OK E7b4
OK E7b4
OK E7b4
The use of learning media that facilitate the 2001; Nur, 2004 and Yuwono, 2005; Kirkpatrick,
improvement and development of language 2007 and Sun, 2004).
skills have long been recognized to audiobook, a There are two factors, internal and external,
recording technology text being read. Audiobook that influence second language learning (Wikins,
cassette tape format which contains narrative 1972). Exposure is part of the external factors
version of a book was originally used to help in the learner which includes the time and the
the handicapped blind to enjoy and understand frequency available to the targeted language.
books. At its development audiobook format It is one of the conditions for L1 acquisition
turned into MP3 files commonly known as equally holds true for second language (L2)
podcast which is more compact, cheaper, mobile learning. Wilkins further stated that if learner
and widespread. With the ease of information is exposed to the L2 in the same way as he/
technology, audiobook can be downloaded she is exposed to the L1, greater success will
even free from various websites on the internet be achieved. Because this is in the ‘natural’
( https://www.shapingenglish.ning.co; https:// L2 learning situation, the pressure to acquire
www.englishtips.org). In this research I would the IL in order to control the environment is
like to see its impact on the teaching of speaking indeed tremendous. However, according to
in a specified EFL classroom. Facts prove that Ravem (1974), the learner is very often not
numbers of learners of English in Indonesia ‘... exposed to “primary linguistic data” in
have difficulty mastering this popular language. the sense that an L1 learner is, but rather to
English language acquisition still possessed carefully graded language items presented
challenges (Dardjowidjojo, 2000; Musthafa, in small doses for a few hours a week ‘(ibid.: