Alcohol Ethyoxylates As An Alternative To NonylPhenols
Alcohol Ethyoxylates As An Alternative To NonylPhenols
Alcohol Ethyoxylates As An Alternative To NonylPhenols
Another alternative to APEOs is the use on NPEO or OPEO for pigments, inks,
of sulphur-based anionic emulsifiers and coatings, adhesives...
dispersants such as alkyl or aryl ethoxy
sulfates, sulfonates and alkyl sulfates. There are two major producers of AN ON-LINE TOOL
For example, CLARIANT has developed SMAs on the market, namely: SOLENIS FOR RESEARCHING
various alkyl and aryl ethoxy sulfates (SCRIPSETTM) and POLYSCOPE ALTERNATIVES TO
which, depending on the product POLYMERS (XIRAN®). PHTHALATES
used, promote the emulsion of various
polymers (acrylic, styrene-acrylic, vinyl Sources : In order to simplify your search for
acetate, styrene-butadiene, PVC), these Technical and economic data on octylphenols phthalates alternatives, a table in
products are grouped together in the and ethoxylates (in French) Microsoft® Excel format compiling all
EMULSOGEN® ranges (EMULSOGEN Technical and economic data on nonylphenols the information on this subject and
APS, EPA 073, LA 083, LCA 213, FP...). and ethoxylates (in French) posted on the phthalates substitution
KEMI (2013) ANNEX XV RESTRICTION website has just been published.
Via this table, you can search for
alternative solutions: for PVC or other
SUBSPORT (2013) Specific Substances
Alternatives Assessment – Nonylphenols and
materials; for an application sector
Nonylphenol ethoxylates (for example: medical, construction,
Figure 4/ Structure of alkyl ethoxy sulfates
textiles...) or for a particular application
(floor coverings, PVC foams...). This
table also includes information on
BYK PUT ON THE the alternative material or substance:
MARKET A RELEASE OF examples of the trade name of the
BYKETOL-WS WITHOUT alternative and identification of
Figure 5/ Sulfonate structure APEO developers and/or producers and/or
suppliers. For more information about
BYKETOL-WS is a leveling agent with an alternative solution, the hypertext
anti-foaming properties designed for link associated with it allows you to
water-borne coatings (undercoats directly access the document that
and top coats for the automotive generated the information. In the future,
sector and varnishes for the wood this tool will be updated with each
Figure 6/ Alkyl sulfate structure
and furniture sector). The BYKETOL- major modification of the phthalates
WS is designed to prevent surface substitution website.
Marketed, among others by ADDAPT defects in the coating («pinholes»,
CHEMICALS BV via its PEXTM range, bubbles, orange peel, craters) and to substitution-phtalates/files/documents/drc-165804-
alkyl phosphates, anionic surfactants, improve its levelling. Its composition 00941a_outil_de_recherche_phtalates_vf_0.xls