Calculating The Weight of Lumber

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69 November, 1993
Calculating The Weight Of Lumber
Gene Wengert

The average weight of 1000 board feet (BF) of lumber can be calculated for a particular species, by following the
procedures below. Be aware though, there is considerable variation from load to load of the same species.

STEP 1: Determine the moisture content (MC) at which the lumber was scaled (that is, at which the board foot volume
was measured). In the weight calculation equations, this value is called MCs. Remember that moisture content is
calculated with the following equation:

MCs = [(wet weight ÷ oven dry weight) – 1] x 100 (1)

STEP 2: Determine the correction factor (CF) that must be applied to the scaled volume to determine the actual volume of
wood. Use the following formula:

CF = (actual thickness in inches ÷ nominal thickness in inches)

x (actual width in inches ÷ nominal width in inches)
x (actual length in feet ÷ nominal length in feet) (2)

CF Example 1:
A load of green (freshly sawn) hardwood lumber is 1- 1 /8 inches thick, but is counted as 1 inch thick when scaled for
board footage. The lumber is in random widths, for which the actual and scaled widths are equal. All lumber is 98 inches
long (or 8.17 feet), and is scaled as 8 foot. So,

CF = (1.125 ÷ 1) x (actual width ÷ scaled width) x (8.17 ÷ 8)

= 1.125 x 1 x 1.021
= 1.149

CF Example 2:
The same scenario as in Example 1, except the lumber is 2-5/32 inches thick (scaled as 2 inches thick) and exactly 14
feet in length. The lumber is again in random widths. So,

CF = (2.156 ÷ 2) x (actual width ÷ scaled width) x (14 ÷ 14)

= 1.078 x 1 x1
= 1.078

CF Example 3:
Planed softwood lumber is scaled as two-by-sixes, although the actual thickness is 1.5 inches and the actual width is 5.5
inches. The two-by-sixes are exactly 12 feet long. Therefore,

CF = (1.5 ÷ 2) x (5.5 ÷ 6) x (12 ÷ 12)

= 0.75 x 0.917 x 1
= 0.688
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STEP 3: Determine the basic weight for MC, of the desired species (BWMCs), using Table 1 and one of the following

BWMCs = C + [B x (MCs - 30)], if MCs is above 30%; or

BWMCs = C - [A x (30 - MCs )], if MCs is equal to or below 30%. (3)

STEP 4: Apply the board foot correction factor, CF, from equation 2, to arrive at the weight, in pounds, per 1000 BF of
lumber, corrected for scaling errors and moisture content:

Corrected weight at MCs = BWMCs x CF (4)

STEP 5: If the weight of the same lumber at a different moisture content (MCx ) is desired, use the following formula:

At MCx, weight (pounds) = Weight at MCs x (100 + MCx ÷ (100 + MCs) (5)

Weight Calculation Examples

Example 1: What is the weight of 1000 BF of 75% MC, 4/4 northern red oak (scaled thickness = 1 inch), 1-1/8 inches
thick and 12 feet long?

Answer: MCs = 75%

CF = (1.125 ÷ 1) x 1 x 1 = 1.125
BW75% = 3793 + [29.1 x (75-30)] = 5103 pounds
Corrected weight = 5103 x 1.125 = 5741 pounds

Example 2: The lumber in Example 1 is subsequently dried to 6% MC. What is the new weight?

Answer: Weight at MC6% = 5740 x (100 + 6) ÷ (100 + 75) = 3477 pounds

Note: This lumber has shrunk about 6% in going from 75% MC to 6% MC, so it is no longer 1000 BF at 6% MC, but
about 940 BF. Yet, because it was 1000BF when measured green, we base the calculations on the green size and
weight. If it were rescaled at 6% MC, the calculations would be redone.

Example 3: What is the weight of 1000BF of northern red oak that was cut to 1-5/8 inches (1.625") when green, but,
when scaled as 6/4 lumber (1-1/2 inches thick) at 6% MC, had actually shrunk to 1-9/16 inches thick (1.5625")?

Answer: MCs = 6%
CF = (1.5625 ÷ 1.5) x 1 x 1 = 1.042
BW6% = 3793 – [13.6 x (30-6)] = 3467 pounds
Corrected weight = 3467 x 1.042 = 3613 pounds

Example 4: What is the weight of 1000 BF of loblolly pine 2" x 10" x 16' lumber (actual size: 1.5" x 9.25" x 16') at
15% MC? The footage is measured at 15% MC.

Answer: MCs = 15%

CF = (1.5 ÷ 2) x (9.25÷ 10) x (16 ÷ 16) = 0.694
BW15% = 3183 – [12.9 x (30-15)] = 2990 pounds
Corrected weight = 2990 x 0.6938 = 2074 pounds

Calculating The Weight Of Lumber, page 2

Table 1. Factors for calculating the weight of wood at different moisture contents. Substitute these numbers for the
variables in equation 3.
Common Lumber Name A B C Common Lumber Name A B C
Hardwoods Hardwoods (cont.)
Alder, Red 9.9 19.2 2506 Persimmon 7.0 33.3 4332
Apple 10.9 31.7 4132 Sweetgum 8.9 23.9 3115
Ash, Black 9.3 23.4 4132 Sycamore 10.7 23.9 3115
Green 14.3 27.6 3590 Tanoak 9.0 30.2 3926
Aspen, Bigtooth 10.3 18.7 2439 Tupelo, Black 10.4 23.9 3116
Quaking 10.3 18.2 2373 Water 12.4 23.9 3115
Basswood 6.2 16.6 2174 Walnut 13.4 26.5 3454
Beech, American 8.9 29.1 3793 Willow, Black 8.6 18.7 2438
Birch, Paper 8.8 25.0 3260 Yellow Poplar 10.6 20.8 2708
Sweet 11.9 31.2 4065
Yellow 9.2 28.6 3723
Buckeye 8.9 17.2 2235
Butternut 11.3 18.7 2440
Cherry 13.8 24.4 3184 Common Lumber Name A B C
Chestnut, American 11.6 20.8 2708
Cottonwood 8.5 16.1 2102
Dogwood 6.8 33.3 4331 Softwoods
Elm, American 10.2 23.9 3116
Rock 12.2 29.6 3860
Slippery 11.5 25.0 3251 Baldcypress 13.2 21.9 2844
Hackberry 11.8 25.5 3319 Cedar, Alaska 14.4 21.9 2844
Hickory, Bitternut (Pecan) 14.7 31.2 4062 Atlantic white 10.9 16.1 2100
Hickory (True) Eastern red- 16.4 22.9 2981
Mockernut 9.1 33.3 4332 Incense 13.1 18.2 2371
Pignut 9.3 34.3 4332 Northern white 11.1 15.1 1964
Shagbark 10.9 33.3 4333 Port-Orford 12.6 20.2 2641
Shellbark 6.6 32.2 4195 Western red- 12.2 16.1 2100
Holly, American 8.3 26.0 3387 Douglas-fir, Coast type 12.3 23.4 3049
Hophornbeam, Eastern 7.9 32.8 4266 Interior west 13.2 23.9 3116
Laurel, California 15.1 26.5 3456 Interior north 14.0 23.4 3048
Locust, Black 21.2 34.3 4470 Fir, Balsam 9.9 17.2 2236
Madrone, Pacific 7.8 30.2 3925 California red 10.6 18.7 2437
Maple (Soft) Grand 10.7 18.2 2371
Bigleaf 12.8 22.9 2980 Noble 10.1 19.2 2507
Red 13.1 25.5 3318 Pacific silver 10.4 20.8 2711
Silver 12.4 22.9 2981 Subalpine 10.5 16.1 2101
Maple (Hard) White 12.2 19.2 2506
Black 12.3 27.0 3523 Hemlock, Eastern 12.6 19.8 2573
Sugar 12.3 29.1 3793 Western 11.5 21.8 2847
Oak (Red) Larch, Western 11.3 25.0 3251
Black 11.7 29.1 3792 Pine, Eastern white 12.3 17.7 2303
California black 16.4 26.5 3455 Lodgepole 11.5 19.8 2576
Laurel 6.3 29.1 3791 Ponderosa 12.6 19.8 2573
Northern red 13.6 29.1 3793 Red 12.2 21.3 2777
Pin 13.0 30.2 3928 Southern yellow group
Scarlet 13.2 31.2 4065 Loblolly 12.9 24.4 3183
Southern red 9.6 27.0 3520 Longleaf 15.0 28.1 3658
Water 10.4 29.1 3793 Shortleaf 12.9 24.4 3183
Willow 6.4 29.1 3790 Sugar 12.6 17.7 2302
Oak (White) Western white 10.0 18.2 2370
Bur 15.4 30.2 3928 Redwood, Old growth 14.9 19.8 2573
Chestnut 10.1 29.6 3858 Second growth 13.2 17.7 2302
Live 17.5 41.6 5417 Spruce, Black 11.3 19.8 2575
Overcup 10.7 29.6 3860 Engelmann 10.0 17.2 2234
Post 11.0 31.2 4063 Red 10.6 19.2 2506
Swamp chestnut 10.7 31.2 4063 Sitka 10.8 19.2 2505
White 10.8 31.2 4062 Tamarack 12.0 25.5 3318

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