Flow Meter

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Flow meter is a device that measures the rate of flow or quantity of a moving fluid in an open

or closed conduit. Flow measuring devices are generally classified into four groups. There are:

a) Mechanical type flow meters.

Fixed restriction variable head type flow meters
using different sensors like orifice plate, venturi tube, flow nozzle, pitot tube, dall tube,
quantity meters like positive displacement meters, mass flow meters etc. fall under mechanical
type flow meters.
b) Inferential type flow meters.
Variable area flow meters (Rotameters), turbine flow meter, target flow meters etc.
c) Electrical type flow meters.
Electromagnetic flow meter, Ultrasonic flow meter, Laser doppler Anemometers etc. fall under
electrical type flow meters.
d) Other flow meters.
Purge flow regulators, Flow meters for Solids flow measurement, Cross correlation flow meter,
Vortex shedding flow meters, flow switches etc.

Mechanical type flow meters

1. Orifice Flow Meter

An Orifice flow meter is the most common head type flow measuring device. The orifice plate
inserted in the pipeline causes an increase in flow velocity and a corresponding decrease in
pressure. The flow pattern shows an effective decrease in cross section beyond the orifice plate,
with a maximum velocity and minimum pressure at the vena contracta.
The flow pattern and the sharp leading edge of the orifice plate which produces it are of major
importance. The sharp edge results in an almost pure line contact between the plate and the
effective flow, with the negligible fluid-to-metal friction drag at the
2. Flow Nozzle

The Flow nozzle is a smooth, convergent section that discharges the flow parallel to the axis
of the downstream pipe. The downstream end of a nozzle approximates a short tube and has the
diameter of the venacontracta of an orifice of equal capacity. Thus the diameter ratio for a nozzle
is smaller or its flow coefficient is larger. Pressure recovery is better than that of an orifice.
There are advantages and disadvantages using a flow nozzle rather than using orifice
1. Permanent pressure loss lower than that for an orifice plate.
2. It is suitable for fluids containing solids that settle.
3. It is widely accepted for high pressure and temperature steam flow.
1. Cost is higher than orifice plate.
2. It is limited to moderate pipe sizes.
3. It requires more maintenance.

Inferential type flow meters

1. Turbine Flow Meter

The turbine flow meter is mainly used for the purpose of measurement of liquid and gas at very
low flow rates. A simple turbine flow meter shown in Figure above, provides a frequency output
signal that varies linearly with volumetric flow rate over specified flow ranges. The entire fluid to
be measured enters the flow meter, then passes through a rotor. The fluid passing through the rotor
causes it to turn with an angular velocity that is proportional to the fluid linear velocity. Therefore,
the volumetric flow rate is linear within the given limits of flow rate.
The number of pulse generated is given as:
𝑁𝑝 = (𝑇𝑝. 𝐹)/𝑄
Np : Pulse per volume unit
Tp : Time constant in minutes
F : Frequency in Hz
Q : Volumetric flow rate
2. Target Flow Meter

Material buildup in front of orifice plates can cause both measurement errors and plugging
when the process stream is a liquid slurry or a gas carrying wet solids. The annular orifice, which
is illustrated in figure was introduced to solve this problem by providing an annular opening for
the solids to pass through. Target flow meters are similar in design except that the pressure taps
have also been eliminated and the detection of differential pressure been replaced by force
measurement. Both of these designs are suited for dirty or low turbulence flow metering
applications, if high precision is not required.
The target meter is applied in a number of fields for measurement of liquids, vapours and gases.
It allows unimpeded flow of condensates and extraneous material along the bottom of a pipe and
at the same time allows unimpeded flow of gas or vapour along the top of the pipe.

Electrical Type Flow Meter

1. Electromagnetic Flow Meter

Prinsipnya menggunakan hokum faraday induksi elektromagnetik untuk membuat sebuah flow
measurement. Hukum Faraday : whenever a conductor of length ‘l’ moves witha velocity ‘v’
perpendicular to a magnetic field ‘B’, an emf ‘e’ is induced in a mutually perpen-dicular direction
which is given by :
𝑒 = 𝐵𝑙𝑣 … … … (1)
e = an emf is induced
B = Magnetik flux density ((Wb/m2)
l = length of conductor (m)
v = velocity of conductor (m/s2)
Flow rate Q is given by :
𝜋𝑑 2
𝑄=( ) 𝑣 … … … . (2)
Q = flow rate (m3/s)
d = diameter of pipe (m)
v = average velocity of flow
Substitusi v dari (1) ke (2) :
𝜋𝑑 2 𝑒
2. Ultrasonic flow meter
Pressure variations travel through a fluid at the velocity of sound relative to the fluid. If fluid
is in motion with certain velocity, then the absolute velocity of pressure disturbance propagation
is the algebraic sum of the two. The term ‘ultrasonic’ refers to the pressure differ-ences (usually
are short bursts of sine waves) whose frequency is above the range audible to human hearing which
is 20 to 20000 Hz. Principle of this flow meter is The ultrasonic flow meter operates on the
principle that the velocity of sound in a fluid in motion is the resultant of the velocity of sound in
the fluid at rest plus or minus the velocity of the fluid itself. There are 2 types ultrasonic floe meter
: (i) transit time flow meter, (ii) Doppler flow meter. For this time, we focus to Doppler flow meter.
Principle : an ultrasonic wave is projected at an angle through the pipe wallinto the liquid by a
transmitting crystal in a transducer mounted outside the pipe. Part of the energy is reflected by
bubbles or particles in the liquid and is returned through the pipe wall to a receiving crystal. If the
reflectors are travelling at the fluid velocity, the frequency of the reflected wave is shifted
according to the Doppler principle, in proportion to the flow velocity.
2𝑓0 cos 𝜃
V = the flow velocity
∆𝑓 = Difference between transmitted and receive frequency
Fo = frequency transmission
𝜃 = angle of transmitter and receiver cristal
Ct = velocity of sound in the tranducer
Other Types of Flow Meters
1. Cross Correlation Flow Meter

Flow metering based on correlation techniques is similar in concept to the tagging or tracing
techniques because it also detects transit time. As illustrated in Fig. 1.64, any measurable process
variable which is noisy can be used to build a correlating flow meter. The only requirement is that
the noisy pattern must persist long enough to be seen by both detectors ‘A’ and ‘B’ as the flowing
stream travels down the pipe. Flow velocity is obtained by dividing the distance between the
identical pair of detectors by the transit time.

http://www.newagepublishers.com/samplechapter/000967.pdf diakses pada 8 Maret 2018 pukul

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