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A noun is the important and basic part of speech that is used to understood clearly when someone is in
the middle of communication and refer different cases that mention the names ,it can be names
of:people, places, things, objects.


A Noun is defined as a word referring to the names of person, place, thing, state, or quality.

The noun is a part of speech that can be classified into both singular & plural forms. In English
Grammar, nouns are classified into various types .

Noun Examples

The examples below help us to understand the nouns. As the best way of applying in determining
situations that we face daily.

1 Roger and Lulu: I don't know why roger is so angry with Lulu.

2 Doctor Ademar's father is a doctor.

3 Rosa has a beautiful hair.

4 Africa is a nice country to be .

6 England much larger than Greenland.

7 UP University has many students to attend conferences daily.

Types of Nouns Examples

1 Proper Nouns :India, China, Gaza,jojo ,Marta,Lola.

2 Collective Nouns: Real madrid Team, Committee, Squad andFamily.

3 Common Nouns:Girl, boy, men, women and lawyer.

4 Material Nouns:Gold, Aluminium, Iron, Plastic ,chair,pen and telephone.

5 Concrete Nouns:Table, Television, Laptop

6 Abstract Noun :Friendship, Love, Freedom

7 Countable Noun: Countable nouns are nouns that can be counted and are plural and singular,
that can occur in a noun phrase with a numeral or an indefinite article. Common nouns and concrete
nouns can be countable nouns.

Ex. One man, two books, Four students etc

8 Uncountable Noun

The noun that cannot be counted is known as uncountable noun. These nouns are also called Mass
nouns. All abstract nouns are uncountable nouns but not all uncountable nouns are abstract. Ex. Work,
knowledge, Water, sugar, Advice etc.

9. Singular Noun - When there is one thing or one person denoted in the phrase is called a singular

Ex. Girl, Book, Dog, Table etc.

10. Plural nouns- When a noun in a phrase denotes more than one person or substance or things is
called a plural noun.

Ex. Mobiles, Boys, Tables, Engineers etc.

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