4079 ArticleText 6905 2 10 20201220
4079 ArticleText 6905 2 10 20201220
4079 ArticleText 6905 2 10 20201220
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3 authors:
Henrique F. M. de Queiroz
Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca (CEFET/RJ)
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Additive manufacturing (AM) also called 3D printing, is an emerging process in the
manufacturing sector with increasing new applications in aerospace, prototyping,
medical devices and product development, among others. The resistance of the AM
part is determined by the chosen material and the printing parameters. As novel
materials and AM methods are continuously being developed, there is a need for the
development and mechanical characterization of suitable materials for 3D printing. In
this study, the influence of the material and the 3D-printing parameters on the
mechanical properties of additive manufactured thermoplastic parts was investigated.
Three different filaments that are commercially available: Polylactic acid (PLA),
acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) and Tritan were used. Tensile and flexural tests
were carried out, in accordance to ASTM standards, to investigate and compare the
mechanical properties of the AM parts as a function of material used. The results
showed that the type of filaments had the greatest influence on the mechanical
properties of the AM parts. The maximum strength and stiffness were obtained for the
PLA specimens. Tritan displayed the highest deformation, while the PLA manifested
the lowest deformation capacity. The mechanical properties of the printed parts also
depend on the printing parameters. The parameters used in this work are a good
compromise between the printing time and the mechanical properties.
KEY WORDS: Additive manufactured parts, PLA, ABS, Tritan, Mechanical properties.
1. INTRODUCTION printed vertically). Sood et. al. [6] showed that the
mechanical properties of the AM parts are related to the
Additive manufacturing (3D printing number of printed layers. This is due to the thermal
technology) is a process in which 3D components, cycles (heating and cooling) that will cause cumulative
with high precision and complexity, are made by residual stresses, distortion, interlayer cracking and
depositing materials in a layer-by-layer fashion, as delamination.
opposed to conventional machining or forming The nature of the AM technique limits the choice of
methods [1]. One of the most common methods for materials. The majority of the materials used for AM are
3D printing of polymeric materials is the Fused thermoplastics (i.e. Polylactic Acid (PLA) and
Filament Fabrication (FFF) or Fused Deposition Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS)). PLA is a linear
Modelling (FDM) technique [2]. aliphatic thermoplastic polyester, produced from
The resistance of the AM part is determined by renewable biodegradable materials. PLA has excellent
the chosen material and printing parameters [3], [4]. mechanical properties, thermal stability, good
Therefore, using the correct process parameters for processing capability, and low environmental impact.
the FDM technique is essential to ensure that the However, one disadvantage is that PLA is relatively
material can be printed with a good surface finish expensive as compared to other petroleum-based
and high precision. These process parameters are: polymers [7]. The ABS thermoplastic material has good
the layer thickness, raster orientation and infill mechanical properties, but it emits an unpleasant odour
density, build orientation, printing temperature and during processing [5]. However, novel materials for 3D
speed. Each parameter may have different settings printing are continuously being developed. Thus, in
for different materials, depending on their flow order to further understand the mechanical properties of
properties [5]. For example, the mechanical these AM materials and stimulate their use in new
properties of 3D printed parts seem to be strongly applications in the industry, more research work is
dependent on the printing orientation (i.e. the needed.
tensile strength of FDM printed samples printed in The main objective of this work was to characterise
the XYZ direction can be 5 times higher than those three different filament materials that are commercially
available in order to understand the mechanical The raster width chosen was 0.44 mm, since this will
behaviour of 3D printed materials and to stimulate reduce internal voids (Fig. 1) occurring by raster
their use in new applications. overlapping [9]. The raster angle chosen was 0º, as it
was shown in the literature that a raster angle of 0° is the
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS optimum direction of depositions if high tensile strength
is desired. The infill chosen was 100%, since the
2.1. Materials properties of printed parts are associated to internal
voids [8]. The printing speed used was 45 mm/s as it
All the materials used in this work were was shown in the literature that this printing speed
provided by GTMax3D (Americana, SP, Brazil) yields the best results by providing increased diffusion,
under the form of filaments. The basic mechanical larger interfacial width and lower internal voids. The
properties as per supplier can be seen in table 1. slower speed also permits a longer exposure to heat,
The PLA and ABS thermoplastic materials are well increasing the diffusion between the rasters and layers
known in the industry. Tritan is an amorphous [10]. Finally, the extruder and bed temperature values
copolyester (which is a modified polyester with used were chosen based on the fact that the temperature
diacids and diols), that offers some advantages, has a significant impact in the part’s properties. A
such as: clarity, toughness, heat resistance, continuous increase in material properties was observed
chemical resistance, resulting in more robust parts as the nozzle temperature increased, while the bed
in the context of 3D printing. temperature (i.e. 120ºC) was chosen to reduce a possible
temperature gradient between the top and bottom layers
Table 1. Mechanical properties of the materials [11].
Tensile Flexural
Material strength modulus
strain (%)
(MPa) (GPa)
PLA 53 3.50 6
ABS 29 0.26 18
Tritan 43 1.55 210
Fig. 10. Representative tensile stress-strain curves: a) as a function of material; b) Magnification of the linear
part of the stress-strain curves.
Fig. 11. Representative tensile failures: a) cross-section of PLA specimen; b) cross-section of ABS specimen;
c) PLA micrograph; d) ABS micrograph; e) Tritan fibrillation failure.
In figure 10, it can be seen that the behaviour of with the previously described fibrillation failure close to
the PLA material was predominantly brittle, while the top tab.
both ABS and Tritan exhibited a significantly more
ductile behaviour. For a better visualisation of the 3.2. Flexural Tests
initial slope, a magnified view of that particular
area of the stress-strain curves can be seen in figure Figure 12 shows the representative flexural stress-
10b (the differences in stiffness as a function of strain curves of the AM parts as a function of material.
material shown in table 3 can be seen more easily). From the stress/strain curves the flexural data was
If the values in table 3 are compared to the calculated and are seen in table 4.
supplier material properties (Table 1), little Similar to the tensile properties, the flexural data
variation is found in terms of tensile strength varied significantly with the printed material. The PLA
(bellow 10%) for PLA. However, a lower presented a brittle behaviour, while a more ductile
deformation was observed (approx. 28%). Similar behaviour was observed for the ABS and Tritan, as
results were found for the ABS and Tritan, and the expected. It is important to note that the flexural tests of
tensile strength exhibited little variation when both the ABS and Tritan took a significant amount of
compared to the supplier data. However, the time and were ultimately stopped due to specimen
elongation at break is higher for the ABS (by slippage.
approx. 28%), while for Tritan it is lower (by
approx. 50%), as compared to the supplier data.
These variations are probably due to the different
printing parameters used in this work.
The representative macro failure surfaces of the
tested materials can be seen in figure 11. As
specified by the ASTM D3039 standard, the PLA
and ABS both presented AGM (Angled, gage and
middle) failure, as seen in figures 11a and b,
respectively. For all specimens, the centre portion
of the printed part presented very few to no internal
voids, as seen in figure 11b. This is due to the
slicing program that created an overlap in this
portion of the sample. Magnified views of the
Fig. 12. Representative flexural stress-strain curves as a
failure surfaces taken with the aid of an optical
function of material
microscope can be seen for PLA and ABS in
figures 11c and d, respectively. In figure 11c, a very
Table 4. Flexural data
uniform failure surface is visible, with relatively
small internal printing voids and essentially no
Flexural Flexural
layering. In other words, the material is very
Material strength Modulus
cohesive, with little to no visible deposition
(MPa) (GPa)
interphase. This is due to the temperature used
PLA 60.85 ± 1.57 3.11 ± 0.11
during the printing process, which changes the void
ABS 53.32 ± 1.54 1.6 ± 0.15
geometry [12]. This improvement in inter filament
Tritan 43.53 ± 0.74 1.08 ± 0.08
bonding is promoted by a higher diffusion time.
The crack propagation was ductile in its
progression, with smooth fragile patches in between An improvement in flexural strength of approx. 30%
crack fronts. Crack nucleation points were and 22% was found when PLA was compared to Tritan
predictably close to the internal voids. and ABS, respectively. Similarly, in terms of flexural
The ABS micrograph can be seen in figure 11d, modulus, significant improvements were also observed
where significant failure surface differences can be (i.e. enhancements of approx. 50% and 66% when PLA
observed. For example, the layering sequence is was compared to ABS and Tritan). If the data obtained
clearly visible and uniform, as well as the printing here is compared to the data provided by the supplier, a
voids. In addition, while the crack propagation here significant higher flexural modulus for the ABS can be
was also ductile in progression, it was more uneven seen (approx. 84% higher). However, for the PLA and
in its topography. The macro failure mode of Tritan Tritan, lower values were obtained in the present study
can be seen in figure 11e, and a SAT (Splitting, at (approx. 12% and 47% lower than those provided by the
grip/tab and top) failure mode is observable. This supplier). The difference in values can be explained by
was described in this work as a fibre “fibrillation”, the different layer thickness and filament orientation used
as individual deposition fibres split and failed at the in this study. It was shown in the literature that the layer
interphase during loading. Also, a “necking” front thickness would directly impact void size and inter
was observed during tensile testing, where filament bonding [12], [16]. Also, the filament orientation
significant Poisson deformation was visible, ending impacts specimen rigidity [19]. This will be discussed
further in the next section 3.3.
Tensile Young's
Material Parameters strength modulus Ref.
(MPa) (GPa)
ABS 0.2 mm Layer heigh / ±45° Orientation / 100% Infill 29.70 1.84 [13]
ABS 0/90 Orientation / 100% Infill 27.60 1.74 [13]
ABS 0.4 mm Layer height / 0/90 Orientation / 100% Infill 28.20 1.88 [13]
0.127 mm Layer height / ±45° Orientation / 12 Contour layers /
ABS 30.66 1.80 [14]
100% Infill
ABS 0.254 mm Layer height / 12.7 mm/s Printing speed 26.50 2.14 [15]
PLA 0.30 mm Layer height / 85% Infill 37.90 0.36 [8]
PLA 0/90 Orientation/ 100% Infill 60.40 3.48 [13]
PLA 0.3 mm Layer height / ±45° Orientation / 100% Infill 48.50 3.34 [13]
PLA 0.06 mm Layer height / Flat edge / 50 mm/s Printing speed 89.10 4.19 [16]
PLA 0.24 mm Layer height / Flat edge / 50 mm/s Printing speed 72.30 3.77 [16]
PLA 0.2 mm Layer height / 0° Orientation / 3 shell 55.60 3.74 [17]
PLA 0.15 mm Layer height / ±45° Orientation / 2 Contour layers 42.28 2.80 [17]
PLA 0.2 mm Layer height / ±45° Orientation / 60 mm/s Printing speed 61.42 3.96 [18]
3.3 Comparative analysis The tensile strength of the PLA printed parts
found in the literature varied from approx. 37 to 89
Table 5 and 6 show a comparative analysis of the MPa [8], [13], [16]-[18]. The layer thickness of the
properties of the PLA and ABS which was performed printed parts varied between 0.06 and 0.3 mm, which
in order to evaluate the impact of the methodology can be the reason behind the superior variability in the
and the results obtained in the present work using values found for this material as compared to ABS.
relevant specialised literature [13]-[20]. It can be seen For example, Chacón et. al. [16] studied the effect of
that the values found in the literature varied for the the printing parameters (i.e. layer thickness, printing
same material. For instance, the tensile strength found orientation and speed) on the material properties of
in this study for the ABS (i.e. 31.03 ± 0.11) were PLA. It was found that a lower layer height along
close to the values found in some studies [13, 14] and with an average printing speed and flat orientation
superior to values found in [15]. The difference in were the best parameter combination for optimum
values as compared to the study of Rodríguez et al. tensile properties. The smaller layers will result in
[15] may be explained by the fact that the larger layer fewer voids, while also greatly increasing the printing
height value used in the present study promoted fewer time. For example, an increase in printing time of
internal voids and consequently improved tensile approx. 255% was reported when the 0.06 mm layer
properties. The printing speed is also a factor that height case is compared to the 0.27 mm case [16].
influences the tensile properties of the printed parts. It However, the parameters used in this work for the
was shown in the literature that a slower printing PLA achieved a good compromise between the
speed promotes a better molecular alignment and printing time (~35 min per tensile sample) and the
allows each layer to cool down before the next one is mechanical properties. Finally, the values for the
printed, and thus inter filament bonding is improved. Young's modulus found in this work for ABS and
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