4 Account Payable
4 Account Payable
4 Account Payable
The SAP payment program lets you automatically to select open invoices to be paid or
collected, to post payment document; print payment media and use data medium
exchange (DME) or generate electronic data interchange (EDI)
The payment program in SAP is flexible for users to define those payment features that
vary from country to country such as payment methods, payment terms or data carrier
The payment process consists 4 steps: Setting parameters viz., payment methods;
generating proposal, scheduling payment run and printing the payment media,
Every payment program is identified by 2 fields: run date and identification. All
documents that were entered up to the Documents entered to date are included in the
payment run. The identification field is used to differentiate between program runs that
have the same run date.
All documents that were entered up to the Docs entered up to date are included in the payment run.
The posting date is the date when the general ledger is updated with the postings. This date is defaulted from
the run date on the previous screen.
If multiple company codes are listed, they have to be separated by commas. If you want to specify
a range of company codes, you have to enter the first and last company code in the range in
Multiple companies can be entered in the payment run provided they belong to same
country. Multiple payment methods can be entered and the method entered first has the
Once the proposal run is completed the system generates two reports:
The proposal list that contains business partners, the amount to be paid. Cash discount and document
number can appear at the header as well as in line item also.
The exception list: that contains items that are blocked for payments along with the items for which system
could not determine the valid payment method or bank data
You can edit the proposal list. You can edit payment block, cash discount etc several
times before saving. Edited list can be analyzed. Users can assign accounting clerk to
customer/vendor by entering the clerk’s key in the master data.
Once the proposal list is saved, the documents included in the list cannot be altered in the
next run even if the payments are not done.
If the users select the additional log, the list shows why the invoice cannot be paid which
could be due to: invoice is blocked; invalid data in the master record; invalid payment
method; invalid house bank; payment amount is less than minimum amount; not enough
money in the house bank; debit balance. There are several ways to configure payment
block: During invoice verification in MM; AP invoice in FI; in master record of vendor
After the payment run is created, it can be edited by accounting clerks. Users can assign
an accounting clerk to a customer/vendor by entering the clerk's key in the
customer/vendor master data. When editing the payment proposal, you can enter the key
of a specific clerk to show only the customer/vendor payments that are assigned to the
Once the payment proposal has been edited and saved, the payment run uses the changes
as a basis for the actual payments. Up to this point, no postings have occurred. The
documents included in this payment run have been "locked" against any other postings,
that is, an invoice eligible to be paid in the current payment run is blocked for manual
payment or payment or in a different payment run. In this step, payment documents are
created, open items are cleared, and the general and sub-ledgers are posted to. The
payment run is also used to supply the data to print program or to EDI
The payment program automatically post payments and related postings (viz. tax,
adjustment, exchange rate difference). However, some countries require the payment
postings are not done before actual settlement. In which case payment order is generated
which is cleared upon when actual payment appears on bank statement.
It is advisable to use bank sub accounts for incoming and outgoing payments which can
be reconciled at any time with bank G/L account at any time. The payment method has to
be assigned to bank sub-account. You can differentiate bank sub-accounts and house bank
and are managed as open items.
If there is check cashing time in master data, it will have priority over value date set in
the automatic payment program.
If payments are made for individual business areas, the bank posting is made for the
business area to which the paid items belong. If payments are not made for specific
business area, you can specify the business area for the bank postings. In all other cases,
the postings to the bank subaccounts are carried out without reference to business areas.
The document type for payment documents is defined in the country specific
specification for payment methods. For cross company code payments you can
enter further document type that is used for clearing and both must have internal
number assignment.
Print run starts with print program (which is not assigned to payment method but it is
assigned to payment method for each country). You can give any number of variant out of
several variant at a time for print programs. You can leave the program run date and
identification number blank in the variant which is dynamically filled.
In the payment method for each country configuration screen, you can define the print
program for each payment method. You can assign payment medium form to each
company code only. Additionally you can assign to each payment method for each
company code
During the print run, you can transfer the DME payment data to DME
administration.DME file can be stored in temporary sequential file and also on PC file.
The first print program run by payment program is the print program of EDI. Payment
advice can also be sent either by e-mail or EDI
Relevant account remains blocked even if the payment proposal is then deleted. Blocked
accounts can be released manually.
4.3 Debit Balance Check
In some cases, the payment run can result in payment being made even though the
account has debit balance.
The debit balance check can be carried out after payment proposal has been
created. This check offsets the entire due debit items without an incoming payment
method against the proposed system. If the resultant credit balance is less than the
minimum payment amount, it will be added to exception list and is placed on list
of blocked amount. The relevant account remains blocked even if the payment
proposal is then deleted. Blocked accounts can be released manually.
You can use the Schedule Manager to automate periodically recurring activities
along with program scheduling functions for the payment process. (T. code:
The task list is the key element in the Schedule manager. It represents a collection
of activities to be carried out over a period of time. The system provides a set of
instructions to help you to create your tasks. You can define four different types of
tasks in the task plan: Program with variant notes, transaction and process
Create a payment run & entering parameters for the payment program (vendor)
DME Administration
State which are True or false for debit balance check after payment proposal
A The debit balance check offsets all the due debit items without an
incoming payment method against the proposed paymentsi T
B If the resulting debit or credit balance is less than minimum payment
amount the payments are added to the exception list T
C The relevent accounts become free of block if the the payment
proposal is deleted F
SAP cannot automate the payment method entry into the vendor
invoice screen F
Partial payment creates another entry without any link to the original
entry T
Payment to anybody by passing a G/L entry without AP/AR is a standard
functionality of SAP. T
According to which criteria does the payment program determine and select
open items:
A Posting date and baseline date. F
Document date and posting date. F
C Baseline date and payment terms. T
D Posting date and cash discount periods. F
E Posting date and payment terms. T
Which of the following statements are true with regard to the customizing
setting for banks in the automatic payment run?
A The sequence of the banks for processing outgoing payments is selected
randomly. F
B You can only determine one payment method per house bank. F
C You can select several payment methods per country. T
You can specify by bank and method the anticipated number of days before the
bank account is debited. T
E You can determine the banks to be used for payments according to postal code. T
17 State which are True or false for debit balance check after payment proposal
The debit balance check offsets all the due debit items without an
incoming payment method against the proposed paymentsi T
If the resulting debit or credit balance is less than minimum payment
amount the payments are added to the exception list T
The relevent accounts become free of block if the the payment
proposal is deleted F
Blocked accounts are released automatically F
18 State which are True or False for Payment Media Workbech (PMW)
A PMW is used to create payment media T
B You have to define PMW format at company code level F
C Payments are sorted according to PMW formats T
D Payment groups are created according to PMW formats F
E You can control program during the execution for sorting T