Calculating The Weight of Lumber
Calculating The Weight of Lumber
Calculating The Weight of Lumber
69 November, 1993
Calculating The Weight Of Lumber
Gene Wengert
The average weight of 1000 board feet (BF) of lumber can be calculated for a particular species, by following the
procedures below. Be aware though, there is considerable variation from load to load of the same species.
STEP 1: Determine the moisture content (MC) at which the lumber was scaled (that is, at which the board foot volume
was measured). In the weight calculation equations, this value is called MCs. Remember that moisture content is
calculated with the following equation:
STEP 2: Determine the correction factor (CF) that must be applied to the scaled volume to determine the actual volume of
wood. Use the following formula:
CF Example 1:
A load of green (freshly sawn) hardwood lumber is 1- 1 /8 inches thick, but is counted as 1 inch thick when scaled for
board footage. The lumber is in random widths, for which the actual and scaled widths are equal. All lumber is 98 inches
long (or 8.17 feet), and is scaled as 8 foot. So,
CF Example 2:
The same scenario as in Example 1, except the lumber is 2-5/32 inches thick (scaled as 2 inches thick) and exactly 14
feet in length. The lumber is again in random widths. So,
CF Example 3:
Planed softwood lumber is scaled as two-by-sixes, although the actual thickness is 1.5 inches and the actual width is 5.5
inches. The two-by-sixes are exactly 12 feet long. Therefore,
STEP 4: Apply the board foot correction factor, CF, from equation 2, to arrive at the weight, in pounds, per 1000 BF of
lumber, corrected for scaling errors and moisture content:
STEP 5: If the weight of the same lumber at a different moisture content (MCx ) is desired, use the following formula:
At MCx, weight (pounds) = Weight at MCs x (100 + MCx ÷ (100 + MCs) (5)
Example 1: What is the weight of 1000 BF of 75% MC, 4/4 northern red oak (scaled thickness = 1 inch), 1-1/8 inches
thick and 12 feet long?
Example 2: The lumber in Example 1 is subsequently dried to 6% MC. What is the new weight?
Note: This lumber has shrunk about 6% in going from 75% MC to 6% MC, so it is no longer 1000 BF at 6% MC, but
about 940 BF. Yet, because it was 1000BF when measured green, we base the calculations on the green size and
weight. If it were rescaled at 6% MC, the calculations would be redone.
Example 3: What is the weight of 1000BF of northern red oak that was cut to 1-5/8 inches (1.625") when green, but,
when scaled as 6/4 lumber (1-1/2 inches thick) at 6% MC, had actually shrunk to 1-9/16 inches thick (1.5625")?
Answer: MCs = 6%
CF = (1.5625 ÷ 1.5) x 1 x 1 = 1.042
BW6% = 3793 – [13.6 x (30-6)] = 3467 pounds
Corrected weight = 3467 x 1.042 = 3613 pounds
Example 4: What is the weight of 1000 BF of loblolly pine 2" x 10" x 16' lumber (actual size: 1.5" x 9.25" x 16') at
15% MC? The footage is measured at 15% MC.