Chapter123fix Revisi

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A. Background

Speaking English is the main thing that must be learned in learning Englishlike the

first assessment for learner who is studying English and each learner has to speak. This

statement means an obligation, duty, task, fact, implementation, process, and it can be

learning, although we still find some students are speaking little or even passive in the

classroom, and it can be caused of many things include the students, the class situation,

environment, teaching method, technique, approach or even from the teachers who cannot

deliver their material successfully.

Speaking skill also is an important aspect to procure when learning a second or

foreignlanguage. People success in learn language can measure by the learner effort to

speaks in language which want to learned. However the goals of someone learn language is to

aLHable spoken. Next, people can do communication with speaking and also get new

knowledge from another. Such stated by Bailey and Savage in DeaFitriani journal (1994:2)

that speaking in a second or foreign language has often been viewed as the most demanding

of the four skills. Thus, the demand of speaking fluently is high rather than other language

skills, although the others cannot be underestimated. English speaking skill requires the

speaker to use the authentic language where it means that the students need to use the

language in any occasions or when communicate with the other students in academic context.

Sometime, people speak imperfectly. In addition, there are some faults in

pronunciation, grammar structure, etc. In pronunciation such slip of the tongue errors. It is the


phenomenon of the speakers, when they are not speaking clearly. In speaking, slip of the

tongue problem almost often happened in formal situation and also informal situation.

People producing slip of the tongue actually have no problem with their speech

production that make them have to speak using different way with others while speaking. Slip

of the tongue may be considered to be simple mistakes or accidents, but everyone seems to

produce such slip of the tongue even though they can speak normally. That’s why the study

examines slip of the tongue. The example of slip of the tongue is like a person said” John

gave the goy a ball” whereas, what she/he intends to utter is” John gave the boy ball. Based

on Carrol (2007) in Rodiya(2016: 4).

Slip of the tongue comes when someone speaks something unintentionally.

Slip of tongue is a fallacy in speech caused by a lack of fluency in speaking words. At a

certain time they can produce speech that is not in accordance with what they really want to

mean. Sometimes, someone needs a short break to get the right words.Fromkin (2006:1)

indicates that “it is normal to activate a number of words in the area of the required word and

suppress those which are not wanted.

The researcher investigates slip of the tongue on the speaking activity in English

Classroom by Teacher is because there are some reasons. First, English teacher in Indonesia

mostly use Indonesian. I mean it’s not easy to speaking English clearly. Second, the first or

mother tongue of English teacher in Indonesia is not English so makes teacher difficult to

speak English as well without mistake anymore. The third, a researcher want to know how

much types of slip of the tongue that produced by the teacher.

Thus far, some researchers investigate slip of the tongue in various contexts, such as

ClaudyaNabillaRizaPutri (2005) observed slip of the tongueon Great Britain, the news anchor

compilation video. She focused on the context of making slip of the tongue from that video.

The result suggested that slip tongue mostly used are perseveration and deletion.

RodiyaUlfa (2016) observed slip of tongue on George W Bush’s interview at the

presidential scholar graduation. She focuses on the slip of the tongue George W Bush

produced on that video. This research focus on how the slip tongue appears and occurs on the

utterances of George W.Bush’s at the interview presidential leadership scholars graduation.

Based on those explanations, this study is significant to get more empirical finding

about slip of the tongue. Then, this study try to get deeper understanding of the speech

production especially slip of the tongue related on Fromkin (1971: 194) about eight types slip

of the tongue.

From the explanation above, the researcher wants to conduct a research entitled:

“Identifying the Slip of the Tongue in Speaking Activity by the Teacher at English Class”

B. The Formulation of the problem

1. What types of slip of the tongue occurred in speaking activity by the teacher in

English Class?

2. What causes of slips of the tongue produced by the teacher in English Class?

C. The Scopes of the Research

In this research the researcher limits to the problem of the research, the limitation of

the problems are as follows:

1. This research is focus on analyzing about teacher’ error in speaking especially for

slip of the tongue in pronunciation.

2. The subject of this research is focus on speaking activity of English class by the


D. Objective of the Research

1. To explain the types of slip of the tongue on speaking activity by the teacher

in the English class.

2. To investigate the cause of slips of the tongue produced by the teacher at

English Class

E. Significances of the Research

Hopefully, the result of this investigation will be rewarding in teaching and learning

English process. Thisresearch will benefit to the following people:

1. The Teacher

This research will be useful as information for the teachers to improve their speaking

skill, especially about the slip of the tongue mistake.

2. The Students

This research will be useful as information for the students to improve and increase

the students’ speaking skill.

3. The Researcher

The researcher will get an experience, knowledge more and ability in teaching about

the speaking skill, especially for slip of the tongue problem.

4. The other Researchers

This research will give more references and information for other researcher who need

source in conducting a research related to the topic slips of the tongue.


A. Theoretical Descriptions

1. Description of Language Production

a. Definition of Language Production

Language production is an intrinsically more difficult subject to study than

comprehension, because although speech is observable, the ideas that lead to production are

more elusive. Researchers have responded to this dilemma by using convergent measures.

Some investigators have made detailed and systematic analyses of naturally occurring errors

of production, and others have given speakers, under laboratory conditions, more or less

specific instructions on what to produce. Despite these differences in approach, the findings

from these varied investigations are beginning to yield useful fruit, and the outline of an

overall model of production is becoming clearer.

Following Levelt (1989:193), we may distinguish four stages of production:

conceptualizing, formulating, articulating, and self-monitoring. First, we must conceptualize

what we wish to communicate. Second, we formulate this thought into a linguistic plan.

Third, we execute the plan through the muscles in the speech system. Finally, we monitor our

speech, to assess whether it is what we intended to say and how we intended to say it.

b. The Stages of Producing Language

David McNeil stated that the event cycle in the creation of language consist of the

form of language.


1). Message

2). Encode message into linguistic for

3). Encode linguistics form into speech

4). Sound goes from speaker’s mouth the hearer’s ear (auditory system)

5). Speech is decoded into linguistics form.

c. The Tools of Producing Language

The study of how human beings produce language is called Articulatory Phonetics.

Talk about language production, certainly we know that we speak in language by producing

the sound which have meaning. The tolls of produce soundare called speech organs.

According to Dennett (1987) there are three kinds of speech organs, they are: (1) Initiator (2)

Phonator (3) Articulator.

1) Initiator

According to Giegerich (1992) the initiation process is the moment

when the air is expelled from the lungs. In English, speech sounds are the

result of “a pulmonic egressive air stream” although that is not the case in all

languages (ingressive sounds). Dennet (1987) stated that initiator is the speech

organ that sets the air into motion for the production of speech sound; the main

initiator is the lungs, because most speech sounds are produced by pulmonic ai

2) Phonator

Tietze (2004) stated that phonation process is an airstream formed in

the lungs passes into the trachea and finally into the larynx, which is situated

on top of the trachea. According to Dennet (1987) phonator refers to the vocal

cords in the larynx, which are used to produce speech sound called ‘voice’ The

vocal cords are two elastic membranes situated horizontally in the larynx

which can be made to assume various positions

3) Articulator

Ogden (2009) argued that articulatory phonetics refers to the “aspects

of phonetics which looks at how the sounds of speech are made with the

organs of the vocal tract. Dennet 9 1987) also stated that the speech organs

that are used to obstruct the out-going air in the production of speech sound

are called ‘articulators’. There are two kinds of articulators; they are movable

and unmovable articulators. The movable articulators are, for instance, the

lips, thetongue, the uvula, and the vocal cords. While the unmovable

articulators are, for instance the teeth, the teeth ridge, and the hard palate.

d. The Way of Producing Language

The main thing to produce the speech sound is oxygen. It’s impossible if we don’t

have oxygen, we will not breathe and it means we are death. As a student who get a language

as the main study object, we have to know that how the language is produced. Generally,

producing language is concerned with the transformation of aerodynamic energy into

acoustics energy. Aerodynamic energy refers to the airflow through the vocal tract. In vocal

tract does kinetic form, it produces air pressure that can be represented as sound waves.

According to Dennett (1987:174) the ways of producing language are:


1) The brain process the message that we will say

Message can be got from the other speaker (bottom up), and can be got from

our self/our main (top down).

2) The speech organs produce the sound

Oxygen is main thing to produce the speech sound. It can be explained that we

need oxygen to breath every time to biological needs. When we breathe restfully, the

air goes in and out uninterruptedly, there is no speech sound is produced. Speech

sound produced only when there are some interruptions of the out-going air.

e. The Series of Producing Language

1) The lung takes in air through nose

2) The lung retrains air to take out through nose

3) When the lung is restraining air to take out through nose, the articulators

work to make certain sound that we want to sound (the process of the working

articulators to produce the certain speech sound is explained in “phonology”

4) After the articulators produce the sound, the lung take out air through nose,

then back to the first step.

f. The Aspect of Producing Language

Fluency is the aspect in producing language. It can be defined in part by prosody,

which is shown by a smooth intonation contour, and a number of other elements: control of

speech rate, relative timing of stressed and unstressed syllables, changes in amplitude, and

changes in fundamental frequency.


Language is an instrument to stimulate our mind. For the first time, it has born as an

action from which is used to produce the strong feeling unconsciously. This feeling handled

by the brain and produced the language. Language production refers to the process involved

in creating and expressing meaning through language.

2. Psycholinguistic Units

The linguistic is in a relatively fortunate position as compared with other social

scientists in being able to analyze his raw date, the sound materials that constitute spoken

messages into discrete units. Virtually all school of linguistics is in agreement as to the two

fundamental building blocks of all natural languages, the phoneme and morpheme.

a) Psychological Bases of Unit Formation

Psychologists are more concerned with interpretation and prediction whereas linguists

are more concerned with description. Furthermore, psycholinguistics does not find their

material already formed into discretely coded even as is language, sensory and behavioral

events, at least on the level at which psychologists to vary in their definitions of units from

the minutely molecular.

1. Unit Formation in Perceiving (Decoding)

It is unfortunate for our present purposes that so much of the work on perception has

been concerned with vision, it probably to be correct to say that over 90 per cent of the

research here has dealt with one aspect or another of vision.

1. Phenomena of perceptual organization. It is apparent that

for the most part responses are not made to stimuli in

isolation, but rather to patterns or group of stimuli.


2. General principles of perceptual organization. The

empirical phenomena of perceptual organization described

above seem to reflect the operation of a limited number of

underlying principles of organizations.

2. Units Formation in Behaving ( Encoding)

The flow of speech is rather than apt simile. In the midst of ordinary conversation the

adult speaker is operating rapidly, smoothly, and largely unconsciously upon the outward-

moving columns of air by alternately contracting and relaxing a set of muscles into varying

postures which modulate the rates and amplitudes at which this air vibrates.

1. Vocalic skill components. The basis of motor output units is

probably the same as that involved in the formation of

sensory input units central neural integration based upon

peripheral motor redundancy and frequency.

2. Vocalic skill sequences. The model in which proprioceptive

and auditory feedback as a controlling factor in skill

execution is probably preserved in the more loosely welded

vocalic skill sequences, the sequences of syllables that

constitute words and trite phrases.

3. Some research proposals. A number of research proposals

related to units in encoding are included in section 5 on

transitional psycholinguistics. Certain general possibilities


may be suggested here. 1) Detailed latency measurement, 2)

Delayed auditory feedback, 3) Slowed speech, 4)

Interruption technique, 5) Backward-working skill


There are two insights into the production process. The first is it demonstrates that

speakers are constantly self-editing. The second is it suggests that speakers are intuitively

sensitive to what stage of production process went awry, if indeed a mistake was made.

3. Speech Error

a) Explanation of Speech Error

Speech errors are made by the speakers. It happens when human speak or do

conversation in daily. Usually, this case happen by people who uncontrolled the words which

want they speak. We are often influenced by the sound system of language. Speech errors

occur only frequently, but they provide uswith important information on how our brain


Scovel (2005: 32) stated that speech errors allow to us to peek in on the production

process because we know what the speaker intended to say, but the unintentional mistake

freezes the production process momentarily and catches the linguistic mechanism in one

instance of production. In formulation speech, we are often influenced by the sound system of

language. For example, big and fat--- pig and fat; fill the pool---fool the pill.

b) Common Properties of Speech Error


Other patterns in these speech errors deserve a closer look. Garrett in Carrol (1975:

195) has identified four generalizations about speech errors that reappear with striking

regularity. First, elements that interact with one another tend to come from similar linguistic

environments, as indicated by examples (2) through (4):

1) The little burst of beaden (beast of burden)

2) You’re not a poojin pitter-downer, are you? (pigeonputterdowner)

3) Children interfere with your nife lite (night life).

c) Model of Speech Production

1. Identification of meaning

A meaning to be conveyed is generated.

4) Selection of a syntactic structure

A syntactic outline of the sentence is constructed, with word slots specified.

5) Generation of intonation contour

The stress values of different word slots are assigned.

6) Insertion of content words

Appropriate nouns, verbs, and adjectives are retrieved from the lexicon and placed

into word slots.

7) Formation of affixes and function words

Function words (articles, conjunctions, prepositions), prefixes, and suffixes are


8) Specification of phonetic segments

The sentence is expressed in terms of phonetic segments, according to phonological.


3. Slip of the Tongue

The scientific analysis of speech errors, commonly called ‘‘slips of the tongue,’’

reemerged in the early 1970s with the seminal publication of an article by Fromkin (1980:

194) that examined the way speech errors may be used in the construction of linguistic


This paper, and those that followed, marked the end of a long period in which speech

errors were regarded with suspicion in scientific circles. It has become respectable for

investigators to use errors to examine the role of linguistic units in the production of speech

(see, for example, Fromkin, 1971: 194). Researchers have painstakingly recorded the speech

errors, innocuous or otherwise, of friends and colleagues, within the limits imposed by good

taste and a desire to preserve such friendships.

Types Examples
Shift That’s so she’ll be ready in case she decide to hits it (decides to hit it)
Exchange Fancy getting your model renosed (getting your nose remodeled).
Anticipation Bake my bike (take my bike)
Perseveration He pulled a pantrum (tantrum).
Addition I didn’t explain this clarefully enough (carefully enough).
Deletion I’ll just get up and mutter intelligibly (unintelligibly).
Substitution At low speeds it’s too light (heavy).
Blend That child is looking to be spaddled (spanked/paddled)
1. Shift

According by Fromkin (1971:194) in shifts, one speech segment disappears from its

appropriate location and appears somewhere else. Exchanges are, in effect, double shifts, in

which two linguistics units exchange places.

2. Anticipations

Anticipations occur when a later segment takes the place of an earlier one. They

differ from shifts in that the segment that intrudes on another also remains in its correct

location and thus is used twice.

3. Perseverations

Perseverations occur when an earlier segment replaces a later item.

4. Additions

Additions add linguistic material

5. Deletions

Whereas deletions leave something out.

6. Substitutions

Substitutions occur when one segment is replaced by an intruder. These differ from

previously described slips in that the source of the intrusion may not be in the sentence.

7. Blends

Blends apparently occur when more than one word is being considered and the two

intended items ‘‘fuse’’ or ‘‘blend’’ into a single item.

If you have closely examined these examples, you probably have noticed by now that

these types of errors occur with a number of linguistic units. In some cases, a single phoneme

is added, deleted, or moved, but at other times it may be a sequence of phonemes, morphemic

affixes and roots, whole words, or even phrases. As a general rule, errors tend to occur at

only one linguistic level per utterance. That is, when a person clearly says the wrong word, as

in substitutions, the sentence is syntactically, prosodically, and phonologically intact.


B. Related Previous Study

The researcher found a thesis which was related to the research. The thesis had

written by Nurhikmawatimus(2018), a student of English education department,at Tarbiyah

and teaching science faculty Allaudin State Islamic University Makassar. Her thesis entitled:

“Analyzing Slip of the Tongue in Classroom Conversation at The Second Semester of

English Education Department”

The formulations of this research are: 1. what types of the slips tongue are found in

the students’ utterances when they conduct classroom conversation? 2. What are the most

influential factors affecting the students falling on slip of the tongue? The similarities of this

research are 1) this research discussed the same topic with the researcher’ topic that is

analyzing slip of the tongue. 2) This research focused on types of slip of the tongue.

The differences of this research will take at the previous research are 1) in this

research, the researcher will use observation, interview and documentation. 2) Second, in this

research the researcher will watch videos for some times about the teaching and learning

process in English classroom by a teacher. However, the previous researcher used a recording

and a questionnaire model was adopted from Guttman model (YES-NO model).


A. Research Design

This research used the descriptive qualitative as the method to analyze the kinds of

slip tongue that was produced by the teacher at Speaking Class of English Subject. Moreover,

it described the contexts causing teacher fall on slips of tongue. According to Bogdan and

Biklen (1982:21) Descriptive qualitative is the data collected is in the form of words of

pictures rather than number.

There are some characteristics in qualitative research like stated by Stainback in

Sugiyono (2003: 22)

1. Intensive, long term participation in field setting

2. Careful recording of what happens in the setting by writing field notes and

interview notes by collecting other kinds of documentary evidence.

3. Analytic reflection on the documentary records obtained in the field.

4. Reporting the result by means of detailed descriptions, direct quotes from

interview, and interpretative commentary.

Generally, qualitative research need many times because the aim of the research is

obtain the intentional research. In addition, Stainback in Sugiyono (2006:37) stated that there

is no way to give easy to how long it takes to do a qualitative research study. The typical

study probably last about a year. But the actual length or duration depends on the resources,

interest, and purposes of the investigator. It also depends on the size of the study and how

much time the researcher puts into the study each day or week.

B. Research Subject

The important thing it must be exist in a research is the subject of the research. In a

determining the subject of the research, the researcher usually use a technique. In this

research the researcher uses purposive sampling technique to determine the subject of the

research. According to Sugiono (2018:124), purposive sampling is the technique to determine

sampling based on specific consideration. The researcher needs to take data from the class

which applied classroom conversation as the technique in learning. As the result, teacher of

the English Classroom is the subject of this research.

C. Research Instrument

Research instrument is very important to get the result of the study. It is a part of

methods is used to collect the data. This research used three instruments there are

observation, interview and documentation.

1. Observation

Observation is watching something that wants to be researched.The aim of this is to

get information clearly by the subject, open the possibility to do discovery.Marshall (1995:

310) stated that “through observation the researcher learns about behavior and the meaning

attached to those behaviors”. From this state can conclude that observation is very important

for researcher to know the meaning of something which researched. In this chance the

researcher observation selected, in this stage hopefully to researcher has found deeper


2. Documentation

Documentation is a record of events that have already passed. Documents can be in

the form of writings, drawings or monumental works of a person. Documentation of written


such as daily records, life histories, stories, biography, regulations and policies. Documents in

the form of drawings, for example photos, live drawings, sketches and others. Study

documents are a complement to the use of observation and interview methods in qualitative

research.Bogdan in Sugiono 2018: 329 stated that “in most tradition of qualitative research,

the phrase personal document is used broadly to refer to any first person narrative produced

by an individual that describes his or her own actions, experience and belief”. Photographs

provide strikingly descriptive data are often used to understand the subjective and product is

frequeltly analyzed inductive.

D. Technique for Collecting the data

In this research, the data will be collected bywatching and listen the video. It means

this research uses documentation technique.

Document is a record of events that have already passed.Documents can be in the

form of writings, drawings or monumental works of a person. Written documents are such as

diaries, life history, stories, biographies, regulations, policies, the forms of picture, documents

such as photographs, vivid images, sketches and others. Documents are in the form of works,

for example, works of art, which can be in the form of drawings, sculptures, films and others.

According to Bogdan at Sugiono book (2018: 329) in most tradition of qualitative

research, the phrase personal document is used broadly to refer to any first person narrative

produced by an individual who describes his or her own actions, experience and belief.

1. Data Collections

There are some steps for collecting the data. The first steps are search and

downloading some videos teaching and learning process in the classroom from youtube or

other source. The second step is in this step, the researcher watches and listen the video to

analyze the types of slips of the tongue by the teacher in English Classroom at the video. In

this chance, the writer need to replay the video for several times to get the trouble of teacher

when speaks. Following this, the researcher must make some notes when find the slips of the

tongue by the teacher. Furthermore, the researcher determines the kind slips of the tongue

made by teacher.

2. Data Analyze

Analysis data is the process to determine and arrange the data. The analysis of the

data is started after the data obtained. The data are identified and classified by using some

steps. First, the compilation of the teacher in teaching process videos is classified into kind

slip of the tongue. Next, the videos are analyzed and explained based on the theory of

Fromkin (1971: 194) for knowing what types of slip of the tongue done by teacher in the

videos to answer the research question. The data categorized into eight types the slip of the

tongue based on the theory. Third, discussing the data by using the context found in the video

teaching and learning process. The last step is concluding based on the result of the analysis

to find out the answer of the research question focus.

According to Steinback in Sugiono (2018: 334) data analysis is critical to the

qualitative researchprocess. It is to recognition, study, and understanding of interrelationship

and concept in your data that hypotheses and assertions can develop and evaluated.


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