03-CNU2021 Executive Summary
03-CNU2021 Executive Summary
03-CNU2021 Executive Summary
The Cebu Normal University (CNU) attained a university status on June 27, 1998
pursuant to R.A. No. 8688. It has two extension campuses located in the Municipalities of
Balamban and Medellin, Cebu.
The administration of the University and the exercise of its corporate powers are
vested exclusively in the Board of Regents (BOR) and the State University and College
(SUC) President as authorized by the Board.
The University has a total workforce of 572 personnel as of December 31, 2021,
with breakdown as shown below:
The comparative analysis of the financial profile of the Cebu Normal University
for the Calendar Years (CYs) 2021 and 2020 is presented in graphical form as follows:
Results of Operation (in Philippine Pesos)
Income and Subsidy Expenditure Net Income
2021 2020
Assets Liabilities Government Equity
2021 2020
Enrollees and scholars availing free tuition and other school fees provided under
R.A. No. 10931 or the Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act for Academic
Year (AY) 2021-2022 and AY 2020-2021 are shown below:
Summary of Enrollment
Period AY 2021-2022 AY 2020-2021
First Semester 9,826 8,242
Second Semester 9,201 9,311
Number of Scholars under RA No. 10931
Period AY 2021-2022 AY 2020-2021
First Semester 7,711 6,280
Second Semester 7,504 6,128
The audit covered the financial transactions and operations of the CNU for CY
2021. The objectives of the audit were primarily to: (a) ascertain the level of assurance
that may be placed on management assertions on the financial statements; (b) review on
a test basis, the propriety of disbursements and other financial transactions to determine
whether or not the transactions were made in accordance with existing laws, rules and
regulations and recommend agency improvement opportunities thereon; and (c)
determine the extent of implementation of prior years’ audit recommendations.
The general audit instructions for the audit of the CY 2021 accounts and
transactions of SUCs were likewise considered, when applicable.
1. The general ledger balance of the Inventory accounts amounting to P6.668 million
as of December 31, 2021 could not be relied upon due to:
a) unreconciled variance between the balances per book and physical count of
Inventories totaling P7.114 million;
b) Supplies Ledger Cards (SLC) of the Accounting Unit are not updated; and
1. Brand names were referred to in the procurement of various medicines/supplies
for the use of the University Clinic aggregating ₱505,744.11, contrary to Section
18 of the 2016 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic
Act (R.A.) No. 9184 and Section 6 (a) of R.A. No. 6675 or the Generics Act of
Lastly, Management must require the concerned officials to refund the excess
payments they received, amounting P202,288.33.
3. Cash advance amounting to P65,000.00 which was unused for 77 days was not
returned within the reglementary period, exposing the funds to possible risk of
loss contrary to Sections 5.7of COA Circular No. 97-002.
4. Internet allowance totaling P97,000.00 taken from the Miscellaneous Trust Fund
(MTF) were paid to resource persons who are officials of CNU, and receiving
monthly communication allowance resulting to excessive expenditures as
defined under COA Circular No. 2012-003 dated October 29, 2012.
Management must also require the concerned officials who are receiving
communication allowances from CNU, to refund the internet allowances
received by them which were charged to the DOH projects amounting
5. Disbursement Vouchers (DVs) covering 2019-2021 transactions were either
submitted late or not submitted at all contrary to Section 7.2.1(a) of the 2009
Rules and Regulations on the Settlement of Accounts (RRSA) prescribed in COA
Circular No. 2009-006 and Section 122 of Presidential Decree (PD) No. 1445.
This hampered the Audit Team’s timely post-audit of transactions.