Sec 25
Sec 25
Sec 25
Section 25
Concrete, Masonry, and Formwork
25.1 Scope
This section establishes safety requirements for concrete, masonry construction, and formwork.
Additionally, this section outlines safety as it relates to the topics of concrete conveyance,
formwork and falsework, shoring, precast concrete, and masonry work. Civil flatwork concrete
(unless used as a foundation) does not need to adhere to the professional engineering design
requirements contained in this section, but is subject to all relevant safety requirements. The
Reclamation Concrete Design Manuals specifically address design and construction related to the
work outlined in this section.
25.3 Responsibilities
25.3.1 Area Office Safety Professional Shall review and provide feedback on the work plan (see paragraph 25.5, Pre-Job
Briefing and Planning Requirements). Shall review and sign JHAs and Risk Analysis or Exposure Assessment forms. Shall supervise, or ensure supervision of, all employees by an individual(s) competent
in performing the assigned duties.
25.3.4 Employees Shall report any change in conditions or hazards to the first-line supervisor or the job
lead. Shall coordinate with the first-line supervisor to incorporate ergonomic considerations
into the work planning, particularly any work that includes prolonged exposure to
kneeling, bending, squatting, or other awkward body positions.
25.6.2 Lightning
Work shall cease if lightning is spotted or reported within 5 miles of the work site. Work may
resume when lightning is no longer present within a 5-mile radius of the work site.
25.6.3 Wind
Employees must manage loose materials and spoil piles to not allow wind to blow the
materials into the active work area. Blowing particles or materials must not interfere with the Batching and Screening Plants. Job sites must provide concrete batching and
screening plants, aggregate production plants, hoppers, bins, silos, and related
equipment designed with a safety factor to prevent structural failure or collapse. Job
sites must provide batching plants, aggregate plants, and conveyor systems
equipped with mechanical dust control, water spray systems, and/or other
acceptable means to keep airborne dust concentrations within acceptable exposure
limits. Employees must comply with permit-required confined space and hazardous
energy control procedures (see RSHS Section 14, Confined Spaces and Permit-
Required Confined Spaces (2020)) when entering silos, storage bins, tunnels, shafts,
or similar enclosed areas. Bulk Storage Bins. Bulk storage bins, containers, and silos must have conical or
tapered bottoms and be able to start material flow mechanically or pneumatically. Loading Skips. Loading skips 1 cubic-yard or larger must have protective
guardrails installed on each side as well as a mechanical device to clear material. Concrete Buggies. Handles of concrete buggies must not extend beyond the
wheels on either side. Transmix Trucks. Transmix trucks and concrete pumping trucks, including
operating procedures, must conform with requirements set in RSHS Section 20,
Mobile and Stationary Mechanized Equipment. Equipment. Employees must only use masonry saws with semicircular guard-
enclosures over the blade and a slotted horizontal hinged bar mounted underneath
the guard enclosure to retain fragments of shattered blades. Employees must use Rigging. Employees must securely tie bundles of reinforcing steel together before
moving by crane or cableway to prevent slipping. Employees must use two-part
slings to handle steel more than 20 feet long. See RSHS Section 18, Slings, Rigging
Hardware, and Wire Rope. Positioning Device Systems. Employees must use a positioning device when
working in a stationary location 4 feet, or higher, above any adjacent work surfaces
or when placing and tying reinforcing steel in walls, piers, columns, etc. Employees Walkways. Reinforcing mats used as walkways must have planking to ensure safe
footing. Prohibited Uses. Employees will not use reinforcing steel as guy attachments at
any anchorage points for scaffolding hooks, stirrups, or as a load-bearing member of
any lifting device. Wire Mesh Mats. Employees must secure wire mesh reinforcing mats at the end
of each mat to prevent recoiling and secure unrolled wire mesh on each side before
cutting. Post Tensioning Operations. First-line supervisors must not permit employees,
except those essential to post-tensioning operations, behind the jack during
tensioning operations. First-line supervisors or qualified personnel must erect signs
and barricades to limit employee access to the post-tensioning area. Safety Factor. Employees or qualified personnel must design, erect, brace, and
maintain formwork, falsework, structural shoring, and bracing to safely support all
vertical and lateral loads. First-line supervisors must incorporate the minimum safety
factors as specified in ANSI A10.9 in the design and erection of all framework,
shoring, falsework, and formwork accessories. Construction Loads. Employees must not impose any construction loads on the
partially completed structures unless such loading has been considered in the
design, has been determined to be safe and capable of supporting the load by a PE,
and is shown on the formwork design drawings or specifications.
• the height, as measured from the top of the sills to the soffit of the
superstructure, exceeds 14 feet,
• individual horizon span lengths exceed 16 feet, and/or
• provisions are made for vehicular or railroad traffic through the falsework
or vertical shoring.
For all formwork and vertical shoring installations not discussed above, one of the
following must approve and sign the formwork plan or shoring layout:
• PE,
• manufacturer’s authorized representative, or
• contractor’s representative qualified in using and erecting formwork and
vertical shoring.
A PE must make drawings or plans showing the jack layout, formwork, shoring,
working decks, and scaffolding available at the jobsite. Form Anchors. A PE must design form anchors, which support forms and
scaffolding, with a minimum safety factor of three. Employees must not impose load
on form anchors or concrete anchorages until the concrete has set the minimum
period set forth in paragraph 25.8.8, Releasing and Moving Forms of this section.
Form sections supported by form anchors must be no more than 50 feet long and
employees must design and install the form anchors so no forces, incurred by form
or anchorage failure, can transfer to an adjacent section. Housekeeping. In all areas where persons must work or pass, employees must
promptly remove and stockpile all stripped forms and shoring. Additionally,
employees must pull or cut protruding nails, wire ties, and other unneeded
accessories to avoid hazards. Fall Protection. Employees, when working 6 feet or more above any adjacent
work surface (and not protected by fixed scaffolding, guardrails, or safety net), must
use a personal fall protection system. Employees working in a stationary position
may use a positioning system, but only until relocating. Sills. Sills used in shoring must be sound, rigid, and able to carry the maximum
intended load. Inspection. The first-line supervisor or project lead must conduct visual
inspections of vertical work and shoring during erection, prior to use, and during use.
The first-line supervisor must also ensure all equipment conforms to the shoring
layout and there is no damaged equipment. The first-line supervisor or qualified
personnel must immediately reinforce or reshore any damaged or weakened shoring
equipment. Work shall stop if the inspection indicates critical failure potential or
unmitigated hazards. Work shall resume when the first-line supervisor or project lead
has addressed the issue and the hazard is abated. Reshoring. Employees must provide reshoring when necessary to safely support
slabs and beams after stripping or where such structures are subject to
superimposed loads. Removal of Shoring. Employees must only remove shoring equipment after the
concrete has reached the minimum strength required in the formwork and shoring
design and a PE or supervisor has inspected and approved the placement. First-line
supervisors or PEs must plan removal so as not overload in-place shoring
equipment. Jack Supports. A PE must design any steel rods or pipes on which the jacks
climb (or by which forms are lifted) for that purpose. Employees must encase
supports in concrete or anchor the supports to the ground. Supports anchored or Vertical Loading. Employees must position jacks and vertical supports to equally
distribute vertical loads. Loads must not exceed the capacity of the jacks. Line and Plumb. Employees must keep the form structure in line and plumb
during jacking operations. Lifting. Employees must not exceed the predetermined safe rate of lift. Bracing. Employees must provide lateral and diagonal form bracing to prevent
excessive distortion of the structure during jacking. Holding Devices. The job site must provide jacks or other lifting devices with
mechanical dogs and other automatic holding devices for protection in case the
power supply or lifting mechanism fails. Scaffolding and Platforms. Vertical lift forms must have scaffolding or work
platforms which completely encircle the area of placement. Lifting. When raising or moving forms by crane, cableway, A-frame, or similar
mechanical lifting device, employees must securely attach the forms to wire rope
slings with a minimum safety factor of 8. Employees must equip the panels and form
sections with hoisting brackets to attach slings and must remove loose tools and
materials before moving forms. Employees must use taglines for controlling forms
whenever necessary to protect personnel or structures. Releasing. Employees must adequately brace or secure vertical and overhead
forms before releasing them. Before releasing and moving forms, the first-line
supervisor must relocate any employees at risk to falling materials. Temporary Bracing. A PE must design temporary bracing for precast concrete
walls, structural framing, or tilt-up wall panels. Such bracing must provide at least 15
psf on projected surfaces. Suspended Loads. First-line supervisors must not allow employees under
precast concrete members as lifted or tilted into position. Lifting Inserts. The lifting inserts for tilt-up concrete members must be able to
support at least two times the maximum intended load. Other types of lifting inserts
for precast concrete members must be able to support at least four times the
maximum intended load. Lifting hardware must be able to support at least five times
the maximum intended load. Jacks/Lifting Units. Employees must mark jacks/lifting units to show the rated
capacity established by the manufacturer. Employees must not load jacks/lifting units
beyond the rated capacity and must install a safety device for jacks/lifting units to
ensure loads will remain supported in any position if jacks malfunction. Jacking Operations. Operators must synchronize jacking operations so the slab
will remain level at all support points to within a 0.5-inch tolerance. If leveling is
automatically controlled, job sites must install a device which will stop the operation
when tolerance is exceeded or when the jacking system malfunctions. If manual
controls maintain leveling, the operator must locate these controls in a central
location. An experienced, competent person must attend the controls during lifting.
First-line supervisors must limit the maximum number of manually controlled