The biomedical engineering program normally leads to the bachelor of and data for research; understand the guidelines for ethical and
science degree and requires at least 129 credits. The B.S. program is responsible use of animals for research; understand professional and
recommended for students who plan careers in engineering or who plan ethical standards in the workplace and properly reference the work of
to attend graduate school in engineering. If a student wishes to take a others.
more flexible program with less emphasis on engineering, a B.A. program • communicate effectively; synthesize, summarize, and explain
is also available. Either the B.S. or the B.A. program can meet the needs technical content in a written report; and synthesize, summarize, and
of a student who plans graduate study in a nonengineering area. explain technical content in an oral presentation.
• understand the broad education necessary to understand the impact
The undergraduate program provides a strong foundation in
of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and
mathematics, engineering, and science. It emphasizes preparation for
societal context; understand the contributions biomedical engineers
advanced study in an area related to biomedical engineering and is broad
can play in academia, industry, and government; and understand how
enough to accommodate students who plan graduate work in biology,
biomedical engineering solutions are of benefit inside and outside the
medicine, engineering, biophysics, physiology, or biomedical engineering.
Our fundamental focus is to instill a passion for learning, scientific • recognize the need for, and gain an ability to engage in, life-long
discovery, innovation and entrepreneurial spirit, and societal impact on an learning; use library resources, professional journals, and Internet
extraordinary group of students who will become: effectively; update technical literacy to understand contemporary
issues; and recognize the need for self-assessment.
• Adept at applying their engineering and biological training to solving
• comprehend contemporary issues; understand recent developments
problems related to health and healthcare that are globally relevant
in biomedical engineering; understand differing viewpoints in
and based on ethically sound principles.
academia, government, industry, and business; and gain the ability to
• Leaders in their respective careers in biomedical engineering or search and critically evaluate scientific literature.
interrelated areas of industry, government, academia, and clinical
• use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary
for engineering practice; gain proficiency in computer simulations
• Engaged in life-long learning by continuing their education in and mathematical analysis tools; create mathematical models;
graduate or professional school or through opportunities for develop laboratory skills applied to living systems; and utilize data
advanced career or professional training. acquisition systems.
Each student plans a curriculum suited to his or her goals with the The program also encourages individual study and research and gives
assistance of a faculty advisor. Upon completion of the B.S. in biomedical academic credit for them. Students are welcome to work in laboratories
engineering, students will demonstrate the ability to: on the Homewood campus or at the Medical Institutions in East
• apply knowledge of advanced mathematics, life sciences, natural
sciences, and principles of engineering to problems at the interface
of engineering, biology, and medicine and mathematically model and
Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering
simulate biological systems using computers. Students seeking the B.S. degree are encouraged to focus their studies
on one of five subspecialties that incorporates traditional engineering
• design and conduct experiments, as well as analyze and interpret
disciplines and biomedical applications. See the Biomedical Engineering
data; formulate hypotheses for experiments, including those on living
Undergraduate Advising Manual for specifics on focus areas, lists of
systems; devise procedures for experiments, including those on living
recommended mathematics and engineering electives, limitations on
systems; collect and validate data using appropriate equipment;
credits for courses with overlapping material, and the design content of
display, describe, summarize, and interpret experimental results in a
engineering courses.
lab report; relate the experimental results to previous work, including
the interaction between living and non-living materials and systems;
and practice lab safety.
Requirements for the B.S. Degree
(See also General Requirements for Departmental Majors (http://e-
• design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental,
social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and
sustainability; identify a need and define the biomedical engineering The B.S. degree in biomedical engineering requires 129 credits. The
problem to be solved, determine the constraints to the problem and courses listed below must either be taken or passed by examination for
assess the successful likelihood for different approaches, undergo advanced credit. All courses used to satisfy degree requirements must
the design process of creation, synthesis, and integration and be taken for a grade (no satisfactory/unsatisfactory grading may be
evaluate success of the design to meet the desired need. counted). No more than 6 credits of engineering, science, or mathematics
• function on multidisciplinary teams; understand team goals and courses in which a grade of D was received may be counted.
complementary roles and expertise of each team member; share
opinions and viewpoints with other team members; and assume and Basic Sciences (18 credits)
fulfill individual responsibilities within a team. AS.171.101 General Physics:Physical Science Major I 4
• identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems; conceptualize the or AS.171.107 General Physics for Physical Sciences Majors (AL)
engineering problem, formulate a solution to the problem, and solve AS.171.102 General Physics: Physical Science Major II 4
problems using experimental, mathematical and/or computational
or AS.171.108 General Physics for Physical Science Majors (AL)
AS.173.111 General Physics Laboratory I 1
• understand professional and ethical responsibility; understand
AS.173.112 General Physics Laboratory II 1
the guidelines for ethical and responsible use of human subjects
Biomedical Engineering 3
AS.030.101 Introductory Chemistry I 3 Students who receive credit for AP Physics I and/or Physics II will
AS.030.102 Introductory Chemistry II 3 receive a waiver for the laboratory course. This will reduce the
required number of credits for Basic Sciences by 1 or 2 credits.
AS.030.105 Introductory Chemistry Laboratory I 1
Students are still required to complete at least 129 total credits for
AS.030.106 Introductory Chemistry Laboratory II 1
the degree.
Mathematics (20 credits) 2
Students who take an approved math course and receive 3 credits
AS.110.108 Calculus I 4 will have a total of 19 credits. Students are still required to complete
AS.110.109 Calculus II (For Physical Sciences and 4 at least 129 total credits for the degree.
Engineering) 3
See Writing Requirement (
AS.110.202 Calculus III 4 students/academic-policies/requirements-for-a-bachelors-degree).
or AS.110.211 Honors Multivariable Calculus Career Exploration in BME is a 0-credit self-identified set of career
EN.553.291 Linear Algebra and Differential Equations 4 related events (lectures, panels, journal clubs, etc.) beginning in the
EN.553.311 Probability and Statistics for the Biological 3-4 spring semester of year one and continuing until graduation. Career
Sciences and Engineering Exploration is administered through a Community Blackboard site;
students will be enrolled by the department.
or EN.553.310 Probability & Statistics
or EN.553.413 Applied Statistics and Data Analysis
or EN.553.430 Introduction to Statistics
or EN.553.431 Statistical Methods in Imaging
or EN.553.433 Monte Carlo Methods
or EN.560.348 Probability & Statistics in Civil Engineering
Humanities and Social Sciences (18 credits)
These courses should form a coherent program, relevant to the 18
student’s goals, with at least one course at the 300-level or higher.
They should include:
One course in which ethical and social issues related to
technology or medicine is recommended.
At least two semesters of writing-intensive courses.
Biomedical Core (30 credits)
EN.580.111 BME Modeling and Design 2
EN.580.221 Molecules and Cells 4
EN.580.241 Statistical Physics 2
EN.580.242 Biological Models and Simulations 2
EN.580.243 Linear Signals and Systems 2
EN.580.244 Nonlinear Dynamics of Biological Systems 2
EN.580.246 Systems and Controls 2
EN.580.248 Systems Biology of the Cell 2
EN.580.421 Systems Bioengineering I 4
EN.580.423 Systems Bioengineering Lab I 2
EN.580.422 Systems Bioengineering II 4
EN.580.424 Systems Bioengineering Lab 2
Career Exploration in BME
Focus Area (21 credits)
Each student is required to complete one of six Biomedical 21
Engineering focus areas
Design (6 credits)
Among the technical elective courses offered, at least 6 credits must
come from an approved list of design options.
Computer Programming
EN.500.112 Gateway Computing 3
Free Electives
Students can choose from any area. 13
4 Biomedical Engineering
Building on the foundation of the core curriculum, each student Courses in a focus area must be taken for a total of 21 or more
is required to take a cohesive sequence of advanced engineering credits. At least 15 credits must come from the relevant upper-
encompassing one of six Biomedical Engineering focus areas. A level engineering course list; a maximum of six credits from the
student’s choice of focus area is made during the sophomore year non-upper-level engineering course list may be used. Please refer
and is based on their experience with the Biomedical Engineering to for applicable
Core and how they wish to apply their skill, knowledge, and passion: courses designed for each focus area by faculty members with
Biomedical Data Science—The past decade has seen major advances research interests appropriate to the area; all faculty members are
in our ability to acquire data on human health across multiple spatio- active participants in shaping the undergraduate curriculum.
temporal scales. This wealth of data poses challenges that have At least 6 credits must come from an approved list of design options.
never before been confronted. At the heart of these is understanding There are many combinations of courses, programs and independent
how massive data sets are best analyzed to discover new knowledge study opportunities to satisfy this requirement. This is discussed
about the function of living systems in health and disease, and in detail in the Undergraduate Handbook. Please refer to http://
how this knowledge can be harnessed to provide improved, more
affordable health care. Handbook.pdf.
Biomedical Imaging and Instrumentation—Although being
distinct disciplines, experience substantial overlap and enjoy Biomedical Data Science Focus Area - Upper-Level Engineering
significant synergies in our department. Course-based and Courses
research opportunities span fundamental development of imaging EN.520.414 Image Processing & Analysis 3
technologies, incorporation of these technologies into instruments, EN.520.415 Image Process & Analysis II 3
and translation into the clinic. In addition to collecting anatomical
EN.520.432 Medical Imaging Systems 3
data, students will learn how data analysis and computer simulations
EN.520.435 Digital Signal Processing 3
are used to generate truly functional images that allow a physician to
understand an organ or tissue from the smallest scale to the systems EN.520.447 Information Theory 3
level. EN.520.473 Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 3
Computational Medicine—This is an emerging discipline devoted to EN.530.410 Biomechanics of the Cell 3
the development of quantitative approaches for understanding the EN.540.400 Project in Design: Pharmacokinetics 3
mechanisms, diagnosis and treatment of human disease through
EN.540.409 Dynamic Modeling and Control 4
applications of mathematics, engineering and computational
science. The core approach of CM is to develop computational EN.540.414 Computational Protein Structure Prediction and 3
models of the molecular biology, physiology, and anatomy of disease, Design
and apply these models to improve patient care. EN.540.421 Project in Design: Pharmacodynamics 3
Genomics and Systems Biology—This area uses advanced EN.553.361 Introduction to Optimization 4
mathematical and modeling approaches to understand how the EN.553.362 Introduction to Optimization II 4
multiple scales that make up the human body maintain health and
EN.553.371 Cryptology and Coding 4
contribute to disease. Understanding life begins at the smallest
EN.553.391 Dynamical Systems 4
of scales requiring a detailed understanding of how molecules
assemble into the molecular machines that create cells that in EN.553.400 Mathematical Modeling and Consulting 4
turn constitute the tissues and organs that make up the human EN.553.413 Applied Statistics and Data Analysis 4
body. Understanding these multi-scale interactions is a staggering EN.553.420 Introduction to Probability 4
challenge that requires new approaches that combine network EN.553.426 Introduction to Stochastic Processes 4
analysis theory with new ways of visualizing and manipulating
EN.553.430 Introduction to Statistics 4
biological networks across multiple spatial and temporal scales.
Neuroengineering—Neuroengineering is an emerging and EN.553.431 Statistical Methods in Imaging 3
fast growing basic and translational research avenue within EN.553.433 Monte Carlo Methods 3
today’s biomedical and bioengineering fields. The main focus of EN.553.436 Data Mining 4
neuroengineering is to use engineering tools to modulate central, EN.553.450 Computational Molecular Medicine 4
peripheral and autonomic nervous system function. It aims at
EN.553.463 Network Models in Operations Research 4
developing new engineering oriented technologies within the medical
EN.553.472 Graph Theory 4
field for screening, diagnosis, prognosis, rehabilitation, repair, and
regeneration. Brain computer interface, deep brain stimulation, and EN.553.492 Mathematical Biology 3
cell replacement therapy are exemplar disciplines developed by EN.553.720 Probability Theory I 4
utilizing core engineering approaches to understand pathologies and EN.553.721 Probability Theory II 4
treat patients with neurological disorders. EN.553.730 Statistical Theory 4
Regenerative and Immune Engineering—This area has traditionally
EN.553.731 Statistical Theory II 3
focused on understanding and harnessing the power of stem
cells in concert with developing new biomaterials to guide cell EN.580.420 Build-a-Genome 4
behavior and reconstruct tissues and organs ranging from bone, EN.580.431 Introduction to Computational Medicine I 4
cartilage, liver, pancreas, skin, blood vessel, and peripheral nerve. EN.580.437 Neuro Data Design I 4
To complement these efforts designed to meet critical health care EN.580.438 Neuro Data Design II 4
needs, immunoengineering approaches are used not only augment
EN.580.439 Models of the Neuron 4
regeneration, but also to treat diseases such as cancer.
EN.580.445 Networks 3
Biomedical Engineering 5
Imaging and Instrumentation Focus Area - Upper-Level Engineering EN.553.433 Monte Carlo Methods 3
Courses EN.553.436 Data Mining 4
EN.510.311 Structure Of Materials 3 EN.553.472 Graph Theory 4
EN.510.313 Mechanical Properties of Materials 3 EN.553.493 Mathematical Image Analysis 3
EN.510.314 Electronic Properties of Materials 3 EN.580.466 Statistical Methods in Imaging 3
EN.510.316 Biomaterials I 3 EN.553.630 Introduction to Statistics 4
EN.510.403 Materials Characterization 3 EN.553.761 Nonlinear Optimization I 3
EN.510.407 Biomaterials II: Host response and biomaterials 3 EN.553.762 Nonlinear Optimization II 3
applications EN.580.435 Applied Bioelectrical Engineering I 1.5
EN.510.422 Micro and Nano Structured Materials & Devices 3 EN.580.436 Applied Bioelectrical Engineering II 1.5
EN.510.430 Biomaterials Lab 3 EN.580.456 Introduction to Rehabilitation Engineering 3
EN.520.315 Intro. to Bio-Inspired Processing of Audio-Visual 3 EN.580.457 Introduction to Rehabilitation Engineering: Design 3
Signals Lab
EN.520.349 Microprocessor Lab I 3 EN.580.471 Principles of Design of BME Instrumentation 4
EN.520.353 Control Systems 3 EN.580.571 Honors Instrumentation (Intersession) will count as an
EN.520.372 Programmable Device Lab 3 additional 2 credits in the focus area.
EN.520.414 Image Processing & Analysis 3 EN.580.479 X-ray Imaging and Computed Tomography 3
EN.520.415 Image Process & Analysis II 3 EN.580.491 Learning Theory 3
8 Biomedical Engineering
Students may use a maximum of 3 research credits as a non-upper- EN.520.214 Signals and Systems 4
level engineering course. EN.520.216 Introduction To VLSI 3
EN.520.230 Mastering Electronics 2
Neuroengineering Focus Area - Upper-Level Engineering Courses EN.530.254 Manufacturing Engineering 3
EN.520.315 Intro. to Bio-Inspired Processing of Audio-Visual 3
Signals Neuroengineering Focus Area - Non Upper-Level Engineering
EN.520.349 Microprocessor Lab I 3 Courses
EN.520.353 Control Systems 3 (maximum of 3 credits from this list may count in focus area)
EN.520.372 Programmable Device Lab 3
EN.580.112 BME Design Group 3
EN.520.407 Introduction to the Physics of Electronic Devices 3
EN.580.211 BME Design Group 3
EN.520.424 FPGA Synthesis Lab 3
EN.580.212 BME Design Group 3
EN.520.432 Medical Imaging Systems 3
EN.580.311 BME Design Group 3
EN.520.435 Digital Signal Processing 3
EN.580.312 BME Design Group 3
EN.520.448 Electronics Design Lab 3
EN.580.411 BME Design Group 3
EN.520.450 Advanced Micro-Processor Lab 3
EN.580.412 BME Design Group 3
EN.520.454 Control Systems Design 3
EN.580.580 Senior Design Project 3
EN.520.465 Digital Communications I 3
EN.580.581 Senior Design Project 3
EN.520.491 CAD Design of Digital VLSI Systems I (Juniors/ 3
Students may use a maximum of 3 research credits as a non-upper-
level engineering course.
EN.520.492 Mixed-Mode VLSI Systems 3
EN.520.495 Microfabrication Laboratory 4
Biomedical Engineering 9
Regenerative and Immune Engineering Focus Area - Upper-Level EN.580.442 Tissue Engineering 3
Engineering Courses EN.580.444 Biomedical Applications of Glycoengineering 3
EN.510.311 Structure Of Materials 3 EN.580.448 Biomechanics of the Cell 3
EN.510.312 Thermodynamics/Materials 3 EN.580.451 Cell and Tissue Engineering Lab 3
EN.510.313 Mechanical Properties of Materials 3 or EN.580.452 Cell and Tissue Engineering Lab
EN.510.314 Electronic Properties of Materials 3 EN.580.456 Introduction to Rehabilitation Engineering 3
EN.510.315 Physical Chemistry of Materials II 3 EN.580.492 Build-a-Genome Mentor 4
EN.510.316 Biomaterials I 3 EN.580.495 Microfabrication Lab 4
EN.510.403 Materials Characterization 3 EN.580.643 Advanced Orthopaedic Tissue Engineering 3
EN.510.407 Biomaterials II: Host response and biomaterials 3 EN.580.646 Molecular Immunoengineering 3
EN.670.619 Fundamental Physics and Chemistry of 3
EN.510.415 The Chemistry of Materials Synthesis 3 Nanomaterials
EN.510.421 Nanoparticles 3 Contact the department advising office for course additions.
EN.510.422 Micro and Nano Structured Materials & Devices 3
EN.510.426 Biomolecular Materials I - Soluble Proteins and 3 Regenerative and Immune Engineering Focus Area - Non Upper-
Amphiphiles Level Engineering Courses
(maximum of 3 credits from this list may count in focus area)
EN.510.430 Biomaterials Lab 3
EN.510.435 Mechanical Properties of Biomaterials 3 AS.020.303 Genetics 3
EN.510.442 Nanomaterials Lab 3 AS.020.337 Stem Cells & the Biology of Aging & Disease 2
EN.510.606 Polymer Chemistry & Biology 3 AS.020.363 Developmental Biology 3
EN.530.410 Biomechanics of the Cell 3 AS.020.373 Develop Biology Lab 2
EN.530.426 Biofluid Mechanics 3 EN.580.112 BME Design Group 3
EN.530.436 Bioinspired Science and Technology 3 EN.580.211 BME Design Group 3
EN.530.446 Experimental Methods in Biomechanics 3 EN.580.212 BME Design Group 3
EN.530.448 Biosolid Mechanics 3 EN.580.311 BME Design Group 3
EN.540.301 Kinetic Processes 4 EN.580.312 BME Design Group 3
EN.540.303 Transport Phenomena I 3 EN.580.411 BME Design Group 3
EN.540.304 Transport Phenomena II 4 EN.580.412 BME Design Group 3
EN.540.306 Chemical & Biomolecular Separation 3 EN.580.580 Senior Design Project 3
EN.540.400 Project in Design: Pharmacokinetics 3 EN.580.581 Senior Design Project 3
EN.540.402 Metabolic Systems Biotechnology 3 Students may use a maximum of 3 research credits as a non-upper-
EN.540.403 Colloids and Nanoparticles 3 level engineering course.
EN.540.405 The Design of Biomolecular Systems 3
EN.540.414 Computational Protein Structure Prediction and 3
Approved Design Courses - 6 credits
This 2-semester sequence must be taken in its entirety:
EN.510.433 Senior Design Research 3
EN.540.421 Project in Design: Pharmacodynamics 3
EN.510.434 Senior Design/Research II 3
EN.540.422 Introduction to Polymeric Materials 3
This 1-semester course is augmented by taking 1 semester of
EN.540.428 Supramolecular Materials and Nanomedicine 3
580.581 Independent Design:
EN.540.437 Application of Molecular Evolution to 3
EN.520.498 Senior Design Project 3
EN.520.499 Senior Design Project 3
EN.540.440 Micro/Nanotechnology: The Science and 3
Engineering of Small Structures This 1-semester course is augmented by taking 1 semester of
580.581 Independent Design:
EN.540.465 Engineering Principles of Drug Delivery 3
EN.540.400 Project in Design: Pharmacokinetics 3
EN.540.602 Metabolic Systems Biotechnology 3
EN.540.421 Project in Design: Pharmacodynamics 3
EN.553.391 Dynamical Systems 4
This 2-semester sequence must be taken in its entirety:
EN.580.418 Principles of Pulmonary Physiology 3
EN.580.311 BME Design Group 3
EN.580.420 Build-a-Genome 4
EN.580.312 BME Design Group 3
EN.580.430 Systems Pharmacology and Personalized 3
Medicine This 2-semester sequence must be taken in its entirety:
EN.580.434 Bioelectricity 3 EN.580.411 BME Design Group 3
EN.580.435 Applied Bioelectrical Engineering I 1.5 EN.580.412 BME Design Group 3
EN.580.436 Applied Bioelectrical Engineering II 1.5 This 2-semester sequence must be taken in its entirety:
EN.580.441 Cellular Engineering 3 EN.580.437 Neuro Data Design I 4
EN.580.438 Neuro Data Design II 4
10 Biomedical Engineering
This 2-semester sequence must be taken in its entirety: EN.580.221 Molecules and Cells 4
EN.580.456 Introduction to Rehabilitation Engineering 3 EN.580.241 Statistical Physics 2
EN.580.457 Introduction to Rehabilitation Engineering: Design 3 EN.580.242 Biological Models and Simulations 2
Lab EN.580.243 Linear Signals and Systems 2
This 1-semester course must be augmented by taking 1 semester EN.580.244 Nonlinear Dynamics of Biological Systems 2
of 580.571 Honors Instrumentation - offered during January EN.580.246 Systems and Controls 2
EN.580.248 Systems Biology of the Cell 2
EN.580.471 Principles of Design of BME Instrumentation 4
EN.580.421 Systems Bioengineering I 4
This 1-semester course must be augmented by taking 1 semester of
EN.580.422 Systems Bioengineering II 4
520.499 Independent Design:
EN.580.423 Systems Bioengineering Lab I 2
EN.580.580 Senior Design Project 3
EN.580.424 Systems Bioengineering Lab 2
EN.580.581 Senior Design Project 3
Other Electives
This 2-semester sequence must be taken in its entirety:
At least 29 additional credits are needed to complete the 120 credit 29
EN.601.455 Computer Integrated Surgery I 4
requirement for the BA degree.
EN.601.456 Computer Integrated Surgery II 3
Total Credits 120
Bachelor of Arts in Biomedical Engineering
(See also General Requirements for Departmental Majors (http://e- Graduate Programs Master of Science in Engineering
The master’s degree program is designed for students who wish to
The B.A. in biomedical engineering requires 120 credits. The courses pursue careers in research and development, or as a step toward Ph.D.
listed below must either be taken or passed by examination for advanced or M.D./Ph.D. education. The program has two degree options: a course-
credit. See the Biomedical Engineering Undergraduate Advising Manual based plan consisting of 30 credits (equivalent to 10 full courses to be
for lists of recommended courses, acceptable course substitutions, and completed in one year) and a thesis-based track that requires 30 credits
limitations on credits for courses with overlapping material. plus a thesis project which is completed in a second year.
can also include the JHU Center for Leadership’s Professional The cornerstone of the program is our belief in the importance of in-depth
Development Courses (e.g,. 633.645, 663.650, 663.646, and 663.651). training of students in life sciences, modern engineering, mathematics,
computer science, and in the conduct of original research leading to the
Thesis-based Degree Option doctoral dissertation. In-depth training in life sciences is achieved in one
of two ways. Typically, incoming Ph.D. students enroll in the first year
Each student will take 30 credits at the graduate-level (the same as first
basic sciences curriculum of the Johns Hopkins University School of
year students), including one or more research/practicum courses.
Medicine. That is, they learn human biology with the medical students.
Thesis track students must also complete a thesis based on a research This is a unique and intensive curriculum covering a broad range of topics
topic requiring application of quantitative or applied engineering including molecules and cells, human anatomy, immunology, physiology,
principles to biomedical engineering. and neuroscience. Students choosing this option typically devote
their entire first academic year to these courses. This curriculum is an
Master of Science in Engineering in Innovation and excellent way to build a broad and solid foundation in the life sciences.
Design Alternatively, students may elect alternative life sciences curricula. These
curricula have been carefully designed to provide training in areas of the
The Center for Bioengineering Innovation and Design (CBID), housed
life sciences that are appropriate to each of the program’s research areas.
in the Department of Biomedical Engineering, focuses on the design
This option is of particular value to students who enter the program
aspect of Biomedical Engineering. This exciting program gives students
having a strong background in the life sciences. In-depth training in
opportunities to design, develop, build, and test devices that solve some
engineering, mathematics, and computer science is achieved through
of the most pressing problems facing clinicians today.
elective courses that are taken in the second year.
The mission of CBID is to:
All students are admitted with full financial support. This covers tuition
• Improve human health by developing medical devices that solve and provides a modest stipend for the duration of their Ph.D. Because the
important clinical problems students are fully funded, they can choose to perform their dissertation in
essentially any laboratory in the University (subject to the approval of the
• Educate a new generation of medical device engineers and fellows
Program directors). A special program with the National Heart, Lung, and
• Facilitate technology transfer and industry collaboration
Blood Institute of the National Institute of Health (NIH) allows students to
In the graduate program CBID students will learn to identify clinical also choose from research laboratories at the NIH.
needs and innovate a novel solution to solve that clinical problem.
Students typically do research rotations during the summer before start
Working in teams, students work closely with engineering faculty and
of the first academic semester, during the first year (typically as they are
physicians throughout the medical institution to come up with device
taking medical school courses), and during the following summer year.
ideas, build prototypes, research intellectual property, learn about the
They are expected to choose a research laboratory before the start of the
regulatory process, write business plans, and present their designs to
second academic year.
fellow students, faculty, and outside advisors.
Emphasis is placed on original research leading to the doctoral
Undergraduate students in BME can also become involved in medical
dissertation. The research is usually experimental in nature, and
device design by joining an undergraduate design team which works on
students are expected to learn biological experimentation techniques.
solving clinical problems by designing innovative devices.
Nevertheless, experiment or theory can be emphasized in the research as
Incorporated in all the BME design curriculum is a focus on technology desired by the student.
commercialization. All students, graduate and undergraduate, will
Requirements for Admission
interact with clinical and corporate sponsors and have experiences that
The School of Medicine program accepts applications for the Ph.D.
promote the development of leadership, communications, and marketing
program until December 1 of each year. We typically recruit students in
skills, thus helping to ensure our graduates’ professional success.
five areas: Computational Biology, Imaging, Tissue Engineering, Neural
The CBID M.S.E. is a one-year program lasting from May through the engineering, and Molecular, Neural, and Cardiac physiology (MNCP).
following May. Please see our website for more information on our The program is unique in that it offers the BME student the strengths
programs: of one of the best medical schools in the world. If you wish to combine
engineering with cutting edge research in medicine, this may be the
Information can also be found here: program for you.
In their first year, our students have the option of taking many of the same
Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering through the School of courses as the medical students, including human anatomy, molecules
Medicine and cells, and genes to society. In their second year, our students take
advanced engineering courses. Therefore, students that apply to our
Biomedical Engineering has emerged as one of the most exciting
program need to not only have a strong background in engineering and
interdisciplinary research fields in modern science. Biomedical engineers
mathematics, but also sufficient background in chemistry (including
apply modern approaches from the experimental life sciences in
organic chemistry) and biology (at least two introductory courses).
conjunction with theoretical and computational methods from the
disciplines of engineering, mathematics, and computer science to The admission process is by committee. The applicant should specify
the solution of biomedical problems of fundamental importance. The which area they are interested in and write about the kind of research
Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program of Johns Hopkins University they are considering. The faculty in each area vote and rank the
is designed to train engineers to work at the cutting edge of this exciting applicants. The final pool of applicants is ranked and voted on by the
discipline. entire faculty.
12 Biomedical Engineering
About one third of our incoming students are international students. 410-614-3385 phone
A short list of these students is formed by committee and the top 410-614-3386 fax
candidates are interviewed by phone. Like all admitted students,
international students receive full financial aid as well as a monthly
stipend. They too have the freedom to choose from any lab. Processing
The Ph.D. Program admissions committee will not consider any
Applications should be complete when submitted. In order to be application until it is complete. Once an application has been received the
considered a complete application we must have: applicant will be notified if supporting materials are missing.
of the dissertation. There is a minimum residency requirement of two Bloomberg Distinguished Professor: single molecular engineering and
consecutive academic years. biophysics, DNA/RNA nanotechnology, cell mechanics, super-resolution
Integrated M.D./Ph.D. Program
Xingde Li
Candidates for the Ph.D. in biomedical engineering who wish to apply
Endomicroscopy technologies, nanobiophotonics and molecular imaging,
jointly for the M.D. degree must apply directly through the School of
early detection (cancer, cardiovascular diseases, wound healing).
Medicine. Although the combined programs would normally require
at least seven years to execute sequentially, the combined program Aleksander S. Popel
can ordinarily be completed in six years, with appropriate planning. Physiological flows and molecular transport, microcirculation, cell
Good preparation in biology and chemistry as well as mathematics, mechanics.
engineering, and the physical sciences is essential. Life science graduate
requirements are met by the first-year program of the School of Medicine. Steven L. Salzberg
This program is more arduous than the Ph.D. program alone, but it may Bloomberg Distinguished Professor: bioinformatics and computational
have marked advantages for students interested in clinical research and biology.
applications in hospital systems and in the delivery of health care. The
catalog for the School of Medicine should be consulted for admissions Reza Shadmehr
requirements and procedures. Human motor control and learning in health and disease, functional
imaging of the brain, human neurophysiology, computational and
Information about applying to the combined M.D.-Ph.D. program can theoretical neuroscience.
be found at (http:// Applications submitted Jeffrey H. Siewerdsen
for consideration of the combined degree will be reviewed by the Medical John C. Malone Professor; BME Vice Chair Clinical and Industrial
School admissions committee. If the Medical School admissions Translation: medical imaging, image-guidance, flat-panel imagers, cone-
committee accepts the application, it is then passed along to the beam CT, volume imaging, MRI, image science, imaging performance,
Biomedical Engineering Ph.D. Program admissions committee for radiation therapy.
review. A student applying to the combined program who wishes to be
Nitish V. Thakor
considered for the straight Ph.D. program must submit a written request
Medical instrumentation, medical micro and nanotechnologies,
to have his or her application forwarded to the Biomedical Engineering
neurological instrumentation, signal processing, and neural prosthesis.
Ph.D. Program office for admission consideration if his or her application
is not accepted by the Medical School admissions committee. Natalia Trayanova
Murray B. Sachs Professor: computational cardiac electrophysiology
For current faculty and contact information go to http://
and electro-mechanics, mechanisms of arrhythmogenesis and cardiac
anti-arrhythmia therapies, cardiac dyssynchrony and resynchronization,
Faculty development of cardiac models from imaging modalities.
Genomics and computational molecular biology. Structural and molecular immunology, protein engineering, therapeutic
antibody discovery and design, targeted drug development.
Harry R. Goldberg
Assistant Dean of the School of Medicine: virtual learning systems, J. Webster Stayman
student learning, web-based instruction. Imaging physics, 3D image reconstruction, novel imaging systems,
image-guided interventions and diasnostic imaging.
Warren L. Grayson
Tissue engineering, stem cells, bioreactors, biomaterials, orthopaedics. Winston Timp
Epigenetics, single cell analysis, single molecule biophysics,
Rachel Karchin nanotechnology, systems biology, computational biology/bioinformatics.
Computational molecular biology, bioinformatics, genetic variation.
Joshua T. Vogelstein
Scot C. Kuo Big data science, connectomics, statistical neuroscience.
Cell motility and mechanics, nanoscale biophysics, laser-based
bioinstrumentation, advanced multiphoton and confocal microscopy. Youseph Yazdi
Medical instrumentation, medical device design, translation and
Feilim Mac Gabhann commercialization of medical devices, biophotonics, optical
BME Director of Graduate Affairs: computational modeling of growth spectroscopy.
factor-receptor networks, personalized medicine, individualized
medicine, experimental studies of interindividual variation, therapeutic Wojceich B. Zbijewski
cardiovascular remodeling, novel methods for data visualization System modeling for optimization of x-ray CT imaging chain, integration
and automated image analysis, computational models of virus-host in novel reconstruction algorithms.
Professors Emeriti
Sridevi Sarma Richard J. Johns
Co-Director, Institute for Computational Medicine: closed-loop deep brain University Distinguished Service Professor: Industrial liaison.
stimulation, control theory, computational neuroscience and large-scale
optimization. Lawrence P. Schramm
Spinal cord injury and regeneration, neural regulation of the circulation.
Kevin J. Yarema
Director of the Biomedical Engineering MSE Program: metabolic Artin A. Shoukas
glycoengineeing, glycobiology, systems biology of glycosylation, Systems analysis of circulatory systems, systems physiology.
carbohydrate-based cancer drug design and delivery, cellular responses
Eric D. Young
to static magnetic fields.
Auditory neurophysiology, neural modeling, sensory processes.
Kechen Zhang
Adjunct Professor
Theoretical neuroscience, computational neuroscience, neural
Elliot R. McVeigh
Assistant Professors Adjunct Associate Professors
Angelo Homayoun All
Xiaofeng Jia
Spinal cord injury, stem cells, electrophysiology, imaging.
Novel application of neuro-electrophysiology for detection and restoration
Alexis Battle of peripheral nerve and spinal cord injury, basic and clinical investigations
Genomics, machine learning, probabilistic methods to analyze genetic in neurological injuries and therapeutic hypothermia of brain and spinal
data. cord after asphyxial cardiac arrest.
Professor (Gastroenterology): electrogastrography. Professor (Electrical and Computer Engineering): computational biology,
models of cellular signal transduction, directed cell motility, cell division,
Charles C. Della Santina control systems.
Professor (Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery): electrical stimulation
of the inner ear for restoring balance function, neurophysiology, vestibular Takanari Inoue
function testing. Professor (Cell Biology): directed cell migration, tumor metastasis,
primary cilia, synthetic chemical biology, technology development.
Andrew S. Douglas
Vice Dean for Faculty for the Whiting School of Engineering, Professor David A. Kass
(Mechanical Engineering): nonlinear solid mechanics, soft tissue Professor (Cardiology): molecular pathophysiology of heart failure
mechanics, mechanics of active materials. and hypertrophy, pathobiology of cardiac dyssynchrony and
resynchronization, cardiac stress regulation by phosphodiesterase
Laura Ensign-Hodges 5, nitric oxide synthase uncoupling, structure-function of sarcomeric
Associate Professor (Nanoscience): nanomedicine, drug delivery proteins to cardiac mechanics, heart failure with preserved ejection
systems. fraction.
Laurent Younes
18 Biomedical Engineering
EN.580.112. BME Design Group. 3.0 Credits. EN.580.220. he Science of Medicine: Thinking Critically. 3.0 Credits.
A two-semester course sequence where freshmen work with groups of This course investigates some of the most pressing issues in biomedical
BME upperclassmen mentors, and learn to use engineering principles to science with direction from leading clinicians, scientists, policy
solve design problems that are biological, physiological, and/or medical. experts, and industry professionals. The underlying science and ethical
Freshmen are expected to use the informational content being taught in implications for topics such as “Rogue Clinics and Designer Babies: How
calculus, physics, and chemistry and apply this knowledge to the solution can I decide the genotype of my offspring – and should I,” “Mosquito-
of practical problems encountered in biomedical engineering. borne Diseases: Fighting an enemy that outnumbers us 15,000 to
Instructor(s): A. Manbachi; E. Logsdon; N. Durr; R. Allen one with genetics,” and “HIV: Pushing for a cure versus settling for a
Area: Engineering, Natural Sciences. treatment: What makes healthcare sufficient” are explored. The class
is taught in a flipped method: students will be expected to listen to e-
EN.580.117. Introductory Lab Skills. 1.0 Credit.
presentations at home so that class time can be devoted to problem
This course aims to familiarize first-year undergraduates with the basic
solving activities, experimental design, debates, and discussion. The goal
lab skills necessary to work in a wet-lab. Specific skills covered will
of this course is to teach students how to think critically and to expose
include pipetting, microscopy, PCR, gel electrophoresis, basic cell culture,
students to the great unknowns that remain in science today.
simple microfluidics, and more! This hands-on experience will fully
Instructor(s): C. Hanlon; E. Haase; H. Goldberg
immerse students in the basics of laboratory research and should help
Area: Natural Sciences.
prepare students looking for research or internship opportunities in the
upcoming spring or summer semester. EN.580.221. Molecules and Cells. 4.0 Credits.
Instructor(s): E. Haase An introduction to modern molecular and cellular biology in the context of
Area: Engineering, Natural Sciences. potential biomedical engineering applications. Topics covered: reactions
between molecules, including receptor-ligand and antigen-antibody
EN.580.200. Introduction to Scientific Computing in BME using Python,
specificity, protein structure, enzyme catalysis, genetic information,
Matlab, and R. 3.0 Credits.
protein processing and secretion, cell physiology and cell functions.
This course is an introduction to scientific programming and computing
Along with detailed study of molecular pathways and cellular behavior,
designed for first-year students. The aim is to develop core computer
we will discuss the quantitative study of molecular and cellular biology.
skills required to succeed in research. Programming projects are
Recommended Course Background: AS.030.101 and AS.030.104
drawn from current biomedical applications within BME. Emphasis
Instructor(s): E. Haase; F. Macgabhann; K. Yarema
is on algorithm development, large scale data analysis, and effective
Area: Natural Sciences.
visualization of results, using MATLAB, Python, and R. Prior programming
experience is not required. EN.580.222. Systems and Controls. 4.0 Credits.
Instructor(s): W. Timp An introduction to linear systems: analysis, stability and control.
Area: Engineering. Topics include first and second order systems, linear time invariant
discrete and continuous systems, convolution, Fourier series, Fourier
EN.580.202. Bme In The Real World. 1.0 Credit.
transforms, Laplace transforms, stability of linear systems, input output
Open only to engineering students; A series of weekly lectures to inform
and state space representation of linear systems, stability, observability,
students about careers in biomedical engineering and to discuss
controlability, and PID controller design. Recommended Course
technological, social, ethical, legal, and economic issues relevant
Background: AS.171.102 and AS.110.201, AS.110.302 or EN.553.291
to the profession. Topics include academic careers in biomedical
Instructor(s): M. Miller; S. Sarma
engineering; biomedical engineering in industry (large corporations
Area: Engineering.
to sole entrepreneurship); health care delivery; ethical issues; legal
issues (patenting, licensing, product liability); standards and government EN.580.223. Models and Simulations. 4.0 Credits.
regulations; and economic issues in biomedical engineering industry This course introduces students to modeling and analysis of biological
(start-up companies, global businesses). systems. The first portion of the course focuses on linear systems.
Instructor(s): A. Popel. Topics include harmonic oscillators, pharmacokinetics, reaction-
diffusion equation, heat transfer, and fluid flow. The second half of the
EN.580.211. BME Design Group. 3.0 Credits.
course focuses on non-linear systems. Topics include iterated maps,
Sophomore-level version of EN.580.311-312 or Perm. Req’d
bifurcations, chaos, stability of autonomous systems, the Hodgkin-Huxley
Instructor(s): A. Manbachi; E. Logsdon; N. Durr
model, bistability, limit cycles, and the Poincare-Bendixson theorem.
Area: Engineering, Natural Sciences.
The course also introduces students to the Matlab programming
EN.580.212. BME Design Group. 3.0 Credits. language, which allows them to implement the models discussed in
Sophomore-level version of EN.580.111-112. Permission of course class. Recommended Course Background: AS.110.201, AS.110.302, or
directors required. EN.553.291
Instructor(s): A. Manbachi; E. Logsdon; N. Durr; R. Allen Instructor(s): A. Popel; M. Beer
Area: Engineering, Natural Sciences. Area: Engineering.
EN.580.230. Introduction to Genomic Data Analysis. 2.0 Credits.
This class will provide an introduction to analysis of genomic data,
with a focus on practical applications and research appropriate for
students with no experience. It will include directed readings, discussion,
and hands-on experience in genomic research projects. Permission of
Instructor(s): A. Battle
Area: Engineering.
Biomedical Engineering 19
EN.580.237. Neuro Data Design I. 3.0 Credits. EN.580.244. Nonlinear Dynamics of Biological Systems. 2.0 Credits.
In this year long course, students will work together in small teams Analysis and simulation of nonlinear behavior in biological systems:
to design, develop, and deploy a functioning tool for practicing brain bifurcations (cell-fate decision), limit cycles (cell-cycle, neuronal
scientists, either for accelerating research or augmenting the clinic. excitations), chaos, and maps. Matlab will be used to simulate these
The first semester will focus on scoping the tool, including determining systems and motivate nonlinear analytic tools and stability analysis.
feasibility (for us in a year) and significance (for the targeted brain Recommended course background: AS.110.201 Linear Algebra,
science community), as well as a statement of work specifying AS.110.302 Differential Equations, or EN.553.292 Linear Algebra and
deliverables and milestones. The second semester will focus on Differential Equations.
developing the tool, getting regular feedback, and iterating, using the Area: Engineering.
agile/lean development process. This version of Neuro Data Design is EN.580.246. Systems and Controls. 2.0 Credits.
designed for students with less coding experience who wish to develop An introduction to the analysis and synthesis of controllers for linear
their writing skills. systems. topics include LaPlace transforms, input output and state space
Instructor(s): J. Vogelstein representations of linear systems, stability, observability, controlability,
Area: Engineering and PID controller design. Recommended course background:
Writing Intensive. AS.110.201 Linear Algebra, AS.110.302 Differential Equations, or
EN.580.238. Neuro Data Design II. 3.0 Credits. EN.553.291 Linear Algebra and Differential Equations.
In this year long course, students will work together in small teams Area: Engineering.
to design, develop, and deploy a functioning tool for practicing brain EN.580.248. Systems Biology of the Cell. 2.0 Credits.
scientists, either for accelerating research or augmenting the clinic. Cellular systems biology provides a theoretical and quantitative
The first semester will focus on scoping the tool, including determining understanding of the interactions between DNA, RNA, and proteins
feasibility (for us in a year) and significance (for the targeted brain that create the well-regulated system we call life. This course develops
science community), as well as a statement of work specifying first-principles models for the central dogma of molecular biology:
deliverables and milestones. The second semester will focus on information flow through protein signal transduction pathways, gene
developing the tool, getting regular feedback, and iterating, using the regulation by protein-DNA physical interactions, transcription of DNA
agile/lean development process. This version of Neuro Data Design is to RNA, translation of RNA to protein, and feedback regulation that
designed for students with less coding experience who wish to develop closes the cycle. Topics include complex analysis and contour integrals,
their writing skills. spectral transforms, linear models for cell signaling, positive and negative
Instructor(s): J. Vogelstein feedback, non-linearities introducted by saturation and cooperativity,
Area: Engineering information content and combinatorial regulation, and instabilities
Writing Intensive. leading to cell fate specification. Recommended Course Background:
EN.580.241. Statistical Physics. 2.0 Credits. Linear Algebra, Systems and Controls and programming.
Basic principles of statistical physics and thermodynamics of biological Instructor(s): J. Bader
systems. Topics included quantitative statistical formulation of Area: Engineering, Natural Sciences.
entropy and its application in thermodynamic optimization and EN.580.256. Rehabilitation Engineering Seminar. 3.0 Credits.
conversion principles, the Gibbs/Boltzmann distribution, mixing, The primary objective of this course is to introduce students to the
and phase transitions. Recommended Background: AS.110.108-109, challenges of engineering solutions for persons functioning with
AS.030.101-102, AS 171.101-102 or equivalent. disabilities. In order to achieve this goal, other objectives include: gaining
Instructor(s): M. Beer a basic appreciation of the modalities used to treat impairments, the
Area: Engineering. opportunities for application of engineering to improve treatment delivery,
EN.580.242. Biological Models and Simulations. 2.0 Credits. understanding the science and engineering applied to helping persons
This course introduces students to modeling and analysis of with disabilities function in the everyday world and an basic knowledge
linear biological systems. Topics include viscoelastic materials, of the legal, ethical issues and employment opportunities in rehabilitation
pharmacokinetics, reaction-diffusion-convection equation with engineering. Students must attend at least 70% of lectures to receive a
applications to molecular transport in tissues. The course also introduces satisfactory (S) grade.
students to the Matlab programming language, which allows them to Instructor(s): S. Paul.
implement the models discussed in the classroom. Recommended EN.580.302. Careers in Biomedical Engineering. 1.0 Credit.
course background: AS.110.201 Linear Algebra, AS.110.302 Differential This course is designed for upperclassmen that wish to meet with
Equations, or EN.553.291 Linear Algebra and Differential Equations. weekly speakers to discuss careers issues. A series of weekly lectures
Area: Engineering. to inform students about careers in biomedical engineering and to
EN.580.243. Linear Signals and Systems. 2.0 Credits. discuss technological, social, ethical, legal, and economic issues relevant
An introduction to signals and linear systems. Topics include first and to the profession. Topics include academic careers in biomedical
second order systems, linear time variant discrete and continuous engineering; biomedical engineering in industry (large corporations
systems, convolution, Fourier series, and Fourier transforms. to sole entrepreneurship); health care delivery; ethical issues; legal
Recommended background: AS.171.102 and AS.110.201, AS.110.302, or issues (patenting, licensing, product liability); standards and government
553.291. 110.302 may be taken at the same time. regulations; and economic issues in biomedical engineering industry
Instructor(s): M. Miller (start-up companies, global businesses). Junior/Senior Engineers only.
Area: Engineering. Instructor(s): A. Popel.
20 Biomedical Engineering
EN.580.311. BME Design Group. 3.0 Credits. EN.580.412. BME Design Group. 3.0 Credits.
A two-semester course sequence where juniors and seniors work with Senior-level version of EN.580.311-312. Permission of course directors
a team leader and a group of BME freshmen and sophomores, to solve required
open-ended problems in biomedical engineering. Upperclassmen are Instructor(s): A. Manbachi; E. Logsdon; N. Durr; R. Allen
expected to apply their general knowledge and experience, and their Area: Engineering.
knowledge in their concentration area, to teach lower classmen and to
EN.580.413. Design Team, Team Leader Seminar. 1.0 Credit.
generate the solution to practical problems encountered in biomedical This course is for Design Team leaders actively leading a team for the
engineering. Perm. Req’d. academic year. This course focuses on development of leadership,
Instructor(s): A. Manbachi; E. Logsdon; N. Durr; R. Allen communication and team management skills in the context of biodesign.
Area: Engineering, Natural Sciences. Instructor(s): A. Manbachi; E. Logsdon; N. Durr
EN.580.312. BME Design Group. 3.0 Credits. Area: Engineering.
A two semester course sequence where juniors and seniors work with EN.580.414. Design Team, Team Leader Seminar. 1.0 Credit.
a team leader and a group of BME freshmen and sophomores, to solve This course is for Design Team leaders actively leading a team for the
open-ended problems in biomedical engineering. Upperclassmen are academic year. This course focuses on development of leadership,
expected to apply their general knowledge and experience, and their communication and team management skills in the context of biodesign.
knowledge in their concentration area, to teach lower classmen and to Instructor(s): A. Manbachi; E. Logsdon; N. Durr; R. Allen
generate the solution to practical problems encountered in biomedical Area: Engineering.
Instructor(s): A. Manbachi; E. Logsdon; N. Durr; R. Allen EN.580.415. Ethics of Biomedical Engineering Innovation. 3.0 Credits.
Area: Engineering, Natural Sciences. Engineers confront problems and make decisions that hold long term
social consequences for individuals, organizations, communities
EN.580.321. Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics. 4.0 Credits. and the profession. For biomedical engineers, these decisions may
Basic principles of statistical physics and thermodynamics with relate to: inventions such as medical devices and pharmaceuticals;
application to biological systems. Topics include fundamental principles neural prosthetics and synthetic biological organisms; responsible
of thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium and thermodynamics and sustainable design; availability of biotechnology in the developing
of reactions in solutions, and elementary statistical mechanics. world. Using a combination of cases, fieldwork and readings, we examine
Recommended Course Background: AS.110.108-AS.110.109, AS.030.101- the ethical issues, standards, theory and consequences of recent
AS.030.102, AS.171.101-AS.171.102; Freshman/Sophomore Chemistry and emerging engineering interventions as a way to understand the
and Physics profession and to form a basis for future decisions. In addition students
Instructor(s): M. Beer will learn and practice multiple forms of communication, including oral,
Area: Engineering, Natural Sciences. visual and written rhetoric. A particular focus will be communication
EN.580.407. Design Team Clinical Immersion. 1.0 Credit. targeted to different stakeholders including other professionals and
In this course design team leaders will undergo training in clinical need the public. Students will apply good communication principle to the
identification through clinical immersion in the Johns Hopkins Hospital discussion of biomedical engineering ethics, develop their own ethical
System. Leaders will learn observation techniques, survey methods, case studies and participate in group projects to aid ethical decision-
mind-mapping and root-cause analysis. Dates: Tues 1/17- Friday 1/20, making, and to improve communication of complex biomedical ethical
Monday 1/23 - Friday 1/27 The schedule for this class will change with issues to others.
clinical practice but will generally fall within the hours of 6am - 6pm. Instructor(s): F. Macgabhann
Instructor(s): E. Logsdon; N. Durr. Area: Social and Behavioral Sciences
EN.580.408. Design Team Leader Seminar. 1.0 Credit. Writing Intensive.
This course prepares undergraduate students to lead teams for the EN.580.416. BME Advanced Teaching Practicum. 3.0 Credits.
subsequent Design Teams course. This course will teach leadership Senior biomedical engineering students will assist the core course
skills, expose students to project options and clinical sponsors, and instructors in managing the sections, recitations, or lab component of a
prepare them to plan and execute a biomedical design project. Course course. Permission required.
will meet in the Clark Hall Design Studio and the Carnegie Building (SoM) Instructor(s): E. Haase.
Design Studio. EN.580.418. Principles of Pulmonary Physiology. 3.0 Credits.
Instructor(s): E. Logsdon; N. Durr. This course will provide students with an introduction to concepts in the
EN.580.410. Effective Teaching and Management of Engineering Teams. structure and function of the respiratory system. Topics to be covered
2.0 Credits. will include basic anatomy, lung mechanics, gas exchange, tests of
Senior biomedical engineering students will assist the core course pulmonary function and cardiopulmonary exercise, and the effects of
instructors and PhD students in managing the sections and recitations disease on aspects of the respiratory system. Class sessions will mix
and or lab component of a course. Permission required. both lecture and hands-on measurement, and will include discussion
Instructor(s): E. Haase. of instrumentation used in pulmonary measurements and a field trip
to a clinical physiology laboratory at JHH. Recommended background:
EN.580.411. BME Design Group. 3.0 Credits.
Chemistry, Physics, and Calculus II, and EN.580.222 Systems and
Perm. Req’d. Senior-level version of EN.580.311-312.
Controls or equivalent.
Instructor(s): A. Manbachi; E. Logsdon; N. Durr; R. Allen
Instructor(s): D. Shade
Area: Engineering.
Area: Engineering, Natural Sciences.
Biomedical Engineering 21
EN.580.420. Build-a-Genome. 4.0 Credits. EN.580.424. Systems Bioengineering Lab. 2.0 Credits.
Must understand fundamentals of DNA structure, DNA electrophoresis A laboratory course in which various physiological preparations are
and analysis, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and must be either a) used as examples of problems of applying technology in biological
Experienced with molecular biology lab work or b) Adept at programming systems. The emphasis in this course is on the design of experimental
with a biological twist. In this combination lecture/laboratory "Synthetic measurements and on physical models of biological systems.
Biology" course students will learn how to make DNA building blocks Recommended Corequisite: EN.580.422
used in an int'l. project to build the world's first synthetic eukaryotic Prerequisites: Students must have completed Lab Safety training prior to
genome, Saccharomyces cerevisiae v. 2.0. Please study the wiki registering for this class. for more details about the project. Following Instructor(s): E. Haase.
a biotechnology boot-camp, students will have 24/7 access to EN.580.425. Ion Channels in Excitable Membranes. 3.0 Credits.
computational and wet-lab resources and will be expected to spend 15-20 Ion channels are key signaling molecules that support electrical
hours per week on this course. Advanced students will be expected to communication throughout the body. As such, these channels are a
contribute to the computational and biotech infrastructure. Successful central focus of biomedical engineering as it relates to neuroscience,
completion of this course provides 3 credit hours toward the supervised computational biology, biophysics, and drug discovery. The course
research requirement for Molecular and Cellular Biology majors, or 2 introduces the engineering and molecular strategies used to understand
credit hours toward the upper level elective requirement for Biology or the function of ionic channels. The course also surveys key papers that
Molecular and Cellular Biology majors. paint the current picture of how ion channels open and conduct ions.
Prerequisites: Students must have completed Lab Safety training prior to Biological implications of these properties are emphasized throughout.
registering for this class. Finally, the course introduces how optical and electrophysiological
Instructor(s): J. Bader; K. Zeller methods now promise to revolutionize understanding of ionic channels.
Area: Engineering, Natural Sciences. This course can be seen as a valuable partner of Models of the Neuron
EN.580.421. Systems Bioengineering I. 4.0 Credits. (EN.580.439). Recommended Course Background: EN.580.421 and
A quantitative, model-oriented investigation of the cardiovascular EN.580.422 or equivalent, AS.110.201, AS.110.302
system. Topics are organized in three segments. (1) Molecular/cellular Area: Engineering, Natural Sciences.
physiology, including electrical signaling and muscle contraction. (2) EN.580.429. Systems Bioengineering III. 4.0 Credits.
Systems cardiovascular physiology, emphasizing circuit-diagram analysis Computational and theoretical systems biology at the cellular and
of hemodynamics. (3) Cardio-vascular horizons and challenges for molecular level. Topics include organizational patterns of biological
biomedical engineers, including heart failure and its investigation/ networks; analysis of metabolic networks, gene regulatory networks,
treatment by computer simulation, by gene-array analysis, by stem-cell and signal transduction networks; inference of pathway structure;
technology, and by mechanical devices (left-ventricular assist and total- and behavior of cellular and molecular circuits. Recommended Course
heart replacement). Recommended Course Background: EN.580.221 and Background: EN.580.221 and EN.580.222 or Permission Required.
EN.580.222 Instructor(s): J. Bader
Instructor(s): N. Trayanova; R. Vidal Area: Engineering, Natural Sciences.
Area: Engineering, Natural Sciences.
EN.580.422. Systems Bioengineering II. 4.0 Credits.
A quantitative, model-oriented approach to the study of the nervous
system. Topics include functional anatomy of the central and autonomic
nervous systems, neurons and networks, learning and memory, structure
and function of the auditory and visual systems, motor systems, and
neuro-engineering. Recommended Course Background: EN.580.221,
EN.580.222, EN.580.223, AS.110.302, EN.580.421; Corequisite:
Instructor(s): E. Haase; X. Wang
Area: Engineering, Natural Sciences.
EN.580.423. Systems Bioengineering Lab I. 2.0 Credits.
A two-semester laboratory course in which various physiological
preparations are used as examples of problems of applying technology
in biological systems. The emphasis in this course is on the design
of experimental measurements and on physical models of biological
systems. Priority to Junior BME majors. Recommended Corequisite:
Prerequisites: Students must have completed Lab Safety training prior to
registering for this class.
Instructor(s): B. Bejar Haro; E. Haase
Area: Natural Sciences.
22 Biomedical Engineering
EN.580.430. Systems Pharmacology and Personalized Medicine. 3.0 EN.580.434. Bioelectricity. 3.0 Credits.
Credits. This course has been revised to include numerous examples of
We have moved beyond the 'one-size-fits-all' era of medicine. Individuals bioelectrically active tissues and organs, complemented by relevant
are different, their diseases are different, and their responses to drugs engineering principles. Topics include bioelectric currents and potentials,
are different too. This variability is not just from person to person; measurements of biological electric fields, wound repair in skin and
heterogeneity is observed even between tumors within the same epithelia, early history of bioelectricity, volume conductor theory, cardiac
person, and between sites within the same tumor. These levels of electrogram and lead theory, electromanipulation of cells, galvanotaxis,
variability among the human population must be accounted for to stem cell development, bone repair, and neuronal growth. Recommended
improve patient outcomes and the efficiency of clinical trials. Some Prereqs: EN.580.421 and EN.580.422.
of the ways in which this is being explored include: drugs are being Instructor(s): L. Tung
developed hand-in-hand with the tests needed to determine whether Area: Engineering.
or not they will be effective; tumor fragments excised from patients EN.580.435. Applied Bioelectrical Engineering I. 1.5 Credits.
are being cultured in the lab for high-throughput testing of drugs and The course is offered in two parts, each a half semester long (1.5
drug combinations; data-rich assays such as genomics and proteomics credits each). EN.580.435 explores diverse applications of bioelectrical
identify thousands of potentially significant differences between measurements and manipulation in modern engineering practice. Topics
individuals; and computational models are being used to predict which include functional electrical stimulation, deep brain stimulation, cardiac
therapies will work for which patients. This course will focus on the pacing and defibrillation, tissue ablation and cancer treatment. The
applications of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics to simulating second part of the course, EN.580.436, is optional and will consist of a
the effects of various drugs across a heterogeneous population of lab project involving the physical manipulation of cells, mentored by the
diseased individuals. Such computational approaches are needed to instructors and carried out by the entire class. Recommended Course
harness and leverage the vast amounts of data and provide insight Background: EN.580.421 and EN.580.422.
into the key differences that determine drug responsiveness. These Instructor(s): D. Hunter; L. Tung
approaches can also explore the temporal dynamics of disease and Area: Engineering.
treatment, and enable the modification of treatment during recovery.
Recommended background: 110.201 Linear Algebra, 110.302 Differential EN.580.436. Applied Bioelectrical Engineering II. 1.5 Credits.
Equations, and 553.311 Probability and Statistics (or equivalent). The course is offered in two parts, each a half semester long (1.5
Instructor(s): F. Macgabhann credits each). EN.580.435 explores diverse applications of bioelectrical
Area: Engineering. measurements and manipulation in modern engineering practice. Topics
include functional electrical stimulation, deep brain stimulation, cardiac
EN.580.431. Introduction to Computational Medicine I. 4.0 Credits. pacing and defibrillation, tissue ablation and cancer treatment. The
Computational medicine is an emerging discipline in which computer second part of the course, EN.580.436, is optional and will consist of a
models of disease are developed, constrained using data measured from lab project involving the physical manipulation of cells, mentored by the
individual patients, and then applied to deliver precision health care. instructors and carried out by the entire class. Recommended Course
Introduction to Computational Medicine I is the first in a sequence of Background: EN.580.421 and EN.580.422.
two courses on computational medicine. It covers the core concepts Instructor(s): D. Hunter; L. Tung
of computational physiological medicine and computational anatomy. Area: Engineering.
The first half of this course will cover computational physiological
medicine. Students will learn how to: use biophysical laws and data to EN.580.437. Neuro Data Design I. 4.0 Credits.
formulate computational models of physiological systems in health In this year long course, students will work together in small teams
and disease; analyze the behaviors of these models using analytical to design, develop, and deploy a functioning tool for practicing brain
and simulation approaches; apply models to understand their use scientists, either for accelerating research or augmenting the clinic.
in diagnosing and treating disease. The second half of this course The first semester will focus on scoping the tool, including determining
will cover computational anatomy. Students will learn how to: model feasibility (for us in a year) and significance (for the targeted brain
anatomies using magnetic resonance imaging data; compare anatomies science community), as well as a statement of work specifying
via mappings onto anatomical atlases; discover anatomical biomarkers deliverables and milestones. The second semester will focus on
of disease; analyze changes in the connectivity of anatomies in disease. developing the tool, getting regular feedback, and iterating, using the
Class time will emphasize hands-on learning through data analysis, agile/lean development process. Recommended Course Background:
software development, and simulation. All instructional materials will be numerical programming.
made available at the beginning of the course. Recommended Course Instructor(s): J. Vogelstein
Background: C++, Matlab or Python. Area: Engineering, Natural Sciences.
Prerequisites: ( AS.110.107 OR AS.110.109 OR AS.110.113) AND
( EN.553.310 OR EN.553.311 OR EN.553.420 OR EN.553.430 )
Instructor(s): M. Miller; R. Winslow.
Biomedical Engineering 23
EN.580.438. Neuro Data Design II. 4.0 Credits. EN.580.443. Advanced Orthopaedic Tissue Engineering. 3.0 Credits.
In this year long course, students will work together in small teams This course is intended to provide a comprehensive overview on the
to design, develop, and deploy a functioning tool for practicing brain current state of the field of Orthopaedic Tissue Engineering. Students
scientists, either for accelerating research or augmenting the clinic. will apply engineering fundamentals learned in the Tissue Engineering
The first semester will focus on scoping the tool, including determining course (EN.580.442/642) with special emphasis on how they apply to
feasibility (for us in a year) and significance (for the targeted brain bone, cartilage, and skeletal muscle tissue engineering. The development,
science community), as well as a statement of work specifying structure, mechanics, and function of each of these tissues will be
deliverables and milestones. The second semester will focus on discussed. Key articles from the last three decades that focus on stem
developing the tool, getting regular feedback, and iterating, using the cell- and cell-free, biomaterial-based approaches to regenerate functional
agile/lean development process. Recommended background: numerical tissues will be presented and analyzed. Practical (regulatory/commercial)
programming. considerations that restrict the translation of therapies to the clinic will
Instructor(s): J. Vogelstein be discussed.
Area: Engineering. Prerequisites: Grade of B or higher in EN.580.442 OR EN.580.642
Instructor(s): W. Grayson
EN.580.439. Models of the Neuron. 4.0 Credits.
Area: Engineering.
Single-neuron modeling, emphasizing the use of computational models
as links between the properties of neurons at several levels of detail. EN.580.444. Biomedical Applications of Glycoengineering. 3.0 Credits.
Topics include thermodynamics of ion flow in aqueous environments, This course provides an overview of carbohydrate-based technologies
biology and biophysics of ion channels, gating, nonlinear dynamics as in biotechnology and medicine. The course will begin by briefly covering
a way of studying the collective properties of channels in a membrane, basics of glycobiology and glycochemistry followed by detailed
synaptic transmission, integration of electrical activity in multi- illustrative examples of biomedical applications of glycoengineering. A
compartment dendritic tree models, and properties of neural networks. sample of these applications include the role of sugars in preventative
Students will study the properties of computational models of neurons; medicine (e.g., for vaccine development and probiotics), tissue
graduate students will develop a neuron model using data from the engineering (e.g., exploiting natural and engineered polysaccharides
literature. Recommended Course Background: AS.110.302 or equivalent. for creating tissue or organs de novo in the laboratory), regenerative
Meets with EN.580.639 medicine (e.g., for the treatment of arthritis or degenerative muscle
Instructor(s): R. Winslow; S. Sarma disease), and therapy (e.g., cancer treatment). A major part of the course
Area: Engineering, Natural Sciences. grade will be based on class participation with each student expected
to provide a “journal club” presentation of a relevant paper as well as
EN.580.441. Cellular Engineering. 3.0 Credits.
participate in a team-based project designed to address a current unmet
This course focuses on principles and applications in cell engineering.
clinical need that could be fulfilled through a glycoengineering approach.
Class lectures include an overview of molecular biology fundamentals,
Recommended Course Background: EN.580.221 Molecules and Cells
protein/ligand binding, receptor/ligand trafficking, cell-cell interactions,
Instructor(s): K. Yarema
cell-matrix interactions, and cell adhesion and migration at both
Area: Engineering, Natural Sciences.
theoretical and experimental levels. Lectures will cover the effects of
physical (e.g. shear stress, strain), chemical (e.g. cytokines, growth EN.580.445. Networks. 3.0 Credits.
factors) and electrical stimuli on cell function, emphasizing topics on Networks are ubiquitous in our modern society. The World Wide Web
gene regulation and signal transduction processes. Furthermore, topics that links us to and enables information flows with the rest of the world
in metabolic engineering, enzyme evolution, polymeric biomaterials, and is the most visible example. It is, however, only one of many networks
drug and gene delivery will be discussed. This course is intended as Part within which we are situated. Our social life is organized around networks
1 of a two-semester sequence recommended for students in the Cell of friends and colleagues. These networks determine our information,
and Tissue Engineering focus area. Recommended Course Background: influence our opinions, and shape our political attitudes. They also
EN.580.221 or AS.020.305 and AS.020.306 or equivalent and AS.030.205 link us, often through important but weak ties, to everybody else in the
Meets with EN.580.641 United States and in the world. Economic and financial markets also
Instructor(s): J. Green; K. Yarema look much more like networks than anonymous marketplaces. Firms
Area: Engineering. interact with the same suppliers and customers and use Web-like supply
chains. Financial linkages, both among banks and between consumers,
EN.580.442. Tissue Engineering. 3.0 Credits.
companies and banks, also form a network over which funds flow and
This course focuses on the application of engineering fundamentals to
risks are shared. Systemic risk in financial markets often results from
designing biological tissue substitutes. Concepts of tissue development,
the counterparty risks created within this financial network. Food chains,
structure and function will be introduced. Students will learn to recognize
interacting biological systems and the spread and containment of
the majority of histological tissue structures in the body and understand
epidemics are some of the other natural and social phenomena that
the basic building blocks of the tissue and clinical need for replacement.
exhibit a marked networked structure. This course will introduce the tools
The engineering components required to develop tissue-engineered
for the study of networks. It will show how certain common principles
grafts will be explored including biomechanics and transport phenomena
permeate the functioning of these diverse networks and how the same
along with the use of biomaterials and bioreactors to regulate the cellular
issues related to robustness, fragility, and interlinkages arise in several
microenvironment. Emphasis will be placed on different sources of stem
different types of networks. Biological applications will be highlighted as
cells and their applications to tissue engineering. Clinical and regulatory
material is presented. Recommended Course Background: EN.580.222
perspectives will be discussed. Recommended Course Background:
Instructor(s): S. Sarma
EN.580.221 or AS.020.305 and AS.020.306, AS.030.205 Recommended
Area: Engineering.
EN.580.441/EN.580.641 Co-listed with EN.580.642
Instructor(s): J. Elisseeff; W. Grayson
Area: Engineering.
24 Biomedical Engineering
EN.580.446. Physical Epigenetics. 3.0 Credits. EN.580.452. Cell and Tissue Engineering Lab. 3.0 Credits.
Epigenetics describes information heritable during cell division This laboratory course will consist of three experiments that will
other than DNA sequence per se. Recent advances show the critical provide students with valuable hands-on experience in cell and tissue
role of epigenetics in controlling gene expression, embryonic engineering. Experiments include the basics of cell culture techniques,
development, and common human diseases such as cancer. This gene transfection and metabolic engineering, basics of cell-substrate
course will introduce fundamental epigenetic principles with a focus interactions I, cell-substrate interactions II, and cell encapsulation and gel
on mechanisms, modeling, and physical principles, relationship to contraction. Spring semester only.
genetics, and application to understanding human disease mechanisms. Prerequisites: Students must have completed Lab Safety training prior to
Recommended Course Background: EN.580.221 Molecules and Cells registering for this class.
or equivalent (molecular and cell biology), college level calculus and Instructor(s): E. Haase
calculus-based general physics. Area: Engineering, Natural Sciences.
Instructor(s): A. Feinberg; T. Ha EN.580.456. Introduction to Rehabilitation Engineering. 3.0 Credits.
Area: Engineering, Natural Sciences. The primary objective of this course is to introduce biomedical
EN.580.447. Computational Stem Cell Biology. 3.0 Credits. engineering students to the challenges of engineering solutions for
This course will provide the student with a mechanistic and systems persons functioning with disabilities and apply that knowledge to the
biology-based understanding of the two defining features of stem cells: development of a new, improved device to be used for measurement or
multipotency and self-renewal. We will explore these concepts across treatment of an impairment or disability. In order to achieve this goal, the
several contexts and perspectives, emphasizing seminal and new objectives of the fall semester include: gaining a basic appreciation of the
studies in development and stem cell biology, and the critical role that modalities used to treat impairments, the opportunities for application
computational approaches have played. The course will start with an of engineering to improve treatment delivery, understanding the science
introduction to stem cells and a tutorial covering computational basics. and engineering applied to helping persons with disabilities function in
The biological contexts that we will cover thereafter include "Cell Identity", the everyday world and an basic knowledge of the legal, ethical issues
"Pluripotency and multipotency", "Stem cells and their niche", "Modeling and employment opportunities in rehabilitation engineering. By the
cell fate decisions", and "Engineering cell fate". This class is heavily conclusion of this class, students should be able to: • Understand the
weighted by individual computational assignments. The motivation for breadth and scope of physical impairment and disability, including its
this strategy is that regularly occurring, moderately-sized computational associated pathophysiology • Characterize the material and design
projects are the most efficient way to impart an understanding of our properties of current evaluation tools for assessment of impairments
models of this extraordinary class of cells, and to inspire a sense of and adaptations for disability • Characterize the material and design
excitement and empowerment. Preferred background: familiarity with properties of current modalities of treatment of impairments and
the UNIX shell. Recommended Background: EN.580.221 - Molecules and adaptations for disability • Apply engineering analysis and design
Cells or Equivalent. principles to critique current solutions for persons with disabilities
Prerequisites: Students may take EN.580.447 or EN.580.647, but not in order to suggest improvements In the spring semester (in course
both. EN.580.457), students will learn the biomedical engineering design
Instructor(s): P. Cahan process and its application to persons with disabilities. Working in
Area: Engineering, Natural Sciences. groups of four to five, teams will work on a project derived from a needs
analysis based on their visits to rehabilitation centers in the fall semester.
EN.580.448. Biomechanics of the Cell. 3.0 Credits.
Project will require instructor approval before the beginning of the
Mechanical aspects of the cell are introduced using the concepts in
spring semester. Each project will consist of a proposal for design of a
continuum mechanics. We will discuss the role of proteins, membranes
new device or solution to a problem faced by persons with disabilities,
and cytoskeleton in cellular function and how to describe them using
preliminary “virtual” (e.g., CAD), and actual proof of concept working
simple mathematical models. Co-listed with EN.530.410 Recommended
course background: AS.171.101-102, AS.110.108-109 and AS.110.202
Prerequisites: EN.580.422
Instructor(s): A. Spector; S. Sun
Instructor(s): S. Paul
Area: Engineering.
Area: Engineering.
EN.580.451. Cell and Tissue Engineering Lab. 3.0 Credits.
EN.580.457. Introduction to Rehabilitation Engineering: Design Lab. 3.0
Cell and tissue engineering is a field that relies heavily on experimental
techniques. This laboratory course will consist of three six experiments
Students have the opportunity to apply the knowledge they have gained
that will provide students with valuable hands-on experience in
in the fall semest4er of EN.580.456 and their prior coursework to the
cell and tissue engineering. Students will learn basic cell culture
development of a new, improved device to be used for measurement or
procedures and specialized techniques related to faculty expertise in
treatment of an impairment or disability. In doing so, they will learn the
cell engineering, microfluidics, gene therapy, microfabrication and cell
biomedical engineering design process and its application to persons
encapsulation. Experiments include the basics of cell culture techniques,
with disabilities. Working in groups of four to five, teams will work
gene transfection and metabolic engineering, basics of cell-substrate
on a project derived from a needs analysis based on their visits to
interactions I, cell-substrate interactions II, and cell encapsulation and
rehabilitation centers in the fall semester. Project will require instructor
gel contraction. Co-listed with EN.530.451. Senior and Graduate students
approval before the beginning of the spring semester. Each project will
only; others, instructor permission required. Fall semester only. Lab Fee:
consist of a proposal for design of a new device or solution to a problem
faced by persons with disabilities, preliminary “virtual” (e.g., CAD), and
Instructor(s): E. Haase
actual proof of concept working prototype.
Area: Engineering, Natural Sciences.
Prerequisites: EN.580.456
Instructor(s): S. Paul
Area: Engineering.
Biomedical Engineering 25
EN.580.460. Theory of Cancer. 3.0 Credits. EN.580.468. The Art of Data Science. 3.0 Credits.
The course will deal with important problems in cancer and how they In this course, we will cover the fundamentals of doing data science
can be approached using mathematical and computational modeling. research, explaining "best practices" for each step, that collectively
The course will be organized around introductory material describing the comprise an upward spiral. These steps include: (i) asking an interesting
biological and clinical problem and the mathematical and computational question, (ii) determining the degree to which the answer is known,
methodology that will be used for its analysis. This will be followed by (iii) assessing there currently exists data to likely obtain a satisfactory
analysis of key modeling papers dealing with the problem. An important answer, (iv) exploring the data set, (v) cleaning up the dataset, (vi)
part of the course will be a computational modeling project (small group formalizing a statistical inquiry, (vii) positing a statistical model which we
or individual) dealing with modeling of cancer in which the students will hope will yield satisfactory answers, (viii) devising a test to assess the
extend existing models or formulate novel models of cancer, including answer, (ix) building an estimator to assess the model, (x) checking the
cancer therapeutics. The students will strive to create models leading to model, (xi) reporting the results, (xii) suggesting the next experiment to
new discoveries. perform or question to answer to further enhance the model. Note that
Instructor(s): A. Popel this course will largely be project based; each student will be expected
Area: Engineering. to complete each of the above steps on some real data of interest to
the student. Lectures will be minimal, giving introductory explanations
EN.580.462. Representations of Choice. 3.0 Credits.
one day, hopefully only part of the time. The rest of the time, we will
In this course we will examine key computational topics from the nascent
work independently or in small groups to complete the weekly portion
fields of decision neuroscience and neuroeconomics. After taking this
of the overall project. Please come ready to do science! If you don't
course students will have an understanding of how the field emerged
have questions that you want answered, you can work in small groups,
and will develop a critical appreciation of the advantages and limitations
but each student will need to write the code and reports on their own.
of different analytical approaches. Students will also be able to discuss
Recommended Course Background: No courses are formally required,
the current knowledge on processes of valuation, value-learning and
though students will need to write numerical code (in R, Python, or Julia),
decision-making in relation to their computational representations at the
and make reports using LaTeX, knitr, or Jupyter notebooks or similar..
behavioral and neural level. Linear Algebra and programming experience
Instructor(s): J. Vogelstein
(python, matlab, or C) recommended.
Area: Engineering.
Instructor(s): V. Chib
Area: Engineering. EN.580.471. Principles of Design of BME Instrumentation. 4.0 Credits.
This core design course will cover lectures and hands-on labs. The
EN.580.466. Statistical Methods in Imaging. 3.0 Credits.
material covered will include fundamentals of biomedical sensors
Denoising, segmentation, texture modeling, tracking, object recognition
and instrumentation, FDA regulations, designing with electronics,
are challenging problems in imaging. We will present a collection of
biopotentials and ECG amplifier design, recording from heart, muscle,
statistical models and methods in order to adress these, including
brain, etc., diagnostic and therapeutic devices (including pacemakers
the E.M algorithm, Maximum Entropy Modeling, Markov Random
and defibrillators), applications in prosthetics and rehabilitation,
Fields, Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Boltzmann Machines and Multilayer
and safety. The course includes extensive laboratory work involving
Perceptrons. Recommended Course Background: AS.110.202 and
circuits, electronics, sensor design and interface, and building complete
EN.553.310 or equivalent.
biomedical instrumentation. The students will also carry out design
Instructor(s): B. Jedynak
challenge projects, individually or in teams (examples include “smart
Area: Engineering, Quantitative and Mathematical Sciences.
cane for blind,” “computer interface for quadriplegic”). Students satisfying
the design requirement must also register for EN.580.571. Lab Fee: $150.
Recommended Course Background: EN.520.345
Prerequisites: Students must have completed Lab Safety training prior to
registering for this class.
Instructor(s): N. Thakor
Area: Engineering, Natural Sciences.
EN.580.472. Medical Imaging Systems. 3.0 Credits.
An introduction to the physics, instrumentation, and signal processing
methods used in general radiography, X-ray computed tomography,
ultrasound imaging, magnetic resonance imaging, and nuclear medicine.
The primary focus is on the methods required to reconstruct images
within each modality, with emphasis on the resolution, contrast,
and signal-to-noise ratio of the resulting images. Cross-listed with
Neuroscience and Electrical and Computer Engineering (EN.520.432).
Prerequisites: EN.580.222 OR EN.520.214
Instructor(s): M. Bell
Area: Engineering.
26 Biomedical Engineering
EN.580.473. Modern Biomedical Imaging Instrumentation and EN.580.480. Precision Care Medicine. 3.0 Credits.
Techniques. 3.0 Credits. Precision Care Medicine is a two-semester project-based learning
An intermediate biomedical imaging course covering modern biomedical course. Projects will use methods of machine learning and mechanistic
imaging instrumentation and techniques as applied to diagnostic and statistical modeling to develop novel data-driven solutions to
radiology and other biomedical applications. It includes recent advances important health care problems that arise in anesthesiology and critical
in various biomedical imaging modalities, multi-modality imaging care medicine. The scope of such problems is vast, and few have
and molecular imaging. The course is team taught by experts in the been approached before. Examples include data- and modeling-driven
respective fields and provides a broad based knowledge of modern approaches to: optimal selection of patients to be admitted to ICUs;
biomedical imaging to prepare students for graduate studies and optimal determination of when it is safe to discharge a patient from
research in biomedical imaging. Also, the course will offer tours and an ICU; early prediction of pending changes in the clinical state of
practical experience with modern biomedical imaging equipment in patients in an ICU; data-driven optimal selection of patient therapy; and
clinical and research settings. Co-listed with EN.520.434 Recommended others. In the first semester, students will assemble into teams of 3-4,
course background: EN.520.432 or EN.580.472 and will work with their project mentors (clinical faculty in the ACCM
Prerequisites: Students may not have taken EN.580.773. Department; Drs. Winslow and Sarma) to develop a project work plan.
Instructor(s): B. Tsui In the remainder of the course, they will apply engineering approaches
Area: Engineering, Natural Sciences. to solve the important health care problems in their projects. Class time
will include: lectures and tutorials covering the physiology, medicine, and
EN.580.476. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 3.0 Credits.
engineering principles relevant to each project; project work in a setting
This course provides the student with a complete introduction to the
where faculty are available to assist students with challenges. Each team
physical principles, hardware design, and signal processing used in
will present project updates to the entire class at regular intervals so that
magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
every student becomes familiar with each project. Teams will also be
The course is designed for students who wish to pursue research in
charged with designing, validating and deploying a web-application that
magnetic resonance. Recommended course background: EN.580.222 or
delivers the computational method for solving the underlying healthcare
EN.520.214. Co-listed with EN.580.673.
problem to the user. HIPAA regulations, use of human subjects data, and
Instructor(s): M. Schar; P. Bottomley
requirements for FDA Class II and Medical Device Data Systems approval
Area: Engineering.
will be covered.
EN.580.479. X-ray Imaging and Computed Tomography. 3.0 Credits. Instructor(s): R. Winslow; S. Sarma
This course provides students with an intermediate-level understanding Area: Engineering.
of the physics, engineering, algorithms, and applications of medical x-
EN.580.481. Precision Care Medicine. 3.0 Credits.
ray imaging and computed tomography (CT). It is intended for senior
Precision Care Medicine is a two-semester project-based learning
undergraduates (EN.580.479) and/or graduate students (EN.580.679)
course. Projects will use methods of machine learning and mechanistic
in Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical and Computer
and statistical modeling to develop novel data-driven solutions to
Engineering, or related fields in science and engineering. Topics include
important health care problems that arise in anesthesiology and critical
the physics of x-ray interaction and detection, image quality modeling
care medicine. The scope of such problems is vast, and few have
and assessment, 3D image reconstruction (including analytical and
been approached before. Examples include data- and modeling-driven
iterative approaches), and applications in diagnostic and image-guided
approaches to: optimal selection of patients to be admitted to ICUs;
procedures. Recommended Course Background: EN.580.472 and/or
optimal determination of when it is safe to discharge a patient from
EN.580.473 and familiarity with Matlab.
an ICU; early prediction of pending changes in the clinical state of
Instructor(s): J. Siewerdsen
patients in an ICU; data-driven optimal selection of patient therapy; and
Area: Engineering.
others. In the first semester, students will assemble into teams of 3-4,
and will work with their project mentors (clinical faculty in the ACCM
Department; Drs. Winslow and Sarma) to develop a project work plan.
In the remainder of the course, they will apply engineering approaches
to solve the important health care problems in their projects. Class time
will include: lectures and tutorials covering the physiology, medicine, and
engineering principles relevant to each project; project work in a setting
where faculty are available to assist students with challenges. Each team
will present project updates to the entire class at regular intervals so that
every student becomes familiar with each project. Teams will also be
charged with designing, validating and deploying a web-application that
delivers the computational method for solving the underlying healthcare
problem to the user. HIPAA regulations, use of human subjects data, and
requirements for FDA Class II and Medical Device Data Systems approval
will be covered.
Area: Engineering.
Biomedical Engineering 27
EN.580.483. Nuclear Medicine Imaging. 3.0 Credits. EN.580.493. Imaging Instrumentation. 4.0 Credits.
This course provides an intermediate-level introduction to the This course is intended to introduce students to imaging instrumentation.
instrumentation, image processing and reconstruction methods used The class will be lab-oriented, giving hands-on experience with data
in planar nuclear medicine imaging, single-photon emission computed collection and processing using a configurable optical system. Specific
tomography (SPECT) and positron emission tomography (PET). Topics topics will include the programming and control of electromechanical
include radioactive decay, nuclear medicine instrumentation including elements, imaging data acquisitions, image formation and processing
radiation detectors and associated electronics, analytic and statistical (e.g. 3D reconstruction), and imaging system analysis and optimization.
iterative tomographic reconstruction, imaging physics, and image quality Recommended Course Background: EN.580.222 Systems and Controls
in the context of these three modalities. This course will be taught at or EN.520.214 Signals and Systems. Programming experience highly
the School of Medicine Campus. Recommended Course Background: desirable.
EN.520.432/EN.580.472 and EN.520.434/EN.580.473 Instructor(s): J. Stayman
Instructor(s): A. Rahmim; B. Tsui; E. Frey; Y. Du Area: Engineering.
Area: Engineering. EN.580.495. Microfabrication Lab. 4.0 Credits.
EN.580.488. Foundations of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics II. This laboratory course introduces the principles used in the construction
3.0 Credits. of microelectronic devices, sensors, and micromechanical structures.
This course will introduce probabilistic modeling and information Students will work in the laboratory on the fabrication and testing of a
theory applied to biological sequence analysis, focusing on statistical device. Accompanying lecture material covers basic processing steps,
models of protein families, alignment algorithms, and models of design and analysis CAD tools, and national foundry services. Co-listed
evolution. Topics will include probability theory, score matrices, hidden with EN.530.495 and EN.520.495 Seniors only. Permission Required.
Markov models, maximum likelihood, expectation maximization and Instructor(s): A. Andreou; J. Wang
dynamic programming algorithms. Homework assignments will require Area: Engineering, Natural Sciences.
programming in Python. Foundations of Computational Biology I is not a EN.580.497. Advanced Design Projects: Instrumentation. 3.0 Credits.
prereq. Recommended Course Background: Math through linear algebra This course will provide project-specific mentorship and guidance for a
and differential equations, EN.580.221 or equivalent, EN.601.226 or team to complete a sophisticated prototype and demonstrate technical
equivalent feasibility towards impacting a clinical problem. Prototyping and testing
Instructor(s): R. Karchin tools and procedures will be taught and employed on a per-project basis.
Area: Engineering, Natural Sciences. Documentation of progress through a design history file and course
EN.580.491. Learning Theory. 3.0 Credits. report is required. Teams will be meet biweekly with course faculty
The course introduces the probabilistic foundations of learning theory. through a Desk Review format. Students are expected to work in teams
We will discuss topics in regression, estimation, optimal control, system between desk reviews and present progress updates as well as short-
identification, Bayesian learning, and classification. Our aim is to first and long-term action plans at each desk review. A final presentation is
derive some of the important mathematical results in learning theory, expected at the end of the semester that will involve course faculty as
and then apply the framework to problems in biology, particularly animal well as a clinical sponsor (called a committee meeting in Design Teams).
learning and control of action. Recommended Course Background: Additionally, each team must identify a domain expert from the WSE
AS.110.201 and AS.110.302 faculty that agrees to attend the final presentation and at least 2 desk
Instructor(s): R. Shadmehr reviews. This faculty will focus on guiding and assessing the team’s
Area: Engineering. technical achievements within the context of biomedical instrumentation.
Prerequisites: Students must have completed Lab Safety training prior to
EN.580.492. Build-a-Genome Mentor. 4.0 Credits.
registering for this class.
In addition to producing and sequencing DNA segments like regular B-a-G
Instructor(s): A. Manbachi; N. Durr
students, mentors will help prepare and distribute reagents, and maintain
Area: Engineering.
a Moddle site to track student reagent use and productivity. Mentors
will also be expected to mentor specific students who are learning new
techniques for the first time, contribute to the computational and biotech
infrastructure associated with Build-a-Genome, and pursue at least one
independent research project. Successful completion of this course
provides 3 credit hours toward the supervised research requirement for
Molecular and Cellular Biology majors. Co-listed AS.020.451 Permission
Prerequisites: Students must have completed Lab Safety training prior to
registering for this class.;
Instructor(s): J. Bader; K. Zeller
Area: Engineering, Natural Sciences.
28 Biomedical Engineering
EN.580.498. Adv. Design Projects: Instrumentation. 3.0 Credits. EN.580.542. Spring BME Independent Study - Junior/Senior. 0.0 - 4.0
This course will provide project-specific mentorship and guidance for a Credits.
team to complete a sophisticated prototype and demonstrate technical Directed readings or other literature research under the direction of any
feasibility towards impacting a clinical problem. Prototyping and testing BME faculty member.
tools and procedures will be taught and employed on a per-project basis. Instructor(s): Staff.
Documentation of progress through a design history file and course
EN.580.550. Biomedical Engineering Group Undergraduate Research. 1.0
report is required. Teams will be meet biweekly with course faculty - 3.0 Credits.
through a Desk Review format. Students are expected to work in teams Student participation in ongoing research activities. Research is
between desk reviews and present progress updates as well as short- conducted under the supervision of a faculty member and often in
and long-term action plans at each desk review. A final presentation is conjunction with other members of the research group. This section has
expected at the end of the semester that will involve course faculty as a weekly research group meeting that students are expected to attend.
well as a clinical sponsor (called a committee meeting in Design Teams). Instructor(s): Staff.
Additionally, each team must identify a domain expert from the WSE
faculty that agrees to attend the final presentation and at least 2 desk EN.580.551. Biomedical Engineering Group Undergraduate Research. 1.0
reviews. This faculty will focus on guiding and assessing the team’s - 3.0 Credits.
technical achievements within the context of biomedical instrumentation. Student participation in ongoing research activities. Research is
Prerequisites: Students must have completed Lab Safety training prior to conducted under the supervision of a faculty member and often in
registering for this class. conjunction with other members of the research group. This section has
Instructor(s): A. Manbachi; N. Durr a weekly research group meeting that students are expected to attend.
Area: Engineering. Instructor(s): Staff.
EN.580.501. Fall BME Research - Freshman/Sophomore. 3.0 Credits. EN.580.561. Advanced Focus Area Research: Cell/Tissue/Biomaterials.
Instructor(s): Staff. 3.0 Credits.
This course provides students with the opportunity to consider unsolved
EN.580.502. Spring BME Research - Freshman/Sophomore. 1.0 - 4.0 issues within their focus area, delve into the current cutting-edge
Credits. research, and provide a synopsis of the next steps required to advance
Practicum in Biomedical Engineering Research projects or engineering a particular field. “Advanced Focus Area Research” is a one-semester
design projects under the supervision of any member of the BME faculty. course in which students complete a research project, present their work,
Instructor(s): Staff. and write a publication ready manuscript under the guidance of their
EN.580.510. Biomedical Engineering Undergraduate Research. 1.0 - 3.0 Primary Investigator (PI) and a Focus Area mentor. Priority to Junior
Credits. and Senior BME majors. Recommended Course Background: Previous
Student participation in ongoing research activities. Research is research experience. Students must complete the online Undergraduate
conducted under the supervision of a faculty member and often in Lab safety courses available through “MyLearning” including Bloodborne
conjunction with other members of the research group. Pathogens, HIPAA, and any other online training as needed.
Instructor(s): Staff. Prerequisites: Students must have completed Lab Safety training prior to
registering for this class. To access the tutorial, login to myLearning and
EN.580.511. Biomedical Engineering Undergraduate Research. 1.0 - 3.0
enter 458083 in the Search box to locate the appropriate module.
Instructor(s): E. Haase
Student participation in ongoing research activities. Research is
Area: Engineering, Quantitative and Mathematical Sciences.
conducted under the supervision of a faculty member and often in
conjunction with other members of the research group. EN.580.563. Advanced Focus Area Research: Computational Biology. 3.0
Instructor(s): Staff. Credits.
This course provides students with the opportunity to consider unsolved
EN.580.512. Spring BME Independent Study - Freshman/Sophomore. 0.0
issues within their focus area, delve into the current cutting-edge
- 4.0 Credits.
research, and provide a synopsis of the next steps required to advance
Directed readings or other literature research under the direction of any
a particular field. “Advanced Focus Area Research” is a one-semester
member of the BME faculty.
course in which students complete a research project, present their work,
Instructor(s): Staff.
and write a publication ready manuscript under the guidance of their
EN.580.531. Fall BME Research - Junior/Senior. 3.0 Credits. Primary Investigator (PI) and a Focus Area mentor. Priority to Junior
Instructor(s): Staff. and Senior BME majors. Recommended Course Background:Previous
EN.580.532. Spring BME Research - Junior/Senior. 3.0 Credits. research experience. Students must complete the online Undergraduate
Research projects or engineering design projects under the supervision of Lab safety courses available through “MyLearning” including Bloodborne
any member of the BME faculty. Pathogens, HIPAA, and any other online training as needed.
Instructor(s): Staff. Prerequisites: Students must have completed Lab Safety training prior to
registering for this class. To access the tutorial, login to myLearning and
EN.580.541. Fall BME Independent Study - Junior/Senior. 3.0 Credits.
enter 458083 in the Search box to locate the appropriate module.
Directed readings or other literature research under the direction of any
Instructor(s): E. Haase
BME faculty member. Junior or Senior standing.
Area: Engineering, Quantitative and Mathematical Sciences.
Instructor(s): Staff.
Biomedical Engineering 29
EN.580.565. Advanced Focus Area Research: Imaging & Sensors/ EN.580.591. Advanced Focus Area Research: Cell/Tissue/Biomaterials.
Instrumentation/Micro-Nano Technology. 3.0 Credits. 3.0 Credits.
This course provides students with the opportunity to consider unsolved This course provides students with the opportunity to consider unsolved
issues within their focus area, delve into the current cutting-edge issues within their focus area, delve into the current cutting-edge
research, and provide a synopsis of the next steps required to advance research, and provide a synopsis of the next steps required to advance
a particular field. “Advanced Focus Area Research” is a one-semester a particular field. “Advanced Focus Area Research” is a one-semester
course in which students complete a research project, present their work, course in which students complete a research project, present their work,
and write a publication ready manuscript under the guidance of their and write a publication ready manuscript under the guidance of their
Primary Investigator (PI) and a Focus Area mentor. Priority to Junior Primary Investigator (PI) and a Focus Area mentor. Priority to Junior
and Senior BME majors. Recommended Course Background: Previous and Senior BME majors. Recommended Course Background: Previous
research experience. Students must complete the online Undergraduate research experience. Students must complete the online Undergraduate
Lab safety courses available through “MyLearning” including Bloodborne Lab safety courses available through “MyLearning” including Bloodborne
Pathogens, HIPAA, and any other online training as needed. Pathogens, HIPAA, and any other online training as needed.
Prerequisites: Students must have completed Lab Safety training prior to Prerequisites: Students must have completed Lab Safety training prior to
registering for this class. To access the tutorial, login to myLearning and registering for this class. To access the tutorial, login to myLearning and
enter 458083 in the Search box to locate the appropriate module. enter 458083 in the Search box to locate the appropriate module.
Instructor(s): E. Haase Instructor(s): E. Haase.
Area: Engineering, Quantitative and Mathematical Sciences. EN.580.592. Advanced Focus Area Research: Computational Biology. 3.0
EN.580.567. Advanced Focus Area Research: Systems Biology. 3.0 Credits.
Credits. This course provides students with the opportunity to consider unsolved
This course provides students with the opportunity to consider unsolved issues within their focus area, delve into the current cutting-edge
issues within their focus area, delve into the current cutting-edge research, and provide a synopsis of the next steps required to advance
research, and provide a synopsis of the next steps required to advance a particular field. “Advanced Focus Area Research” is a one-semester
a particular field. “Advanced Focus Area Research” is a one-semester course in which students complete a research project, present their work,
course in which students complete a research project, present their work, and write a publication ready manuscript under the guidance of their
and write a publication ready manuscript under the guidance of their Primary Investigator (PI) and a Focus Area mentor. Priority to Junior
Primary Investigator (PI) and a Focus Area mentor. Priority to Junior and Senior BME majors. Recommended Course Background: Previous
and Senior BME majors. Recommended Course Background:Previous research experience. Students must complete the online Undergraduate
research experience. Students must complete the online Undergraduate Lab safety courses available through “MyLearning” including Bloodborne
Lab safety courses available through “MyLearning” including Bloodborne Pathogens, HIPAA, and any other online training as needed.
Pathogens, HIPAA, and any other online training as needed. Prerequisites: Students must have completed Lab Safety training prior to
Prerequisites: Students must have completed Lab Safety training prior to registering for this class. To access the tutorial, login to myLearning and
registering for this class. To access the tutorial, login to myLearning and enter 458083 in the Search box to locate the appropriate module.
enter 458083 in the Search box to locate the appropriate module. Instructor(s): E. Haase.
Instructor(s): E. Haase EN.580.593. Advanced Focus Area Research: Imaging & Sensors/
Area: Engineering, Quantitative and Mathematical Sciences. Instrumentation/Micro-Nano Technology. 3.0 Credits.
EN.580.571. Honors Instrumentation. 2.0 Credits. This course provides students with the opportunity to consider unsolved
Student must have taken 580.471/771. Students will develop a term issues within their focus area, delve into the current cutting-edge
paper and patent application and carry out a hands-on individual or research, and provide a synopsis of the next steps required to advance
team project throughout the semester. Previous projects include design a particular field. “Advanced Focus Area Research” is a one-semester
of EEG amplifier, voltage clamp and patch clamp, vision aid of blind, course in which students complete a research project, present their work,
pacemaker/defibrillator, sleep detection and alert device, glucose sensor and write a publication ready manuscript under the guidance of their
and regulation, temperature controller, eye movement detection and Primary Investigator (PI) and a Focus Area mentor. Priority to Junior
device control, ultrasound ranging and tissue properties, impedance and Senior BME majors. Recommended Course Background: Previous
plethysmography, lie detector, blood alcohol detector, pulse oximeter, etc. research experience. Students must complete the online Undergraduate
Instructor(s): N. Thakor. Lab safety courses available through “MyLearning” including Bloodborne
Pathogens, HIPAA, and any other online training as needed.
EN.580.580. Senior Design Project. 3.0 Credits.
Prerequisites: Students must have completed Lab Safety training prior to
Per Independent or team design project to design and evaluate a system.
registering for this class. To access the tutorial, login to myLearning and
The design should demonstrate creative thinking and experimental skills,
enter 458083 in the Search box to locate the appropriate module.
and must draw upon advanced topics of biomedical and traditional
Instructor(s): E. Haase.
engineering. Permission Required.
Instructor(s): A. Manbachi; Y. Yazdi.
EN.580.581. Senior Design Project. 3.0 Credits.
Independent or team design project to design and evaluate a system.
The design should demonstrate creative thinking and experimental skills,
and must draw upon advanced topics of biomedical and traditional
engineering. Permission Required.
Instructor(s): A. Manbachi.
EN.580.590. Biomedical Internship. 1.0 Credit.
Instructor(s): Staff.
30 Biomedical Engineering
EN.580.594. Advanced Focus Area Research: Systems Biology. 3.0 EN.580.603. Special Topics in Bioengineering Innovation & Design. 1.0
Credits. Credit.
This course provides students with the opportunity to consider unsolved This year long seminar series features experts from the medical device
issues within their focus area, delve into the current cutting-edge industry, venture capital firms, FDA, patent attorneys, entrepreneurs, and
research, and provide a synopsis of the next steps required to advance many more. They will share their real-world insights into the medical
a particular field. “Advanced Focus Area Research” is a one-semester device innovation and commercialization process. Some of the topics
course in which students complete a research project, present their work, covered will include bioethics, regulatory and reimbursement planning,
and write a publication ready manuscript under the guidance of their medical device recalls, good design practices, and entrepreneurial
Primary Investigator (PI) and a Focus Area mentor. Priority to Junior success stories. The overarching philosophy of this seminar series
and Senior BME majors. Recommended Course Background: Previous is to complement the theoretical and practical aspects of the
research experience. Students must complete the online Undergraduate program curriculum, by learning from the experiences and insights of
Lab safety courses available through “MyLearning” including Bloodborne professionals in the field. For CBID MSE students only.
Pathogens, HIPAA, and any other online training as needed. Instructor(s): S. Acharya.
Prerequisites: Students must have completed Lab Safety training prior to EN.580.607. Regulation of Medical Devices. 1.0 Credit.
registering for this class. To access the tutorial, login to myLearning and This course introduces graduate students in Bioengineering Innovation
enter 458083 in the Search box to locate the appropriate module. and Design to the medical device regulatory framework, as it pertains
Instructor(s): E. Haase. to bringing a medical device from concept to market. Topics covered
EN.580.595. BME Senior Design - Summer. 3.0 Credits. include; FDA Design Controls; Regulatory Approval mechanisms,
Instructor(s): J. Green; L. Schramm; R. Allen. including the 510k and PMA process; Investigational Device exemption
(IDE); planning clinical trials needed for bringing a medical device to
EN.580.597. BME Research - Summer. 3.0 Credits.
market; and postmarket surveillance. Students learn from a series of
Instructor(s): Staff.
invited lecturers from the FDA as well as professionals from the medical
EN.580.598. Design Project. 3.0 Credits. device industry. This summer course is required for CBID masters
Instructor(s): R. Allen. students and is not open to any other students.
EN.580.599. Independent Study. 3.0 Credits. Instructor(s): S. Acharya.
Instructor(s): A. Shoukas; H. Goldberg; K. Yarema; N. Thakor; S. Kuo. EN.580.608. Identification and Validation of Medical Device Needs. 6.0
EN.580.601. Special Topics in Bioengineering Innovation and Design. 1.0 Credits.
Credit. This course teaches the art and skill of identifying medical device
This year long seminar series features experts from the medical device opportunities by experiencing real world scenarios in an immersive
industry, venture capital firms, FDA, patent attorneys, entrepreneurs, and clinical environment. Students rotate through multiple clinical disciplines
many more. They will share their real-world insights into the medical and become part of the team of senior clinicians, surgeons, residents,
device innovation and commercialization process. Some of the topics fellows, nurses and medical technologists. They learn to identify unmet
covered will include bioethics, regulatory and reimbursement planning, medical device needs through direct observations in a variety of clinical
medical device recalls, good design practices, and entrepreneurial settings including the hospital ward and operating room, interviews (with
success stories. The overarching philosophy of this seminar series patients, doctors, nurses, hospital administration), literature survey, and
is to complement the theoretical and practical aspects of the more. Concurrently, they learn the process of filtering all observations to
program curriculum, by learning from the experiences and insights of a few valid medical device opportunities by assessing the market size,
professionals in the field. These seminars are taken in a sequence of intellectual property landscape, regulatory framework, and competitor
summer, fall, and spring. They are required for CBID masters students and dynamics in addition to the clinical impact that such a device could have.
are open to those students only. The ability to identify a relevant medical device need is an important first
Instructor(s): S. Acharya. step in the medical device innovation cycle; this course aims to provide
students with practical hands- on training in that process.
EN.580.602. Special Topics in Bioengineering Innovation and Design. 1.0
Instructor(s): C. Weiss; H. Nguyen; S. Acharya.
This year long seminar series features experts from the medical device EN.580.609. BME Teaching Practicum. 3.0 Credits.
industry, venture capital firms, FDA, patent attorneys, entrepreneurs, and Instructor(s): E. Haase.
many more. They will share their real-world insights into the medical EN.580.611. Medical Device Design and Innovation. 4.0 Credits.
device innovation and commercialization process. Some of the topics For CBID MSE students only. Registration with instructor's permission
covered will include bioethics, regulatory and reimbursement planning, only.
medical device recalls, good design practices, and entrepreneurial Instructor(s): S. Acharya.
success stories. The overarching philosophy of this seminar series
EN.580.612. Medical Device Design and Innovation. 4.0 Credits.
is to complement the theoretical and practical aspects of the
For CBID MSE students only.
program curriculum, by learning from the experiences and insights of
Instructor(s): S. Acharya.
professionals in the field. For CBID MSE students only. Registration with
instructor's permission only. EN.580.618. Needs Identification and Validation for Global Health
Instructor(s): S. Acharya. Innovation. 4.0 Credits.
Limited to CBID students only
Instructor(s): S. Acharya.
Biomedical Engineering 31
EN.580.619. Bioengineering Innovation and Design - Global Health. 4.0 EN.580.628. Topics in Systems Neuroscience. 1.0 Credit.
Credits. This course consists of weekly discussions of current literature in
For CBID MSE students only. Registration with instructor's permission systems neuroscience. The selected readings will focus on neural
only. mechanisms for perception, attention, motor behavior, learning, and
Instructor(s): S. Acharya. memory, as studied using physiological, psychophysical, computational,
and imaging techniques. Students are expected to give presentations
EN.580.620. Principles and Practice of Global Health Innovation and
and participate in discussions. Recommended Course Background:
Design. 4.0 Credits.
AS.110.302, EN.520.214, EN.580.421 or equivalent Students will have
For CBID MSE students only. Instructor's Permission Required.
to attend the organizational meeting to be able to enroll. The course
Instructor(s): S. Acharya.
is run by the Neuroscience department. Enrollment numbers may be
EN.580.621. Insight Informed Innovation I. 3.0 Credits. limited by the course directors, and priority will be given to Neuroscience
For CBID MSE students only. Registration with instructor's permission graduate students. Please contact the Neuroscience department for
only. more information and the date of the organizational meeting.
Instructor(s): B. Craft; P. Fearis. Instructor(s): K. Zhang; X. Wang.
EN.580.623. Insight Informed Innovation II. 3.0 Credits. EN.580.630. Theoretical Neuroscience. 3.0 Credits.
This course is intended to equip students with a structured process and Theoretical methods for analyzing information encoding and functional
the tools required to: 1. Identify opportunities for new medical devices representations in neural systems. Models of single and multiple neural
through unmet, unarticulated and underserved stakeholder needs 2. Link spike trains based on stochastic processes and information theory;
these insights to an exhaustive set of potential solutions 3. Synthesize detection and estimation of behaviorally relevant parameters from
solutions and features into product concepts Recommended Course spike trans; system theoretic methods for analyzing sensory receptive
Backgroung: Insight Informed Innovation I (summer) fields; network models of neural systems. Both theoretical methods
Instructor(s): B. Craft; P. Fearis. and the properties of specific well-studied neural systems will be
EN.580.625. Structure and Function of the Auditory and Vestibular discussed. Recommended Course Background: EN.580.422 or equivalent,
Systems. 3.0 Credits. EN.553.420 or equivalent, EN.580.222 or equivalent.
This course will cover basic functions of the auditory and vestibular Instructor(s): K. Zhang; X. Wang.
pathways responsible for perception of sound and balance. Topics EN.580.631. Introduction to Computational Medicine I. 4.0 Credits.
include: hair cell structure and mechanotransduction, hair cell Computational medicine is an emerging discipline in which computer
electromotility and cochlear active force production, hair cell synaptic models of disease are developed, constrained using data measured from
signaling, cochlear development and role of glia in the inner ear, primary individual patients, and then applied to deliver precision health care.
auditory and vestibular stimulus encoding, afferents and the first-order Introduction to Computational Medicine I is the first in a sequence of
brainstem nuclei, as well as clinical consequences of peripheral damage, two courses on computational medicine. It covers the core concepts
physiology of hearing loss, vestibular loss, tinnitus, hair cell regeneration of computational physiological medicine and computational anatomy.
and gene therapy. Moving more centrally, synaptic transmission and The first half of this course will cover computational physiological
signal processing in central neurons, and complex sound perception and medicine. Students will learn how to: use biophysical laws and data to
movement control will be discussed. Aspects such as speech perception, formulate computational models of physiological systems in health
sound localization, vestibular reflexes, vestibular compensation, and and disease; analyze the behaviors of these models using analytical
self-motion perception are discussed with an integrated perspective and simulation approaches; apply models to understand their use
covering perceptual, physiological, and mechanistic data. Grades will be in diagnosing and treating disease. The second half of this course
based on participation in class, homework, and first-half and second-half will cover computational anatomy. Students will learn how to: model
exams (both in class, closed book, short answer/essay types). Offered anatomies using magnetic resonance imaging data; compare anatomies
in odd-numbered years. This course will meet in 529 Ross Research via mappings onto anatomical atlases; discover anatomical biomarkers
Bldg. at the School of Medicine campus. Recommended Background: of disease; analyze changes in the connectivity of anatomies in disease.
general introduction to Neuroscience. Undergraduates with knowledge in Class time will emphasize hands-on learning through data analysis,
Neuroscience welcome. software development, and simulation. All instructional materials will be
Instructor(s): K. Cullen; P. Fuchs. made available at the beginning of the course. Recommended Course
EN.580.626. Structure & Function of the Auditory and Vestibular Brain. Background: C++, Matlab or Python.
3.0 Credits. Instructor(s): M. Miller; R. Winslow.
Brain mechanisms and perception of sound and balance. This course is
an accompaniment for EN.580.625, although the courses can be taken
in either order. Topics include representation of sound and balance in
neural discharge patterns, anatomy of the central auditory and vestibular
systems, synaptic transmission and signal processing in central neurons,
and complex sound perception and movement control. Aspects such as
speech perception, sound localization, vestibular reflexes and vestibular
compensation are discussed with an integrated perspective covering
perceptual, physiological, and mechanistic data. Recommended Course
Background: EN.580.222 and EN.580.422 or equivalent. Taught at the
School of Medicine, Traylor Bldg. 529.
Instructor(s): X. Wang.
32 Biomedical Engineering
EN.580.632. Ionic Channels in Excitable Membranes. 3.0 Credits. EN.580.640. Systems Pharmacology and Personalized Medicine. 3.0
Ion channels are key signaling molecules that support electrical Credits.
communication throughout the body. As such, these channels are a We have moved beyond the 'one-size-fits-all' era of medicine. Individuals
central focus of biomedical engineering as it relates to neuroscience, are different, their diseases are different, and their responses to drugs
computational biology, biophysics, and drug discovery. The course are different too. This variability is not just from person to person;
introduces the engineering and molecular strategies used to understand heterogeneity is observed even between tumors within the same
the function of ionic channels. The course also surveys key papers that person, and between sites within the same tumor. These levels of
paint the current picture of how ion channels open and conduct ions. variability among the human population must be accounted for to
Biological implications of these properties are emphasized throughout. improve patient outcomes and the efficiency of clinical trials. Some
Finally, the course introduces how optical and electrophysiological of the ways in which this is being explored include: drugs are being
methods now promise to revolutionize understanding of ionic channels. developed hand-in-hand with the tests needed to determine whether
This course can be seen as a valuable partner of Models of the Neuron or not they will be effective; tumor fragments excised from patients
(EN.580.439). Recommended Course Background: EN.580.421 and are being cultured in the lab for high-throughput testing of drugs and
EN.580.422 or equivalent, AS.110.201, AS.110.302 drug combinations; data-rich assays such as genomics and proteomics
Instructor(s): D. Yue identify thousands of potentially significant differences between
Area: Engineering, Natural Sciences. individuals; and computational models are being used to predict which
therapies will work for which patients. This course will focus on the
EN.580.638. Neuro Data Design II. 4.0 Credits.
applications of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics to simulating
In this year long course, students will work together in small teams
the effects of various drugs across a heterogeneous population of
to design, develop, and deploy a functioning tool for practicing brain
diseased individuals. Such computational approaches are needed to
scientists, either for accelerating research or augmenting the clinic.
harness and leverage the vast amounts of data and provide insight
The first semester will focus on scoping the tool, including determining
into the key differences that determine drug responsiveness. These
feasibility (for us in a year) and significance (for the targeted brain
approaches can also explore the temporal dynamics of disease and
science community), as well as a statement of work specifying
treatment, and enable the modification of treatment during recovery.
deliverables and milestones. The second semester will focus on
Recommended background: 110.201 Linear Algebra, 110.302 Differential
developing the tool, getting regular feedback, and iterating, using the
Equations, and 553.311 Probability and Statistics (or equivalent).
agile/lean development process. Recommended background: numerical
Instructor(s): F. Macgabhann.
Instructor(s): J. Vogelstein. EN.580.641. Cellular Engineering. 4.0 Credits.
This course focuses on principles and applications in cell engineering.
EN.580.639. Models of the Neuron. 4.0 Credits.
Class lectures include an overview of molecular biology fundamentals,
Single-neuron modeling, emphasizing the use of computational models
protein/ligand binding, receptor/ligand trafficking, cell-cell interactions,
as links between the properties of neurons at several levels of detail.
cell-matrix interactions, and cell adhesion and migration at both
Topics include thermodynamics of ion flow in aqueous environments,
theoretical and experimental levels. Lectures will cover the effects of
biology and biophysics of ion channels, gating, nonlinear dynamics as
physical (e.g. shear stress, strain), chemical (e.g. cytokines, growth
a way of studying the collective properties of channels in a membrane,
factors) and electrical stimuli on cell function, emphasizing topics on
synaptic transmission, integration of electrical activity in multi-
gene regulation and signal transduction processes. Furthermore, topics
compartment dendritic tree models, and properties of neural networks.
in metabolic engineering, enzyme evolution, polymeric biomaterials,
Students will study the properties of computational models of neurons;
and drug and gene delivery will be discussed. This course meets with
graduate students will develop a neuron model using data from the
EN.580.441 but includes additional requirements designed for the core
literature. Differs in that an advanced modeling project using data from
curriculum of the RIE (Regnerative and Immune Engineering) track
the literature is required. Graduate version of EN.580.439. Recommended
of the BME masters program. The course is also appropriate for Cell
Course Background: AS.110.302 or equivalent. .
& Tissue Engineering Ph.D. students and may be taken by advanced
Instructor(s): R. Winslow; S. Sarma.
undergraduate students upon permission of the instructor. Prerequisites:
Graduate standing with background in cell biology and biochemistry or
EN.580.221 or AS20.305 and AS.020.306 (or equivalent) and AS.030.205
or permission of the instructor.
Instructor(s): J. Green; K. Yarema.
Biomedical Engineering 33
EN.580.642. Tissue Engineering. 3.0 Credits. EN.580.646. Molecular Immunoengineering. 3.0 Credits.
This course focuses on the application of engineering fundamentals to An in-depth study of the use of biomolecular engineering tools and
designing biological tissue substitutes. Concepts of tissue development, techniques to manipulate immune function for clinical translation. The
structure and function will be introduced. Students will learn to recognize course will begin with a brief overview of the immune system, placing a
the majority of histological tissue structures in the body and understand particular emphasis on the molecular-level interactions that determine
the basic building blocks of the tissue and clinical need for replacement. phenotypic outcomes. The remainder of the curriculum will address ways
The engineering components required to develop tissue-engineered in which integrative approaches incorporating biochemistry, structural
grafts will be explored including biomechanics and transport phenomena biophysics, molecular biology, and engineering have been used either to
along with the use of biomaterials and bioreactors to regulate the cellular stimulate the immune response for applications in cancer and infectious
microenvironment. Emphasis will be placed on different sources of disease, or to repress immune activation for autoimmune disease
stem cells and their applications to tissue engineering. Clinical and therapy. Recommended background: Biochemistry and Cell Biology or
regulatory perspectives will be discussed. Co-listed with EN.580.442. the BME Molecules and Cells. Those without recommended background
Recommended Course Background: EN.580.221 or AS.020.305 and should contact the instructor prior to enrolling.
AS.020.306, AS.030.205, EN.580.441/EN.580.641 Instructor(s): J. Spangler
Area: Engineering. Area: Engineering, Natural Sciences.
EN.580.643. Advanced Orthopaedic Tissue Engineering. 3.0 Credits. EN.580.647. Computational Stem Cell Biology. 3.0 Credits.
This course is intended to provide a comprehensive overview on the This course will provide the student with a mechanistic and systems
current state of the field of Orthopaedic Tissue Engineering. Students biology-based understanding of the two defining features of stem cells:
will apply engineering fundamentals learned in the Tissue Engineering multipotency and self-renewal. We will explore these concepts across
course (580.442/580.642) with special emphasis on how they apply to several contexts and perspectives, emphasizing seminal and new
bone, cartilage, and skeletal muscle tissue engineering. The development, studies in development and stem cell biology, and the critical role that
structure, mechanics, and function of each of these tissues will be computational approaches have played. The course will start with an
discussed. Key articles from the lat three decades that focus on stem introduction to stem cells and a tutorial covering computational basics.
cell- and cell-free, biomaterial-based approaches to regenerate functional The biological contexts that we will cover thereafter include "Cell Identity",
tissues will be presented and analyzed. Practical (regulatory/commercial) "Pluripotency and multipotency", "Stem cells and their niche", "Modeling
considerations that restrict the translation of therapies to the clinic will cell fate decisions", and "Engineering cell fate". This class is heavily
be discussed. Undergraduate by permission only. Recommend Course weighted by individual computational assignments. The motivation for
Background: EN.580.442 or EN.580.642. this strategy is that regularly occurring, moderately-sized computational
Instructor(s): W. Grayson. projects are the most efficient way to impart an understanding of our
models of this extraordinary class of cells, and to inspire a sense of
EN.580.644. Biomedical Applications of Glycoengineering. 3.0 Credits.
excitement and empowerment. Preferred background: 580.221 Molecules
This course provides an overview of carbohydrate-based technologies
and Cells or equivalent and familiarity with the UNIX shell.
in biotechnology and medicine. The course will begin by briefly covering
Prerequisites: Students may earn credit for EN.580.447 or EN.580.647,
basics of glycobiology and glycochemistry followed by detailed
but not both.
illustrative examples of biomedical applications of glycoengineering. A
Instructor(s): P. Cahan
sample of these applications include the role of sugars in preventative
Area: Engineering, Natural Sciences.
medicine (e.g., for vaccine development and probiotics), tissue
engineering (e.g., exploiting natural and engineered polysaccharides EN.580.656. Introduction to Rehabilitation Engineering. 3.0 Credits.
for creating tissue or organs de novo in the laboratory), regenerative The primary objective of this course is to introduce biomedical
medicine (e.g., for the treatment of arthritis or degenerative muscle engineering students to the challenges of engineering solutions for
disease), and therapy (e.g., cancer treatment). A major part of the course persons functioning with disabilities. In order to achieve this goal, other
grade will be based on class participation with each student expected objectives include: gaining a basic appreciation of the modalities used
to provide a “journal club” presentation of a relevant paper as well as to treat impairments, the opportunities for application of engineering to
participate in a team-based project designed to address a current unmet improve treatment delivery, understanding the science and engineering
clinical need that could be fulfilled through a glycoengineering approach. applied to helping persons with disabilities function in the everyday world
Recommended Course Background: EN.580.221 Molecules and Cells and an basic knowledge of the legal, ethical issues and employment
or equivalent (molecular and cell biology), college level calculus and opportunities in rehabilitation engineering. By the conclusion of
calculus-based general physics. this class, students should be able to: understand the breadth and
Instructor(s): K. Yarema scope of physical impairment and disability, including its associated
Area: Engineering, Natural Sciences. pathophysiology; characterize the material and design properties of
current evaluation tools for assessment of impairments and adaptations
for disability; characterize the material and design properties of current
modalities of treatment of impairments and adaptations for disability;
apply engineering analysis and design principles to critique current
solutions for persons with disabilities in order to suggest improvements.
Instructor(s): S. Paul
Area: Engineering.
34 Biomedical Engineering
EN.580.668. The Art of Data Science. 3.0 Credits. EN.580.678. Biomedical Photonics. 4.0 Credits.
In this course, we will cover the fundamentals of doing data science This course will cover the basic optics principles including geometric,
research, explaining "best practices" for each step, that collectively beam and wave description of light. The course will also cover the basic
comprise an upward spiral. These steps include: (i) asking an interesting generation and detection techniques of light and the principles of optical
question, (ii) determining the degree to which the answer is known, imaging and spectroscopy. After the basis is established, we will focus on
(iii) assessing there currently exists data to likely obtain a satisfactory some commonly employed optical techniques and tools for biomedical
answer, (iv) exploring the data set, (v) cleaning up the dataset, (vi) research including various optical microscopy technologies, fiber optics,
formalizing a statistical inquiry, (vii) positing a statistical model which we Raman spectroscopy, Fluorescence (lifetime), FRAT, FRET and FCS.
hope will yield satisfactory answers, (viii) devising a test to assess the The recent development in tissue optics, biomedical optical imaging/
answer, (ix) building an estimator to assess the model, (x) checking the spectroscopy techniques (such as OCT, multiphoton fluorescence and
model, (xi) reporting the results, (xii) suggesting the next experiment to harmonics microscopy, Structured Illumination, light scattering, diffuse
perform or question to answer to further enhance the model. Note that light imaging and spectroscopy, optical molecular imaging, photo-
this course will largely be project based; each student will be expected acoustic imaging) will also be discussed. Representative biomedical
to complete each of the above steps on some real data of interest to applications of translational biomedical photonics technologies will be
the student. Lectures will be minimal, giving introductory explanations integrated into the corresponding chapters.
one day, hopefully only part of the time. The rest of the time, we will Instructor(s): X. Li
work independently or in small groups to complete the weekly portion Area: Engineering.
of the overall project. Please come ready to do science! If you don't EN.580.679. X-ray Imaging and Computed Tomography. 3.0 Credits.
have questions that you want answered, you can work in small groups, This course provides students with an intermediate-level understanding
but each student will need to write the code and reports on their own. of the physics, engineering, algorithms, and applications of medical x-
Recommended background: No courses are formally required, though ray imaging and computed tomography (CT). It is intended for senior
students will need to write numerical code (in R, Python, or Julia), and undergraduates (EN.580.479) and/or graduate students (EN.580.679)
make reports using LaTeX, knitr, or Jupyter notebooks or similar. in Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical and Computer
Instructor(s): J. Vogelstein Engineering, or related fields in science and engineering. Topics include
Area: Engineering. the physics of x-ray interaction and detection, image quality modeling
EN.580.673. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 3.0 Credits. and assessment, 3D image reconstruction (including analytical and
This course provides the student with a complete introduction to the iterative approaches), and applications in diagnostic and image-guided
physical principles, hardware design, and signal processing used in procedures. Recommended Course Background: EN.580.472 and/or
magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance spectroscopy. EN.580.473 and familiarity with Matlab.
The course is designed for students who wish to pursue research in Instructor(s): W. Zbijewski
magnetic resonance. Recommended course background: EN.580.222 or Area: Engineering.
EN.520.214. Co-listed with EN.580.476. EN.580.680. Precision Care Medicine. 4.0 Credits.
Instructor(s): M. Schar; P. Bottomley. Precision Care Medicine is a two-semester project-based learning
EN.580.674. Introduction to Neuro-Image Processing. 3.0 Credits. course. Projects will use methods of machine learning and mechanistic
Developments in medical image acquisition systems such as magnetic and statistical modeling to develop novel data-driven solutions to
resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) have resulted important health care problems that arise in anesthesiology and critical
in large number of clinical images with rich information regarding care medicine. The scope of such problems is vast, and few have
structure and function of nervous system. A challenging task is been approached before. Examples include data- and modeling-driven
to extract clinically relevant information from the raw images that approaches to: optimal selection of patients to be admitted to ICUs;
can be used to characterize structural alteration of brain in disease optimal determination of when it is safe to discharge a patient from
state. This course introduces the underlying physical foundation an ICU; early prediction of pending changes in the clinical state of
of different image modalities that are used to study neurological patients in an ICU; data-driven optimal selection of patient therapy; and
disorders followed by presentation of concepts and techniques that others. In the first semester, students will assemble into teams of 3-4,
are used to process and extract information from medical images, in and will work with their project mentors (clinical faculty in the ACCM
particular MRI. Topics that are covered include medical image formats, Department; Drs. Winslow and Sarma) to develop a project work plan.
enhancement, segmentation, registration, and visualization. Suggest In the remainder of the course, they will apply engineering approaches
Course Background: Mathematical Methods For Engineers or equivalent to solve the important health care problems in their projects. Class time
course, Signals and Systems, and Probability will include: lectures and tutorials covering the physiology, medicine, and
Instructor(s): S. Ardekani. engineering principles relevant to each project; project work in a setting
where faculty are available to assist students with challenges. Each team
will present project updates to the entire class at regular intervals so that
every student becomes familiar with each project. Teams will also be
charged with designing, validating and deploying a web-application that
delivers the computational method for solving the underlying healthcare
problem to the user. HIPAA regulations, use of human subjects data, and
requirements for FDA Class II and Medical Device Data Systems approval
will be covered.
Instructor(s): R. Winslow; S. Sarma.
Biomedical Engineering 35
EN.580.681. Precision Care Medicine. 3.0 Credits. EN.580.689. Computational Personal Genomics. 3.0 Credits.
Precision Care Medicine is a two-semester project-based learning What can we learn from the genome sequence of an individual? Genomic
course. Projects will use methods of machine learning and mechanistic technology now makes it possible to generate huge amounts of DNA
and statistical modeling to develop novel data-driven solutions to sequence data for a single individual at a relatively low cost. To make
important health care problems that arise in anesthesiology and critical sense of this data, we need to employ sophisticated computational
care medicine. The scope of such problems is vast, and few have methods to identify genetic variations that influence an individual’s
been approached before. Examples include data- and modeling-driven health. In this course, we will first review the state of the art in
approaches to: optimal selection of patients to be admitted to ICUs; sequencing technology, and discuss how this technology is being
optimal determination of when it is safe to discharge a patient from applied to study human biology and disease. We will then explore the
an ICU; early prediction of pending changes in the clinical state of computational methods used to turn raw sequence data into knowledge.
patients in an ICU; data-driven optimal selection of patient therapy; and Topics will include genetic variant detection; discovery of chromosomal
others. In the first semester, students will assemble into teams of 3-4, rearrangements and fusions; methods to measure gene expression from
and will work with their project mentors (clinical faculty in the ACCM RNA; and measurements of the microbiome living inside our bodies.
Department; Drs. Winslow and Sarma) to develop a project work plan. Recommended Course Background: EN.601.447/639, EN.600.363/463,
In the remainder of the course, they will apply engineering approaches EN.600.688, EN.580.688 (any one is sufficient), or permission of the
to solve the important health care problems in their projects. Class time instructor. Course is also open to undergraduate students.
will include: lectures and tutorials covering the physiology, medicine, and Instructor(s): S. Salzberg
engineering principles relevant to each project; project work in a setting Area: Engineering.
where faculty are available to assist students with challenges. Each team EN.580.691. Learning Theory. 3.0 Credits.
will present project updates to the entire class at regular intervals so that This course introduces the probabilistic foundations of learning theory.
every student becomes familiar with each project. Teams will also be We will discuss topics in regression, estimation, Kalman filters, Bayesian
charged with designing, validating and deploying a web-application that learning, classification, reinforcement learning, and active learning. Our
delivers the computational method for solving the underlying healthcare focus is on iterative rather than batch methods for parameter estimation.
problem to the user. HIPAA regulations, use of human subjects data, and Our aim is to use the mathematical results to model learning processes
requirements for FDA Class II and Medical Device Data Systems approval in the biological system. Recommended Course Background: Probability
will be covered. and Linear Algebra.
EN.580.683. Nuclear Medicine Imaging. 3.0 Credits. Instructor(s): R. Shadmehr.
This course provides an intermediate-level introduction to the EN.580.693. Imaging Instrumentation. 4.0 Credits.
instrumentation, image processing and reconstruction methods used This course is intended to introduce students to imaging instrumentation.
in planar nuclear medicine imaging, single-photon emission computed The class will be lab-oriented, giving hands-on experience with data
tomography (SPECT) and positron emission tomography (PET). Topics collection and processing using a configurable optical system. Specific
include radioactive decay, nuclear medicine instrumentation including topics will include the programming and control of electromechanical
radiation detectors and associated electronics, analytic and statistical elements, imaging data acquisitions, image formation and processing
iterative tomographic reconstruction, imaging physics, and image quality (e.g. 3D reconstruction), and imaging system analysis and optimization.
in the context of these three modalities. This course will be taught at Recommended Course Background: EN.580.222 Systems and Controls
the School of Medicine Campus. Recommended Course Background: or EN.520.214 Signals and Systems. Programming experience highly
EN.520.432/EN.580.472 and EN.520.434/EN.580.473 desirable.
Instructor(s): A. Rahmim; B. Tsui; E. Frey; Y. Du Instructor(s): J. Stayman.
Area: Engineering.
EN.580.694. Statistical Connectomics. 3.0 Credits.
EN.580.688. Foundations of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics II. This course will cover the basics of an exciting emerging field of
3.0 Credits. statistical connectomics (aka, brain-graphs). It is so new, that we
This course will introduce probabilistic modeling and information are going to make some of it up in this class! The first week will be
theory applied to biological sequence analysis, focusing on statistical introductory lectures that I give. The rest of the semester will be run
models of protein families, alignment algorithms, and models of like a seminar; each week will focus on a different topic. On Tuesdays
evolution. Topics will include probability theory, score matrices, hidden we will hear about a statistical method that operates on graphs, and
Markov models, maximum likelihood, expectation maximization
on Thursdays we will read about some neuroscience data upon which
and dynamic programming algorithms. Homework assignments will one could apply these techniques. The final project will consist of
require programming in Python. Recommended Course Background: implementing a statistical method devised for graphs on a brain-graph
Math through linear algebra and differential equations, EN.580.221 or problem. Recommended background: coursework in probability, linear
equivalent, EN.601.226 or equivalent. algebra, and numerical programming (eg, R, Python, Matlab).
Instructor(s): R. Karchin. Instructor(s): J. Vogelstein
Area: Engineering.
36 Biomedical Engineering
EN.580.697. Neuro Data Design I. 4.0 Credits. EN.580.722. Systems Bioengineering II. 4.0 Credits.
In this year long course, students will work together in small teams A quantitative, model-oriented approach to the study of the nervous
to design, develop, and deploy a functioning tool for practicing brain system. Topics include functional anatomy of the central and autonomic
scientists, either for accelerating research or augmenting the clinic. nervous systems, neurons and networks, learning and memory, structure
The first semester will focus on scoping the tool, including determining and function of the auditory and visual systems, motor systems, and
feasibility (for us in a year) and significance (for the targeted brain neuro-engineering. Recommended Course Background: EN.580.221,
science community), as well as a statement of work specifying EN.580.222, EN.580.223, AS.110.302, EN.580.421; Corequisite:
deliverables and milestones. The second semester will focus on EN.580.424
developing the tool, getting regular feedback, and iterating, using the Instructor(s): E. Haase; X. Wang.
agile/lean development process. Recommended Course Background: EN.580.727. Cell Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Seminar Series.
numerical programming. 1.0 Credit.
Instructor(s): J. Vogelstein. Top researchers from around the world will present the latest research on
EN.580.701. CBID Masters Advanced Project. 3.0 - 10.0 Credits. stem cell science and clinical application followed by discussion. School
For second year CBID students. of Medicine campus: PCTB, Mountcastle Auditorium
Instructor(s): S. Acharya. Instructor(s): J. Elisseeff.
EN.580.702. CBID Masters Advanced Project. 3.0 - 10.0 Credits. EN.580.728. Advanced Seminar in Chemical Glycobiology & Carbohydrate
Instructor(s): S. Acharya. Drug Design. 1.0 Credit.
This course uses the current literature to teach advanced topics in
EN.580.704. Mathematical Foundations of BME I. 3.0 Credits.
carbohydrate engineering. Students will be required to read current
The course introduces modern techniques in mathematical analysis of
papers, selected textbook chapters and online content to prepare
biomedical data. Techniques include maximum likelihood, estimation
for interactive teaching sessions with faculty and other students.
theory via Kalman equation, state-space models, Bayesian estimation,
Potential topics will include: sugars as information storage entities and
classification of labeled data, support vector machine, dimensionality
signaling molecules; methods to manipulate and characterize complex
reduction via principal component analysis, clustering, expectation
carbohydrates in vivo, through chemoenzymatic methods, and emerging
maximization, and dynamic programming via the Bellman equation.
high-throughput methodology; carbohydrate-based drug development;
Instructor(s): R. Shadmehr.
and the role of sugars in stem cell biology and tissue engineering.
EN.580.706. Introduction to Biomedical Rodent Surgery Laboratory and Evaluation will be both by faculty and fellow students. Graduate Level.
Grantsmanship. 3.0 Credits. Seniors by permission. Fall semester only.
This course has been specifically designed for students interested in Instructor(s): K. Yarema.
understanding the translational aspects of biomedical research and
EN.580.729. Advanced Seminar in Chemical Glycobiology & Carbohydrate
pursuing research as a career. The course aims to introduce diverse yet
Drug Design. 1.0 Credit.
interlinked research concepts that will equip students with the necessary
This course uses the current literature to teach advanced topics in
knowledge and expertise to independently carry out research endeavors
carbohydrate engineering. Students will be required to read current
in the future. A part of the course includes supervised hands-on in vivo
papers, selected textbook chapters and online content to prepare
workshops, in which students will learn basic rodent anatomy, physiology
for interactive teaching sessions with faculty and other students.
and some general experimental procedures. A second component
Potential topics will include: sugars as information storage entities and
will introduce research methodology, which will enable students to
signaling molecules; methods to manipulate and characterize complex
develop their scientific thought process and enhance their critical
carbohydrates in vivo, through chemoenzymatic methods, and emerging
thinking skills by formulating hypothesis, developing aims, searching
PubMed for related literature, understanding ethical guidelines and other high-throughput methodology; carbohydrate-based drug development;
and the role of sugars in stem cell biology and tissue engineering.
regulatory issues. In today’s scenario, scientists also need to have a
Evaluation will be both by faculty and fellow students. Spring semester
strong communication ability to ensure that their research is accessible
at a global platform. This requires skill and knowledge of scientifically
Instructor(s): K. Yarema.
drafting manuscripts, writing grants and articulating business plans as
well as effectively presenting their research results (presentation, poster,
etc.). We will allocate necessary time to develop this science-art as well.
Students’ attendance and active participation will enrich this exciting and
interactive course, which is entirely based on in-class learning.
Instructor(s): A. All.
EN.580.721. Systems Bioengineering I. 4.0 Credits.
A quantitative, model-oriented investigation of the cardiovascular
system. Topics are organized in three segments. (1) Molecular/cellular
physiology, including electrical signaling and muscle contraction. (2)
Systems cardiovascular physiology, emphasizing circuit-diagram analysis
of hemodynamics. (3) Cardio-vascular horizons and challenges for
biomedical engineers, including heart failure and its investigation/
treatment by computer simulation, by gene-array analysis, by stem-cell
technology, and by mechanical devices (left-ventricular assist and total-
heart replacement). Recommended Course Background: EN.580.221 and
Instructor(s): N. Trayanova; R. Vidal.
Biomedical Engineering 37
EN.580.735. Advanced Seminars in Computational Medicine. 1.0 Credit. EN.580.738. Advanced Seminars in Cardiac Electrophysiology and
In this course, students will review current literature on the most salient Mechanics. 1.0 Credit.
and interesting topics in the emerging field of Computational Medicine, This course uses the current literature to teach advanced topics in
which is focused on the development of quantitative approaches for cardiac electrophysiology and mechanics. Students will be required to
understanding the mechanisms, diagnosis and treatment of human read current articles and then conduct interactive teaching sessions with
disease through applications of mathematics, engineering, and faculty and other students. Potential topics will include: ion channels,
computational science. Whenever possible, the publications considered cardiac excitation-contraction coupling, myofilament regulation,
will be directly relevant to the lectures delivered by visiting scholars in the cardiac arrhythmias, heart failure, therapies for arrhythmias and pump
Institute for Computational Medicine’s seminar series. Students will be dysfunction. Evaluation will be both by faculty and fellow students.
required to search for the most relevant papers in the current literature; Graduate Level. Seniors by permission. Fall semester only.
read and critically interpret these papers; conduct interactive teaching Instructor(s): N. Trayanova; P. Boyle.
sessions with the course instructor, other students, and trainees/faculty EN.580.739. Advanced Seminars in Cardiac Electrophysiology and
from the Institute. Potential topics will include: computational anatomy; Mechanics. 1.0 Credit.
computational molecular medicine; computational physiological This course uses the current literature to teach advanced topics in
medicine; and computational healthcare. Evaluation will be by the cardiac electrophysiology and mechanics. Students will be required to
course instructor (pass/fail). Graduate level. Seniors by permission. All read current articles and then conduct interactive teaching sessions with
registrants must be approved by the course instructor. faculty and other students. Potential topics will include: ion channels,
Instructor(s): P. Boyle. cardiac excitation-contraction coupling, myofilament regulation,
EN.580.736. Distinguished Seminar Series in Computational Medicine. cardiac arrhythmias, heart failure, therapies for arrhythmias and pump
1.0 Credit. dysfunction. Evaluation will be both by faculty and fellow students.
We live in a new era in the understanding, diagnosis and treatment Graduate Level. Seniors by permission only (signed add/drop form).
of human disease. Over the past ten years, extraordinary advances in Spring semester only.
modeling and computing technologies have opened the door to an array Instructor(s): N. Trayanova; P. Boyle.
of possibilities that were previously beyond the reach of biomedical EN.580.740. Surgery For Engineering. 3.0 Credits.
researchers. Today's powerful computational platforms are allowing us This course provides an introduction to basic principles and emerging
to begin to identify, analyze, and compare the fundamental biological techniques in surgery, interventional radiology, and radiation therapy
components and processes that regulate human diseases and their for engineering students. Basic principles include introduction to
impact on the body. The next step, then, is to harness the potential of fundamental surgical approaches and tools as well as sub-specialties,
these theoretical and computational tools and theory in a meaningful including neurosurgery, orthopaedic surgery, ENT surgery, thoracic
way -that is, to apply this "new medicine" to the exploration and treatment surgery, and laparoscopic surgery as well as minimally invasive (body and
of many of our current diseases. This lecture series will feature world neurovascular) interventional radiology as well as radiotherapy (external
experts in computational medicine as well as laboratories at JHU's beam and brachytherapy). Introduction to cutting edge and emerging
institute for Computational Medicine (ICM). Fall semester only. S/U technologies include intraoperative imaging (all modalities), surgical
grading only. navigation, and robotics. Requisite background for engineering students
Instructor(s): F. Macgabhann; S. Sarma. includes analytic geometry, linear algebra, computing (Matlab, Python, or
EN.580.737. Distinguished Seminar Series in Computational Medicine. C++), and basic familiarity with the physics of medical imaging. Safety
1.0 Credit. Training: certificate in Bloodborne Pathogens and HIPAA & Research.
We live in a new era in the understanding, diagnosis and treatment Recommended course background: 580.472, 601.455
of human disease. Over the past ten years, extraordinary advances in Instructor(s): J. Siewerdsen.
modeling and computing technologies have opened the door to an array EN.580.741. Models of Cardiac Electrophysiology and Arrhythmia. 1.0
of possibilities that were previously beyond the reach of biomedical Credit.
researchers. Today's powerful computational platforms are allowing us This course will cover the fundamentals of different experimental
to begin to identify, analyze, and compare the fundamental biological and computational models of cardiac electrophysiology and when
components and processes that regulate human diseases and their particular models are appropriate for use. Students will be required to
impact on the body. The next step, then, is to harness the potential of read review articles and engage in interactive discussion with faculty
these theoretical and computational tools and theory in a meaningful
and other students. with some projects and presentations to reinforce
way -that is, to apply this "new medicine" to the exploration and treatment important concepts. Topics will include measurement of cardiac
of many of our current diseases. This lecture series will feature world electrical signals, stimulation of cardiac tissue, single cell and tissue level
experts in computational medicine as well as laboratories at JHU's electrical properties, excitation-contraction coupling, and mechanisms of
institute for Computational Medicine (ICM). Spring semester only. arrhythmia. Seniors by permission.
Instructor(s): F. Macgabhann; S. Sarma. Instructor(s): L. Tung.
38 Biomedical Engineering
EN.580.742. Neural Implants and Interfaces. 3.0 Credits. EN.580.751. Cell & Tssue Engineering Lab. 4.0 Credits.
This course will focus on invasive neural implants that electrically Cell and tissue engineering is a field that relies heavily on experimental
interface with the peripheral or central nervous system. We will techniques. This laboratory course will consist of three six experiments
investigate the different types of recording and stimulating neural that will provide students with valuable hands-on experience in cell and
interface technologies currently in use in patients as well as coverage tissue engineering. Students will learn specialized techniques related
of the biophysics, neural coding, and hardware. We will also cover to faculty expertise in cell engineering, microfluidics, gene therapy,
computational modeling of neurophysiology in the context of implantable microfabrication and cell encapsulation. Experiments include the basics
devices and their neural interfaces. A final group project will be required of cell culture techniques, gene transfection and metabolic engineering,
for simulating a neural interface system. Recommended course basics of cell-substrate interactions I, cell-substrate interactions II, and
background includes cell biology, physics with electromagnetics (or cell encapsulation and gel contraction. This course includes an 'advanced
electrical circuits), chemistry, differential equations, and computer topics' component designed to fulfill toe core curriculum requirements
programming. of the RIE (Regenerative and Immune Engineering) track of the BME
Instructor(s): G. Fridman. masters program. Offered the first half of fall semester only.
Instructor(s): E. Haase; K. Yarema.
EN.580.745. Mathematics of Deep Learning. 1.5 Credits.
The past few years have seen a dramatic increase in the performance EN.580.771. Principles of the Design of Biomedical Instrumentation. 4.0
of recognition systems thanks to the introduction of deep networks for Credits.
representation learning. However, the mathematical reasons for this This course is designed for graduate students interested in learning basic
success remain elusive. For example, a key issue is that the training biomedical instrumentation design concepets and translating these
problem is nonconvex, hence optimization algorithms are not guaranteed into advanced projects based on their research on current state-of-the-
to return a global minima. Another key issue is that while the size of art. They will first gain the basic knowledge of instrumentation design,
deep networks is very large relative to the number of training examples, explore various applications, and critically gain hands-on experience
deep networks appear to generalize very well to unseen examples and through laboratory and projects. At the end of the course, students
new tasks. This course will overview recent work on the theory of deep would get an excellent awareness of biological or clinical measurement
learning that aims to understand the interplay between architecture techniques, design of sensors and electronics (or electromechanical/
design, regularization, generalization, and optimality properties of deep chemical, microprocessor system and their use). They will systematically
networks. learn to design instrumentation with a focus on the use of sensors,
Instructor(s): R. Vidal. electronics to design a core instrumentation system such as an ECG
amplifier. Armed with that knowledge and lab skills, students will be
EN.580.746. Imaging Science Seminar. 1.0 Credit.
encouraged to discuss various advanced instrumentation applications,
Fall semester only.
such as brain monitor, pacemaker/defibrillator, or prosthetics. Further,
Instructor(s): M. Miller; R. Vidal.
they will be “challenged” to come up with some novel design ideas and
EN.580.747. Imaging Science Seminar. 1.0 Credit. implement them in a semester-long design project. Students will take
Spring semester only. part in reading the literature, learning about the state-of-the-art through
Instructor(s): M. Miller; R. Vidal. journal papers and patents, and discussing, critiquing, and improving
EN.580.748. Advanced Seminars in Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 3.0 on these ideas. Finally, they will be implementing a selected idea into a
Credits. semester-long advanced group project. Meets with 580.471 Graduate
This course uses the current literature to teach advanced topics in students only
magnetic resonance imaging. Students will be required to read current Instructor(s): N. Thakor.
papers, selected textbook chapters and online content to prepare for EN.580.773. Modern Biomedical Imaging Instrumentation and
interactive teaching sessions with faculty and other students. Potential Techniques. 3.0 Credits.
topics will include: image artifacts, effect of motion, resolution and An intermediate biomedical imaging course covering modern biomedical
SNR, realtime imaging, clinical applications. Evaluation will be both by imaging instrumentation and techniques as applied to diagnostic
faculty and fellow students. Graduate Level. Seniors by permission. Fall radiology and other biomedical applications. It includes recent advances
semester only. in various biomedical imaging modalities, multi-modality imaging
Instructor(s): E. McVeigh. and molecular imaging. The course is team taught by experts in the
EN.580.749. Advanced Seminars in Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 3.0 respective fields and provides a broad based knowledge of modern
Credits. biomedical imaging to prepare students for graduate studies and
This course uses the current literature to teach advanced topics in research in biomedical imaging. Also, the course will offer tours and
magnetic resonance imaging. Students will be required to read current practical experience with modern biomedical imaging equipment in
papers, selected textbook chapters and online content to prepare for clinical and research settings. Recommended course background:
interactive teaching sessions with faculty and other students. Potential EN.520.432 or EN.580.472
topics will include: image artifacts, effect of motion, resolution and SNR, Prerequisites: Students may not have taken EN.580.473.
realtime imaging, clinical applications. Evaluation will be both by faculty Instructor(s): B. Tsui
and fellow students. Spring semester only. Area: Engineering.
Instructor(s): D. Herzka.
Biomedical Engineering 39
EN.580.779. Systems Bioengineering III. 4.0 Credits. EN.580.821. Applied Research and Grant Methodology I. 3.0 Credits.
Computational and theoretical systems biology at the cellular and Students will select a laboratory to host their research rotation within the
molecular level. Topics include organizational patterns of biological first two weeks (ideally, before the start of the term) and will participate
networks; analysis of metabolic networks, gene regulatory networks, in lab-related activities for a minimum of 12 hours a week; at least 6
and signal transduction networks; inference of pathway structure; hours a week is expected to involve “in person” interaction between the
and behavior of cellular and molecular circuits. Recommended Course PI or other members of the sponsoring lab and the student. Activities
Background: EN.580.221 and EN.580.222 or Permission Required. will include attendance at lab meetings, preparation of a research
Instructor(s): J. Bader. proposal, and “hands on” experimental, computational, or modeling
tasks: in addition, attendance at department research seminars and class
EN.580.781. Biomedical Engineering Seminar. 1.0 Credit.
meetings is required. Periodic reports on your research proposal/project
Instructor(s): W. Grayson.
and progress, as well providing feedback on your ‘colleagues’ projects
EN.580.782. Biomedical Engineering Seminar. 1.0 Credit. and proposals will also be expected. A final research proposal (to be
Instructor(s): W. Grayson. presented in the format of a NIH R21-type grant application) will provide
EN.580.788. Biomedical Photonics II. 4.0 Credits. evidence that a student is capable of carrying out advanced research
This course serves as the continuation of 580.678 (520.678), Biomedical by identifying a significant biomedical problem, developing innovative
Photonics I. It will cover the advanced topics on biomedical photonics, approaches to solve it, and then designing a relevant and implementable
including, but not limited to, light scattering (Rayleigh and Mie research plan.
scattering), photon diffusion, polarization (birefringence), fluorescence, Instructor(s): K. Yarema.
lifetime measurements, confocal microscopy, optical coherence EN.580.822. Applied Research and Grant Methodology II. 3.0 Credits.
tomography, nonlinear microscopy, and super-resolution microscopy. Students will participate in lab related activities for at least 12 hours
Representative biomedical applications of some of these technologies a week. These activities will include attendance at lab meetings,
will be integrated into the relevant chapters. A hand-on lab section preparation of a research proposal, and “hands on” experimental,
(optional) for students to design and build an imaging instrument, space computational, or modeling tasks. In addition, attendance at research
permitting. seminars and class meetings is expected. Finally, periodic reports
Instructor(s): X. Li. on your research project and progress, as well providing feedback on
EN.580.791. Biomedical Engineering Project Design and Proposal your ‘colleagues’ projects and proposals, will be required. Finally a
Development I. 2.0 Credits. research proposal essay (to be presented in the format of a NIH F31 (or
The goal of this class is to provide students with experience in designing NSF equivalent) grant application will be required (it is expected that
and implementing a biomedical engineering research project. Students the application will be submitted to the funding agency for students
will select a laboratory to host their research rotation within the first interested in continuing their research career); it is anticipated that
two weeks (ideally, before the start of the term) and will participate in this proposal will include data generated by the student over the Fall,
lab-related activities for a minimum of 6 hours a week that involve “in Intersession, or Spring term(s).
person” interaction between the PI or other members of the sponsoring Prerequisites: EN.580.821 OR EN.580.706
lab and the student. Activities will include attendance at lab meetings, Instructor(s): K. Yarema.
preparation of a research proposal, and “hands on” experimental, EN.580.850. BME MSE Research Practicum. 6.0 Credits.
computational, or modeling tasks: in addition, attendance at department BME MSE Research Practicum For Thesis-Track Students
research seminars and class meetings is required. Periodic reports on Instructor(s): K. Yarema.
your research proposal/project and progress, as well providing feedback
on your ‘colleagues’ projects and proposals are also expected. This Cross Listed Courses
is a companion course to Biomedical Engineering Project Design and General Engineering
Proposal Development II; the two courses can be taken sequentially in EN.500.112. Gateway Computing. 3.0 Credits.
subsequent academic terms (recommended) or concurrently during a This course introduces fundamental programming concepts and
single semester. techniques, and is intended for all who plan to develop computational
Instructor(s): K. Yarema. artifacts or intelligently deploy computational tools in their studies
and careers. Topics covered include the design and implementation of
EN.580.801. Research in Biomedical Engineering. 3.0 - 10.0 Credits.
algorithms using variables, control structures, arrays, functions, files,
Graduate Students only
testing, debugging, and structured program design. Elements of object-
Instructor(s): K. Yarema.
oriented programming. algorithmic efficiency and data visualization
EN.580.802. Research in Biomedical Engineering. 3.0 - 10.0 Credits. are also introduced. Students deploy programming to develop working
Directed research for MSE and PhD students solutions that address problems in engineering, science and other
Instructor(s): K. Yarema. areas of contemporary interest that vary from section to section.
Course homework involves significant programming. Attendance and
participation in class sessions are expected.
Instructor(s): I. Sekyonda; J. Selinski; M. Darvish Darab
Area: Engineering, Natural Sciences.
40 Biomedical Engineering
EN.500.745. Seminar in Computational Sensing and Robotics. 1.0 Credit. EN.520.622. Principles of Complex Networked Systems. 3.0 Credits.
Seminar series in robotics. Topics include: Medical robotics, including By employing fundamental concepts from diverse areas of research,
computer-integrated surgical systems and image-guided intervention. such as statistics, signal processing, biophysics, biochemistry, cell
Sensor based robotics, including computer vision and biomedical image biology, and epidemiology, this course introduces a multidisciplinary
analysis. Algorithmic robotics, robot control and machine learning. and rigorous approach to the modeling and computational analysis of
Autonomous robotics for monitoring, exploration and manipulation with complex interaction networks. Topics to be covered include: overview
applications in home, environmental (land, sea, space), and defense of complex nonlinear interaction networks and their applications,
areas. Biorobotics and neuromechanics, including devices, algorithms graph-theoretic representations of network topology and stoichiometry,
and approaches to robotics inspired by principles in biomechanics and stochastic modeling of dynamic processes on complex networks
neuroscience. Human-machine systems, including haptic and visual and master equations, Langevin, Poisson, Fokker-Plank, and moment
feedback, human perception, cognition and decision making, and human- closure approximations, exact and approximate Monte Carlo simulation
machine collaborative systems. Cross-listed Mechanical Engineering, techniques, time-scale separation approaches, deterministic and
Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Biomedical stochastic sensitivity analysis techniques, network thermodynamics, and
Engineering. reverse engineering approaches for inferring network models from data.
Instructor(s): L. Whitcomb; P. Kazanzides. Instructor(s): J. Goutsias.
Electrical Computer Engineering Mechanical Engineering
EN.520.315. Intro. to Bio-Inspired Processing of Audio-Visual Signals. EN.530.410. Biomechanics of the Cell. 3.0 Credits.
3.0 Credits. Mechanical aspects of the cell are introduced using the concepts in
An introductory course to basic concepts of information processing of continuum mechanics. Discussion of the role of proteins, membranes
human communication signals (sounds, images) in living organisms and cytoskeleton in cellular function and how to describe them using
and by machine. Recommended Course Background: EN.520.214 (or simple mathematical models.
EN.580.222) or consent of the instructor. Instructor(s): S. Sun
Instructor(s): H. Hermansky Area: Engineering, Natural Sciences.
Area: Engineering. EN.530.426. Biofluid Mechanics. 3.0 Credits.
EN.520.434. Modern Biomedical Imaging Instrumentation and Course will cover selected topics from physiological fluid dynamics,
Techniques. 3.0 Credits. including respiratory flow patterns, blood flow and pulse propagation,
An intermediate biomedical imaging course covering modern biomedical aerodynamics of phonation and speech, rheology of blood flow in the
imaging instrumentation and techniques as applied to diagnostic microcirculation, aquatic animal propulsion, and animal flight.
radiology and other biomedical applications. It includes recent advances Instructor(s): R. Mittal
in various biomedical imaging modalities, multi- modality imaging Area: Engineering.
and molecular imaging. The course is team taught by experts in the EN.530.448. Biosolid Mechanics. 3.0 Credits.
respective fields and provides a broad based knowledge of modern This class will introduce fundamental concepts of statics and solid
biomedical imaging to prepare students for graduate studies and mechanics and apply them to study the mechanical behavior bones,
research in biomedical imaging. Also, the course will offer tours and blood vessels, and connective tissues such as tendon and skin.
practical experience with modern biomedical imaging equipments in Topics to be covered include concepts of small and large deformation,
clinical and research settings. Co-listed with EN.580.473 stress, constitutive relationships that relate the two, including
Prerequisites: Students may not have taken EN.520.634 elasticity, anisotropy, and viscoelasticity, and experimental methods.
Instructor(s): B. Tsui. Recommended Course Background: AS.110.201 and AS.110.302, as well
EN.520.445. Audio Signal Processing. 3.0 Credits. as a class in statics and mechanics
This course gives a foundation in current audio and speech technologies, Instructor(s): T. Nguyen
and covers techniques for sound processing by processing and pattern Area: Engineering.
recognition, acoustics, auditory perception, speech production and
synthesis, speech estimation. The course will explore applications of
speech and audio processing in human computer interfaces such as
speech recognition, speaker identification, coding schemes (e.g. MP3),
music analysis, noise reduction. Students should have knowledge of
Fourier analysis and signal processing.
Prerequisites: Students make take EN.520.445 or EN.520.645, but not
Instructor(s): M. Elhilali
Area: Engineering.
EN.520.601. Introduction to Linear Systems Theory. 3.0 Credits.
A beginning graduate course in multi-input multi-output, linear, time-
invariant systems. Topics include state-space and input-output
representations; solutions and their properties; multivariable poles and
zeros; reachability, observability and minimal realizations; stability;
system norms and their computation; linearization techniques.
Recommended Course Background: Undergraduate courses in control
systems and linear algebra.
Instructor(s): P. Iglesias.
Biomedical Engineering 41
Applied Mathematics Statistics EN.601.448. Computational Genomics: Data Analysis. 3.0 Credits.
EN.553.450. Computational Molecular Medicine. 4.0 Credits. Genomic data has the potential to reveal causes of disease, novel drug
Computational systems biology has emerged as the dominant framework targets, and relationships among genes and pathways in our cells.
for analyzing high-dimensional “omics” data in order to uncover the However, identifying meaningful patterns from high-dimensional genomic
relationships among molecules, networks and disease. In particular, many data has required development of new computational tools. This course
of the core methodologies are based on statistical modeling, including will cover current approaches in computational analysis of genomic
machine learning, stochastic processes and statistical inference. We data with a focus on statistical methods and machine learning.Topics
will cover the key aspects of this methodology, including measuring will include disease association, prediction tasks, clustering and
associations, testing multiple hypotheses, and learning predictors, dimensionality reduction, data integration, and network reconstruction.
Markov chains and graphical models. In addition, by studying recent There will be some programming and a project component. [Applications]
important articles in cancer systems biology, we will illustrate how Prerequisites: EN.601.226 or other programming experience, probability
this approach enhances our ability to annotate genomes, discover and statistics, linear algebra or calculus.
molecular disease networks, detect disease, predict clinical outcomes, Prerequisites: Students may receive credit for EN.600.438 or EN.600.638,
and characterize disease progression. Whereas a good foundation in but not both.]
probability and statistics is necessary, no prior exposure to molecular Instructor(s): A. Battle
biology is required (although helpful). Area: Engineering.
Prerequisites: ( EN.553.420 OR EN.553.620) AND ( EN.553.430 EN.601.461. Computer Vision. 3.0 Credits.
OR EN.553.630 ) OR equivalent courses in probability and This course gives an overview of fundamental methods in computer
statistics.;Students may receive credit for EN.550.450/EN.553.450 or vision from a computational perspective. Methods studied include:
EN.553.650, but not both. camera systems and their modeling, computation of 3-D geometry from
Instructor(s): D. Geman; J. Bader binocular stereo, motion, and photometric stereo; and object recognition.
Area: Engineering, Quantitative and Mathematical Sciences. Edge detection and color perception are covered as well. Elements of
EN.553.650. Computational Molecular Medicine. 4.0 Credits. machine vision and biological vision are also included. [Applications]
Computational systems biology has emerged as the dominant framework Prerequisites: intro programming, linear algebra, and prob/stat.
for analyzing high-dimensional “omics” data in order to uncover the Prerequisites: Students may receive credit for only one of EN.600.361,
relationships among molecules, networks and disease. In particular, many EN.600.461, EN.600.661, EN.601.461, EN.601.661.
of the core methodologies are based on statistical modeling, including Instructor(s): H. Ali
machine learning, stochastic processes and statistical inference. We Area: Engineering, Quantitative and Mathematical Sciences.
will cover the key aspects of this methodology, including measuring EN.601.476. Machine Learning: Data to Models. 3.0 Credits.
associations, testing multiple hypotheses, and learning predictors, How can robots localize themselves in an environment when navigating?
Markov chains and graphical models. In addition, by studying recent Can we predict which patients are at greatest-risk for complications in
important articles in cancer systems biology, we will illustrate how the hospital? Which movie should I recommend to this user given his
this approach enhances our ability to annotate genomes, discover history of likes? Many such big data questions can be answered using
molecular disease networks, detect disease, predict clinical outcomes, the paradigm of probabilistic models in machine learning. These are
and characterize disease progression. Whereas a good foundation in especially useful when common off-the-shelf algorithms such as support
probability and statistics is necessary, no prior exposure to molecular vector machines and k-means fail. You will learn methods for clustering,
biology is required (although helpful). Recommended Course Background: classification, structured prediction, recommendation and inference. We
EN.553.620 AND EN.553.630. will use Murphy's book, Machine Learning: a Probabilistic Perspective,
Prerequisites: Students may receive credit for EN.550.450/EN.553.450 or as the text for this course. Assignments are solved in groups of size 1-3
EN.553.650, but not both. students. The class will have 4 interactive sessions during which we
Instructor(s): D. Geman brainstorm how to solve example open-ended real-world problems with
Area: Engineering, Quantitative and Mathematical Sciences. the tools learnt in class. Students are also required to do a project of
Computer Science their choice within which they experiment with the ideas learnt in class.
EN.601.350. Introduction to Genomic Research. 3.0 Credits. [Analysis or Applications] Prerequistes include Intro Prob/Stat, Linear
This course will use a project-based approach to introduce Algebra and Intro Machine Learning as well as strong background in s.
undergraduates to research in computational biology and genomics. Instructor(s): S. Saria
During the semester, students will take a series of large data sets, all Area: Engineering, Quantitative and Mathematical Sciences.
derived from recent research, and learn all the computational steps EN.601.748. Computational Genomics: Data Analysis. 3.0 Credits.
required to convert raw data into a polished analysis. Data challenges Graduate level version of EN.601.448. [Applications] Recommended
might include the DNA sequences from a bacterial genome project, the Course Background: EN.601.226 or other programming experience,
RNA sequences from an experiment to measure gene expression, the probability and statistics, linear algebra or calculus. Students may receive
DNA from a human microbiome sequencing experiment, and others. credit for EN.601.448 or EN.601.748 but not both.
Topics may vary from year to year. In addition to computational data Prerequisites: Students may receive credit for EN.600.438 or EN.600.638,
analysis, students will learn to do critical reading of the scientific iterature but not both.
by reading high-profile research papers that generated groundbreaking or Instructor(s): A. Battle
controversial results. [Applications] Recommended Course Background: Area: Engineering.
Knowledge of the Unix operating system and programming expertise in a
language such as Perl or Python.
Instructor(s): S. Salzberg
Area: Engineering.
42 Biomedical Engineering