Module 3 BA1 HRM
Module 3 BA1 HRM
Module 3 BA1 HRM
I. Job Analysis
This phase consists of determining the duties, responsibilities, working
conditions and working relationships of and between jobs and the qualifications
of the employee who should man each job. This method and procedure is highly
complicated utilizing observation, interview, questionnaire survey or a
combination of the three techniques.
Job analysis has two phases: job description and job specification. While
job description or position description gives what in a job, job specification
identifies who should qualify for the job.
The definitions have one thing in common and that is job organization and
information is a formal task of organizing the job with considerations on various
aspects. In other words, this is typically done to prepare the organization before
performing the other functions of human resource department.
The following are the focuses of job analysis which will help bring out better
1. Interview method
2. Study and observe’ method
3. Self-performance method
4. Employee’s Job Diary
5. Questionnaire method
6. Conference method
1. Interview Method: Job information is collected through interview.
Under the interview method questions are asked and replies are recorded for
Interviews are:
1.1 Individual interviews with individual employee
1.2 Group interviews with individual supervisor or group of supervisors are
asked during interview.
a. What is done?
b. Why is it done?
c. How is it done?
d. When is it done?
e. To what is it done?
Questions are structured in such a way that the interviewee supplies all
information about the job activities performed by him, as also characteristics of
the job to the job analyst.
Job analyst may get complete information at a short time from the
employees, as they use this platform to elicit their difficulties, hardship etc. to
others. Interview method is very much expensive.
2.1. Watching of the whole process of job activities and time taken to
complete each process and also the entire process
2.2. Observance of situation, conditions under which an employee works
2.3. Study of responsibilities shouldered by the employee
2.4. Review of job performance of employee through films
2.5. Watching of the materials, tools used to perform job.
This method is effective when jobs involve physical activities that are
measurable. Job analyst gets thorough idea regarding the job’s employees
perform. So, job performance information becomes correct and accurate. This
method yields reliable results as the data are collected through direct
observation. Collection of data is very easy as it does not need extra skill, ability
of the analyst.
This method is effective for job analysis when jobs are very simple and are
easy to perform. But this method does not yield results if, the jobs are technical in
nature and are difficult to perform without training. The scope of use of this
method is limited.
4.1 Each employee is given a diary to keep records of his daily activities
4.2 At the end of each work shift, the employee starts writing on the diary
(a) all the activities he had undertaken that day (b) the time taken for completion
of any process of activity (c) difficulties, problems if he had faced to perform his
4.3 Job diary needs to be maintained for a long period so that all activities
are covered.
4.4 Information recorded by the employee in the diary are verified /
checked by the concerned supervisor to ensure that factual data are taken.
This method is simple to use as it does not need extra skill, ability to
record information. Since, employee himself writes diary it is possible that all job
performance information is recorded.
The method is not free from limitations. Designing questionnaire (i.e., area
coverage, type and number of questions to be asked for etc.) needs special skill.
Employees may take it casually to fill out questionnaires and to return them.
Generally, employees avoid to submit information in writing that may be
due to their inability to express or due to their unwillingness to respond to the
questions mentioned in the questionnaire. The preparation of questionnaire is
also expensive and time consuming.
6.1. Selection of areas, subject matter over which questions will be asked
to supervisors
6.2. Deciding on number of questions to be asked, design of questions
whether open-ended or structured questions
6.3 Structure of time for completion of interview with supervisor.
Job analysis has two phases: job description and job specification. While
job description or position description gives what in a job, job specification
identifies who should qualify for the job.
Job Description. This refers to the content of the job, specifically the
following items: job title, code number, division/department, nature of the job,
duties and responsibilities, methods and tools used, hours of work, the person of
the worker for whom she/he is responsible, funds and properties under his/her
care, compensation and benefits, hazards and risks, and potentialities for
Job design is an effective tool which is used in order on the one hand to
meet the needs of the employees and on the other to satisfy the interests of the
organization. There are three common job design techniques like job rotation, job
enlargement and job enrichment. Job rotation enables the development of the
employees’ skills, their organizational retention, reduces job boredom, while at
the same time it controls the work-related musculoskeletal disorders and
reduces the exposure of workers to work-related injuries. Job enlargement adds
more tasks to the existing tasks of the employee, thus increasing employee
participation in the decision-making process. Job enrichment makes jobs more
challenging and interesting and enables the participation of employees in the
decision-making process (Belias & Sklikas 2013).
1. Job Rotation
Job rotation is a system, which allows employees to rotate from one job to
another, in a predetermined way. In order for the job rotation procedure to be
effective and the employee not be rotated in an inappropriate job position, four
factors should be taken into account:
1. improvement of productivity
2. provision of training possibilities
3. increase of employees’ retention
4. enhancement of employees’ career
5. employee gains a better insight in the organization’s operations
6. foster employee learning
7. increase employee motivation and human capital accumulation
8. reduced employee boredom
9. reduced employee absenteeism
10. inclusion of workers with disabilities in job positions suitable for their
capacities and skills
11. increases employee’s problem-solving skills
2. Job Enlargement
Job enlargement “transforms the jobs to include more and/or different
tasks” The basic aim of job enlargement is to stimulate the interest of employee
in the job, namely increasing job attraction, through the differentiated and various
tasks that the employee performs in his/her job. Consequently, the objective of
job enlargement is to design jobs where the needs of employees meet the
interests of the organization.
3. Job Enrichment
Basic Evaluation Rules: The basic rules for evaluating each position are:
2. The position is evaluated and not the job holder. The assessment of
each factor is based on the job being performed competently. The assessment
of the job holder’s own performance against the standard required is quite
separate exercise which is outside the scope of the job evaluation rating
These are the factors one may consider in carefully scrutinizing the job for
its value.
6. Complexity – measured in terms of: (a) the time taken to learn and
adjust to specific job requirements, (b) the level to which the job functions are
defined and follow established and predictable patterns and, (c) the thinking
challenge required to adapt to rapidly changing circumstances and
innovative or conceptual thinking needed to initiate new corporate direction.
Job Evaluation will determine the money value of a job. If this is so, the
organization has to be careful in studying how each job must be compensated. A
practical and outcomes-based approach or basis is very much need to
commensurate the efforts of the employee.
To learn more about Job Organization and Information, click the links below.
Direction: Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the best answer to the
questions given below.
1. He defined job analysis as the methodical compilation and study of work data
in order to define and characterize each occupation in such a manner as to
distinguish it from all others.
a. Edwin B Flippo b. John A Shubin
c. Michael J Jucius d. Douglas McGregor
5. The basic aim of this activity is to stimulate the interest of employee in the job,
namely increasing job attraction, through the differentiated and various tasks that
the employee performs in his/her job.
a. Job Enlargement b. Job Rotation
c. Job enrichment d. Job Evaluation
7. The process of determining the relative worth of the various jobs within the
organization, so that differential wages may be paid to jobs of different worth.
a. Job Specification b. Job Description
c. Job Design d. Job Evaluation
8. This makes jobs more challenging and interesting and enables the
participation of employees in the decision-making process.
a. Job Enlargement b. Job Rotation
c. Job enrichment d. Job Evaluation
9. This refers to the content of the job, specifically the following items: job title,
code number, division/department, nature of the job, duties and responsibilities,
methods and tools used, hours of work and others.
a. Job Specification b. Job Description
c. Job Design c. Job Analysis
10. Under this method job analyst gathers information relating to job of
employees through experienced and knowledgeable supervisors.
a. Interview Method b. Questionnaire Method
c. Conference Method d. Self-Performance method
1. Sales Manager
2. Finance Manager
4. Office Clerk
5. Marketing Manager
6. Project Manager
7. Brand Strategist
8. Secretary
9. Customer Service Manager
Activity 2.
Direction: In answering the case, please be guided by the Case Study Sheet
given below.
What is the importance of having a sound job evaluation? Will it affect the
productivity of the employee? Why?
Professors’ Remarks:
AVI 2020
Identification Key issues Have identified Have identified Identified all the
of key issues have not been some issues some issues key issues of
identified but are not related to the the case
(10%) related to the case
Professors’ Remarks:
AVI 2020
AVI 2020
Carnahan, B.J., Redfern, M.S., & Norman, B. (2000). Designing safe job rotation
schedules using optimization and heuristic search. Ergonomics, 43:4, 543-560.
Ceasar Douglas and William L. Gardner (2004). “Transition to Self Directed
Work Teams,” Journal of Organizational Behavior, 25.
Heneman, Herbert G III and Timothy A Judge (2010). Staffing Organizations, Six
Edition, McGraw-Hill International Edition.
Inarda, Analyn V (2020). Human Resource Management: Theories, Definitions
and Cases (A Modular Approach), University of Rizal System Morong Rizal.
James O’Toole and Edward E. Lawler III, “A Piece of Work,” Fast Company,
June 2006, 87– 89.
Jorgensen, M., Davis, K., Kotowski, S., Aedla, P., & Dunning, K. (2005).
Characteristics of job rotation in the Midwest US manufacturing sector.
Ergonomics, 48:15, 1721-1733.
Marquez, Jessica, “Virtual Workspaces,” Workforce Management, May 22, 2006,
38; and Carla Joinson, “Managing Virtual Teams,” HR Magazine, June 2002, 69–