Module 1-Practical Research 2-First Grading
Module 1-Practical Research 2-First Grading
Module 1-Practical Research 2-First Grading
Quarter 1 – Module 1
Characteristics, Strengths Weaknesses, And Kinds
Of Quantitative Research
The senior high students should the quantitative research is the process of collecting and
analyzing numerical data. It can be used to find patterns and averages, make predictions, test causal
relationships, and generalize results to wider populations. It is important to know the qualitative and
quantitative research to develop the culture in research and to apply to your daily lives.
➢ What is research?
➢ The characteristics of quantitative research
➢ The strength and weaknesses of quantitative research
➢ Kinds of quantitative research
➢ Importance of quantitative research
➢ Kinds or variables
At the end of module, the learners will be able to learned the following most essential learning
I.What Is Research?
• empirical
• systematic
• valid
• reliable
• can take a variety of forms
III.Classification of Research
• Qualitative research
– Describe phenomena in words instead of numbers or measures
• Quantitative research
– Describes phenomena in numbers or measures instead of words
Take a look of the characteristics of research read carefully and analyze each number.
1. The data are usually gathered using more structured instrument.
2. The results are based on larger samples sizes that are representative of the population
3. The research study can usually be replicated or repeated, give its high reliability.
4. The researcher has a clearly defined research question to which objective answer were
5. All aspects of the study are carefully designed before the data are collected.
6. Data are in the form of numbers and statistics.
7. Project can be used generalize concepts more widely, predict future results or investigate
causal relationship
According to Saunders et al. (2009), research methodology serves as the backbone of a
research study. Quantitative research’s main purpose is the quantification of the data. It allows
generalizations of the results by measuring the views and responses of the sample population.
Every research methodology consists two broad phases namely planning and execution (Younus
2014). Therefore, it is evident that within these two phases, there likely to have limitations which
are beyond our control (Simon 2011).
For example, a study purports to check the proportion of female aged between 20-30 years
are applying make-up ranges of international brands. The target population in this case is the women
belonging to the said age group, with both professional and non-professional backgrounds, residing
in Delhi. The sampled population based on the probability distribution has to be calculated against
the total females residing in the city (e.g. 400 sampled out 7,800,615 female populations). However,
there is a scope of getting partial information about the range of makeup products from the sampled,
owing to its meagre form against the total population. Hence, the results of the study cannot be
generalized in context to a larger population, but rather be suggested.
➢ Sometimes researchers face problems to control the environment where the respondents
provide answers to the questions in the survey (Baxter 2008). Responses often depend
on particular time which again is dependent on the conditions occurring during that
particular time frame.
For example, if data for a study is collected on residents’ perception of development works
conducted by the municipality, the results presented for a specific year (say, 2009), will be held
redundant or of limited value in 2015. Reasons being, either the officials have changed or the
development scenario have changed (from too effective to minimal effective or vice versa).
For example, answer to a question– “Does your manager motivates you to take up
challenges”; can be yes/no/can’t say or Strongly Agree to strongly disagree. But to know what are the
strategies applied by the manager to motivate the employee or on what parameters the employee
does not feel motivated (if responded no), the researcher has to ask broader questions which
somewhat has limited scope in close-ended questionnaires
For example, to understand the influence of advertising on the propensity of purchase decision
of baby foods parents of 5-year old and below of Bangalore, the researcher needs collect data from
200 respondents. This is time consuming and expensive, given the approach needed to each of these
parents to explain the study purpose.
For example, to understand the level of motivation perceived by Grade 5 students from the
teaching approach taken by their class teachers, mere yes and no might lead to ambiguity in data
collection and hence improper results. Instead a detailed interview or focus group technique might
develop in-depth views and perspectives of both the teachers and children.
Qualitative Quantitative
Inductive vs Deductive
V. Methods of Research
• Experimental research
• Quasi-experimental research
• Survey research
• Historical research
• Ethnographic research
Research Definitions
Describe the picture and what is your understanding about the diagram?
Quantitative research is used to populate statistics from a high volume sample size to gain
statistically valid results in customer insight. Generally, quantitative customer research incorporates
a survey-based approach to gain feedback in relation to a populations ideas and opinions. It’s
important to ensure a suitable sample size is used to gain accurate and trustworthy results. To
determine a suitable sample size, refer to the confidence interval and confidence level calculation.
There are four main types of quantitative research designs: descriptive, correlational, quasi-
experimental and experimental. ... A Quasi-Experimental Design (often referred to as Causal-
Comparative) seeks to establish a cause-effect relationship between two or more variables.
Recording Critical
Analyzing Interpreting
Describe the diagram and express your understanding about the diagram
➢ To discover is to find truth about a subject which was not yet part of the stream of
➢ To verify is to find whether what was found to be true fifty years ago is still true today.
Research Functions:
1. Research discovers new facts or new “truths” about known phenomenon for primal existence.
R - esearch-oriented
E - fficient
S - cientific
E - ffective
A - ctive
R - esourceful
C - reative
H - onest
E - conomical
R – eliable
Qualities of a Good Qualitative Researcher:
1. Reasoning Power.
2. Alert
3. Accurate
4. Intellectually Honest
5. Zeal for Investigation
6. Organize and systematic
7. Efficient
8. Resourceful/Innovative
9. Prompt / has Time Management
10. Hard Work
11. Positive thinker
12. Wide reader
13. Patient and has perseverance
14. Has good working knowledge on statistics and grammar
15. Enjoys doing research
To remember:
Ethical Principles
1. Honesty
2. Objectivity
3. Confidentiality
4. Respect for Intellectual Property
5. Responsible Publication
➢ A variable is something that can take on different values for different subjects in a given
a. According to values
b. According to scale of measurement
c. According to relationship
According to Values
➢ There are variables whose data are non – numeric and whose observation vary in kind but
not in degree
1.1. Categorical
b. Ordinal value – variables where there is a meaningful order or categories both there is no
measurable distance between categories.
-An ordinal variable is a nominal variable but its different states are ordered in a meaningful
-Ordinal data has order but the intervals between scale points may be uneven
-because of lack of equal distances, arithmetic operations are impossible, but logical operations can
be performed on the ordinal data
A typical example of an ordinal variable is the socio-economic status of families
c. Interval variable – variable whose data values are ranged in a real interval and can be as
large as from negative infinity to positive infinity
Example: temperature level or IQ
d. Ratio variable- the highest level of measurement that has all the characteristics of the
interval plus a true zero point
- Both the differences and the ration of two values are meaningful and there is
always an absolute zero that is meaningful.
According to Relationship
How it Works
➢ Let’s say a researcher wants to study the growth of coffee beans. The dependent variables
of such study include the number of coffee beans used, the weight of the plants, height of
the plant, the size of the leaves and time it takes for the plant to mature.
➢ The independent variables will impact the results of the dependent variable. Those
variables may include the amount of water present, the use of fertilizer, the amount of
fertilizer used, and temperature; the amount of exposure to sunlight will also affect the
dependent variables.
- Weight of the
Growth of coffee beans plants
- Height of the
- amount of water present
- use of fertilizer
- Size of the leaves
- Time for the plant
- exposure to sunlight
to mature
b. independent variable is the input while the dependent variable is the output of the
independent variable and those are affected by independent variables.
c. Intervening variable- there are called test or control variables that either increase or
decrease the effect of IV to DV
You learned the characteristics, strength, weaknesses, kinds of quantitative research,
importance of quantitative research across fields and kinds of variables and their uses. Answer the
following questions briefly on the blank provided.
1. During the pandemic what scenario/s that you have experienced that aligned to research? Have
you think a possible research to help the community to overcome the pandemic? Do you think
research is important? Why? Present your answer to two or three paragraph. Use the space below if
you needed an extra paper you may attach on your module.
2. Why it’s significant to a researcher to know the nature of research? Express your insights and
thoughts about it.
3. What is your observation in regards the different between quantitative and qualitative?
4. What is the significant of research on this time of pandemic? Cite a scenario that support your
5. Why research is important on this time of pandemic? Why? As a student how can you
contribute in your community in this time of pandemic?
Direction: Read and analyze the different literatures and answer the following questions.
Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate
respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people, and those
with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory
disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness.
The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is being well informed about the
COVID-19 virus, the disease it causes and how it spreads. Protect yourself and others from
infection by washing your hands or using an alcohol based rub frequently and not touching
your face.
The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose
when an infected person coughs or sneezes, so it’s important that you also practice
respiratory etiquette (for example, by coughing into a flexed elbow).
At this time, there are no specific vaccines or treatments for COVID-19. However, there
are many ongoing clinical trials evaluating potential treatments. WHO will continue to provide
updated information as soon as clinical findings become available.
1. What is all about? What do you think the reason why the article is related to research?
2. What would be the solution of this pandemic? Why? Why research is important on this
Let’s check how well do you know about research. Provide answers the following questions.
Health Education Research, Volume 21, Issue 3, July 2006, Pages 338–347,
The effects on schoolchildren of exposure to point-of-sale
cigarette advertising and pack displays
Melanie Wakefield, Daniella Germain, Sarah Durkin, Lisa Henriksen
By creating a sense of familiarity with tobacco, cigarette advertising and bold packaging
displays in stores where children often visit may help to pre-dispose them to smoking. A total
of 605 ninth-grade students were randomly allocated to view a photograph of a typical
convenience store point-of-sale which had been digitally manipulated to show either cigarette
advertising and pack displays, pack displays only or no cigarettes. Students then completed a
self-administered questionnaire. Compared with those who viewed the no cigarettes, students
either in the display only condition or cigarette advertising condition perceived it would be easier
to purchase tobacco from these stores. Those who saw the cigarette advertising perceived it
would be less likely they would be asked for proof of age, and tended to think a greater number
of stores would sell cigarettes to them, compared with respondents who saw no tobacco
products. Respondents in the display only condition tended to recall displayed cigarette brands
more often than respondents who saw no cigarettes. Cigarette advertising similarly influenced
students, and tended to weaken students' resolve not to smoke in future. Retail tobacco
advertising as well as cigarette pack displays may have adverse influences on youth,
suggesting that tighter tobacco marketing restrictions are needed.
1. What is the methodology of the research?
2. What is the causal relationship of the study?
3. How many respondents of the study?
4. What type of a research has been used?
5. What is the findings of the study?
A. Direction: Answer the following questions briefly and comprehensively.
1. As, a student why research is importance as a 21 st century learners?
2. As a 21st century learner what can you contribute in research? Why research is importance
in your daily lives? Justify your answer.
B. List down the information needed if you find out the cases of COVD 19 in your place. Based
on the given data of the municipality about the cases write it in your diagram and find out what
would be the independent and dependent variables and make it sure to have explanation about
the diagram and write down also the sources that you’ve use during the activity.
Think your possible topic on your research and make some related literature on your topic and
make a diagram in your possible variables. Present it a short bond paper it can be type or handwritten.
The output should be submitted on the next week or you can take picture then send it to my
messenger or you can upload it to the google classroom if you can access it if it’s not you can pass it
as a hard copy.
Direction: Read the following questions and write True if the statement is correct and False if its not
make it sure to write the correct statement if your answer is false on space provided.
______1. The data are usually gathered using more structured instrument
______2 The research study can usually be replicated give its high reliability
______3. Research can be used generalize concepts more widely predict future results or
investigate causal relationship.
______4. Research discovers new facts or new “truths” about known phenomenon for primal
______5. Research corrects perceptions as well as expands them.
______6. Research expands or verifies existing knowledge.
______7. Research finds answers to queries by means of scientific studies.
______8. Research develops and evaluates concepts, practices and theories.
______9. Research also develops and evaluates method that test concepts, practices and theories.
______10. Research obtained-knowledge can be utilized for practical purposes.
Buenaceda (2019) Utilization of ICT through the use of computer facility, learning modules, and
tools and materials in improving the computer skills of grade 11 ICT Students
Melanie Wakefield, Daniella Germain, Sarah Durkin, Lisa Henriksen, An experimental study of
effects on schoolchildren of exposure to point-of-sale cigarette advertising and pack displays. Health
Education Research, Volume 21, Issue 3, July 2006, Pages 338–347,
Rionel Belen Caldo, BSCpE, MPA, MSc ECE. Lyceum of the Philippines
Viriña, Gina E. (2016) The authentic materials for the development of reading skills of seventh
graders in English in Magdalena school district in Laguna
University of Southern California. 2017. Organizing your social sciences research paper: choosing a
title. [Online] Available at:
World Health Organization (2019)