Learning Assessment Strategies

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FS 5

Field Study

Learning Assessment Strategies

COURSE DESCRIPTION This course provide the students with hands-on experience in selecting, constructing, and evaluating conventional and authentic assessment tools and launching them in different environment of the classroom based on the principles of teaching. Field study 5 is anchored on these professional education subjects: Assessment of Learning I Assessment of Learning II

GENERAL OBJECTIVES 1. Select, construct and evaluate assessment tools used in the learning environment. 2. Reflect on the importance of the teachers knowledge and skills in the use of different tools. 3. Express ones views on the use of the different forms of assessment.



Planning, assessing and reporting

Apply a wide range of teaching process skills in educational assessment.

Creating a product-oriented alternative assessment.


Interpret relationship of using the authentic assessment form varied assessment tools.

Learning Activity 1: Name Me

Name of FS Student: Course: Resource Teacher: Cooperating School: Grade Level Observed: Your Goal At the end of this activity, you will be competent in identifying and naming different assessment methods used in the classroom. Your Tasks To be aware of the assessment used in the classroom, you will find interest in observing teachers assessment practice. To do your task, work your way to these tasks:
Step 1 Observe at least three classes and make a list of the assessment methods used by the teachers. Step 2 In your list, classify assessment methods as to conventional and authentic/alternative. Step 3 Describe how each assessment method was used, including your personal observation. Step 4 Confer with your FS teacher your assessment list. Step 5 Reflect on your experience.

Year & Section: Signature:

Your Tools As you visit and observe the assessment practices of at least 3 classes, document your observation using the activity form provided here. For your pen-and-paper test items, customize a table of specification, and prepare the test material based on the prescription of the school where you do class observation.

Class 1 Observation Sheet

(To be used during the actual observation of the 1st and 2nd classes.) Name of the School Observed: School Address: Date of Visit: Grade/Year Level: Subject Area:


DESCRIPTION (Bulleted description of how the assessment method is used relative to subject matter, levels of learning behavior, length, etc.)

Class 2 Observation Sheet

(To be used during the actual observation of the 1st and 2nd classes.) Name of the School Observed: School Address: Date of Visit: Grade/Year Level: Subject Area:


DESCRIPTION (Bulleted description of how the assessment method is used relative to subject matter, levels of learning behavior, length, etc.)

Class 3 Observation Sheet

(To be used during the actual observation of the 1st and 2nd classes.) Name of the School Observed: School Address; Date of Visit: Grade/Year Level: Subject Area:


DESCRIPTION (Bulleted description of how the assessment method is used relative to subject matter, levels of learning behavior, length, etc.)

Assessment Tools Classification Sheet

(Based on your observation of the three classes.) Name of the School Observed: School Address: Date of Visit: Grade/Year Level: Subject Area:


DESCRIPTION OF HOW THE ASSESSMENT METHOD WAS USED (Please include your personal observations and comments below the description.)







DESCRIPTION OF HOW THE ASSESSMENT METHOD WAS USED (Please include your personal observations and comments below the description.)






Your Analysis Was there a variety of assessment methods used by the teacher? How relevant was/were the assessment methods used? Explain.

Do you think the expected students learning behaviors indicated in the objectives were properly and appropriately assessed through those assessment methods? Explain.

Your Reflections Write your personal reflections or thoughts and feelings about the importance of the use of appropriate assessment methods in the classroom, including what students and teachers can gain from appropriate assessment tools. Share your reflection with your FS teacher and classmates.

Learning Activity 2: My ATM Card (Available Test and Measurement) Name of FS Student: Course: Resource Teacher: Cooperating School: Grade Level Observed: Your Goal At the end of this activity, you will be adept in designing, using and interpreting results of objective tests. Your Tasks Designing and using assessment tools sound interesting, especially if you know their curricular intentions. Take calculated strides in pursuing this interesting task through these stages:
Step 1 Visit a class on a subject area of your choice. Step 2 Study the teachers objective of the lesson. Observe his/her class focusing on the evaluation part of the lesson. Step 3 Make a list of assessment tools used by the teacher. Step 4 Analyze and interpret the data obtained from it focusing on target competency. Step 5 Reflect on your experience.

Year & Section: Signature:

Your Tools In the school you are observing, study the teachers objectives. Then formulate test items, and interpret results, make a clear documentation of your task using this activity form. For your pen-and-paper test items, customize a table of specification and prepare the test material based on the prescription of the school where you do the class observation.

Initial Notes Name of the School Observed: School Address: Grade/Year Level: Subject Matter: Teachers Learning Objectives: Date of Visit: Subject Area:

Desired Conditions and Criterion Levels of the Learning Objectives

Assessment Tools Used: Please describe how it was done.

Target Competency:

Interpret the data from the assessment tools used.

Other Notes:

Your Analysis Do you think the teachers learning objectives were appropriately addressed by the test items? Why? Why not?

How did you have to study the teachers learning objectives prior to developing an assessment tool?

Your Reflections Reflect on your experience. How important is the alignment of objectives and assessment tools used?

Learning Activity 3: Log Me

Name of FS Student: Course: Resource Teacher: Cooperating School: Grade Level Observed: Year & Section: Signature:

Your Goal At the end of this activity, you will be informed of the principles of authentic assessment and its usefulness in the classroom. Your Tasks Authentic assessment is an alternative way of assessing students learning. To be able to use it, you must have an understanding of it. To help you reach your goal, do the following tasks:

Step 1 Visit a classroom and interview the teacher on his/her experience in using authentic assessment . Step 2 Describe how the teacher uses the authentic assessment.

Step 3 write a reflective journal on the activity.

Your Tools For this learning activity, please document the information gathered from the interview with the teacher on authentic assessment. Write your documentation using the activity form provided for you.

My Interview Notes Description of Authentic Assessment

How was authentic assessment used? Was it used to measure learning through the product? Explain.

Or focuses on the process?

Learning Activity 4: MYMP (Me and You Must Practice) Name of FS Student: Course: Resource Teacher: Cooperating School: Grade Level Observed: Year & Section: Signature:

Your Goal At the end of this activity, you will be skillful in designing process-oriented performance assessment. Your Tasks After your observation experience, you now have a deep and principled understanding of the concepts of authentic assessment used in the classroom. You can now go through the process of designing performance assessment by following these steps:

Step 1 Visit a class and identify performance-based activities. Step 2 Choose one performance-based activity and study its processes. Step 3 Design a performance-based assessment plan for the activity you have chosen. Step 4 Collect samples of performance-based assessment tools. Step 5 Make reflections on your experience.

Your Tools In observing a class, take note of important observations of the performance-based activity in the classroom. Make a checklist of things you want to consider in planning your assessment. Use the activity form provided for you. You may use the format of processoriented assessment that you have taken in your Assessment 2 class. The rubrics are part and parcel of this assessment plan.

Observation Notes Name of the School Observed: School Address: Grade/Year Level: Subject Matter: In bullets, describe the performance-based activity you observed. List of Samples of Performance-based Assessment Tools Date of Visit: Subject Area:

Based on your observations, make a checklist of the important things you wish to consider in your performance-based assessment plan. Use the activity form provided below. My Checklist

NOTES ON MY PROCESS-ORIENTED ASSESSMENT PLAN Name of the School Observed: School Address: Grade/Year Level: Subject Matter: Best features of the process-oriented performance assessment design Date of Visit: Subject Area:

Specific conditions necessary for a successful use of process-oriented performance assessment design

Basic points to be considered by the user in designing performance-based assessment

Prepared by: Signature of FS Student


Your Analysis Why do teachers need to give attention to students performance-based tasks? Why do they need to assess them?

In what conditions can the process-oriented performance assessment be more appropriate?

Your Reflections Make reflections on your feelings and thoughts about the observations made in this FS.

Learning Activity 5: My PROP (Product-Oriented Practice Test) Name of FS Student: Course: Resource Teacher: Cooperating School: Grade Level Observed: Your Goal At the end of this activity, you will be skillful in designing product-oriented performance assessment. Your Tasks Design a product-oriented performance assessment by going through the following steps: Year & Section: Signature:

Step 1 I visit a class and identify production-oriented activities.

Step 2 choose one product-oriented activity and study the process.

Step 3 design a performance assessment plan for the product-oriented activity you have chosen. Develop a portfolio of your assessment plan. Step 5 reflect on your experiences.

Your Tool As you observe a class, take note of the product-oriented activity in the classroom. Then, make an assessment plan. In doing this, use the activity form provided for you. You are expected to use the format that you have taken up in your class. Also, remember that use of rubric is part and parcel of the assessment plan.

Observation Notes Name of the School Observed: School Address: Grade/Year Level: Subject Matter: Describe in bullet form the product-oriented activity you observed. Date of Visit: Subject Area:

Your Plan After the observation made in the classroom, you can now think of a product-oriented assessment design that is more appropriate for the classroom activity. In bullet form, list the procedures of your propose assessment in the box below. MY PLAN Learning Objectives

General Product-Oriented Performance Tasks

Target Skills

Learning Activities (specific tasks)

Assessment Tasks

Notes On My Product-Oriented Plan

Name of the School Observed: School Address: Grade/Year Level: Subject Matter:

Subject Area: Section:

What are the best features of my product-oriented performance assessment design?

What specific conditions are necessary of a successful product-oriented performance assessment design?

What basic points should the user of this design consider?

Prepared by: Signature of FS Student


My Show Porfolio
Learning Objectives

General Performance Task

Learning Activities

Assessment Task

Rubrics for Assessing Learning

Your Analysis Why do you think the originally designed product-oriented performance assessment can appropriately assess the teachers learning objective?

Why do teachers give attention to the students product-oriented tasks? Why do they need to assess them?

In what conditions can the product-oriented performance assessment be appropriately used?

What you are doing does not matter so much as what you are learning from doing it. \ Anonymous

Your Reflections Write your reflections on your feelings, thoughts and personal learning, and insights from your experiences in authentic assessment. Share these with your classmates and FS teacher.

Signature of FS Student:


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