New Syllabus Mathematics For 0-Level 1
New Syllabus Mathematics For 0-Level 1
New Syllabus Mathematics For 0-Level 1
© Owen Perry and Joyce Perry 1979
Preface vii
Notation viii
1. Number Systems 1
4. Simple Algebra 53
Index 153
These two volumes are intended for students who want to pass 0-Level
mathematics in the modern syllabus. They are particularly suitable for those
who need to follow a thorough revision course, whether at school or as full-
time, day-release or evening students at colleges offurther education. Since the
only mathematical knowledge assumed is simple arithmetic, the books are also
suitable for those who need a pass in 0-Level mathematics to improve their
promotion prospects, and are starting the modern syllabus for the first time.
The majority of the exercises are divided into A and B sections. The
questions in the A sections are generally shorter and intended for routine
practice in the techniques appropriate to each part of the text. Longer and
more thought-provoking questions are found in the B sections. Each of the
sixteen chapters ends with a multiple-choice test and a selection of mis-
cellaneous examples from past examination papers.
The authors are grateful to Dr Patricia Dauncey, for her helpful criticism of
the manuscript and for working through the exercises. They also wish to thank
the Controller of H.M.S.O. for permissions to use Statistical Abstracts.
The text covers the 'modern' alternative syllabus of each of the major
examining boards, and the authors acknowledge with thanks the permission
given by the boards to quote examination questions. The source of each
question is shown in the text by the following abbreviations
(AEB) Associated Examining Board
(C) University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate
(L) University of London, University Entrance and School
Examinations Council
(JMB) Joint Matriculation Board
(NI) Northern Ireland Schools Examinations Council
(0) Oxford Delegacy of Local Examinations
(OCSMP) Oxford and Cambridge Schools Examination Board.
School~ Mathematics Project
(S) Southern Universities Joint Board
(SCE) Scottish Certificate of Education Examination Board.
f:x-+y the function of mapping the set X into the set Y
f(x) the image of x under the function f
F' the inverse of the function f
fg the function f of the function g
-o---o--- open interval on the number line
closed interval on the number line
{x:-2<x<7} the set of values of x such that ...
= implies that
<= is implied by
implies and is implied by
is equal to
is identically equal to
is approximately equal to
is not equal to
is less than
is less than or equal to
is greater than
is greater than or equal to
is not less than
is not greater than
the unsigned part of a signed number, that is the modulus
CJJ infinity
M' the transpose of the matrix M