Cause and Effect Essay: Yang 1

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Cause and Effect Essay

Yang 2 Table of Contents Introduction.................................................................................................................................................... 4 Body 1&2.......................................................................................................................................................... 4 Body 3&4.......................................................................................................................................................... 5 Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................................... 6

Yang 3

Outline I. Introduction II. Body Paragraphs A. Evidence B. Researchers III. Conclusion

Yang 4 Suyoung Yang Mr. Coyner English Mar. 25, 2011 Cause-and-Effect Essay Introduction Some children just like to be seated in front of their televisions as soon as they come back home from schol. They can simply sit back for hours, with a snack in one hand and the remote control in the other, because they never get bored of watching TV with a hundred different channels they can flip through. Shortly, the thrilling action movies and amusing cartoons captivate the children, with their eyes staring intensely at the screen. Its very likely that they can sit there for hours without realizing how much time their spending on it. Watching TV may be fun and relaxing, but too much TV can have a negative impact on the children. Body 1 Recently, it has become more common to find children watching TV in their past times as their pastime activities. Most of the time, they watch it for entertainment such as cartoons, games, dramas, movies etc. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), kids/teens from age 8 ~18 spend more than four hours a day in front of TV. That surely is a lot of time spent on one activity. Body 2 One of the negative effects is that TV can be of harm to the children physically and mentally. Watching TV can put strain to childrens eyes and brain. Watching TV doesnt
student 8/17/11 12:07 AM Comment: That is a lot of time. I dont spend that much time on TV everyday student 8/17/11 12:06 AM Comment: What kinds of channels do they watch?

Yang 5 really damage your eyes according to a professional opinion of Dr. Lee Duffner, a spokesperson for the American Academy of Ophthalmology. However, it causes them to get really tired and weary. As researchers have experimented, watching TV makes children easily drowsy and even depressed sometimes. Experts have said that can also lead to being overweight because often times they are accompanied by high-calorie food and junk foods. While watching TV, children are inactive and tend to snack. There are also commercials that encourage children to buy those unhealthy chips, chocolates and all kinds of junk food. Studies have shown that children watching less amount of TV gained less weight and lower body mass index (BMI a measurement of weight-to height ratio)(Gavin 3). Body 3 Another negative effect is that TV wastes too much time and can interfere with childrens physical activities such as playing with friends, reading, doing homework and even spending time with their family. A lot of people probably experienced a time during their childhood when they watched too much TV and couldnt finish their homework afterwards. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), children older than two should not watch more than 1~2 hours of TV but they actually watch about 4 hours everyday (as previously mentioned). Children feel more relaxed when theyre watching TV, which is why they prefer to spend time watching TV instead of doing other activities. Body 4 Furthermore, TV has a lot of negative influence on children. Children, especially at a younger age, are full of curiosity and learn really quickly. If they are not under their parents guidance, they can easily watch and learn inappropriate things such as profanity or violence. According to a study in a book released by the KFF, 77% of the children
student 8/17/11 12:12 AM Deleted: a time

Yang 6 (infants to six-year olds) turn the television on by themselves (Gavin 1). Whats more, TV is full of programs and commercials that include risky behaviors, and there are consequences of drinking alcohol, doing drugs, smoking, etc. Researchers have found that watching TV increased aggressive behavior on children (Turck). They say its caused by frequently watched entertainment with violence in them. Dr. Fateen Abdou says that fiction is important in the imagination of children, but they can depend on false ideas and have difficulty with recognizing what is real and not. Children can be too young to distinguish what is fantasy and what is reality. Conclusion Of course, watching television can have its advantages: children can learn through educational TV shows, learn about wildlife on nature shows and even keep up with current news around the world. It sometimes causes natural bonding between family and friends (Jimmy). Therefore, TV can be an excellent educator and entertainer. However, when it goes to extremes, parents should keep in mind that watching too much TV can have negative affects on their children. By teaching good TV habits and encouraging more enriching TV program viewing, parents can prevent these effects from children.
student 8/17/11 12:14 AM Deleted: naturally

Yang 7 Work Cited "Does Sitting Too Close To The TV Really Damage Your Eyes?" Healthy Family - Health and Wealth, Home Safety, Health, Relationship, Growing Family., 2009. Web. 14 Dec. 2010. < close-to-the-tv-really-damage-your-eyes.htm>. Hermann, Jimmy. "Pros and Cons of Watching Television." EzineArticles Submission - Submit Your Best Quality Original Articles For Massive Exposure, Ezine Publishers Get 25 Free Article Reprints., 21 Oct. 2010. Web. 14 Dec. 2010. <>. "Television Addiction." Life Challenges - All About Life Challenges. Web. 14 Dec. 2010. < addiction.htm>. Turck, James F. "The Television Addiction Part 1." The Real Truth - A Magazine Restoring Plain Understanding. The Real Truth, 10 May 2004. Web. 14 Dec. 2010. <>. Gavin, Mary L. "How TV Affects Your Child." KidsHealth - the Web's Most Visited Site about Children's Health. KidsHealth, Oct. 2008. Web. 14 Dec. 2010. <>. Choma, C. J., Stevie Hossler, Robert Leu, Divia Nelson, Shawnte Ray, Ben Wilcox, Brandon Ybarra, and Louisa Ha. "Effects of Cartoons on Children." BGSU :: University Home

Yang 8 Page :: Bowling Green State University Home Page. BGSU, 15 Nov. 2004. Web. 14 Dec. 2010. <>. Ghaleb, Thuria. "Can Cartoons Lead Children Astray?" Yemen Observer - Real News, Real People. Yemen Observer, 6 Mar. 2007. Web. 14 Dec. 2010. <>.

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