DRRR Notes
DRRR Notes
DRRR Notes
Livelihood Population
Economy Environment
Hazard Vulnerability
A disaster is a result
from the combination of hazard,
vulnerability, and insufficient
Thus, disaster occur only
capacity or measure to reduce
when hazards and vulnerability
the potential chance of risk.
Hazard + Vulnerability +
insufficient capacity = Disaster
Natural Hazards
Natural hazard are
hazard which are caused because
of natural phenomena
Hazard with
meteorological (weather)
Geological o even (Land
Biological (Virus)
Example of natural phenomena
Volcanic eruption which are
exclusively of natural origin
:The dimension of exposure and 2. Industrial And high
factors of vulnerability
potential loss facilities and
1. Social. The social dimension
facilities containing
of exposure and
hazardous materials.
vulnerability covers a wide
Dams and ponds
range of concerns (including
Fuel Reservoirs,
migration, social groups,
pipelines, and pumps
health, and well being,
Power generating plants
education, culture,
and lines
institutions, and governance
Multipurpose hydro
aspects) but demography is
power plants, water
the most important aspect.
tanks, and lines
2. Environmental. The physical
Food processing
aspects of exposure and
vulnerability refer to
3. Transportation Lifelines
location and built structures.
Highways, bridges,
List of the Physical rallway tracks, and
elements exposed to tunnels
various hazards: Bus facilities
1. Essential Facilities Port and harbor
Educational Facilities facilities
Medical and health care Airport facilities and
facilities runways
Emergency response 4. Utility lifelines
Facilities Potable water facilities,
Government offices wastewater facilities,
Recreational or tourist pipelines, and
Facilities distribution lines
Places of worship Oil and natural gas
Banks and Financial systems facilities,
centers pipelines, and
Market and shopping distribution lines
Saturday (10pm)
133 injured
153 death
2,046 missing
20 dead foreigners
Australia Bush fire
445 death
11 hectares destroyed
4,000 admitted to the
Vulnerability can be
expose simply a quantify
between 0 (lowest degree of
vulnerability) and 1 (highest
degree of vulnerability.
Are defined as the
potential for damage to a man
and his environment that may
result from the occurrence of
natural events such as volcanic
eruption, earthquakes, floods,
and storm surges.
That result from earth’s
natural process (e.g. volcanic
eruption, earthquake)
Are the consequences of
other hazard (e.g. landslides,
Man-made hazards or
products of human activity (e.g.
radiation, leaks, toxicity of land
due to pesticides).
Hazards that result from
the interactions of natural
process and human activities
(smog, desertification)
Earthquake Source
Characteristics Control
Intensity of Vibration
- The intensity and nature of the
ground shaking largely depend on
the size of the fault rupture,
the magnitude of the earthquake,
and the distance from the
earthquake epicenter
- occurs when waterlogged, - vertical readjustment and
loosely packed sediments at or settlement within the liquefied
near the ground's surface start zone
to lose strength as a result of Earthquake-induced
violent ground shaking. Subsidence
- Liquefaction-related
How does Liquefaction occur? settlement is the eruption of
- Lose particles with water boils that leads to localized
- Gather and compress differential settlements
- Water squeezes out - Tectonic subsidence is often
- Making it seem like a quicksand accompany of ground rupture.
The amount of subsidence will
Type of Liquefaction Features depend on how large the vertical
Flow Failures displacement component is.
- most dangerous type of ground
failure due to liquefaction Effects of Liquefaction on
- occurs on liquefiable slope Buildings and Other Structures
material with steepness greater - Damage during liquefaction
than 3 degrees results from the settlement of
Lateral Spreads structures into the soil, flow
- the flow of liquefied soil can landslides, laterally spreading
result in a lateral spread, which landslides, and the ejection of
is a type of ground failure that water and sediment at the
occurs when a mass of soil moves surface in the form of sandblows
horizontally/laterally over a or sandboils, fountains, or even
distance seepage of water that leads to
Ground Oscillation flooding.
- the ground is unable to spread
and instead oscillates like a wave Areas and Deposits Prone to
Loss of bearing strength Liquefaction
- result in tilting of houses and - Seismically-induced
floating of flamboyant liquefaction occurs in areas
structures underlain by layers of loose,
well-sorted, water-saturated
Disaster Readiness and
Risk Reduction
Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER
along the planar or curved into soil, and therefore has lost
surface all strength
Lateral Spreads Spacing of joints
- triggered by earthquakes and - refers to the spacing between,
affect gentle slopes with less fractures, faults, or bedding
than 10 degrees inclination plains
Flows Orientation of joints
- involve downslope motion of - slopes are less stable when
fine-grained clay, silt, and fine joint or rock fracture planes dip
sand made mobile by water into the slope
saturation Width and continuity of
Complex Slides joints
- combination of two or more - influence frictional and
types of movement cohesive strength as well as
water movement in the rock
Factors Affecting Occurrence mass
of Landslides Infill
- Rock Joint is a type of - highlighted by the presence of
extension fracture formed by materials such as clay
movement of the rock in a Water flow
direction perpendicular to the - high rates of water flow and
plane of fracture. Joints form in infilling of fissures with water
solid rock that is stretched and can cause buoyancy effect on
its brittle strength (the point at the rock above a joint
which it breaks) is exceeded.
Areas Prone to Landslide during
Intact rock strength Earthquakes or Landslide
- refers to a rock’s resistance to Hazard Zoning
force applied during standard - Mines and Geosciences Bureau
laboratory tests (MGB) has the mandate of
Mass weathering grade generating rain-induced landslide
- ranges from the fresh or hazard maps.
unweathered state to the - PHIVOLCS has been the legal
completely weathered when a agency in generating earthquake-
rock is completely transformed induced hazard maps.
Disaster Readiness and
Risk Reduction
Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER
Effects of Earthquake-induced
- Damage to structures
- Loss of lives
- Injuries
- Destruction of major lifelines
- Loss of function and income
Mitigating The Effects of ash, and other debris into the air.
Pyroclastic Flows These pieces can fall back down
- Engineering measures similar to to the ground and cover the
those suggested for lava flows surrounding area like a layer of
have been proposed to escape its dust or sand.
impact. Ballistic Projectiles
- Any barrier or diversion design - a special kind of tephra
will also have to contend with the - they are ejected from the
overlying ash cloud which can volcanic vent at an angle
surmount greater heights. Any - It consists of bombs, blocks,
engineering measure might work lapilli.
for the smaller and slower types
of pyroclastic flow. Types of Tephra Falls and
Ballistic Projectiles
- particles smaller than 2mm
(0.08 inches) in diameter
Lapilli or Volcanic Cinders
- Medium sized rocks formed
from solidified lava.
- It is between 2 and 64 mm
(0.08 and 2.5 inches) in diameter.
Bombs and Blocks
Section 5.4
- Bombs are derived from fresh
magma while blocks are chips of
TEPHRA FALLS AND the walls of the volcanic vent.
BALLISTIC PROJECTILES - Bombs are molten when ejected
Tephra Falls and assume various shapes while
- refers to volcanic rock and lava cooling.
materials that are ejected into - Blocks are large broken pieces
the air by explosions or carried of solid vent material or
upward by the eruption or lava surrounding rocks.
- happens when a volcano erupts Dangers from Tephra Falls and
and sends small pieces of rock, Ballistic Projectiles
Disaster Readiness and
Risk Reduction
Natural Disaster 3 QUARTER
- Health Hazards
- Physical Injuries
- Property Damage
- Environmental Impacts
Due to:
- intense rainfall during an
- melting of of snow and icecaps
- landslides