Flow Measurement Lab Report
Flow Measurement Lab Report
Flow Measurement Lab Report
Flow Measurement
CHEG 2810 - Experiment 1
( )
ρ q 2
2 Cc a x
which demonstrates that the pressure difference
√ C Ab (
2 g V b ρb − ρf
ρf )
u= flow velocity
Vb = volume of the bob
g= gravitational acceleration constant
C= drag coefficient
Ab = frontal area of the bob
ρb = density of the bob
ρf = density of the fluid
This equation can calculate the velocity in any rotameter with any incompressible fluid. When
using the same rotameter and fluid, most of the variables remain constant. When using a
rotameter, the selection of design can simplify the equation further and linearize it (Springstead,
Q=C m∗y∗
√ ρb−ρ f
=C m ∗y
Q= volumetric flow rate
Cm = variable that contains constants from previous equation
These equations and theory show the useful and versatile the rotameter is to measure flow rate.
Rotameters are still very popular among industrial applications because of cost effectiveness.
They are relatively inexpensive and provide a simple way to control flow for a wide variety of
substances. With more complex flowmeters the accuracy and precision is greatly increased but
comes with a hefty price tag. Overall rotameters are viable options when simplicity and cost
effectiveness are priorities, and when precision is top priority different flow meters are better
Another widely used flow
meter is called the orifice
meter and measures the
flow of a liquid similar to
that of a venturi meter, by
restriction. The fixed-area
flow is due to a finely
machined concentric hole
within a plate mounted
perpendicularly between
two flanges. Pressure taps
are placed before and after the machined plate and connected to a manometer and/or a
differential pressure transmitter. The cross sectional area of the pipe diameter is reduced,
increasing the velocity head while decreasing the pressure head (McCabe, 227).
This reduction in pressure head is what the connected device measures and is correlated to
the liquid flow rate.
As the liquid approaches the orifice plate, a vena contracta forms. This is where the fluid stream
separates itself from the downstream side of the orifice plate and forms a jet in the downstream
liquid and where the liquid is as its minimum cross section. This is a good location for the tap to
be placed so that the meter may measure the downstream velocity. This style of tap is called the
vena contracta tap and will have a static hole one-half to two pipe diameters from the orifice
plate and the other located at the vena contracta (Perry, 8-48). These type of taps give the largest
differential head for a given flow rate. The flow rate equation is given below.
Cd A2
√) 2 ( p1− p2 )
(p1-p2) = the pressure drop
ρ = the density
A1 = the pipe cross-sectional area
A2 = the orifice cross-sectional area
Cd = the discharge coefficient
The discharge coefficient changes with Reynold’s Number at the orifice, based on the orifice
diameter and velocity (Perry, 10-16). This number will increase with edge-roundness of the
machined hole in the plate. Near the orifice plate on the downstream side of liquid, eddies form
in the liquid due to large friction losses. These friction losses account for the poor pressure
recovery of an orifice meter and its largest disadvantage. Power losses need to be supplemented
with pumping equipment.
The magnetic flow meter is a more advanced device used to measure the flow rate of a
fluid. When using this device, a magnetic field is spread throughout
the measuring tube; the ions flowing within the fluid create a
potential difference to be measured by the flow meter. This potential
difference is proportional to the flow velocity of the fluid. In order to
use a magnetic flow meter to measure a flow-rate, the fluid must be
conducting, and the pipe must be insulating. Magnetic flow meters
are most useful in that they are a non-contact, non-moving flow
meter, which is very useful when measuring the flow rate of a dirty
liquid or wastewater material that is water-based.
The magnetic flow meter is based on the principle of Faraday’s Law.
This states that the voltage across a conductor as it moves
Theoretical Magnetic Flow
Meter (Cadillac Meters, 2013)
perpendicular to the magnetic field lines is proportional to the
velocity of that conductor (Magnetic Flow Meters, 2015). Faraday’s Law is represented by the
E = voltage generated in a conductor,
V = velocity of that conductor,
B = magnetic field strength,
D = length of the conductor being measured.
Each magnetic flow meter is fitted to a maximum flow that can be measured by that
particular flow meter. The induced potential and the measured flow are compared to the
maximum permitted potential and maximum measurable flow, respectively (Springstead,
2015). The displayed value on the magnetic flow meter can either be the direct flow
measurement, or a percentage of the maximum measurable flow of the flow meter.
Magnetic flow meters are one of the most common types of flow meters used in industry.
They are used for their relative ease and their known accuracy. Magnetic flow meters are
much less cost effective than other flow meters but are much more exact in their
measurement. Magnetic flow meters also come with the caveat that only conducting fluids
may be measured, which proves them to be inadequate in many industrial situations.
Generally, magnetic flow meters are used when precision is necessary, and when conductive
fluids are involved.
When there is not a flow through the rotameter, the bob is at the lowest point in the tube. Mark
this point on a piece of tape on the side of the rotameter. This will be the initial point when taking
height measurements. Open the valves and allowing a small flow through the pipes and observe
the small increase in height of the bob. Allow the system to find equilibrium from turbulent flow
to more of a laminar flow. Take a ruler and measure from the initial point to the point where the
bob is when water is flowing through. While taking the bob height measurement, for five
seconds fill a bucket with the output water. Then weigh the bucket and record the mass of the
Orifice Plate
Generally, a manometer will measure the pressure drop by correlating it to the height of fluid in
the two legs of the manometer. However, the digital manometer used in this lab will correlate
the difference between the mechanical pressures on two transducers located at the taps. This will
give a similar reading to the differential pressure transducer which will display as mA. The
lower the flow rate, the lower the mechanical pressure and therefore, the lower the reading on
both meters. When the experiment is started, there is no flow through the orifice plate and both
meters will roughly read close to zero. As the flow rate increases through the piping at each step
interval, so too does the reading on each meter. Each time the flow rate is increased, the system
is allowed to equilibrate before flow measurements are taken with a bucket and a stop watch.
The amount of water in the given time is then measured for mass and recorded, resulting in a
flow rate versus pressure drop graph.
In theory the rotameter should be the least accurate of three tested flow measurement devices.
However it finished as the second most accurate device in this experiment. There are several
reasons for this specific apparatus which will be covered in the orifice plate section of the results.
In the chart to the right, the actual volumetric flow rate is the calculated flow rate from the water
output. This is calculated by using the mass of water and density of the water which is affected
M (Kg)
V ( m 3 )=
by the temperature which was 18 ⁰C for all rotameter trials. Kg This is the total
ρ( 3 )
volume of the output water which when divided by the time the water was collected gives us the
flow rate. For this experiment each sample was collected for five seconds. An example
calculation would be as follows,
2.04 kg
M 998.6 kg
3 3 3
ρ m 0.002043m m
Q= = = =0.000407
t 5s 5s s
Using the height of the bob when collecting the output water we can graph how the volumetric
flow rate affects the height of the bob. Finding the linear relationship of the data set provides an
equation to calculate the flow rate that height represents in the rotameter. For this data set, the
linear regression equation with a R2 value of 0.998 is,
−5 −6
Q=9.841∙ 10 ∗h+3.698 ∙10
This can be used to calculate the flow rate reported from the rotameter. This is measured
flowrate in the above table and the percent error is the difference in the actual and experimental
data. Overall the rotameter was accurate and precise with exception to the first trial which proves
the reliability of the rotameter.
The Relationship Between the Height of bob and
Volumetric Flow Rate
Volumetric Flow Rate (m3/s) 0.001
f(x) = 9.84073825371799E-05 x +
0.0008 3.69822176188577E-06
R² = 0.99823659823377
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Height of Bobber (cm)
Orifice Plate
The orifice plate meter was actually the least accurate of the meters tested partly due to the
eddies forming where the downstream pressure sensor was located, causing constant fluctuation
in the manometer and differential pressure gauge. In order to quantify the accuracy of this meter,
the actual flow rate and the theoretical flow rates needed to be compared and analyzed for
percentage error. To do this, the actual flow rate was measured by the amount of water exiting
the apparatus in a given amount of time.
Mass Output of √(Pressure) Theoretical Actual % Error
Water (Kg) (√(mmHg)) Volumetric Volumetric
Flowrate (m3/s) Flowrate (m3/s)
2.26 2.95 0.000453 0.000444712 6
2.18 3.406 0.000437 0.000560897 15.9
2.88 3.821 0.000577 0.000689103 18.9
2.72 4.382 0.000545 0.000751202 25.6
3.36 4.701 0.000673 0.000777244 17.9
By taking the mass of the water coming out of the system and dividing it by the density of water,
the volume of water can be calculated. This can then be divided by the amount of time taken to
gain that volume of water to arrive at the volumetric flowrate. This volumetric flowrate will be
the actual flowrate used to determine the accuracy of the flow meter when compared to the
theoretical data. The theoretical data is gained from the equation:
where Cd is assumed to be a constant. This would be done with all remaining samples and the
error calculated. The table below depicts the calibration curve for the measured data gained from
the experiment and shows the trendline and R2 value for that trendline.
Based on research and on theory, the results of the magnetic flow meter were as we would
expect, in that it was the most accurate of the three flow meters used in this experiment. The
display on the magnetic flow meter reads out the percent of the maximum flow rate that is being
measured. From this we need to calculate the maximum flow rate of our specific flow meter. In
order to do this, we use the equation:
Flow rate=Percent flow∗Max. flow rate
We do this my solving for the maximum flow rate using our recorded percent flows and the flow
rate that is obtained by dividing the volume of water collected by the time it was collected in. A
sample calculation is as follows:
vol . of water 0.0007 m3
flow rate time 5 sec m3
Max . flow rate= = = =0.00203327
percent flow percent flow 0.069 sec
After performing all of the individual calculations, we take an average to determine the most
approximate maximum flow rate. Our average value was 0.001924412 m^3/s. We then use this
equation again only this time we solve for the flow rate using the percent flow observed and the
maximum flow rate we just calculated. A sample calculation is shown below:
m3 m3
Flow rate=percent flow∗Max . flow rate=0.069∗0.0019244 =0.000132784
sec sec
This calculation was done on all measured percent flows. Then they were compared to the flow
rates from the first equation and a percent error was found. In all of our sample observations, we
can see that the magnetic flow meter was a very accurate flow measurement device.
The theoretical or actual data would be the volumetric flow rate of the water output. As shown in
the graph below the experimental data is accurate and precise. However, there is some
discrepancy in the data and when there is need for extremely precise measurement a rotameter
should suffice. When simplicity is of importance and quick compairson of the change in flow rate the
rotameter is the best option.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Height of Bob (cm)
Orifice Plate
The orifice plate flow meter had a great amount of error when it came to theoretical and actual
flow rate comparison; the graph on the next page depicts this discrepancy. From the results
section concerning the orifice meter, the calibration curve showed a trendline with the R2 value
being 0.946 which, while close to 1, is much smaller a number than should be for an accurate
reading. This is most likely due to the eddies forming in the downstream piping as these can
cause a large differentiation of manometer readouts. The manometer used would fluctuate
consistently, making readout values more randomized than accurate. The four to five values that
the manometer would read were averaged to make a more realistic and more accurate assumption
of the values.
Magnetic Flow Meter
As we can depict from the graph below, our experimental data fits the theoretical data closely.
There is very little error between the measured volumetric flow rates and the theoretical
volumetric flow rates. This proves that our experiment follows the research in that the magnetic
flow meter is the most accurate of the three flow meters in this experiment. If the precision of
flow measurement is of utmost importance, then the magnetic flow meter should be the
instrument used.
Experimental Data vs. Theoretical Data
Volumetric Flow Rate
0.0003 Experimental
0.0002 Theory
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Percent of Maximum Flow
Out of the three flow meters tested throughout this experiment, the magnetic flow meter was
found to be the most accurate while the orifice plate meter was the least accurate; the rotameter
was found to be somewhere in between but on the higher accuracy side of the spectrum. Each of
these were not exact forms of measurement as they each had error when comparing theoretical to
actual flow rates, which is to be expected. The greatest source of error came from the orifice
plate meter with over 16% error and the smallest from the magnetic flow meter at 2% error.
Since the purpose of the experiment was to calculate volumetric flow rates and compare
accuracies of the three meters, it would behoove a process plant to utilize a magnetic meter or
rotameter in the field rather than an orifice meter, strictly on an accuracy standpoint. If a
flowrate was of immediate importance, a rotameter should be used.
If we were to repeat this experiment, there would be a couple of things that we would do
differently to make sure our experiment had smaller error. The first thing we would do is to fix
all the piping; the pipe that the orifice plate was attached to had a leak in it. This leak could
throw off our measurements for flow and increase our percent error. Another adjustment we
would make to this lab would be to use a more precise collection method. Although the method
we used was very accurate, using an automated collection tool would allow us to collect output
water for exactly five seconds. With our manual collection, there is always room for some error
when timing and holding the bucket. A third change we would make to this lab would be to
increase the flow rate by smaller increments. This would allow us to take more data points,
which would yield a more reliable data trend.
Dijstelbergen, H. (1964). Rotameter dynamics. Chemical Engineering Science, 19, 853-865.
Magnetic Flow Meters. (2015). Omega Engineering. Retrieved October 20, 2015, from
Mechanical Flow Meters vs Magnetic Flow Meters. (2013, February 4). Retrieved October 20,
2015, from http://cadillacmeter.com/2013/02/04/mechanical-flow-meters-vs-magnetic-flow-
Springstead, J. (2015). Data Acquisition and Handling Laboratory Manual.
The Basics of Rotameters. (2002, October 1). Retrieved October 16, 2015, from
McCabe, Warren L., Julian C. Smith, and Peter Harriott. (2005). Unit of Operations of Chemical
Engineering. 7th. New York: McGraw-Hill, pg 227
Perry, Robert H. and Green, Don W. (1997). Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook. 7th. New
York: McGraw-Hill. pg 8-48, 10-16
Appendix A: Data collection of rotameter.