Kick Off Meeting Minutes - 18042023

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Minutes of Kick-Off Meeting

Client: COMSATS University, Wah Campus, Wah Cantt

Consultant: NESPAK, Islamabad
Contractor: M/s Eiffel Civil & EM (Pvt.) Limited, Islamabad

Project Commencement
April 10, 2023 Project Completion Date: October 06, 2024
Meeting Date: April 17, 2023 Time: 10:00 A.M.
COMSATS University,
Meeting Ref: 01 Venue:
Wah Cantt

Meeting Participants:

1) Dr. Jawwad Ahmad Registrar / Project Director CUI

2) Mr. Ali Nasir Project Engineer CUI

3) Mr. Jahan Zaib Engineer’s Representative NESPAK

4) Mr. Mehdi Hassan Associate Engineer (Civil) NESPAK

5) Mr. Rizwan Khan Head of Tendering & Contracts M/s Eiffel Civil & EM

Description of Item Action By Conclusion/Remarks

Method Statement for Dismantling & Excavation works

letter.No.Eiffel/Site/CIUW-AB/23/001 dated:
April 10, 2023 for method of performing the
Dismantling & Excavation works was discussed
in length. Few observations were highlighted by
ER, NESPAK and advised to the Contractor to
incorporate the same in the Method Statement
(working hours and time to carry out the works,
01-1 access roads, location of disposal of usable & M/s Eiffel /
un-necessary material, signage, provision of Refer Appendix-F to Bid
water sprinklers & broomers, location of
NESPAK office, contractor’s site office and
labor campus, location of water & electricity
connections and usage of Personal Protective

ER, NESPAK requested the Employer to inform

the locations for disposal of usable and
unusable materials and installations dismantled.

01-2 Mobilization Advance

Description of Item Action By Conclusion/Remarks

ER, NESPAK directed the Contractor to submit

the draft for Mobilization Advance in the
specified form from a Scheduled Bank of Refer Sub-Clause 60.11 of Particular
Pakistan for review and approval. M/s Eiffel Conditions of Contract and Form “MAG-
Contractor replied that the request will be
submitted after Eid-ul-Fitr holidays.

Construction Programme, Cash Flow Estimate & Procurement Schedule

Contractor will submit computerized programme

of work drawn up on the Critical Path Method
(CPM), identifying & highlighting those activities
which are on critical path, quantifying monthly
work to be carried out at site supported by Refer Sub-Clauses 14.1, 14.3 & 14.5 of
M/s Eiffel
plant, equipment, procurement of material and Particular Condition of Contract
labour, incorporating all the shortcomings
highlighted vide NESPAK
letter.No.4348/321/QAB/01/3945 dated: April
06, 2023.

Appointment of Project Manager / Authorized Representative

Contractor was advised to submit CV of their

Authorized Representative (a PEC registered
01-4 Civil Engineer) for seeking approval of the Refer Sub-Clause 15.3 of Particular
Engineer and shall be authorized to exercise M/s Eiffel Condition of Contract & Appendix-K to
adequate administrative and financial powers Bid
on behalf of the Contractor for smooth running
of the Works.

List of Contractor’s Site Staff

01-5 Contractor is required to depute at least

minimum mandatory staff at site immediately M/s Eiffel Refer Appendix-K to Bid
with their contacts & email addresses.

Submission of Contract Documents

Contractor was directed to prepare and provide

six (06) copies of the Contract Documents
(including all the volumes / documents listed in Refer Sub-Clause 9.1 of Particular
M/s Eiffel
the Contract Agreement) alongwith three (03) Conditions of Contract
original copies of the FIDIC General Conditions
of Contract for Works of Civil Construction.

Submission of Insurance Policies

01-7 Refer Sub-Clauses 21.1, 21.2, 21.4,

Contractor shall furnish & submit the Insurance
M/s Eiffel 25.1, 25.5 of Particular Conditions of
Policies with evidences & Terms of Insurances.

NESPAK Site Office & Transport Facility

01-8 Contractor shall construct, provide, furnish & Refer Clauses 26.3.2, 34 & 35 of Special
maintain a site office as per design provided till M/s Eiffel
Defects Liability Period (DLP). The site office
Description of Item Action By Conclusion/Remarks

shall be connected to the electrical system,

potable water supply system and sewage
disposal system. The location of the
Consultant’s office has been finalized by the
Employer during the meeting. In addition,
Contractor shall also provide, operate and
maintain 01 No. Cultus (1000 CC) brand new
latest model with driver till Defects Liability
Period (DLP).

ER, NESPAK directed the Contractor to provide

an alternate vehicle till availability of the new

Establishment of Field Laboratory & Qualified Lab Technician

The Contractor shall provide and maintain a

field laboratory equipped with unused and latest
01-9 equipment to perform all the tests as per
Technical Specifications and General M/s Eiffel Refer Clause 19 of Special Provisions
Conditions of Contract. The laboratory shall be
run by a qualified material Engineer and
Laboratory Technician to be employed.

Sign Boards

The Contractor shall erect and maintain at the

site in a location to be approved by the
01-10 Employer two (02) sign boards (showing name
of the Works, the names of the Employer, M/s Eiffel Refer Clause 33 of Special Provisions
Consultant & the Contractor both in English and
Urdu language) etc of dimensions and design
as approved by the Employer.

Design Mix for Concrete

Contractor agreed to submit concrete mix

design for structural concrete works prior to its
01-11 Structural Drwg. No. 4348/323/C/ACB-I
ER, NESPAK directed the Contractor to make M/s Eiffel
G01 – General Notes
arrangements and perform the concrete works
through Ready-Mix/ transit mixers as suggested
and informed by the Contractor during the Bid.

Monthly Progress Report

During currency of the Contract, the Contractor

shall submit six (06) copies of monthly progress
01-12 Refer Sub-Clause 14.5 of Particular
report on the specimen as provided by the
M/s Eiffel Conditions of Contract & Clause 30 of
Consultant (enclosed as Annexure-A) not later
Special Provisions
than the 3rd day of the following month to the

01-13 Daily Monitoring Reports

ER, NESPAK informed that Contractor shall M/s Eiffel Refer letter No.4348/325/JZ/01/3972
submit and maintain all the record of the Works dated: April 10, 2023 & Clause 39 of
Description of Item Action By Conclusion/Remarks

and notified the Consultant through forms for

Special Provisions
site reporting and quality control purposes.

Water Supply & Electricity Connection Services

The Contractor was advised to make all the

necessary potable and other water for
construction purposes and temporary electricity
connection for the Project. Further, the
01-14 Refer Clauses 26.3.2 and Appendix-G to
Contractor shall arrange and furnish an Electric M/s Eiffel
Power Generating set (10 KVA) at site and Bid
maintain the GEN set in perfect working
condition through-out the duration of Contract.

Working Days/Hours

ER, NESPAK directed the Contractor to submit

01-15 the notice for working days/ hours in a week to
carry out the Works related to the M/s Eiffel Refer Appendix-F to Bid
superintendence to be provided by the
Consultant at site.

Safety & Security Precautionary Measures

ER, NESPAK directed to ensure and enforce

01-16 security and safety precautions of staff and his Refer Sub-Clauses 34.5 of Particular
workers (usage of PPE’s) during execution of M/s Eiffel Conditions of Contract & Clause 43 of
the Project at site in compliance with applicable Special Provisions
laws and Conditions of Contract.

Meeting ended with a vote of thanks. Contractor showed commitment & agreed on all the
listed items for its compliance.

Note: Time for next meeting shall be communicated after Eid-ul-Fitr Holidays.

Jahan Zaib
Engineer’s Representative

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