Ditar 12.9 Klasa VII A+b

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Fusha: Gjuhë Lënda: Shkalla: Klasa:

dhe Anglisht e tretë VII

Fusha: Gjuhë Lënda: Shkalla: Klasa:
dhe mësimore: Anglisht Veprimtaria e të nxënit:
e tretë VII
Starter verb "to be" / There is - There are
komunikim Grammar Review

Tema mësimore: Veprimtaria e të nxënit:

STARTER e të-nxënit
Subject , object pronouns, Grammar and vocabulary revision
sipas kompetencave
prepositions kyçe
of place
Rezultatet e të nxënit
Rezultatet e të nxënit tëkyçe
sipas kompetencave kompetencave të fushës sipas temës Fjalët kyçe:
Verb "to be", have got,guitar,
- Conjugates
Rezultatet everb to be in
të nxënit affirmative, interrogative
të kompetencave and temës Fjalët kyçe:
të fushës sipas DVD player, shorts, curtains,
plurals, This,Coat,
Bedroom, That,Jumper,
there is,mine,
- Form
At thesentences
end of theusing "There
lesson is" and
student will "There are" are etc
- Write the plurals of different nouns. yours, hers, eyes, nose, mouth,
- Identify which are the subject and object pronouns.
- Mention and write down part of the body Lidhja me fushat
o'clock, half, ae quarter,
tjera ose me
in ,
- Tell their friend the time correctly
under etc.
- Use prepositions of place of form sentences
- Complete a puzzle usingMetodologjia
different typesdhe veprimtaritë e nxënësve
of clothes.
Burimet: Text book
Metodologjia Lidhja me fushat e tjera ose me temat
Lidhja e temës me njohuritë e mëparshme të nxënësve:
Before starting to revise the conjugations verbveprimtaritë
"to be" I am egoing
to read the table and I am
going to give time to the student to study it and complete exercise 1 by using is, isn't, are, aren't.
Lidhja ei temës
Ndërtimi me njohuritë
njohurive të reja e mëparshme të nxënësve:
Then of all I are
go through the table
to proceed with in
theexercise 10 and
completition of give various
exercise 2 byexamples to demonstrate
making questions and
the uses of subject / object pronouns ex This is my pen. It is mine.
answering to them. Students are going to revise also the plurals of different nouns such as:I will also ask student to
mention of the parts of the body they have learned before ex : mouth, nose,
Pen - pens, woman - women, glass - glasses. Students will revise the rules of how we formed the ear etc.
plural of different nouns ex - Generally we add -s to form plural. Nouns ending in s, ss, x, o etc
take -es in i plural
njohuriveformtë etc.
reja Students will also revise the conjugation of verb "have got" in
affirmative, negativeare
After this students andgoing
to complete formtheby lookinginatthe
exercises thetext
by and
exercises. They
in the table. willinalso
First use: this,
exercise these,
10 they that,
will usethose to complete
different exercisepronouns
object/ subject 7 and study
and the
use of There is and there are.
ex 11 identifying parts of the body. Students will also revise the time and listen and
check the right clock. They will tell some times to their friends too ex: It is half past eight.
Students willdhealsodemostrimi i rezultateve
revise some të arritura
prepositions of place like in, on, under, near, opposite and then
will look at the table and form some sentences
In order to reflect on the use of "there is" and "there using those prepositions
are" students will ex: The bed
complete id opposite
exercise 8 by
the wardrobe
filling in the gaps.etc.
Prezantimi dhe demostrimi i rezultateve të arritura
I will evaluate students by putting them marks based on their participation in the lesson.
Students are going to comple e puzzle using some of the information about clothes they have
learneddhe puna e pavarur:
in previous lessons.
Exercise 9 page 5 textbook.
I am going to evaluate students based on their participation in the lesson.
Detyrat dhe puna e pavarur:
Exercise 16, pg 7 textbook

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