Construction Materials and Testing 4
Construction Materials and Testing 4
Construction Materials and Testing 4
The main use of portland cement is to make portland cement concrete, but it can
be used for other purposes, such as stabilizing soils and aggregate bases for highway
Production of portland cement starts with two basic raw ingredients: a calcareous
material and an argillaceous material.
In addition, some plants use a flash furnace to further heat the feed
stock. Both the preheater and flash furnace improve the energy
efficiency of cement production. In the kiln, the raw materials are
melted at temperatures of 1400 to 1650°C, changing the raw
materials into cement clinker.
The clinker is cooled and stored. The final process involves grinding
the clinker into a fine powder. During grinding, a small amount of
gypsum is added to regulate the setting time of the cement in the
The raw materials used to manufacture portland cement are lime, silica, alumina,
and iron oxide. These raw materials interact in the kiln, forming complex chemical
compounds. Calcination in the kiln restructures the molecular composition,
producing four main compounds as shown below.
The amount of water added to concrete must be sufficient for hydration, water
absorbed by the aggregate, water lost through evaporation and absorption into
the forms, and additional water needed for the workability of the plastic
Hydration is the chemical reaction between cement and water. There are two
components to hydration: chemical and physical.
Chemical bonding requires approximately 0.22 to 0.25 kg of water per 1 kg of
cement. Historically, this was considered the minimum water to cement ratio
required for hydration.
More recently, the role of physical bonding of water to the cement gel, termed
gel-water has been recognized. Cement cannot fully hydrate without gel-water.
Each kilogram of cement requires 0.19 kg of gel-water. Hence, the Portland
Cement Association (PCA) now recommends a minimum of 0.40.
The water added for workability is in excess of the water needed for hydration
and causes the development of capillary voids in the concrete. These voids
increase the porosity and permeability of the concrete and reduce strength.
Admixtures are ingredients other than portland cement, water, and aggregates
that may be added to concrete to impart a specific quality to either the plastic
(fresh) mix or the hardened concrete (ASTM C494).
Some admixtures are charged into the mix as solutions. In such cases, the liquid
should be considered part of the mixing water.
The Portland Cement Association (PCA) identifies four major reasons for using
1. to reduce the cost of concrete construction
2. to achieve certain properties in concrete more effectively than by other means
3. to ensure quality of concrete during the stages of mixing, transporting, placing,
and curing in adverse weather conditions
4. to overcome certain emergencies during concrete operations
Air entrainers produce tiny air bubbles in the hardened concrete to provide space for water
to expand upon freezing. As moisture within the concrete pore structure freezes, three
mechanisms contribute to the development of internal stresses in the concrete:
• Critical saturation
• Hydraulic pressure
• Osmotic pressure
Workability of fresh or plastic concrete requires more water than is needed for
hydration. The excess water, beyond the hydration requirements, is detrimental to
all desirable properties of hardened concrete. Therefore, water-reducing admixtures
have been developed to gain workability and, at the same time, maintain quality.
Water reducers increase the mobility of the cement particles in the plastic mix,
allowing workability to be achieved at lower water contents. Water reducers are
produced with different levels of effectiveness: conventional, mid-range, and high-
a. no water reducer
• Adding a water reducer without altering the other quantities in the mix
increases the slump, which is a measure of concrete consistency and an
indicator of workability.
• The strength of the mix can be increased by using the water reducer by
lowering the quantity of water and keeping the cement content constant.
• The cost of the mix, which is primarily determined by the amount of cement,
can be reduced.
Some construction conditions require that the time between mixing and placing
or finishing the concrete be increased. In such cases, retarders can be used to
delay the initial set of concrete. Retarders are used for several reasons, such as
the following:
1. Offsetting the effect of hot weather
2. Allowing for unusual placement or long haul distances
3. Providing time for special finishes
In addition, some retarders entrain air and improve workability. Other retarders
increase the time required for the initial set but reduce the time between the
initial and final set.
These admixtures have the ability to stop and reactivate the hydration process of
concrete.They consist of two parts:
• Stabilizer
• Activator
Adding the stabilizer completely stops the hydration of the cementing materials
for up to 72 hours, while adding the activator to the stabilized concrete
reestablishes normal hydration and setting. These admixtures are very useful in
extending the use of ready-mixed concrete when the work at the jobsite is
stopped for various reasons. They are also useful when concrete is being hauled
for a long time.
Accelerators are used to develop early strength of concrete at a faster rate than
that developed in normal concrete. The ultimate strength, however, of high early
strength concrete is about the same as that of normal concrete.
Accelerators are used to:
1. Increase rate of strength gain
2. Reduce the amount of time before finishing operations begin
3. Reduce curing time
4. Plug leaks under hydraulic pressure efficiently