DRRR Notes

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Section 1.

1 Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

Disaster Vulnerability (Potential Danger)

 Poor
The term disaster owes
 Sick/PWD
its origin to the French word
 Women/Pregnant
‘Disastre’ which is a combination
 Children
of the two words ‘des’ meaning
bad and ‘aster’ meaning star.
Thus the term refer to
the bad or evil star.
A serious serious
disruption in the functioning of
the community or society causing
wide spread material, economic,
social, or environmental losses
which expected the ability of
the affected society to cope
using its own resources. No Disaster

 Livelihood  Population
 Economy  Environment
 Resources
Hazard Vulnerability

A disaster is a result
from the combination of hazard,
vulnerability, and insufficient
Thus, disaster occur only
capacity or measure to reduce
when hazards and vulnerability
the potential chance of risk.
Hazard + Vulnerability +
insufficient capacity = Disaster

Disaster Readiness and

Risk Reduction
Section 1.1 Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

Hazard Man-made Hazards

A dangerous condition or event Man-made hazards are hazards
that threat or have the potential which are due to human
for causing injury to life or negligence.
damage to property or the Man-made hazards are
environment. associated with:
The word hazard owes its  Industries
origin to the word ‘hasard’ in old  Energy generation facilities
French and ‘az-zhr’ in Arabic and include explosion
meaning chance or luck.  Leakage of toxic waste
Hazard can be grouped in  Pollution
to two broad categories namely  Dam failure
natural and man-made.  Wars or civil strife, etc.

Natural Hazards
Natural hazard are
hazard which are caused because
of natural phenomena
 Hazard with
meteorological (weather)
 Geological o even (Land
 Biological (Virus)
Example of natural phenomena
 Cyclones
 Tsunamis
 Earthquake
 Volcanic eruption which are
exclusively of natural origin

Disaster Readiness and

Risk Reduction
Section 2.1 Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

Elements of Disaster Elements of Disaster

Risk Risk
This refers to the
expected number of deaths and
injuries and value of property
losses that would resulted from
a hazard. Disaster risk is
expressed as a function of
hazard, exposure, and
vulnerability (Disaster risk =
Function [ Hazard, Exposure,
It seeks not only express
the chances of the disaster
happening but also quantify its

Disaster Readiness and

Risk Reduction
Section 1.3 Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

Reduce Exposure Area and  Damage to Critical

Vulnerability + Increase facilities. Widespread
Capacity = Reduction of the disaster can destroy or
effects of Disaster damage facilities that may
be critical not only in
Characteristics of maintaining a safe
Disaster environment and public
Disaster are inherently order, but also in responding
unexpected or happen quickly to the disaster. Among
with little or no warning. these are communication,
Disaster cannot be installation, electrical
managed through normal means. generating, and transmission
They require the immediate and facilities, hospitals, water,
effective intervention from: facilities (storage,
1. NGAs - National purification, and pumping),
Government Agencies and other public and private
2. NGOs - Nongovernment buildings.
Organizations  Disruption of
3. LGUs - Local Government Transportation. During the
Units initial stages of a disaster,
almost all means of the
Impacts of Disasters surface transportation
within community are
Disaster often result disrupted by broken bridges
from the failure to anticipate and roads and streets that
the timing and enormity of are rendered impassable by
natural hazards. landslides or floods.
 Economic Impact. The
 Medical Effects. The destruction and damage to
medical effects of disaster critical facilities,
include traumatic injuries, particularly transportation
emotional stress, epidemic and communities facilities,
disease, and indigenous disaster disrupt normal
diseases. business operations and other
economic activities.
Disaster Readiness and
Risk Reduction
Section 1.3 Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

 Global Environmental Historical Disaster

change. There is increasing
evidence of global climate  1990 Luzon Earthquake
changed caused by both (Philippines)
human activity and disaster.  July 16 1990 (4:26 pm)
These changes could result  Heavily affected areas
in the wide range occurrence 1. Baguio
of more hazards such as 2. Luzon
wildfires and mudslides, 3. Dagupan
reduced productivity in the 4. Christian College
oceans, and weakened 5. Baguio hill top Hotel
immune system of people and  7.8 magnitude
animals.  Lasted for 46 seconds
Social and Political impact.  Northern Central Luzon
When disaster strike,  Epicenter (Nueva Ecija)
social and political inequalities  2,412 deaths
(poor people, located in marginal  $369 million damage
lands, poorly built houses) are  Strike-slip fault
usually exposed, which may lead
to major political and social  1991 Pinatubo Eruption
changes (Philippines)
 June 15, 1991
 March (tremors)
Nature of Disaster
 Before: Strato colcano
1. Unexpected  After: Cinder cone
2. Quick Volcano
3. No warning  Affected Areas:
1. Pampanga
2. Zambales
3. Tarlac

Disaster Readiness and

Risk Reduction
Section 1.3 Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

 2004 Indian Ocean  Landfall at Visayas Area

Earthquake and Tsunami especially in Tacloban
(Indonesia) and Leyte: Nov 8, 2013
 Dec 26, 2004  150 mph
 9.1 magnitude  Deaths:
 7 hours (series of  Missing:
 7:58 am
 Deaths: 2,300-2,5000
 7 countries affected
 30 ft. 9 m.

 2011 Japan Earthquake and

Tsunami (Japan)
 Tohoko
 Kamaichi
 March 11, 2011
 2:6 pm
 9.0 magnitude
 Deaths: 28,000
 Strike-slip fault
 Lasted 6 minutes
 18 ft sea wall

 2013 Super Yolanda (Haiyan)

Typhoon and Storm Surge
 International name:
 LPA: Nov 2, 2013
 Labeled as Haiyan: Nov
4, 2013
 Philippine Evacuation:
Nov 6-7, 2013

Disaster Readiness and

Risk Reduction
Section 2.1 Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

Various elements that where:

may be exposed to hazard (Model and variable definitions
after Peduzzi et al. [2009].)
Lack of awareness about
PhExp = Physical Exposure for
the range of the consequences
the affected area.
of a hazard event is one of the
Hazard = probability of
major reason why many people
occurrence of an event at a given
take natural hazards for granted.
Elements at risk and Exposure = total population living
exposure in the affected area of each
Elements at risk are the
people, properties, economic
Social, Environmental,
Environmental, and
activities, and the private and Economic
Economic Dimension
Dimension of
public services threatened by a Exposure
Exposure and
and Vulnerability
harmful event. Risk assessment
involves the identification and When a disaster
mapping of the elemnts at risk strikes, casualties (deaths,
and the assessment of missing person, and injured
vulnerability. people) and property losses and
As the risk model (Risk = damages are the first to be
Hazard x exposure x reported in trimedia.
Vulnerability) shows, risk is also
a function of hazard.
Hazard refers to the
probability of occurrence at a
given magnitude.
The combination of the
both hazard and exposed
population provides the physical

PhExp = Hazard x Exposure

Disaster Readiness and

Risk Reduction
Section 2.1 Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

 Cemeteries
:The dimension of exposure and 2. Industrial And high
factors of vulnerability
potential loss facilities and
1. Social. The social dimension
facilities containing
of exposure and
hazardous materials.
vulnerability covers a wide
 Dams and ponds
range of concerns (including
 Fuel Reservoirs,
migration, social groups,
pipelines, and pumps
health, and well being,
 Power generating plants
education, culture,
and lines
institutions, and governance
 Multipurpose hydro
aspects) but demography is
power plants, water
the most important aspect.
tanks, and lines
2. Environmental. The physical
 Food processing
aspects of exposure and
vulnerability refer to
3. Transportation Lifelines
location and built structures.
 Highways, bridges,
List of the Physical rallway tracks, and
elements exposed to tunnels
various hazards:  Bus facilities
1. Essential Facilities  Port and harbor
 Educational Facilities facilities
 Medical and health care  Airport facilities and
facilities runways
 Emergency response 4. Utility lifelines
Facilities  Potable water facilities,
 Government offices wastewater facilities,
 Recreational or tourist pipelines, and
Facilities distribution lines
 Places of worship  Oil and natural gas
 Banks and Financial systems facilities,
centers pipelines, and
 Market and shopping distribution lines

Disaster Readiness and

Risk Reduction
Section 2.1 Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

 Electric power facilities  At the no.4 in the

and distribution lines Chernobyl nuclear power
 Communication facilities plant
and distribution lines  45,000 homeless
 Covid-19 Pandemic
Exposure - the degree to which  Dec 31, 2019
the element at risk are likely to  Wuhan, China
experience hazard of different  4.08 m cases
magnitude.  66,021 death
 March 11, 2020: WHO
Capacity - a combination of all declared covid-19 global
strength and resources available pandemic
within a community, society, or  Theological name:
organization that can reduce the SarsCoV-2 (2019-NCOV)
level of risks or effects of a  MV Ferry Sewol Disaster
disaster.  April 16, 2014
 South Korea
Disaster Risk Management - the  Deaths: 280
methodology to determine the  Missing: 5
nature and extent of risks by  2 rescue diver
analyzing potential hazards and  5 emergency worker
evaluating existing conditions of  Marabahay Disaster
vulnerability.  Fire disaster
 April 28, 2022
 Approximately 20 million
 Chernobyl Disaster pesos (destruction)
 April 26, 1986  Philstar stampede
 31-50 died  Feb 4, 2006
 Near city of Pripyat in  73 death
the nirth of the  800 injured
Ukraine/ian USSR in the  Pasig city
soviet union  Wowowee
 Itaewon Stampede
 October 29, 2022
Disaster Readiness and
Risk Reduction
Section 2.1 Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

 Saturday (10pm)
 133 injured
 153 death
 2,046 missing
 20 dead foreigners
 Australia Bush fire
 2019-2020
 445 death
 11 hectares destroyed
 4,000 admitted to the

Disaster Readiness and

Risk Reduction
Section 2.2 Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

According to United  Ethnic minorities or

Nations Development indigenous people
Programme (UNDP),  Homeless or street
VULNERABILITY is the degree people
of loss to each element should a  Incarcerated individuals
hazard of a given severity occur.  Marginalized groups
Physical, social, economic,
and environmental factors  Environmental- compared
determine likelihood and severity with developed countries,
of damage due to given hazard. developing nations face more
exposure and vulnerability to
 Root cause of vulnerability hazards because of their
 Poverty relative inability to adapt to
changes and to create
Vulnerability of each wealth that may enhance
exposed element
 Poor governance  Economic - economic
vulnerability is the
Social, Environmental, susceptibility of individuals,
Economic Factors of communities, businesses, and
Vulnerability government to absorb or
 Social - certain population cushion the effect of a
groups may have be more hazard event.
vulnerable than others.
List of most vulnerable
Quantifying Vulnerability
 People with disabilities Quantifying the tangible
(PWD) aspects of vulnerability and loss
 Children in useful in estimating more
 Seniors precisely how much mitigation
 Medication-dependent and preparedness measures shall
individuals be applied.
 Women (single, single
parent, unemployed)

Disaster Readiness and

Risk Reduction
Section 2.2 Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

Vulnerability can be
expose simply a quantify
between 0 (lowest degree of
vulnerability) and 1 (highest
degree of vulnerability.

Disaster Readiness and

Risk Reduction
Section 3.1 Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

Are defined as the
potential for damage to a man
and his environment that may
result from the occurrence of
natural events such as volcanic
eruption, earthquakes, floods,
and storm surges.

That result from earth’s
natural process (e.g. volcanic
eruption, earthquake)

Are the consequences of
other hazard (e.g. landslides,

Man-made hazards or
products of human activity (e.g.
radiation, leaks, toxicity of land
due to pesticides).

Hazards that result from
the interactions of natural
process and human activities
(smog, desertification)

Disaster Readiness and

Risk Reduction
Section 3.1 Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

Disaster Readiness and

Risk Reduction
Section 3.1 Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

Disaster Readiness and

Risk Reduction
Section 3.2 Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

Key Hazard of a hazard and how much lead

time it allows are critical in
determining how damaging it will
Most hazard be.
quantification methods consider  Once the onset of the
the magnitude and intensity in hazard event is known, the
determining the level of harm duration also becomes a
that a hazard event might bring. concern as the chance of
 The magnitude of the event experiencing severe damage
is a measure of its strength will depend on how long the
and is an indication of how hazard affects an area.
destructive it can be.
 The Richter magnitude
scale measures the amount
of seismic energy released
in an earthquake.
 The Volcanic Explosivity
Index (VEI) measures the
explosiveness of eruption
based on mainly on visual
 The energy released by an
earthquake is calculated
from the amplitude of waves
on a seismogram, which
indicates how much the
ground has shaken.
 The Mercalli Scale and the
Rossi-Forel Scale are used
to measure earthquake
 Speed of onset is among
the most important aspects
of hazard.The predictability

Disaster Readiness and

Risk Reduction
Section 3.3 Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

Hazard Identification and  QUALITATIVE APPROACH.

Assessment This method uses expert
Hazard assessment is opinion for ranking in
the process of estimating, for relative terms (e.g, high,
defined areas, the probabilities moderate, and low or 1,2,3,…,
of the occurrence on potentially and so on)the intensity or
damaging the phenomenon of probability of occurrence of
given magnitude within a hazard event.
specified period of time. -  PROBABILISTIC
United Nations Disaster Relief APPROACH. It provides an
Organization (UNDRO) objective estimate of the
probability of each hazard
Hazard assessment and affecting an area or region
Risk Assessment are two by considering past record
different concepts. of events.
Risk assessment involves APPROACH. This is
both the assessment of the subjective approach of
hazards from a scientific point estimating probability. The
of view and the socioeconomic use of deterministic
impacts of a hazard event. Thus, assessment avoids the
without hazard assessment, no underestimation of hazard
risk assessment can be complete at a site.

Various methods to Hazard Mapping

assess natural hazards
Hazard mapping is the
process of identifying the spatial
APPROACH. Mathematical
variation of hazard events or
functions or equations
physical conditions (e.g.,
relating the hazard variables
potential ground shaking, steep
used are formulated or
slopes, flood plains, and
adopted to quantify the
hazardous material sites.)

Disaster Readiness and

Risk Reduction
Section 4.1 Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

GROUND SHAKING result of earthquakes, volcanic

- A term used to describe the eruptions, and other sources of
vibration of the ground during energy release.
an earthquake.
- Earthquake vibrations are Main Types of Seismic Waves
caused by the sudden release of
energy stored in the earth's BODY WAVES are waves that
crust. This energy release travel through the Earth's
generates seismic waves that interior.
cause the ground to shake during  P wave
an earthquake. - also known as the pressure wave
- Body waves and surface waves or primary wave.
create ground shaking. - longitudinal waves
- the severity of ground shaking - the particles of the medium,
increases with amplitude and vibrate parallel to the direction
decreases with distance from of wave propagation.
the causing fault. - it can move through liquids,
solids and gas easily.
- fastest seismic wave
How are Earthquake Vibrations
Generated?  S wave
- Most natural earthquakes are - also known as secondary wave
caused by sudden slippage along - transverse waves
a fault zone. - the particles of the medium
- The ELASTIC REBOUND vibrate perpendicular to the
THEORY of Harry Fielding Reid direction of wave propagation.
suggests that elastic strain - they are slower than P-waves
energy builds up in the and can only travel through
deforming rocks on either side solids.
of the fault.

SEISMIC WAVES are waves of SURFACE WAVES are waves

energy that travel through the that travel along the Earth’s
Earth's crust and interior as a surface and are responsible for
the shaking and damage that is
Disaster Readiness and
Risk Reduction
Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

typically associated with Characteristics that Describe

earthquakes. the Shaking of the Ground
 Rayleigh wave  Velocity - a measure of the
- similar to ocean waves speed at which the ground is
- produce a rolling motion moving back and forth
 Love wave during the shaking. It is
- produce a side-to-side motion usually expressed in units of
meters per second (m/s).
How is Ground Shaking  Acceleration - a measure of
Measured? how quickly the velocity is
- The strength of ground shaking changing. It is usually
(or that of seismic waves) is expressed in units of meters
measured in terms of velocity, per second squared (m/s^2).
acceleration, frequency content  Frequency Content - refers
of the shaking, and how long the to the range of vibration
shaking lasted. frequencies that are present
 Seismometer - records the in the shaking.
motion of the ground during  Duration - refers to how
an earthquake or other long the shaking lasts.
seismic event
 Seismogram - the output of Factor in Determining the
a seismometer, it displays Strength of an Earthquake
the amplitude and frequency  Amplitude
of the ground motion - The amplitude of a seismic
 Seismograph - an wave is like the height of the
instrument that waves in an ocean.
automatically detects and - It's a measure of how much
records the intensity, the ground moves during an
direction, and duration of earthquake.
earthquakes - The bigger the amplitude, the
stronger the earthquake and the
more damage it can cause.
 Low Frequency

Disaster Readiness and

Risk Reduction
Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

- waves appear as long, slow focus (the epicenter) and a

waves with large amplitudes on a specific location
seismogram.  Duration
- it is associated with slow, - Longer periods of shaking can
rolling motion cause more damage to
- typically associated with the structures and other objects.
movement of large masses of
rock during an earthquake Parameter for Assessing the
 High Frequency Potential Damage
- waves appear as short, rapid  Peak Horizontal Ground
waves with smaller amplitudes on Acceleration (PHGA)
a seismogram. - a measure of the maximum
- it is associated with sudden, acceleration of the ground
sharp motion during an earthquake in the
- typically associated with the horizontal direction.
sudden rupture of rocks during - Maps of PHGA are used to
an earthquake and the resulting estimate the potential ground
rapid release of energy shaking that a particular region
may experience during an
Factors on Determining the earthquake.
Intensity of Ground Shaking - PHGA only considers the
 Magnitude horizontal components of motion
- the higher the magnitude, the (P-waves and S-waves)
more intense the shaking
Effects of Ground Shaking
 Depth of the Earthquake’s - Failure of a Building can cause
Focus harm or death due to inferior
- refers to the location within design, poor construction, or
the Earth's crust where the weak construction.
earthquake originated - Buildings can be damaged by
 Distance from the the shaking itself or by the
Epicenter of an Earthquake ground beneath them settling to
- refers to the distance between a different level than it was
the point on the Earth's surface before the earthquake
directly above the earthquake's (subsidence)
Disaster Readiness and
Risk Reduction
Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

Earthquake Source
Characteristics Control
Intensity of Vibration
- The intensity and nature of the
ground shaking largely depend on
the size of the fault rupture,
the magnitude of the earthquake,
and the distance from the
earthquake epicenter

Vibration Hazard Zoning

- The intensity of shaking
depends not only on earthquake
source of characteristics but
also on the characteristics of
the materials that the ground is
made of
- Earthquake waves travel
through strong materials at high
frequency (High Velocity).
Weaker materials allow
earthquake waves to travel at
lower frequency (lower velocity)

Disaster Readiness and

Risk Reduction
Section 4.2 Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

GROUND RUPTURE - The lithosphere breaks when

- also known as Surface Fault rock strength is overcome by a
- refers to the deformation on large amount of stress
the ground that marks the generated during plate motion.
intersection of the with the - Faulting refers to the rock
earth's surface. failure that involves slipping of
- Ground ruptures are lithosphere blocks past each
earthquake faults that have other.
reached the surface - Some earthquake fault breaks
called blind faults do not even
Types of Ground Rupture reach the ground surface.
 Normal Fault
- involves mainly downward Active Faulting
movement of the ground across - Faults are called active if they
the fault called the hanging wall. are found to be currently moving
 Thrust Fault or have caused earthquakes
- also known as Reverse Fault during historical times or in the
- involves mainly upward recent geologic past.
movement of the hanging wall
 Strike-slip Fault Factors Affecting the
- involves a dominantly horizontal Characteristics of Ground
shifting of the ground Rupture
- two types of strike-slip fault : - The factors determine how
left-lateral and right-lateral long ground ruptures are, how
 Oblique Fault and by how much the earth’s
- Faults which show both dip-slip surface breaks along ground
(normal or thrust) and strike-slip ruptures, and whether
motion deformation is limited along the
 Transform Fault narrow fault trace or affects a
- a type of fault in which wider zone.
two tectonic plates slide past - The factors included are:
one another.  Magnitude
 Type of Fault
How Ground Ruptures Form?  Depth of Fault
 Duration
Disaster Readiness and
Risk Reduction
Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

 Distance from the Epicenter

 Characteristic of the

Measures to Minimize the

Effects of Ground Ruptures
- Sound engineering and
construction practice may be
adopted to prevent total
- The best measure, however, is
avoidance of active active fault
traces and deformation zones
when planning any construction.

How far from the fault is safe

from rupturing?
- Setback refers to the distance
from the fault trace that is
considered safe from the
effects of ground rupture.

Disaster Readiness and

Risk Reduction
Section 4.3 Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

- occurs when waterlogged, - vertical readjustment and
loosely packed sediments at or settlement within the liquefied
near the ground's surface start zone
to lose strength as a result of  Earthquake-induced
violent ground shaking. Subsidence
- Liquefaction-related
How does Liquefaction occur? settlement is the eruption of
- Lose particles with water boils that leads to localized
- Gather and compress differential settlements
- Water squeezes out - Tectonic subsidence is often
- Making it seem like a quicksand accompany of ground rupture.
The amount of subsidence will
Type of Liquefaction Features depend on how large the vertical
 Flow Failures displacement component is.
- most dangerous type of ground
failure due to liquefaction Effects of Liquefaction on
- occurs on liquefiable slope Buildings and Other Structures
material with steepness greater - Damage during liquefaction
than 3 degrees results from the settlement of
 Lateral Spreads structures into the soil, flow
- the flow of liquefied soil can landslides, laterally spreading
result in a lateral spread, which landslides, and the ejection of
is a type of ground failure that water and sediment at the
occurs when a mass of soil moves surface in the form of sandblows
horizontally/laterally over a or sandboils, fountains, or even
distance seepage of water that leads to
 Ground Oscillation flooding.
- the ground is unable to spread
and instead oscillates like a wave Areas and Deposits Prone to
 Loss of bearing strength Liquefaction
- result in tilting of houses and - Seismically-induced
floating of flamboyant liquefaction occurs in areas
structures underlain by layers of loose,
well-sorted, water-saturated
Disaster Readiness and
Risk Reduction
Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

sand and silty sand, and where

the water table is close to the

Mitigating Liquefaction Hazard

 Soil Improvement
- mitigating the liquefaction
hazard is to improve the
strength and stiffness of the
- can be done by injecting grout
or cement into the soil
- Keeping the soil relatively dry
can reduce the potential for
- installing drainage systems to
remove excess water from the
soil or using dewatering
 Structural Measures
- to design and construct
structures that are more
resistant to ground deformation
and settlement
- using deep foundation systems
that are less susceptible to
liquefaction-induced settlement
 Hazard Zoning and Land Use
- identifying areas that are at a
high risk of liquefaction

Disaster Readiness and

Risk Reduction
Section 4.4 Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

EARTHQUAKE-INDUCED  Human Interventions

LANDSLIDES - man contributes to the
- landslides that are triggered instability of slopes through
by an earthquake construction activities (roads,
- When this occurs, the ground buildings, and other facilities),
shakes and can cause the soil and quarrying/mining, and unabated
rocks on steep slopes to become logging and kaingin which lead to
unstable and slide down, the loss of deeply-rooted trees
resulting in landslides. and soil cohesiveness
Why do Landslides Occur?  Earthquakes
 Removal of Support - slopes are prone to
- at the base of a slope which widespreaad failure during
may be due to erosion at the toe earthquakes because of the
of a slope by rivers or ocean sudden shaking of hilly and
waves mountainous areas.
 Groundwater (pore water)  Gravitational Force and
Pressure Slope Stability
- during sudden changes in the
water level of bodies of water
adjacent to a slope acts to
destabilize it
 Volcanic Eruptions Types of Landslides
- bulging of slopes and the force  Topples
of volcanic material ejection or - occur when a massive part of
emission may contribute to slope very steep slopes break lose and
instability rotate forward
 Intense Rainfall  Rock falls
- landslides are triggered by the - involve chunks of detached
weakening of the slope material rock that fall freely for some
due to water saturation distance or bounce and roll down
 Snowmelt the steep slope
- also known to have the same  Slides
effect in saturating slope - involve large blocks of bedrock
material that break free and slide down

Disaster Readiness and

Risk Reduction
Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

along the planar or curved into soil, and therefore has lost
surface all strength
 Lateral Spreads  Spacing of joints
- triggered by earthquakes and - refers to the spacing between,
affect gentle slopes with less fractures, faults, or bedding
than 10 degrees inclination plains
 Flows  Orientation of joints
- involve downslope motion of - slopes are less stable when
fine-grained clay, silt, and fine joint or rock fracture planes dip
sand made mobile by water into the slope
saturation  Width and continuity of
 Complex Slides joints
- combination of two or more - influence frictional and
types of movement cohesive strength as well as
water movement in the rock
Factors Affecting Occurrence mass
of Landslides  Infill
- Rock Joint is a type of - highlighted by the presence of
extension fracture formed by materials such as clay
movement of the rock in a  Water flow
direction perpendicular to the - high rates of water flow and
plane of fracture. Joints form in infilling of fissures with water
solid rock that is stretched and can cause buoyancy effect on
its brittle strength (the point at the rock above a joint
which it breaks) is exceeded.
Areas Prone to Landslide during
 Intact rock strength Earthquakes or Landslide
- refers to a rock’s resistance to Hazard Zoning
force applied during standard - Mines and Geosciences Bureau
laboratory tests (MGB) has the mandate of
 Mass weathering grade generating rain-induced landslide
- ranges from the fresh or hazard maps.
unweathered state to the - PHIVOLCS has been the legal
completely weathered when a agency in generating earthquake-
rock is completely transformed induced hazard maps.
Disaster Readiness and
Risk Reduction
Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

- The steepness of slopes is the aggravate landslides and

most important factor in endanger people’s lives.
controlling the occurrence of - Communities must stabilize
landslides; more landslides occur part of the landscape with
as the slope become steeper. It incipient landslide marks.
can determine what type of - Plant deeply-rooted trees.
earthquake-induced landslides - Engineering remedial measures
may be triggered: lateral such as landslide barriers and
spreads in flat areas, large drainage structures.
landslides on steeper slopes
rather than on gentler slopes, or
rock falls on steep cliffs.

Effects of Earthquake-induced
- Damage to structures
- Loss of lives
- Injuries
- Destruction of major lifelines
- Loss of function and income

(may be attributed to burial and

debris impact caused by
earthquake-induced landslides)

Measures to Mitigate Effects

of Landslides
- Recognizing and reporting any
sign of slope instability to local
authorities and neighbors in your
- Monitoring and preventing
construction and other activities
on unstable slopes that can

Disaster Readiness and

Risk Reduction
Section 4.5 Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

TSUNAMI - Upon reaching the shore,

- a great sea wave produced tsunami waves will break and
especially by submarine earth reach heights far exceeding the
movement or volcanic eruption normal sea level, causing
- “tsunami” is a Japanese term inundation
which means harbor waves - Tsunami waves slows down as it
reaches the shore because of
Tsunami Generation decreasing depth, however, it
- May occur when ocean water is causes wave shoaling.
displaced suddenly causing the
formation of waves that reach
the shore in large heights Causes of Tsunami
- When an offshore fault moved  Landslides
during an earthquake  Volcanic Eruption or
accompanied by an uplift of the Explosion
seabed  Meteorite Impact
- A tsunami wave is generated by
a disturbance that occurs deep
down on the ocean floor while a
regular wave is due to superficial Monitoring and Warning of
water disturbance Tsunamis
- The Pacific Tsunami Warning
Tsunami Propagation Centre (PTWC) monitors the
- The displaced water forms a ocean surface using satellites,
tsunami wave that can travel radar, and buoys in the water.
thousands of kilometers before These system detects if a
it reaches land tsunami is generated by an
- The wave height is small earthquake.
compared to the wavelength and - PHIVOLCS has been setting up
ocean depth which makes it tsunami warning systems
unnoticeable by passing ships in equipped with sirens in selected
deep oceans areas prone to tsunamis. The
lead time allowed by an
Tsunami Runup and Inundation earthquake event occurring
offshore is too short.
Disaster Readiness and
Risk Reduction
Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

(made of heavy materials such as

Effects of Tsunami concrete and reinforced bricks).
 Extensive loss of lives - Use earthquake-resistant posts
 Diseases to provide elevation and allow
 Destroy buildings, trees, safe passage of water.
power lines, bridges, cars,
boats, and other objects
 Permanently alter landscape
 Wipe out small islands and
coastal landform
 Damage water supplies and
 Spread of hazardous
material and toxic
 Destroys natural resources

Tsunami Hazard Prone Areas

- The degree of tsunami hazard
that a coastal area faces
depends on the exposure to
offshore earthquake generators.
Measures to Prepare for and
Mitigate the Effects of
- Construct seawalls. It serves
to intercept the onrushing waves
so that upon reaching the shore,
the energy has largely
- Provide warning systems and
evacuation plans.
- Engineers can design and build
tsunami-resistant buildings

Disaster Readiness and

Risk Reduction
Section 5.1 Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

LAVA FLOW  Lava Effusion

- a product of the quiet effusion - refers to the slow, steady flow
of molten rock or magma from of lava from a volcano
beneath a volcano. - typically involves low-viscosity,
- its temperature ranges from basaltic lava that can flow easily
700 to 1,200 Celsius. and cover large areas
- extremely low speed - generally non-explosive and do
- seldom cause deaths directly not produce large ash clouds
 Explosive Eruptions
Generation of Magma - involve the sudden and violent
- The heat that forms molten release of gas, ash, and magma
rocks comes from the heat still from a volcano
trapped inside the Earth, which - typically associated with high-
was left over from its formation viscosity, rhyolitic or andesitic
4.6 billion years ago. Partial magma that is more prone to
melting of some rocks at depths clogging and buildup of pressure
of 50-100 km is due to this heat. in the volcano's plumbing system
- Magma and the lava that comes - it can cause a massive explosion,
out of the volcanoes in Hawaii sending ash, gas, and pyroclastic
are formed from this and are material high into the air
termed "hot spot" volcanoes. - - can also generate lava flows
Most of the magma and the lava - less extensive than those
from volcanoes, however, are associated with lava effusion
formed at plate boundaries. eruptions
- Volcanoes also form when a
plate dives under another plate Types of Lava Flow
along convergent boundaries  Basaltic Lava
called subduction zones. Still, - relatively fast-moving and can
others are formed along travel long distances before
transform faults or the so-called cooling and solidifying
"leaky transform faults". - due to their low viscosity, it
allows them to flow easily over
Lava Effusion and Explosive the landscape

Disaster Readiness and

Risk Reduction
Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

- can also form a variety of between basaltic and rhyolitic

different textures, depending on lava
the way they solidify - It is named after the Andes
- typically erupts from shield Mountains in South America.
volcanoes, which are broad, - The volume of andesitic lava is
gently sloping volcanoes formed small, so they do not usually go
by repeated eruptions of beyond the foot of the volcano
basaltic lava flows - the surface of andesitic lava
Basaltic lava flow styles flows is comprised of smooth-
 Pahoehoe lava sided fragments. These flows
- has a smooth, ropy texture are called block lava flows as the
- forms when a thin, fluid surface fragments are loosely
lava flow moves over a solid termed blocks.
surface, and the surface - travel at a speed of no more
cools and solidifies, while than 5 m per day, andesitic flows
the molten lava underneath are slow by lava flow standards
continues to flow
- quite fast-moving and can  Rhyolitic Lava
travel long distances - Rhyolitic lava flow is a type of
 A’a lava lava that is high in silica content
- has a rough, blocky texture and is typically associated with
- forms when a thicker, violent eruptions involving
more viscous lava flow moves pyroclastic flows and with very
over a solid surface, causing steep landforms such as lava
the surface to break up into domes and lava spines.
jagged blocks as the molten - Rhyolitic lava has a high
lava flows beneath viscosity, which means it is very
- slower-moving and can be thick and doesn't flow very
more difficult to traverse easily. As a result, rhyolitic lava
due to their rough, uneven flows tend to be relatively slow-
surface. moving and can build up into
 Andesitic Lava steep-sided volcanoes.
- a type of lava that is - Rhyolitic lava flows are
intermediate in composition typically light-colored and have a
fine-grained texture. They often
Disaster Readiness and
Risk Reduction
Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

contain large amounts of glassy - often stacked on top of each

material and can be highly other, creating a layered
vesicular, meaning they contain a structure
lot of gas bubbles. Rhyolitic lava - the surface of the pillows is
can also contain phenocrysts, usually smooth and glassy, with a
which are large crystals that dark, mottled appearance
form in the magma chamber
before the eruption. Effects of Lava Flow: What
makes it Dangerous?
 Sheet Lava - these are extremely hot
- thicker than Pahoehoe (between 550 Celsius and 1400
- have surface textures ranging Celsius)
from ropy to striated - If you try to go very near a
- associated with violent lava flow, you will probably have
eruptions your skin burnt, eyebrows
- Sheet flows usually collapse as charred, and soles of your boots
a result of the emptying of lava melted.
below the hardened surface. - Viscous lava flow will not travel
- often associated with shield far.
volcanoes, which are broad, - Low-viscosity lava can flow long
gently sloping volcanoes that are distances. Such a flow can move
built up from successive lava as far away as 4 km from its
flows source but have limited
 Pillow Lava thickness.
- a type of lava flow that forms - More viscous flows can move as
when lava erupts underwater or far away as 1.3 km from their
flows into a body of water, such sources and have thickness of up
as the ocean to 100 km.
- The lava cools rapidly as it
comes into contact with the cold  Deaths attributed to lava
water, forming rounded or flows are often due to
pillow-shaped blobs of solidified related causes such as:
lava. - Explosive shower of molten
- typically characterized by spatter over a wide area when
their pillow-like texture lava interacts with water.
Disaster Readiness and
Risk Reduction
Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

- Explosion of methane gas when tend to result in longer and more

vegetation is buried by lava. extensive lava flows.
- Asphyxiation due to - Explosive eruptions can
accompanying toxic gases. produce pyroclastic material
- Pyroclastic flows from a that can quickly bury nearby
collapsing dome of thick viscous areas.
lava flows.
- Floods and lahars from ice and  Volcanic gases
snow meltwater of from the
damming of tributaries. - The presence of volcanic gases
- Lava flows bring damage or such as water vapor, carbon
total destruction to land and dioxide, and sulfur dioxide can
property by burying, crushing, or affect the viscosity of lava and
burning everything in their path. the extent of lava flow.

Lava Flow Hazard Zoning: - Higher gas content can make

Factors Affecting Volcanic lava more fluid and increase the
Land-forms and Extent of Lava likelihood of longer and more
Flow extensive lava flows.
 Volcano type
- The type of volcano can have a  Topography
significant impact on the extent
of lava flow. - The shape and slope of the land
- Shield volcanoes, for example, around a volcano can impact the
tend to produce less viscous lava direction and distance of lava
that can travel longer distances flow.
than the more explosive and
viscous lava produced by - Steep slopes can cause lava to
stratovolcanoes. flow faster and farther.
 Eruption style
- The style of eruption also plays - Flat terrain can cause lava to
a role in the extent of lava flow. spread out over a wider area.
- Effusive eruptions, which
produce steady streams of lava,  Water sources

Disaster Readiness and

Risk Reduction
Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

- The presence of water sources predict the potential extent of

such as rivers, lakes, or future lava flows.
underground aquifers can
significantly affect the extent Mitigating the Effects of Lava
of lava flow. Flows

- When lava comes into contact  Hazard zoning

with water, it can cause
explosive steam-driven eruptions, - Identifying and mapping the
which can increase the distance potential hazard zones based on
and extent of lava flow. the historical record and the
likelihood of future eruptions.
 Climate This can help communities to
plan and prepare for evacuation,
- Climate can play a role in the relocation, or the construction
extent of lava flow by affecting of barriers or other protective
the vegetation cover and soil measures.
 Land use planning
- Areas with high rainfall or
vegetation cover can act as - Restricting development and
barriers to lava flow and reduce construction in high-risk areas
the distance and extent of lava can reduce the potential damage
flow. caused by lava flows. This can
include zoning regulations,
 Previous eruptions building codes, and other
measures to ensure that new
- The history of previous development is located away
eruptions from a volcano can also from high-risk areas.
provide insight into the extent
of lava flow.  Emergency planning

- The frequency and magnitude - Developing an emergency

of past eruptions can help response plan in case of a lava
flow event can help to reduce

Disaster Readiness and

Risk Reduction
Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

the risk of loss of life and - Developing and implementing

property. This can include monitoring and warning systems
evacuation plans, communication to detect and predict volcanic
protocols, and emergency activity can provide early
services preparedness. warning of an impending eruption
and give people time to evacuate.
 Barriers and diversion

- Constructing barriers and

diversion channels around high-
risk areas can help to direct the
flow of lava away from populated
areas. Barriers can be made of
natural materials such as rocks
and soil or engineered structures
such as concrete walls.

 Education and outreach

- Educating the public about the

risks associated with lava flows
and how to prepare for and
respond to an eruption can help
to minimize the impact of a lava
flow event. Outreach can include
community meetings, educational
campaigns, and other forms of
communication to increase

 Monitoring and warning


Disaster Readiness and

Risk Reduction
Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

- The principal volcanic gases are

water vapor, hydrogen sulfide,
sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide,
carbon monoxide, hydrogen
chloride, and hydrogen fluoride.

Flow of Volcanic Gases

- When magma heats up, the
melted minerals may become
gaseous which pushes the magma
up toward the surface.
- And with the expansion of
gases, as magma rises to the
surface, it will result in an
explosive eruption giving way for
the gases to accumulate in the
air, and these gases contain
many harmful chemicals such as
carbon dioxide (CO2), Sulfur
Dioxide (SO2), Hydrogen
Chloride (HCl), Hydrogen
Fluoride (HF), and Water (H2O).
- When sulfur combines with
water in the stratosphere, it will
lead to a catastrophic reaction
forming microscopic droplets,
Section 5.2
aerosol, or even worse sulfuric
- Formed from the dissolved gas
Effects of Volcanic Gases
within the magma of a volcano
- Ash’s abrasive particles can
that is released as it moves
scratch the surface of the skin
toward the surface, providing
and eyes, causing discomfort and
the driving force for most
inflammation. If inhaled, volcanic
ash can cause breathing
Disaster Readiness and
Risk Reduction
Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

problems and damage the lungs. Sometimes its followed with

Inhaling large amounts of ash bronchitis and
and volcanic gases can cause a bronchopneumonia.
person to suffocate (National  Fluorine(F) is a pale-yellow
Geographic, 2023). gas that occurs in volcanic
- Other gases emitted from the gas as hydrogen
volcano (CO2, SO2, etc.) can fluoride(HF), it attaches to
combine with hydrogen and fine ash particles which coat
water can produce toxic the grass and gets consumed
chemicals that can be harmful to by animals that causes
our health. fluorosis(an affliction that
 HARMFUL ELEMENTS destroys the bones), it can
 Carbon Dioxide(CO2) is the also cause conjunctivitis and
most abundant in the skin irritation.
atmosphere and targets our
respiratory system Areas Prone to Gas
 Carbon Monoxide(CO) is a Accumulation
colorless and odorless gas. - Hazard zones for Volcanic
It usually targets the gases escaping through craters,
hemoglobin in the blood that vents, fissures, or hydrothermal
causes shortness of breath, features are typically close to
and it leads to these emission sites.
unconsciousness. - Gas emission site locations,
 Sulfur Dioxide(SO2) is a low-lying areas in which dense
colorless but with a strong gases can accumulate, and wind
odor. Causes skin, eyes, and directions that favor gas
throat irritation. It is also accumulation are all considered
harmful to the upper in identifying hazard zones.
respiratory tract and - Gases like CO2 and CO are
bronchi. heavier than air, thus they flow
 Hydrogen Sulfide(H2S) is a close to the ground
colorless, flammable gas - Airborne gases are diluted as it
which smells like a rotten travels through the air, leaving
egg. It causes dizziness, people in areas 10km away from
headache, and diarrhea. the source are seldom affected.
Disaster Readiness and
Risk Reduction
Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

- Vog (Volcanic Smog) is

composed with acidic droplets Why do Pyroclastic Flows
and SO2, It is a VERY harmful Occur?
cause of volcanic gases that - Pyroclastic Flows are hot
targets the respiratory system. mixtures of fresh lava, gas, rock,
It is also first recorded in pumice, and ash that moves down
Hawai’i specifically in the the sides of the volcanic crater
district of Ka’u district. at high speeds during an
Mitigation and Mapping - The material may come down
- Evacuation and resettlement from the collapse of a lava doom
- Public Alerting or close to the summit or from
- Education Program the materials going back down
- Drink lots of Water from an eruption column that
- Avoid people with colds can't go farther into the air.
- Avoid Secondhand Smoking - The mobility and speed of
- Use Air Conditioners at home pyroclastic
or use a damp cloth on a fan flows are derived from their gas
- Use of Gas mask and inhaler content and from the heat of
their components which further
generate more gases.
- Pyroclastic Flows are common
volcanoes composed of andesite
Section 5.3 and of
the more viscous dacitic and
- Pyroclastic Flows are among rock types.
the most harmful volcanic
hazards. Types of Pyroclastic Flows
- It's slow-moving glow, hot lava  Merapi Type (Gravitational
flow is dangerous, and so it is a Dome Collapse)
fragmented version which is not - Mount Merapi, located in
only as hot but also moves Indonesia, has produced many
tremendously fast. different types of pyroclastic
Disaster Readiness and
Risk Reduction
Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

flows, including nuee ardentes, range in size from ash boulders

block-and-ash flows, and lava and travel speeds usually greater
dome collapses. than 80km/h.
 Pelean Type (Explosive Dome  Inhalation of Hot Ash and
Collapse) Gases
- The flow, known as a Peléan - Volcanoes also emit toxic gases
flow, was composed of hot ash, such as H2S, SO2, and F2.
gas, and rock fragments and These also combine with water
moved at high speeds down the to form harmful compounds. The
slope of the volcano. compounds that come with
 Soufrière Type pyroclastic flows are toxic and
- The pyroclastic flows at will cause immediate
Soufrière Hills were composed asphyxiation of people and
of a mixture of hot ash, gas, and animals.
rock fragments and were often  Lahars and Flooding
accompanied by lahars, or - Valleys and other low-lying
volcanic mudflows, which added areas along the slopes of
to the destructive power of the volcanoes act as a channel ways
eruptions. and receptors of pyroclastic
flow deposits. Pyroclastic flows
Effects of Pyroclastic Flows can also melt
 Burn snow and ice and a sudden
- The extreme temperatures of torrent of water that can carry
rocks and gas inside pyroclastic new pyroclastic flow deposits as
flows can burn people, houses, well as older debris on the way
and vegetation. On the margins down.
of pyroclastic flows, death and
serious injury of people and Pyroclastic Flow Hazard Zoning
animals may result from burns. - For a hazard like pyroclastic
 Impact and Burial flow, the best and perhaps the
- By its speed, mass, and volume, only protective measure that
a pyroclastic will knock down, anyone can take to avoid areas
shatter, bury, or carry away prone to it.
nearly all objects and structures
in its path. Rock boulders can
Disaster Readiness and
Risk Reduction
Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

Mitigating The Effects of ash, and other debris into the air.
Pyroclastic Flows These pieces can fall back down
- Engineering measures similar to to the ground and cover the
those suggested for lava flows surrounding area like a layer of
have been proposed to escape its dust or sand.
impact.  Ballistic Projectiles
- Any barrier or diversion design - a special kind of tephra
will also have to contend with the - they are ejected from the
overlying ash cloud which can volcanic vent at an angle
surmount greater heights. Any - It consists of bombs, blocks,
engineering measure might work lapilli.
for the smaller and slower types
of pyroclastic flow. Types of Tephra Falls and
Ballistic Projectiles
 Ash
- particles smaller than 2mm
(0.08 inches) in diameter
 Lapilli or Volcanic Cinders
- Medium sized rocks formed
from solidified lava.
- It is between 2 and 64 mm
(0.08 and 2.5 inches) in diameter.
 Bombs and Blocks
Section 5.4
- Bombs are derived from fresh
magma while blocks are chips of
TEPHRA FALLS AND the walls of the volcanic vent.
BALLISTIC PROJECTILES - Bombs are molten when ejected
 Tephra Falls and assume various shapes while
- refers to volcanic rock and lava cooling.
materials that are ejected into - Blocks are large broken pieces
the air by explosions or carried of solid vent material or
upward by the eruption or lava surrounding rocks.
- happens when a volcano erupts Dangers from Tephra Falls and
and sends small pieces of rock, Ballistic Projectiles
Disaster Readiness and
Risk Reduction
Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

- Health Hazards
- Physical Injuries
- Property Damage
- Environmental Impacts

How Tephra Falls and Ballistic

Projectiles Dispersed?
- Dispersion of tephra falls and
ballistic projectiles can be
influenced by a wide range of
factors, including the:
 Size and Intensity of the
 Local weather conditions,
 Topography of the
surrounding area.

Mitigating the Effects

- The safe distance varies with
each volcano but is usually
several kilometers around the
volcanic center.
- During a tephra fall, the first
priority is to seek refuge beyond
the reach of its effect.

Disaster Readiness and

Risk Reduction
Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

Due to:
- intense rainfall during an
- melting of of snow and icecaps
- landslides

The Many Faces of Lahars

 Lahar Flow
- 20% sediment volume (water) :
add more = dangerous
- dense, viscous flows of mixture
(60% volcanic debris + 40%
water volume)
- a wide range of volcanic debris
- forms deposits called “lahar”
 Hyperconcentrated
streamflows (dilute pure
- contains 20%-60% volcanic
Section 5.5 debris in volume
- more water or denying the
LAHARS supply of sediment
- a process in which volcanic - forms deposits called “lahar-
material and water flows down runout flows”
the slopes of volcano
- Javanese (Indonesian) : “lava” Effects of Lahars
or “lava flow” - dangerous because of the large
- it carries pyroclastic flows and volume of materials and its
tephra falls speed (can travel 300km and
- wet-like concrete, or mudflow 70km/h)
- it becomes a dry concrete - can vary from hot and cold
- economic and environmental
How are Lahars Generated? damage (rivers and flood plains)

Disaster Readiness and

Risk Reduction
Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

Taming Lahars - Its materials are hot but not

- Evacuation as hot as lava flow or pyroclastic
- Effective dissemination of the flow.
lahar hazard information.
- Coordination of lahar experts Recognizing a Debris Avalanche
and emergency management - characterized by prominent
agencies. gaps in the cone of the volcano
- Good monitoring system and and landscape-altering
alertness. voluminous deposits
- Excavation of the river - The gap is called an
channels for detouring the lahar. amphitheater
- Prevention of crater lake
breakout. Conditions and Triggering
- Stabilize the natural crater Mechanisms of Volcanic Debris
lake dam at the crater lake Avalanche
outlet. The following are factors that
- Building of retention basins, influence the stability of the
alternate channels, tunnels, and slope:
concrete structures. - Gravity
Section 5.5
- Water
- Magma beneath the surface
- are landslides that occur in How Deadly Can it Be?
volcanic slopes. - can travel down at speeds of
- Faster and their deposit are 100-250 km/h and be all over
more far-reaching compared to the place
landslides due to large amount of - can reach as far as 120 km
materials involved. from where it breaks away and
- May involve the collapse of the can cover an area as big as 500-
volcano’s flank or of one of the 1500 km^2
big sector of the volcano
including its top. Is Debris Avalanche Common in
the Philippines?

Disaster Readiness and

Risk Reduction
Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

- 12 debris avalanche deposits

have been positively identified
among the more than 200
volcanoes in the Philippines.
- The largest debris avalanches
are associated with Banahao and
Canlaon (5 and 13 km^3)
- Binintiang Malaki (0.002 km^3),
which is one of the small
stratovolcanoes of Taal, is the
smallest of these (0.002 km^3).

Debris Avalanche Danger Zones

and Mitigation
- Areas prone to debris
avalanche must be identified
through the preparation of
hazard maps, with or without a
reliable capability to predict
debris avalanche.
- Evacuation is the only option
available. There is nothing that
can be done to stop it nor is
there any protective or
mitigating measure can be

Disaster Readiness and

Risk Reduction
Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER

Disaster Readiness and

Risk Reduction

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