Self Evalutaion
Self Evalutaion
Self Evalutaion
Theater History
Self Evaluation
A.What did you learn from this assignment? What were your strengths in completing the
project(i.e.,research,organization,delivery)? Your weaknesses
(i.eWhat specific things do you need to improve?)
From this assignment, I learned about the importance of deep thinking and
cultural analysis. In this project, I thought that I was strong at delivering thought out
answers to not only the assignment question, but as well as the questions from the
audience. I feel like I could have done a little more research about the culture of 2012.
B What did you do to prepare for this project (go into detail)? What were your
research/writing/practice sessions like? What challenges did you face (include working
w/your group if applicable)?
In preparation for this project, me and my group looked at the different types of
character types in the show, as well as watching the show back. We also just sat and
talked about the show and answered the assignment questions out loud to each other to
gain more perspective and to encourage debating. It was hard for us to grasp a deeper
understanding of the cultural significance of the show.
C. What were your goals for your project? Explain what you will do differently during
your work sessions next time to make improvements?
Our goals were to inform the audience and to open up a new perspective of the
show. I feel like it would be a big improvement to do more deep diving research so our
answers covered a larger ground.
D. How did the audience respond to your project? Did they learn what you wanted them
to learn? How do you know? If you could do your project over again, how would you
change your content? Your delivery?
I feel like the audience responded well to our presentation. Many of our peers
had good debates and were generally very involved during our presentation. I felt like
everyone was able to take something away from the information that we presented
them with. I know this by how much they were engaged. If I were to redo this project, I
would want it to be a little more organized.
E. How well did you achieve your overall goals that you stated at the start of the
Semester? What specifically needs to change for you to achieve these
In terms of the project, I feel like I hit my goals well. However, when you receive
this, it's late. That's the part of my goal that I didn't hit. I am working harder to create a
better routine for myself.