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When I read I can predict, or guess, what might happen next,

or what I might learn next based on the author’s clues and my

own personal knowledge.
In your own words, describe what
predicting is: As you read each passage in the LINKtivity guide, stop often to record
your predictions.

My Diary: Camping
Predicting is: My Predictions Text Evidence Reflection
What do you think will What details from the text How were your predictions
happen as you read? support your predictions? correct or incorrect?

Gentle Giants of the Sea Brace Face

My Predictions Text Evidence Reflection My Predictions Text Evidence Reflection
What do you think you What details from the text How were your predictions What do you think will What details from the text How were your predictions
will learn as you read? support your predictions? correct or incorrect? happen as you read? support your predictions? correct or incorrect?

Practice © 2019. The Classroom Nook. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Use the generic sheet on the following page with any book.
Students can complete this sheet for follow-up practice
on making predictions in their own books.
When I read I can predict, or guess, what might happen next,
or what I might learn next based on the author’s clues and my
As you read, stop often to own personal knowledge.
record your predictions.
Title: _______________________________
My Predictions Text Evidence Reflection
What do you think will happen as What details from the text How were your predictions
you read? OR What do you think support your predictions? correct or incorrect?
you will learn as you read?
Practice © 2019. The Classroom Nook. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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