Reflective Paper Template - Sports
Reflective Paper Template - Sports
Reflective Paper Template - Sports
After a Team Project (TP) you have to reflect on how it went. This reflective writing accounts for
60 out of the available 70 marks, so do this part with care!
The complete Reflective Paper should be about 1000 but no longer. The word limit is strict, so write
Illustrate your points with actual examples from the activity you have just completed.
How well did the Outcome Our project aimed to explore how different sports can bring
meet the project Aim? people together. Our outcome was hosting a sports event
playing volleyball for our school, which reflected our aim as we
Write about at least one got some great results. The goal was to create a connection
strength of the Outcome. (How and shared experience among students of different cultures
do you know it is a strength? and backgrounds. We assessed the impact of our project by
You will need to refer to the the turnout of the event we hosted and the forms we had
feedback data you collected.) players fill out when the event ended.
How effective was your own, I feel I managed to work efficiently and successfully
individual work process? throughout the team project, since I was able to complete all
the responsibilities assigned to me, on time. I did my research
(Don’t include comments on
during the first week of the team project and I was focused on
how you interacted with the
reading about volleyball and how it brings together
team here – leave those for the
next section.) communities and different cultures. Following that, I played a
big part in organising and planning the event as I chose the
What were your research date and helped reserve the sports hall, we held it in.
methods and how effective were
they? I feel I was good at managing my time well and planning for
when I had to get things done so that we could move forward
How well did you manage your when our planning. I was quite focused on being able to finish
time? in time without having setbacks. Sometimes it was rather
(Include both strengths and difficult to find enough time in my schedule to finish work on
weaknesses of your own work the project, but I was successful in the end.
Next time I will try harder to communicate with my team
What might you try differently more as I feel that would have made the process of hosting a
next time in your own work big event much simpler.
What were the benefits of Although I often prefer to work alone, there are certain
working as a team? (Give a advantages to working in a team. I’d say that everyone in my
significant example from your team provided a ton of creativity. Moreover, as we had 8
project.) members, we were able to split work very nicely and have a
few different viewpoints as we are all for different
What were the challenges of backgrounds.
working as a team? (Give a A challenge of working in a team is that everybody has their
significant example from your ideas and sometimes it can be difficult to incorporate
project.) everybody’s opinions and ideas. During the start of our
project, we had a few disagreements on what topic we were
How active and committed going to choose, and after further discussion we were able to
were you throughout the eliminate topics one by on to come to a mutual agreement
process? Why? that everyone was happy with.
How did you add value to team I believe I gave my team and the project a lot of devotion. I
discussions, organisation, aimed to assist as much as possible and make sure to
decision making and research? constantly communicate with my peers. I found I was a big
(Don’t go into detail on your help during discussions when it came to scheduling our time
research findings here as that and getting things done quickly. For instance, I planned our
goes in the next section.) group’s meetings outside of class and ensured that we all
worked both, together and independently.
Include a balance of your
strengths and limitations as a As our team had quite a few members I was not familiar with,
it was a bit harder to work together, although after just a week
team member...
of team project meetings we got to know each other better
—following on from these, how and started communicating freely which positively impacted
might you improve your my commitment.
approach in future Because I believe I have quite good and strong opinions, it
collaboration? was sometimes challenging for me to compromise with
others. This is a limitation that I am working on right now, and
I learnt more about it during our project since I had to
negotiate with my teammates a few times and go through the
process of compromising.