RR UDC Puducherry
RR UDC Puducherry
RR UDC Puducherry
In exercise o f the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 o f the Constitution o f India read with
the Notification No. F. 5/4/65-GP, dated 11th January 1965 o f the Ministry o f Home Affairs, Governm ent of
India, New Delhi, and in supersession o f the Notification issued in G.O. Ms. No. 69, dated 1st August 1981 of
the General Administration Department, in so far as it relates to Schedule annexed thereto and published in
the E xtraord inary G azette No. 77, dated 1st August 1981 and the N o tificatio n issued in G.O. Ms. No. 52,
dated 31st October 1997 o f the Department o f Personnel and A dm inistrative Reforms (Personnel Wing),
Puducherry published in Gazette No. 49, dated 9th December 1997 and Notification issued in G.O. Ms. No. 52,
da te d 29-9-1998 of the Department o f Personnel and Adm inistrative Reforms (Personnel Wing), Puducherry
and published in Gazette No. 48, dated 1-12-1998 and N o tification issued in G.O. Ms. No. 94/2005-DPAR,
dated 15-12-2005 of the Department of Personnel and Adm inistrative Reforms (Personnel Wing), Puducherry
and published in Gazette No. 52, dated 27-12-2005 and N o tification issued in G.O. Ms. No. 30/2008-DPAR,
dated 7-5-2008 o f Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms (Personnel Wing), Puducherry published
in Gazette No. 23, dated 3-6-2008, save as respects things done or omitted to be done before such supersession,
the Lieutenant-Governor, Puducherry hereby makes the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to
the post o f Upper Division Clerk in the Government o f Puducherry nam ely:—
S h o rt title and com m en cem en t.— (1) These rules may be called the G overnm ent o f Puducherry,
Upper Division Clerk Recruitment Rules, 2011.
(2) They shall come into force on and from the date o f th eir publication in the official gazette.
2. Num ber o f post, its classification and scale o f pay.— The number o f the said post, its classification
and scale o f pay attached thereto, shall be as specified in columns (2) to (4) o f the Schedule annexed hereto.
3. M ethod o f recruitm ent, age lim it and other qualifications.— The method of recruitment to the said
post, age limit, qualifications and other matters relating thereto, shall be as specified in columns (5) to (14)
o f the said Schedule.
Provided that the Lieutenant-Goverhor may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the
personal law applicable to such person and the other party to the m arriage and there are other grounds for so
doing, exempt any person from the operation of this rule.
5. Power to relax.— Where the Lieutenant-Governor is o f the opinion that it is necessary or expedient
so to do, he may, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing, relax any o f the provision o f these
rules with respect to any class or category o f persons.
6. S a v i n g Nothing in these rules shall affect the reservations, relaxation in upper age limit and other
concessions required to be provided for the scheduled castes, the scheduled tribes and other special categories
o f persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Governm ent from time to time in this regard.
2. Number of post 1050 (One thousand and fifty only) (2011) Subject
variation, dependent on work-load.
4. Pay band and grade pay/pay scale Pay Band 1 ? 5,200-20,200 + Grade Pay ? 2,400.
7. Age limit for direct recruits Between 18 and 32 years of age (Relaxable for Govemmen
servants up to 40 years in accordance with the instruction
or orders issued by Central Government, provided sucl
Government servants are working for not less than 3 year:
in posts which are in the same line or allied cadres and where
a relationship can be established that the services rendered
by them in the Department will be useful for efficient discharge
of duties in the post for which selection ismade).
Note : (1) In the case of recruitment made through the
Employment Exchange, the crucial date for determining the
age limit shall, in each case, be the last date up to which
the Employment Exchanges, are asked to submit the names.
(2) In the case o f recruitm ent made thr
advertisement, the crucial date for determining the age shall
be the closing date of receipt of application.
12. In case of recruitment by promotion /deputation/ Promotion from Lower Division Clerks who have completed
absorption, grades from which promotion/deputation/ 8 years o f service in the grade after appointment thereto
absorption, is to be made. on regular basis and should have passed the following
departmental tests conducted by Department of Personnel
and Administrative Reforms (Personnel Wing), Puducherry
(i) Accounts Test for Subordinate Officers;
(ii) Common General Departmental Test for Ministerial Staff.
13. If a Departmental Promotion Committee/Recruitment R e c r u itm e n t C o m m itte e /D e p a r tm e n ta l P r o m o tio n
Committee exists, what is its composition? C om m ittee (Promotion/Confirmation) fo r Group ‘C ’posts
consisting o f : —
(1) Secretary in-charge o f Department o f . . Chairman
(2) Joint/Deputy/Under Secretary (DP&AR) .. Member
(3) Joint/Deputy/Under Secretary (Finance) . . Member
14. Circumstances in which Union Public Service : Not applicable.
Commission is to be consulted in making