the 40. If a sum of Rs. 12500 is
compound interest for a invested for 1 years at 12%
P a g e 16 of 18
per annum interest being p.a. If B collects the money
compounded semi- back from C after 2 years
annually, then interest and repays A, the profit
earned is: 1) Rs. 1505 2) Rs. made by B in the SET-7
1535 3) Rs. 1545 4) Rs. 1550 transaction is (1) Rs.1,050
41. The compound interest on (2) Rs.500 (3) Rs.450 (4)
Rs. 24000 at 10% per Rs.600
annum for 12 years,
interest being compounded ANSWERS
semi-annually is: 1) Rs. SET-9
3783 2) Rs. 3777 3) Rs. 3780
4) Rs. 3781
42. Find the amount which
Shyam will get on Rs. 4096,
if he gives it for 18 months
at 12 % per annum,
SET-2 SET-10
interest being compounded
half yearly 1) Rs. 5,813 2)
Rs. 4,515 3) Rs. 4,913 4) Rs.
43. The compound interest in
Rs.10,000 in 2 years at 4%
per annum, the interest SET-3
being compounded half-
yearly, is: (1)Rs.636.80 (2) SET-11
Rs.824.32 (3)Rs.912.86 (4)
44. The compound interest on
Rs.12000 for 9 months at
20% per annum, interest
being compounded
quarterly is: (1)Rs.1750 (2)
Rs.2089.70 (3)Rs.1891.50
(4) Rs.2136.40
45. What is the compound
interest earned on Rs. SET-5
80,000 at 40% per annum in
1 year compounded
quarterly? 1) 28317 2)
37128 3) 18732 4) 21387
46. B borrows Rs.5,000 from A
at 6% p.a. simple interest SET-6
and lends it to C at
compound interest of 10%
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