The GTA VI Document (v1.0)

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This document was made possible by

with help from the extended mapping and r/GTA6

discord communities as well as GTAForums.

To clarify, we do not hate Take Two nor Rockstar, the leaks were a terrible thing that should never have happened and we stand with those
that were most affected by this leak, the Rockstar employees. We know just how special the game is to them and to have the big surprise
ruined by such an incident was as disappointing to the fans as much as it was to the developers.

Still, us fans loved to dissect every information we could get out of the footage and to compile them into one large PDF.
Table of Contents
What was leaked? Page 1

RAGE [Engine] Notes Page 2

Characters Page 3

Mentioned Character / Universe + Lore References Page 4

About The Protagonists / Gangs Page 5

Items and Tools Page 6

Weapons Page 7

Weapon Wheel Page 8

Open World Activities / Enterable Buildings Page 9

GTA VI’s Multiplayer Page 10

Collectibles Pages 10 - 11

Brands / Rebrands Page 12

Returning Brands Page 13

Animals Page 14

New Additions Pages 15 - 18

Attention to Detail Pages 19 - 20

Audio Page 21

Transportation / Other Details Page 22

Other Details Page 23

Interesting Events Pages 24 - 30

Vehicles Pages 31 - 33

Locations Pages 34 - 38

GTA VI Maps Pages 39 - 53

Development Builds Page 54

PC specs used during recordings Page 55

State of the Game? Page 56

The Python Leak Page 57

Credits Pages 58 - 59
What was leaked?

• 90 video clips spanning from less than 10 seconds to more than 3 minutes.
Dates of recording span from March 2021 to September 2022.

• 2 screenshots of PDF Americas appearing to be related to camera controls

and build previews for developers.

• Python Code (see “The Python Leak” in table of contents).

• “GameHeaders_Tasks” C++ code, also known as “vi_code” from

the original leaked source. Contains information about various
game tasks for the AI, and specifically refers to GTA V code.

• Vehicle handling data from GTA V’s source code.

RAGE [Engine] Notes
• Tweaked Euphoria can be seen when enemies fall or the player
jumps down and ragdolls.

• Lighting and Skybox (Volumetric clouds) systems from RDR2 are present.

• Heavy fog - Americas 2022-04-06 15-55-26

During this video of Lucia in a shootout with the police, a lot of fog is visible.

Whilst fog was in GTA V, it wasn't as much as the amount seen in this video where
you can barely see anything a couple of meters in front of you.

• Some leaked clips use low detail models for characters [low_int]

• Character labels in the debug are numbered based on the stage of the story.

• Every World Event has a certain number of rules the player needs to fulfill in
order for an event to actually be triggered (NotPassing for Events that don't
have the sufficient number of conditions met by the playable character and
Passing when all the conditions are met). Some of these rules are:
isPlayableCharacter (PlayerLucia or PlayerJason), isWantedRule etc.
The green dots on the right side of each World Event show the conditions that are met.

Dre (Protagonist) Lucia
Friend of Boobie. He One of the protagonists.
introduces Jason and "Bonnie" of the Bonnie & Clyde
Lucia to him. Also story. Possibly a hacker
according to him, he got according to the tools she
in touch with a couple of carries (See under "New
artists. Gameplay Systems").

Sam (Protagonist) Jason

Friend of Dre, he is seen One of the two protagonists
having problems with his and the "Clyde" of the Bonnie
partner at the club and Clyde esque story in GTA
VI. We know Jason is in a
relationship with Lucia as
evidenced by the diner clip.

Kai Wyman
"Break out of the fucking cage."

Billy Tit
(New Contact) Friend of Dre and one of the
nightclub's DJs. Dre wants to fire him
because Tit insulted him when Dre
didn't brought his drinks.
Dre tells him that's the reason
why no one likes him.

Zach RB Shaw
(New Contact)

Mentioned Characters: Vicky, Iris, Shanese, Boobie

Mission Icons: YJ (Minimap)

Mentioned Characters
Danny Limit Before/Post Blackmail

Iris Laundry

Chester’s Music/Chester Fee Before/Post Blackmail

Dale’s Shopwell

Universe + Lore References

Jay Norris (Mentioned)
Americas 2022-09-06 17-13-34
Mention Of Jay Norris From GTA V
(This Confirms It Is Set In The Same HD Universe)

About The Protagonists
We have two protagonists in GTA VI — Jason and Lucia. They seem to be in a
relationship judging by several clips. This lines up with what Jason Schreier
reported about GTA VI having a “Bonnie and Clyde” style protagonists.
Disclaimer: "Bonnie and Clyde" is just a key term used by Jason Schreier.
This does not at all mean that GTA VI's story will be totally inspired by it,
let alone have the same ending as the real Bonnie and Clyde did.
Schreier probably just used the term cause everyone knows them and
it made it clear that Jason and Lucia are a criminal couple. Besides that they
don't have to have any similarities with Bonnie and Clyde.

Game debug code:


Protagonist heights:
Lucia 5’3 (160cm/1.6m)
Jason 6’1 (185cm/1.85m

• San 4 San [Haitian Gang]

• Guardia Brothers

Far Right Militia is another name given to a

group in the event list. It is unknown if they
will be an active gang or just a group you
see when exploring, similar to the Klan in RDR2.

Items and Tools
Disclaimer: None of these icons are from the leaks

Auto Dialer
Automatic calls Binoculars
for fraud/technical

Immobilizer Bypass
Hacking the immobilizer using
the PDA by matching the code (for luxury vehicles).
Cut Off Tool
As seen in GTA:CW for luxury car theft

Painkillers Pool Cue

Trauma Kits Golf Driver

Food And Drink

Golf Putter
(Recovery items)

USB Drive Golf Iron/Gold

Crowbar Golf Wedge

Slim Jim
Unlocking car doors. It can’t open newer cars
Torch / Flashlight with internal defenses such as barrier blocks
and shrouds for operating rods and lock cylinders,
so it may be used only for older ones.

Tracker Jammer
Tracker Jammer Device used to prevent
GPS tracking devices from receiving or Duffle Bag (Loot)
transmitting signals. It may be used in the game
to prevent the police from finding you.

Cigarettes Backpack (Loot)


Rocket Launcher (M16, AK47) Assault Rifle

Baseball Bat Polymer Pistol

Knife Bolt Action Sniper

Molotov / Fire Bottle Speargun

Grenade Smoke Compact SMG

Flashbang Micro SMG

Hunter Sniper Heavy Machine Gun

Auto Rifle (Carbine) Pump Action Shotgun

Weapon Wheel
The Weapon Wheel is seen in the following clips:
The following images are recreations and not taken directly from the leaked footage.
Americas 2021-06-22 20-24-48 - This weapon wheel is split into three sections:
Weapons, Equipment and Gear. This looks to be similar to the different sections of the
weapon wheel in RDR2 (Weapons, Items and Horse). And it looks like the amount of
Weapons you can hold is pretty large.

Americas_1 2021-09-10 16-37-50 - Almost Identical to the one mentioned above.

Americas 2022-01-20 11-18-26 - It seems this one is different. You can hold different weapons
in each hand and there's an additional quick item inventory at the bottom left. This inventory
can be used for consuming items such as trauma kits, pills, cigarettes, and potentially food.
The amount of weapons you can carry is limited.
The option to hold different weapons in each hand can also be seen in Americas_1 2022-08-29 12-44-36 through the debug menu.

Americas 2022-06-01 17-16-15 - The latest one. It seems you cannot hold different weapons in
each hand anymore and the quick inventory has been moved to the center left. The amount
of weapons you can hold is still limited.

Americas_1 2022-08-10 12-27-03 - In this video Where you can see an enemy NPC shooting at Jason,
and right after Jason was low on health, a tip appears on the top-left side of the screen,
and you can see written: You are injured. Your Health will regenerate slowly, open your
Weapon Wheel and use a recovery item to replenish your Health faster.
Americas 2022-01-20 11-18-26 Americas 2022-06-01 17-16-15

Quick Item Inventory

Americas_1 2021-09-10 16-37-50 Americas 2022-06-01 17-16-15 Americas 2022-01-20 11-18-26

All Versions of The Weapon Wheel System

Open World Activities

Dice* Golf Fishing Races

Van Shipment
In one of the videos (Americas 2022-05-25 13-29-33), you can see the spawning place of a delivery van
event is near an industrial area of Port Gellhorn. On one of the garages from this zone, you can see a
warning poster about security cameras being operated in the area, so you probably need to be careful to
not be spotted while trying to rob one of the vans.

Videos like the Hank’s Waffles robbery video and Jason entering in a pawn shop activating his ability
also suggest that robberies will be more expansive and available at more places around the map,
including cargo containers only for Jason(?).

There are also Events for finding something or nothing in vehicle trunks and also in food stores.

- GET_SLTH - Delivery event

There are also Events for Port Gellhorn called Delivery/Pickup Warehouse.

Enterable Buildings
Malibu Club

Pawn Shop A big feature of GTA VI will be the number of enterable buildings
on offer. This will directly link with theft and robbery, some of the
main elements of the game’s core gameplay. As well as the significant
Jack Of Hearts Strip Club interiors listed below, spotted in the leaked footage is a vast array of
interiors at generic locations such as gas stations, pawn shops,
and restaurants.
Americas_1 2022-08-29 12-44-36: From this, it can be said that there
are at least 157 interiors in GTA VI, and counting.
Bars Game debug code:
Creator Name: pedpopulation.cpp (3032):
Restaurants Interior:157/ss15lok_1_gfa_bespoke Room:1/room-Main

Apartments [From a set of interiors]

Laundries (?)
(seen in Americas_1 2022-08-02 20-20-00)

In the bottom left of Americas_1 2022-05-24 17-19-42, “PL: 2/32” one can see
there are two players in a 30 player lobby. This is because there are two slots
for spectators, similar to GTAO and RDO. There is also “SH: PR_RSN1” which
references the script host. After that, there is “GM H: PR_RSN1” which is either
the session host or game master.

Wyman Car Parts:

Classique Logo

Collectible Hats:


As is usual with GTA, there is a host of returning brands and business names from prior games and lore. But featured in the leaks are
many new brands, such as restaurants, transportation systems and clothes stores. As well as this, there are
various returning brand names that have undergone branding updates.

New Brands (Not including Vehicles)

• Bump & Grind
• Harmon & Fenix
• Chacey’s
• Hank’s Waffles
• Shorefront
• Sprunk Light
• Vice City Metro Mule
• WhatUp!
• VCIA (Vice City International Airport)
• The Rusty Anchor music venue
Some of the new Brands
• Vice City Mambas
• Core Software

Rebrands (Brands From V but Redesigned/Updated Logos)

Some of them are seen In GTA Online

• Bite
• Snapmatic
• Bleeter
• E-Cola
• Sprunk

Some of the rebrands

Important to note there are far more than this in game, this is just what we have been able to identify via the leaked video clips.

Returning Brands
• BurgerShot
• LifeInvader
• Taco Bomb
• Horny’s Burgers
• LTD Gasoline
• Pißwasser
• Household Order Bin Operations (HOBO)
• Hinterland
• Val-De-Grâce
• Chepalle
• Redwood Cigarettes
• Device
• Fleeca
• Stronzo
• Farshtunken
• Shark
• Limit
• Want
• Classique

Additional Logos from the Leaks


• Snake (Pythons)
• Seagull
• Skunk
• Raccoon
• Alligator
• Boar (from events list)
• Wading Birds
• Squirrel
• Southern Leopard Frog
• Crayfish
• Lizard (Grassrivers placard)
• Skunk Ape
seen in Americas 2022-04-21 16-26-26*
• Pigeons(?)
• Opossum Event called Possum - Port Gellhorn
• Whales(?)

*On the Grassrivers wildlife placard, there is a silhouette of a bipedal creature,

seemingly a werewolf with a question mark on it. It is unknown whether this
is the Skunk Ape or an additional mythical creature.

Possible Animals
• Horse
• Cow
• Deer
• Buck

Horse In RDR2

New Additions
These are the new mechanics, gameplay systems and new features that were not present in GTA V. Some of them are from RDR2,
while others are entirely new to the series. Keep in mind that these are probably not the only new additions,
as it’s possible we did not get a look at some more new ones in the leaks.

New Mechanics
• You can walk while in cover

• Ability to go prone

• “Loot Bags”
◦ Jason and Lucia both have duffle bags. These can be seen in a couple of videos.
Also when Jason is opening a shipping container and the options for "stash gold"
and "stash cash stack" are available, Jason puts the gold and cash into his duffle
bag - Americas 2021-10-29 20-21-10.

• Ability to Drop and pick up Weapons - Americas_1 2021-09-10 16-37-50

• Underfire
◦ Covering your face with weapons or bats. Also works while crouching.

• Downed Self Suicide and Downed Self Revive

◦ Option to revive yourself after a heavy hit to health possibly similar to RDR2
horse revival - Americas 2022-04-28 13-08-47.

• Ability to switch shoulders while aiming

• Grappling During Fist-Fights

• Buddy Comms

• Buddy Ping

• Cover Mode

• Shooting from Car Window (Like GTA San Andreas Free Aim While Driving Cheat Code)

• Eagle Eye System

◦ Like in RDR2 - it is possibly Jason’s ability, and it's used to highlight items of interest such as
jewelry, safes, and security cameras.

• Weight and Muscle System (Unconfirmed)

◦ Lucia looks thinner around the waist compared to other clips.
◦ In one video where Jason is at the motel pool with Wyman and that other character, he seems
very muscular and more fit than he does in the footage of him and Lucia walking out of the motel and
the one with them in the nightclub. In the motel and nightclub video, Jason has a skinnier body tone
and his muscles don't show as much as they do compared to other scenes.
There is also a mention of an Event called MultiGym.

• Interaction with objects/people:

◦ Carry bodies
In Americas_1 2022-05-24 17-19-42 you can see an online avatar carrying a body of another player. Here you can also
see in the Debug menu written: CARRY SLOT<0>[HUMAN_CHEST] (Americas_1 2022-05-24 17-19-42)
◦ Rob, threaten, and talk with NPCs during robberies
◦ Pick up items*
Beer bottles and cans seen in Americas_1 2022-08-19 14-40-45, pickable car parts box seen in Americas_1 2022-08-24 07-48-28.
and also pickable hat is seen in Americas_1 2022-08-23 15-56-16.

New Gameplay Systems
• Money Laundering - There is an icon present in the Hank's Waffles video that is tracked to the car wash property.
The icon is a washing machine with a dollar sign in the center. The universal symbol for money laundering. This is suggestive
that properties can be purchased with the intent of laundering money.

• Fences are in the game. Car Fence (as mentioned under collectables) and Art Fence are both mentioned in the events list.
Though it is unclear if they will be called fences in the game.

• Purchasable Businesses (likely linked with above laundering)

• Robberies

• Vehicle Discoveries/Compendium - In Americas 2021-10-29 20-21-10, Jason rides a Maibatsu Sanchez which in the bottom
right corner, says that the player has found a new livery for it.

• Hacking - Lucia carries Tracker Jammer, Immobilizer Bypass, USB Drive, Auto Dialer
Could be indicate to Tom Henderson’s old leak about the female hacker protagonist.

• Pragmatic Cool/Chaotic & Romantic Cool/Chaotic are mentioned in the events list.
◦ Radio Song/Riding Pillion - Pragmatic Cool/Chaotic & Romantic Cool/Chaotic
The pillion is a term for the rear passenger seat for women.

• Command your partner during a robbery

◦ In the Hank's Waffles robbery video you can see a tip which tells you to: check in with Jason, or to hold for more options. This likely means you
can give your partner commands during a robbery, since also you can also see a prompt to tell Jason to surrender as well as to
tell him to follow you.

• Witness System and Police Recognition

◦ In the Hank’s Waffle robbery video you can see under the wanted level stars written: Full Description, which implies that the witnesses
have a full description of you. Once Lucia enters the police vehicle, you can see written: No Vehicle Description which quickly changes
to: Full Vehicle Description, which suggests that the police have a full description of your vehicle. Also the text prompt on the top-left
side says: Any vehicle you are seen entering will be known by the Law.
◦ During the Hank’s Waffles robbery, Jason is seen trying to prevent the customers that have a yellow icon above their head from either
calling the cops or running away.
You can also see a female NPC inside with a yellow icon above her head, and right after Lucia leaves the diner, her icon begins to flicker, and after Lucia gets close
to the police car surrounded by cops, the icon turns red, then she leaves the diner and looks at Lucia before running away.

• Sharing items
◦ Jason and Lucia can share items between them. For example when Jason is stealing items from the containers he keeps certain items while
sharing others (Americas 2021-10-29 20-21-10). Shared items seem to be in general weapons that they can't equip or weapons that they
already have, food and ammo that is not for their weapons or are for weapons owned by both; the tools (for example the Immobiliser
Bypass and the Auto Dialer for Lucia) and other items are kept by them. In one of the videos with Jason at the Gas Stop
(Americas 2022-05-03 11-20-11), both Jason and Lucia are shown to have picked up some items, and when it's shown that
both picked up the same amount of food (4x Soda and 2x Wine for each), they shared half of each consumable
(4x Soda and 2x Wine).

• Unlocking Doors/Gates
◦ In one of the videos with Jason in the San4San Hood, where he sneaks in front of the red truck (Americas 2022-02-10 20-25-15),
you can see a door from an import garage building, in which in its Debug text you can see written: DoorPanel: Locked, same as the garage door.
Also you can see a gate where it's written: Door: Unlocked.

New Features
• Improved A.I System
a. Improved Enemy A.I. - In one of the videos you can see the enemy A.I. shooting Lucia when she turns around with her back to him
(Americas 2022-02-07 14-18-40). Also in Americas 2022-07-22 15-33-32, the police A.I. can be seen adjusting his stance depending on
the height of the object in front of him, and lowering his position when he reloads his weapon, and he also keeps shooting Lucia while
moving left and right. In other videos like the Hank's Waffles robbery, the police A.I. is also seen raising their guns over higher objects like cars.
b. Improved NPC Behaviour - One of the observed examples would be that A.I no longer walk around as single pedestrians but actually travel
and converse in groups. This is something that was done in RDR2. In the video where you can see Lucia with a duffle bag on a sidewalk in
South Beach, three men in tourist attire walk past her while talking to each other. A man also enters the nightclub as Lucia exits the
establishment. Usually in past GTA games, we enter and exit places without seeing anyone doing the same as us. NPC's are usually there
at the locations or are set on a strict track outside of a location. Also NPCs can be seen standing and drinking near a bar in South Beach
Americas_1 2022-04-12 10-28-55. Also in the video with Jason aiming his rifle out of his car window in the
tennis court (Americas_1 2022-09-01 14-37-21), you can what appears to see some NPCs sitting on the ground, in a another video
you can see one sitting and smoking with his animation referenced as Sit_Ground_Smoke.
c. Improved Partner A.I. and Player Reactions - It looks as if Lucia isn't following Jason but Dre in the nightclub video
(Americas 2022-08-03 10-05-49). The A.I. in this case seems smart enough to know where to go without having another controllable
character as the primary location to track. It seems like there is one video where the locomotion team is testing this mechanic -
Americas_1 2022-09-12 16-42-30. In the first video mentioned here, Lucia automatically turns around when she gets shot.
She and Jason also have a specific damage animation that plays when they get shot - Americas 2022-07-22 15-33-32

• You can now surrender to the police during a robbery

in Americas 2021-07-12 12-19-51 Lucia can tell Jason to surrender to the police.

• You can buy gumballs from gumball machines

Americas_1 2022-07-20 17-59-49.

• Your character's clothes can become dirty

Suggested by one video with Jason in which you can see his clothes being dirty - Americas_1 2022-09-12 14-42-12.

• The Hair and Facial Hair Systems.

There are various versions of Jason visible in the leaks, sometimes he has long hair, sometimes short, sometimes stubble and sometimes clean shaven.
The integrals of this growth, especially with his beard, suggests a hair growth system like RDR2. Or, at the very least, a deeper barber system than V
that allows for greater fine tuning.
in Americas_1 2022-09-13 16-24-02 Lucia appears to be wearing makeup and also seems to have a different hair color in one of the clips, and her
hair is also straight compared to her normal curly bonded to a ponytail hairstyle.

• Eating and drinking from your inventory

When Jason is at the gas station, one Wine, Soda and Fruit can be seen added in the inventory on the top-left side of the screen, which means you
can eat or drink from your inventory at any time like in RDR2 and GTA Online (Snacks).

• Smoking
During the testbed clip of the developers testing animations with Jason, (Americas 2022-06-01 17-16-15), you can see in the left side of the weapon
wheel, an icon which seems to be a cigarette one, indicating that you can smoke.

• Cop Traps(?)
There are a couple of Events called “Cop Trap” in different locations. There is a chance that you can be ambushed by cops.
Cop Trap - Alley
Cop Trap - Apartment Complex
Cop Trap - Bingo
Cop Trap - Body Shop
Cop Trap - Bulk Storage
Cop Trap - Burnout Scooters
Cop Trap - Cafe Carraway
Cop Trap - Cash n Carry
Cop Trap - Closing Store
Cop Trap - Food Trucks
Cop Trap - Kington Hotel
Cop Trap - Massage Parlors
They seem to coincide with the Easy Score events.

New Features
• Ability to play without the minimap — On-screen Waypoints and Map Icons mentioned under New Gameplay Systems implies
that it is possible. When Jason gets on the bike the minimap appears on the screen - Americas 2021-10-29 20-21-10.

• New Police System (“Time Until Cops Dispatch” - when committing a crime)
Also in the Hank's Waffles robbery video once the police arrive at the location they wait for the player to come out instead of rushing in.

• CCTV System (CCTV Detection Meter)

• Ability to restrain NPCs Lucia restrains an NPC in the Hank’s Waffles robbery video with what seems to be zipties.

• Loot Vehicles
In the Hank's Waffles robbery video for about a second you can see on the down-right side of the screen a button prompt for: Examine - Stranger SUV

• Limited Weapon Wheel - With the limited weapon assault, judging by the position of the weapons on the Weapon Wheel,
you may carry only one assault weapon on your back, and one handgun or (possibly) a semi-automated gun, and one or
two smaller melee weapon like a knife, one or two tools/items like a flashlight as shown in the video, and another slot
for holstering your weapon and remaining "unarmed" - Americas 2022-06-01 17-16-15.

• Advanced Hijack Cars system - For example, the existence of Immobilizer Bypass tells us that luxury car theft will be harder
and the existence of slim jim to unlock older cars. It seems hijacking cars will be harder - there are Events referencing the
possibility of even failing to steal a car:
a. Steal Car - Full
b. Steal Car - In Progress
c. Steal Car Fail
There are also these Events:
Carjacking - Cat
Carjacking - Advanced AI

• More Detailed Car Interiors - Americas 2022-09-13 17-17-43

• Improved Vehicle Damage and Handling - You can see in the video with Lucia driving Viper on the highway that the car crashes
are more impactful, with more parts, like the front fender, splitting apart and the hood bending realistically.
You can also see spark particles at the impact with the edge of the bridge (Americas 2022-06-27 14-52-04).
The car handling in the video also seems to be heavier than in GTA V.

• Vehicle Controls (D-PAD left for vehicle controls and right for quick options) - From Hank’s Waffles robbery video.

• Car interiors now have working GPS/waypoints in the dashboard while in first-person view.
Worth noticing that the map portion seen on the screen is a placeholder of a GTA V location.

• Option to enter in the passenger seat - In the video with Lucia entering in a vehicle, she enters only in the passenger seat, implying
this is an option. Also in the video with her in the same car pointing her gun behind her, you can see her in the passenger seat.

Attention to Detail
• You can find raccoons rummaging through trash cans and even stealing food bags:
World Events
NIE Raccoon Climb Out Of Garbage
NIE Raccoon Rummage Trash
NIE Raccoon Steal Food Bag

• In a couple of videos you can see the light shining through Lucia's ear cartilage, a nice returning detail from
RDR2 due to subsurface scattering.

• KneelingDesired is included in the PlayerPed animation set - Americas 2021-11-29 16-23-34, which means that like
in RDR2, the player will constantly change their kneel position while crouching.

• The interiors are pretty detailed, for example in the Jack of Hearts nightclub and the Hank's Waffles diner you can see
dirtiness on the floor. The diner is also highly detailed with cups placed on and behind the counter, a knives support,
soda and coffee machines with coffee pot mugs under them and in other places on the counter, sinks with support for
ingredients under them, toppings and essences on the counter, paper towel holders, waffle makers, cleaning bags, etc.
You can also see cups on the floor.
◦ There are TVs everywhere in the Jack of Hearts nightclub video with Lucia but they seem to be in DVD Player mode. Bars, nightclubs,
and general public areas naturally have TV broadcasting news and events. All of these details introduce liveliness to otherwise bland locations.

• In the video in which Jason picks up the Sanchez from the shipping container, (Americas 2021-10-29 20-21-10)
immediately when he gets on the bike, pay attention to his right hand and you will notice that he presses on the
brakes first before starting the bike. Plus also pay attention to the movement of the bracelets on his wrist.

• In one of the videos in Ocean Beach (Americas 2022-07-20 08-34-27) you can see a group taking selfies.

• In one of the videos that is also close to Ocean Beach with an NPC taking a selfie, (Americas 2021-09-01 14-44-53)
you can see that wind behaves pretty realistic compared to other games.

• In the video with Wyman at the motel pool (Americas 2022-09-06 17-13-34), you can see that the chairs in the
pool are destroyed and the water itself is swampy. The Ped Collisions Ruined Clothes event may suggest a more
realistic collision system that also affects the NPC/Player clothing.

• In the video with Jason entering the pawn shop (Americas 2021-12-17 10-31-22), you can notice there are scuff
marks on the carpet.

• In the video where Jason is on the boat, (Americas 2022-04-12 18-36-00) while he's shooting it you can see the
particles floating on the water.
◦ In the same video you can see the lily pads reacting to the waves.

• In the video with Lucia in the back of the vehicle in the police chase, (Americas_1 2022-08-02 20-20-00) the sheriffs
in the passenger seat look out their side windows to check if cars were coming from the left/right.
◦ In the same video you can see some birds standing on the power line.

• In the video where Lucia is driving the vehicle on the highway, (Americas 2022-06-27 14-52-04) you can see that the
bridge from where she crashed the vehicle it’s still in construction.

• When the cops arrived at the Hank’s Waffles, an NPC said "Jesus, finally". Which means that the NPCs are more aware
of the events and situations happening around them

• NPCs when attacked now run with their phones at hand - Americas_1 2022-04-13 09-08-46

Attention to Detail
• In the video where Lucia is in a shootout with the cops, (Americas 2022-04-06 15-55-26) two of them get shot and
then they struggle to get up, one of them trying to stand up while avoiding putting pressure on the injured part
of the body.
◦ The weather in the same clip looks like hurricane season. The fog is really well done to give the illusion of strong winds.

• Jason seems to have a different car entering animation compared to Lucia.

(Hank’s Waffles Robbery video - Americas 2021-07-12 12-19-51).

• Lucia crawls across a passenger seat to get to the driver's seat

(Hank’s Waffles Robbery video - Americas 2021-07-12 12-19-51).

• Bullets can now scratch through vehicles which also causes sparks (Americas 2022-06-14 19-28-07).
◦ Sparks can also be seen at the impact the vehicle has with the highway edge - Americas 2022-06-27 14-52-04.

• At the end of the video with Jason aiming his rifle in the tennis court, you can see an NPC on another court
preparing to play tennis. - Americas_1 2022-09-01 14-37-21.

• You can see dead leaves on the ground in a video with Jason in Rockridge - Americas_1 2022-09-12 14-42-12
◦ Like u/KathodeN said: The leaves on the ground can be textures or scene enhancements that don't happen often around the map,
and everywhere we can see trees, we'll can also have fallen dead leaves.

• The night and the ambience outside benefit from the upgraded lighting. It already feels grounded and realistic
with the orange tint on the road, the darkness ahead of it, the really bright spots where lights are and how
reflection is handled - This can be seen in Americas 2022-04-06 15-55-26, where Lucia is walking out of the

Radio Soundtrack In some of the leaked videos some songs can be heard. However they are just placeholders from GTAV
and Online, with exception of Smoke on the Water by Deep Purple. In the Hank’s Waffles diner robbery video the soundtrack used is one that
was used in the GTA Online update: Diamond Casino Heist, but with added synths.

• Americas_1 2022-04-12 10-28-55

0:33 - Sharivari by The Dirtbombs (Moodymann set from Music Locker Radio)

• Americas_1 2022-08-29 12-44-36

0:09 - most likely Blown Away by Youth Brigade (Channel X)

• Americas 2021-10-29 20-21-10

2:20 - Megan Thee Stallion ft DaBaby - Cash Shit (iFruit)

• Americas_1 2021-12-14 19-52-44

0:28 - Humble Pie - 30 Days In The Hole (LS Rock Radio)

• Americas 2021-03-23 09-58-52

0:12 - Deep Purple - Smoke on the Water (Not Featured Before)

• Americas 2022-02-10 20-25-15

0:17 - Little Dragon - Wanderer (The Lab)

• Americas 2021-12-17 10-31-22

0:10 - Future - Codeine Crazy (Blonded LS)

• Americas_1 2022-08-19 14-40-45

0:00 - Egyptian Lover - Everything She Wants (iFruit)
0:22 - ScHoolboy Q - Numb Numb Juice (iFruit)

• Americas_1 2022-07-20 17-59-49

0:01 - The Ramones - Time Bomb (Kult FM)

• Americas 2022-08-03 10-05-49

1:18 - DaBaby ft Kevin Gates - POP STAR (iFruit)

• Americas 2022-08-03 10-02-00

Skepta ft Nafe Smalls - Greaze Mode (iFruit)

• Weapons sound better and louder than from GTA V. In the Hank’s Waffles robbery clip,
we can see Lucia shoot an NPC and the weapon sounds louder and more akin to GTA IV than V.

• In the same clip; Lucia runs to take cover behind a car and bumps onto the vehicle now generates
a hit event that is expressed by audio. This happens again when she runs to take cover behind
Jason’s car. In previous games, you'd have to attack a vehicle for it to register as a hit event, but
this time around you can also bump into it.

• When Lucia shoots the NPC in the same clip, he falls to the floor with a realistic heavy sound.
In other games the ragdoll physics doesn't always have a correct sound implementation.

• The opening of car doors seem to sound more real now depending on the vehicle.

• Police sirens echo the scenery realistically.

• The reverb coming from the shipping containers when Jason is opening them sounds about right.

• In the clip where Lucia is standing on Vice Beach, we can hear seagulls and pedestrians
talking and shouting.

• Horses (?):
In one of the clips with Jason, in the debug menu you can see written
INPUT_HORSE_EXIT (and under it you can see INPUT_VEH_EXIT).
However this may be leftover RAGE elements from Red Dead Redemption II
Americas_1 2022-04-13 17-42-41

• Metromover(?)
In one of the clips with Jason you can see a metromover
Americas 2022-05-13 08-48-26

Other Details
• Neue Helvetica Paneuropean 67 Condensed Medium is the font used in the game for
things like subtitles, tips, interaction menu, button prompts.

• On the Wyman Car Parts you can see a circle, indicating that all the collectibles and
probably other pickable items have a circle icon. It also has a "DYNAMIC" flag on it
which indicates it could be movable.

• In one of the clips where you can see the player with Arthur's hat on his head, you can
also see him wearing some cargo shorts with a holster belt - Americas 2022-05-19-15-18-13

• A cop from one of the videos has his clothing based on the Miami Beach PD
- Americas 2022-04-06 15-42-03

• In Lucia's shootout with the cops in Rockridge, you can see a cop with a bulletproof helmet
exiting the car - Americas 2022-04-06 15-55-26

• When reloading your weapon, the ammo clip seems to stand on the ground for a
longer time - Americas 2022-04-12 18-36-00

The Font That is used in the Leaks, This message also appears in RDR2.

Warning: The game is running low on video memory.

Please close other applications or reduce your
graphic settings.

Other Details
• In the video with the Energy in the Grassrivers placard, if you look to the top right corner
of the pyramid diagram you can see a werewolf symbol with a question mark on it with
the title: A new alpha, but due to the quality of the video the rest of the text is not clearly
visible - Americas_1 2022-08-29 12-44-36

• In the clip with Lucia in the club, you can see a poster written on it: Sinful Sundays,
probably a parody to Babylon Fridays - Americas_1 2022-08-19 14-40-45

• Some stores will not be open 24/7, similar to RDR2. In the video with Lucia entering a
Quickshop in Port Gellhorn, you can see that on the front of the door there is a sign that says: .
"Sorry! WE'RE CLOSED" - Americas_1 2022-07-20 17-59-49
Fun Fact - this Sign Texture also appears in GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition
◦ In this same clip there seems to be a collision box for a chips bag outside of the store. Maybe you can buy food manually
from the store like in RDR2.
◦ Unlike GTA V, where the doors do not really feel attached to anything, in the same clip you can see that the door feels like it's
unlocked when Lucia enters and exits on it.

• When stealing the cash stack, Jason and Lucia only pick up the cash one-by-one - seen in
Hank’s Waffles robbery video and in the video and when Jason is opening a
shipping container. In the same video you can see that there is also an animation
for picking up duffle bags - Americas 2021-10-29 20-21-10

• Apparently only Jason can play dice as suggested by the isPlayableCharacter parameter
on the Playing Dice event.

• In the video where Lucia can be seen shooting from the back of the truck
(Americas_1 2022-08-02 20-20-00), there seem to be a couple of boxes that look like weapons
or ammo crates.

• It appears that a dithering fade effect is in place during the loading of objects into the game
world, which help mitigate the sudden appearance of objects and make the transition
smoother; it would almost never become jarring as long as they increase its render distance
due to a more gradual and seamless introduction of objects as they come into view -
Americas 2022-06-17 17-14-50, Americas 2022-07-08 19-10-17, Americas 2022-07-13 16-47-50.

• Lucia can also drive Jason’s personal vehicle which you can see in the highway video -
Americas 2022-06-27 14-52-04

• For the first time in a GTA game there are now two attendants in a single shop.

• The stores also seem to have more variety than these in GTA V due to the focus on robberies
(like Jason's special ability) that seem to be much more unique with the stores.

• Lucia physically used her hands to close the car door of the police car before opening it
(Hank's Waffles robbery video).

Interesting Events
(For these looking directly at the full name of the events: NIE means Non Interactive Event, IE -
Interactive Event, PGH - Port Gellhorn, SB - South Beach, NM - North Miami, (LO - Lake
Okeechobee, LIW - Look in Window, VLIW - Look in Vehicle Window, DA - Dead Animal, IPFP -
Pose for Photos - Speculative)):
Pink highlighted events are those that Lucia meets the isPlayableCharacter - PlayerLucia condition and orange,
those that Jason meets (PlayerJason). Please note that not all orange or pink events can only be for Jason or Lucia,
since at the time of development of the videos, some events may have not been made for Jason or Lucia too yet.

Possible Random World Encounters

(It is possible not all encounters here will be in the final game.)
(These are chosen encounters from the World Events list that were deemed interesting to be added here.)

Donut Burnout Cop Arrest Encounter Mugger:

Tire Swing Cop Patdown Keys - Gas Station

(Gang Male Found Nothing/Something) Keys - Convenience Store
Broken Dawn Car Shady North Miami (Location 2 Found Nothing/Something) La Perle - Jewelry
South Beach - Iguana/Happy Juice
Parking Dispute Car Pullover
Victim - La Perle (Laundry/Pawn 1, 2, Jewelry)
Shocking Event Test Self Injury - Pier Victim - Keys (Gas Station)
Shotgun Beers Encounter Victim - Keys (Convenience Store)
Police Siren Abuse Self Injury - Seaview Victim - South Beach (Iguana/Happy Juice)
Bangs On Window:
Broken Down Racer IE Female Thief
- Attack Player
IE Male Thief
- Steal Vehicle
BMX Hangout IE Known Thief
Motorsport Hangout Drug Deal:
Cop Raid
DUI Sobriety Test Rival Gang
Stuck Up Crew Criminals/Gangs:
Stuck Vehicle - Swamp Souvenir Store - Criminal
Vandalism Jumper Dale's Shopwell - Criminal
Passed Out
Airport Drag Bait and Tackle Shop - Gang/Criminal
ATV Speeders Stunt - 4x4 Jumper Pawn Shop - Gang/Criminal
Passed Out
Shotgun Beers Encounter Warehouse Gang
Kidnapped Victim
(Kidnapping AI)
Angry Woman: High Cashier 247 South Beach
Malibu Club Protestors
Vice Beach Plaza High Cashier 247 Supermarket
Double Cross Bike Accident
Angry Woman: High Cashier Dale's Shopwell
Hop Out Attack
Malibu Club
Vice Beach Plaza Santeria Sacrifice High Cashier Quick Stop
Ocean View
Overly Packed Vehicle Crash High Cashier Uncle Jack's
Dog Hump Dog
Escape Time Traffic Tourist Photo Picky (Whale)
Drug Deal 1, 2 and 3 Tourist Photo Jumping (Whale)
Fleeing Robber Tourist Photo Female Art (North Miami)
Everglades Fracking Hunting Accident - Both Injured Overpass Idiots:
Tough (Highway)
Elderly Favor Hungry: North Miami Concussion
Scared (Highway)
South Miami
Coral Farming
Tough (Bridge)
Scared (Bridge)
Interesting Events
Prison Hitchhiker Threaten In Room Dealer Robbery
Threaten On Forecourt
Car Hangouts:
Port Gellhorn GE_STLTH - Base Encounter
Boat Trailer
Strip Club

Truck Hangout at PGH Food St

Cop Arrest Encounter

Like in GTA IV maybe you can see the cops arresting certain NPCs.

Dealership Theft
Maybe like in GTA V, Online and IV, where you have to steal certain vehicles for Simeon and Stevie.
May be linked to the Dealership Repo - #3am events.

Elderly Favor Hungry - North Miami

Elderly Favor Hungry - South Miami
Maybe you can give food or money to homeless people, similar to GTA IV where you can give money to homeless NPCs.

Shotgun Beers Encounter

Shotgunning is the act of consuming a beer, or another beverage, very fast by creating a hole in the side of a can and placing your mouth .
over the hole. When the beer can tab is opened, the beer quickly drains through the hole and can be drunk very fast.

Possible Random Side Mission Encounters:

Spiritual Journey - Port Gellhorn Lost Crazy - Woman

Lost Elderly - Woman
Lost Boyfriend

Display Data - Port Gellhorn Runway Cow

Lost Bird
Aggro Definition Example
Quick Question:
TimeRob Help Old Artist
Mistaken Valet - W Hotel

Beach Bum Preacher Dead Husband Disposal

possible reference to the Beach Bum
movie which is about a preacher's son.
Elderly Resident
Watch Geek (First Encounter)
Watch Geek (Second Encounter)
Fellow Dancer
Naked Rolex

Fearful Animal Lost Property

Interesting Events
Possible In-World Finds

Cars Church Everglades Plane Crash Hidden Tide Objects: Anchor

Trucks Church Everglades Plane Crash Yacht Safe Cannon
Overturned Trucks Sunken Airboat WW2 Plane

Burnt Wreckage Abandoned Boat SERA Space Launch Capsule

SERA Failed Space Launch
Bus Stop Pineapple Engine/Fairing/Debris
Forest Phone
SERA Minivan

Hidden Tide Objects: Anchor Shoe Tree

Orange Fruit Bus Stop
Tank Sniped Victim Apartment Trains in Forest

Swamp Tour Crash Zorbing Accident Outdoor Movie Screen

Abandoned Car: Car Flattened By Rock Dead Paraglider

Seaview Stalled Boat - King Fishers (Cash)
TrashPit King Fishers Cargo
Wyman Truck
Cargo Containers
Invasive Species Meetup
Missing Person Poster - Liquor
Location 1 and 2 Port Gellhorn Bonfire
The Burmese python is frequently
labeled as an “invasive species” Bonnie and Clyde Mystery:
Missing Tourists:
in the news. Barn Find
Cave Victims Location
Sand Art Lifeguard Tower
Junkyard Victim Location
Submerged Car Victim
Singing Road King Neptune - Underwater Ruins
Trailer Victim Location
Trophy Room
Dirty Cop Shakedown
Shark Cage
Location 1 and 2
Mountain Biker Corpse
Register Stone Partially Submerged Sculptures
Beach Possessions

Broken Bridge

Rum Bottle Shipwreck

UFO Animal/House Pen

Quarry Car Find

DA - Skunk:
Port Gellhorn Fence

DA - Racoon:
Port Gellhorn Fence/Bowling

Interesting Events
Possible Easter Eggs:

Message in a Bottle Mummified Old Lady Mine Shaft Discovery

Tires in the Ocean

Haunted Warehouse Forest Figure
(Possibly a reference to the
Osborne Tire Reef from Florida) Dancer Mystery
Warehouse Sex Robots
Lost Plane 2 Dancer Mystery Stalker
Lost Plane Memorial Cell Tower Recorded Calls
Lighthouse Mystery
Sand Sphinx
Voice in the Storm Drain
Unique Tombstone
Big Cat Mansion (IT reference most likely)
Big Cat Cage Roof
Giant Clam
Skunk Ape
Scarface Crime Scene

UFO Giant Bird Nest

Interesting Events
Possible Side/Main Mission Events:
MansionSquatter - Investigation

Rat Infestation
Farm Monster Man
1.Farm Monster Man First Visit
2.Farm Monster Man Chemicals Request
3.Farm Monster Man Chemicals Delivery
4.Farm Monster Man Transform
This may be a reference to Marvel's Man-Thing. "The Man-Thing is a large, slow-moving, empathic, humanoid swamp monster living in the
Florida Everglades near a Seminole reservation and the fictional town of Citrusville in Cypress County (fictional location), Florida.

Dealership Repo - #3am - Gym

Dealership Repo - #3am - Luxury Good
Dealership Repo - #3am - Ocean Beach
Maybe similar to the dealership repossession missions in GTA Online and GTA V.

Everyday Art
Everyday Art - Bench Shadow
Everyday Art - Electric Monsters
Everyday Art - Elephant
Everyday Art - Frog Flies
Everyday Art - Helicopter
Everyday Art - Koala
Everyday Art - Old Guy
Everyday Art - Skier
Everyday Art - Cookie Grab
Everyday Art - Sidewalk Creep
Everyday Art - Green Dude
Everyday Art - Penguin

Music Video
Swole Couple Workout Challenge
First Meeting
Second Meeting
Third Meeting
Forth Meeting
Fifth Meeting

Wyman's Rant
Wyman Initial Meet
Club Promoter Initial Meeting

Far Right Militia:

1. Far Right Militia Training
2. Far Right Militia Trucks Only
3. Far Right Militia Final Visit
Survival Compound First Visit

Senior Vigilante
In general, “senior vigilante” is a movie genre with plots about retired spies or criminals bouncing back.

First Visit - Guards

Backseat Criminal

Busted Cheater
1. Busted
2. Fight
3. Just Married

King Fishers Warning

Bird Cage Clue

Lost at Sea
Interesting Events
Other Events:
Threaten Pills
Sun Lotion (Greet)
This confirms the Greet/Antagonize options are in the game.

Impulsive Crime:
Rob Store
Steal Vehicle
Tourist To Local
1. Checking out
2. Experienced Tourist
3. Full Tourist
4. Nearly a Local
IE Booze Purchase
Broke (Quickshop)
Broke (Supermarket)
Broke (Keys Liquor Store)
Maybe some events that happen if the player has no money in a store.

Uncle Jack's Liquor
The player can become banned from certain stores, this is a consequence mechanic from prior actions. RDR2
has similar systems in which stores and banks become inaccessible after a shootout.

Player in Store Start - Pawn Shop

Player Outside Store Start - Pawn Shop
Player Inside Store Start - Pawn Shop
Player Inside Start - Pawn 2
Player Outside Store - Pawn 2
Walk and Talk
Overdose Horn
Overdose Outside Car
Overdose Sleeping
Lucia's Friends Meet At House
Lucia's Friends Hang Out
Lucia's Friends Small Favor
Lucia's Friends Welcome Party
Lucia's Friends: Meet Outside (NearB
Lucia's Friends: Meet Outside (NearK
"Small Favor" may be similar to the item requests from RDR2.

Thrown Out
Overhear Conversation
Warm Embrace Stand FM
Chill Kneel MF and Chill Kneel FM
Flex Kneel FM
Fist Bump FM
Trendy Stand FM
Trendy Kneel FM
(FM could mean Female-Male, and MF - Male-Female)

Interesting Events
Other Events:

PS - Elaborate Beach Chair Chill / Suave / Elaborate Ledge / Sit Chair Female Trendy / Regular Ground Sit Female
Possible poses for Snapmatic.

Passed Test
Failed Test

Throw and Catch

Watching Iris
Iris Introduce Art Fence

Annoying Vicky
Watching Vicky

Shanese Chat

POB could refer to the Point of Interest Board, which is an object in the game that players can interact with.
So you can find road bikes across the South Beach's boardwalks and you can also obviously steal them.

NIESAS - PickBoogers
NIESAS - PickButtLowKey
NIESAS - PickButtSubtle
(SAS could refer to a game engine or middleware software called "Simple DirectMedia Layer" (SDL) Animation System,
which is commonly abbreviated as SAS, or Smart AI System: This could refer to a system for creating intelligent and adaptive AI in games)

NIEVLIW - Car Driver Window

NIEVLIW - Car Passenger Window

NIEHDA - Head Nod

NIEPSB - Wipe Mouth

Swamp Safari Crazy Golf

Salon Patron

Cashier Applauds

DJ Clipse

Off Duty Cop

Overtown High Rise

Gang Directions Crosstown / Getaway Driver - Nervous Thief and Pro Thief / Overtown Safe House
• Like wise_man mentioned on GTAForums, this may be a hood near Downtown with African-American street gangs.
• Maybe like in GTA V where you need to choose your getaway driver based on some levels.
• You can also have a safe house in the hood(?)

3am Club/Party House

3am Club - Malibu Club
#3am Club - Ocean View
#3am Club - Vice Beach Plaza
3AMPartyHouse Aftermath
3AMPartyHouse Empty
3AMPartyHouse GangParty
3AMPartyHouse HouseParty

(Subject to Change / V Assets)

Albany Alpha
Albany Emperor
Albany Primo
Annis Hellion
Benefactor Schafter LWB
Bravado Bison
Bravado Feroci
Bravado Gauntlet Classic
Bravado Rumpo Custom
Bravado Youga
Bravado Youga Classic
Brute Boxville
Brute Camper
Canis Seminole Frontier
Declasse Burrito
Declasse Granger
Declasse Moonbeam
Declasse Sabre Turbo
Declasse Sheriff SUV
Declasse Tornado
Dinka Blista Compact
Dundreary Regina
Gallivanter Baller
HVY Mixer
Imponte DF8-90
Karin Futo
Karin Rebel
Karin Sultan
Lampadati Novak
Maibatsu Mule
Maibatsu Sanchez
Nagasaki Street Blazer
Ocelot Locust
Pegassi Toros
Vapid Benson
Vapid Bobcat XL
Vapid Contender
Vapid Minivan
Vapid Police Cruiser
Vapid Sadler
Vapid Slamvan
Vapid Speedo
Vapid Stanier
Vulcar Ingot

GTA V Cars

New Vehicles (In-Game Name TBD)

1.Cadillac Deville D’Elegance

2.Chrysler Lebaron Wagon (80’)
3.Toyota Camry

4.Excavator (Generic)
5.Metromover (Transit Line in VC)

There are also 3 new car model names that can be found:
1.Declasse Mamba GT
3.Vapid Riata Classic

There is a Sand Car event. Sand Car is an actual off-road vehicle or

dune buggy that is designed for driving on sand dunes and other sandy terrains.

There is also an ATV event.

New Vehicles (In-Game Name TBD)

1.Chevrolet Sonic Hatchback 2019

2.Buick Skylark Sedans (or Chevrolet Caprice) from 90s
3.Honda Accord 2018-2022 - Maybe Dinka Hakumai in the game
4.Ford Explorer (or Tahoe) SUV 90’s or 2000’s - Maybe Vapid Prospector in the game
5.Ford Ranger Off-Road 2017 - Maybe Vapid Rover in the game
6.Subaru Forester SUV 2019 - Maybe Karin Arechi in the game
7.Chrysler Sebring: Sedans - Maybe the Kuruma from GTA III
8.Ford Taurus: Emergency - Vapid Interceptor

Possibly a Bravado Buffalo STX or a Maserati Gran Turismo

On display in the leaks and backed up by inside journalists, the game will feature a plethora
of locations that focus on Miami and the surrounding areas. The two main locations of the game are
Vice City, based on Miami, and Port Gellhorn, which lifts direct locations from Panama City. As well
as this, it seems Rockstar have brought down and featured locations from Georgia, including a Prison
and mountain ranges not present in real world Florida.

All locations with an underline and colored green were discovered from road signs on the highway.

Vice City
• Location based on Edgewater
Jack of Hearts nightclub - The same nightclub Jason and Lucia can be seen. It also seems to be a multistory building
with more than 3 or more floors.

• North Vice City

Guardia Hideout
Liquor Store

• Rockridge (Based on Little Havana)

Shorefront - Bank
Rockridge Neighborhood Service Center - Vice City Neighborhood Enhancement Center
There is a power plant behind this building. Miami has a Nuclear power plant emitting a lot of smoke but it is located in the Homestead area near the Southern Glades.
Vice City Mambas Football Stadium
River (seen on the minimap) - most likely inspired by Miami River, which also passes through Little Havana

• Little Haiti
Drug House - San 4 San Hood
Gas Station - San 4 San Hood
Thrift Store - San 4 San Hood

• Vice Beach
Stone Sculpture(?) - This is the name of an event. The sculpture may be inspired by Rainbow Hued
Mountain (Ugo Rondinore) from Miami Beach.

• South Beach
Cordelia Alley
Shores Alley
Ocean Drive
Ocean View
Boardwalk Hotel
Kington Hotel
Happy Juice
Iguana(?) - Unknown if is actually the name of a location
Location based on Collins Ave from South Beach
ViceYCity Hotel
Washington Beach

• Key Biscayne
Crandon Park Tennis Stadium

Port Gellhorn
Car Wash
• It’s seen across the road where Hank’s Waffles is. They appear in GTA V and Online in the form of liveries on certain vehicles but
apparently do not have a physical location in the game until now.
Police Station
PGH Motel
Easy Inn - Possible parody of Paradise Inn Motel
Soccer Field
Construction Site
Strip Club [X2]
Quickshop [Gas Station]
Train Station
Bingo Hall
Trailer Park
Wastewater Plant
Abandoned Building
Basketball Court
Pawn Shop
• The Pawnshop you can see Jason entering is called Joyeria Empenos which is a real pawnshop
in Miami. They also have a branch in Puerto Rico. They allow the pawning of guns and vehicles.
Bowling Alley
Strip Mall
Fishing Store
Bocamar Bridge
Residential Area

Yorktown* (Evidence suggests it is north of PGH - Port Gellhorn, but may be part of it if Port Gellhorn is a bigger area of the map)
Ambrosia Farm
Ambrosia Tarmac

Sundown Beach
Sundown Turmac

King Neptune Statue
Yard Sales
Gas Stations, Liquor & Convenience Stores

La Perle* (unconfirmed name of town, or just specific building.)

Pawn Shop

Construction Site
Forest w/ River Bend

Lake Leonida* (Most likely based on Lake Okeechobee given its position - the fact that the sign indicates towards the north
part - also what LO in events can mean)
Leonida is likely named after Ponce De Leon, the conquistador who “discovered” florida and by extension mainland North America

Monument of Leonida
LO Motel
LO Prison
LO Racetrack

Off Road Environment


Location based on Homestead

Burger Shot
Te Invito Restaurant
LTD Gas Station
Treasured Trash

Grassrivers [Everglades]
Fracking Location
Plane Crash
Capo Romano Domed Houses

Returning names from GTA: Vice City

Leaf Links
Malibu Club
Washington Beach
Ocean Beach
Ocean Drive
Ocean View
Little Haiti


Underwater Ruins
Underwater Research Facility
Whale Graveyard

There are also several references to a "SERA Failed Space Launch", so there is a chance that Cape Canaveral is part of the map.

Sugarloaf Mountain
Domed Hills
Canyon Etchings
4 Rivers(?) - There are 4 River events
In the Hank's Waffles video you can also see some hills in the north.
And in one of the videos for a moment you can see some mountains in the north part.

Abandoned Places
Abandoned Research Outpost
Abandoned Carnival
Abandoned Hotel
Abandoned Observatory

Buildings, Stores and Houses

Roadside Giant Fish Building
Starlet Motel
This motel is also in GTA V. The motel in V can be found in East Vinewood. The landmark it is based on is the “Bates Motel” in Silverlake.
Squatting Garage
Standing Garage
Spaceship House
Driftwood House
Holiday House
Massage Parlor
Bait and Tackle Shop
Souvenir Store
Uncle Jack's Liquor
Iris Laundry and Iris Restaurant
Sand Bar Stations
Apartment Complex
Bingo Hall
Body Shop
Bulk Storage
Cafe Carraway
Cash n Carry
Treasured Trash
Little Library

Real Life Location Mentions Probably just names put by developers to find the locations much easier.
St. Joseph Marina Water

Fountain of Youth - Maybe it is based on the Fountain of Youth Archeological Park from
St. Augustine, Florida. In real life it is also speculated to be the oldest attraction of the state.

South, North Miami and Everglades

Bermuda Triangle

Bohemia is also referenced in the Events, implying that Port Gellhorn aside from Panama City is inspired by Penscola too.

Landmarks and Other Places
Dinosaur World
Fairyland Forest
Rose Interstate
Pet Cemetery - Maybe inspired by Oakland Pet Cemetery from Miami or Pet Heaven Memorial Park from Flagler St., Miami
Paper Mill Ruins
Ancient Labyrinth Visitor Center
Air Station
Singing Road
Dairy Farm
Mine Shaft
Toxic Floating Trash Island
Survival Compound
Hunting Shelters
Small Camper Spots
Island Camp
Sand Pyramids
Sand Sphinx
Snipers Nest
Shooting Death Memorial
Drug Lab Trailer Park
Drug Lab Trailer Small
Drug Lab Apartment
Wastewater Plant
Lean Sizzurp Lab
Backyard Wrestling Ring
Canyon Etchings
Lifeguard Tower
Redneck Yacht Club
Shooting Range
Chalk Art
Vice City Monster Sculpture
Sculpted Shrubbery
Sofa Tree Swing
Miami Peacock Statues
Kraken Sculpture

The highway in Americas 2022-06-27 14-52-04 is Interstate 95 which is inspired by Interstate 97 from Miami.

Current Mapping Build (Speculative Landmass):

*Note: Please take into consideration that the orange borders of the map are
completely based on speculation, and it is very possible that they are inaccurate.

Confirmed Locations Only (by Fido_le_muet):

Real World Locations

Real World Locations
Seen in: Americas_1 2022-08-02 20-20-00

In this video, you can also spot a road sign which is pointing to the South, and it's written on it:
Keys Causeway. In real life in the South there is a highway which is heading to Key
West called Overseas Highway.

Ocean Beach
1. Shore Park Hotel
2. Edwards Apts / Jenny Hostel
3. Hotel Breakwater (Boardwalk Hotel in the game)
4. Hotel Victor(?)
5. Art Deco Welcome Center
6. Edison Hotel
7. 1500 Ocean Drive
8. Beach Patrol Headquarters
9. Loews Miami Beach Hotel

Edgewater in Real Life
Lucia in the Back of the Night Club (Americas_1 2022-08-19 14-40-45)

1. In the left side you can see a Pawn Shop based on AmeriCash Pawn Shop

In the distance you can see:

1. New Arena Apartments

2. Quantum on the Bay Condos
3. 1800 Club Condos
4. Marina Blue Condo
5. Miami Marriott Biscayne Bay
6. Bay Parc Apartments
7. Opera Tower

Highway Car Crash Test Video (Interstate 97)
Forward in the distance you can see a building based on City View Parking Garage, also far away in
the right side you can see some locations based on the ones from Miami Beach and Wynwood such as:

1. City View Parking Garage

2. Central Concrete Supermix
3. Maison Grande Condos
4. Ritz-Carlton Bal Harbor
5. 7969 Bayshore CT Upper East Side
6. Akoya Condos - Miami Beach
7. Jane Ocean Condos - Miami Beach

• The highway is passing over a location based on Wynwood, where is the S4S hood in the game, and you can
see in the right side some buildings based on the ones from NW 5^(th) Ave / NW 24^(th) ST, like the ARCHEZ
clothing store, which seems to be based on chiffino store.

• On the road signs you can see one pointing to the north: North Beaches - Lake Leonida and another one pointing
to the East: Washington Beach, Ekanfinaka, maybe based on the Okefenokee Swamp. And another one pointing
to the West, where it's not very visible, but it may be written: Bellville Ekanfinaka.

Margaret Pace Park

Seen in: Americas_1 2022-09-01 14-37-21 and Americas_1 2021-09-10 16-37-50

In Americas_1 2021-09-10 16-37-50, you can see Biscayne Bay and the bridge is the Venetian Causeway

LoanDepot Park (Vice City Mambas)
Seen in: Americas_1 2022-09-13 16-32-43

Miami Airport Station

Seen in: Americas 2022-05-13 08-48-26

Miami Airport Station
You can see two trains, one based on the Miami Metromover, Vice City Metro Mule, and another one based on
the Miami International Airport Metromover, Vice City International Airport (VCIA).
• On the window you can see a highway, probably the Entry/Exit of the 97 one.

In the distance you can see many buildings like:

1. Seybold Pointe Condominium
2. Fortune House Hotel
3. Mary Brickell Village Tower
4. Four Seasons
5. Brickell East Condo
6. Palace Condominium
7. Brickell Bayview Center
8. One Broadway
9. The Imperial from Brickell

Real World Locations

1 Jackson Memorial Building

2. US District Court Clerk
3. C. C Atkins Courthouse
4. Stephen P. Clark Government Center
5. St. John Bosco Church (Little Havana)

Central Vice City
Miami Police Department - Little Havana (Vice City Neighborhood Enhancement Team/Rockridge
Neighborhood Service Center)
Seen in the Rockridge videos:
Americas 2022-04-06 15-55-26, Americas_1 2022-08-02 18-34-23, Americas_1 2022-08-03 12-19-05

We know by the coordinates that the building Jason is standing in front of it while picking an assault rifle,
seen in Americas_1 2021-09-10 16-37-50 and the apartment bedroom seen in Americas_1 2022-08-23 15-56-16,
are in the same location. The building itself seems to be based on this on

King of Diamonds - Jack of Hearts Nightclub
King of Diamonds went bankrupt in 2019 and reopened at a new location in 2020 by taking over a place
previously called Babylon. Blue is the old site, much more akin to the leaked footage with ramps.

The logo is also similar to Jack of Hearts's one

Solar Amphitheater at Bayfront Park
Seen in: Americas 2021-07-09 15-18-02
u/KathodeN noticed that there are 4 directly identical palm trees just behind the amphitheater stage on
the left. This could be Rockstar's reference for the area.

He also noticed that there are two prominent buildings behind the amphitheater

Crandon Park Tennis Stadium
Seen in: Americas 2022-09-07 13-04-13

Development Builds
~2020 - 2019 (estimated) - PDF Screenshot v270.0
03/03/2021 v400.0.17
03/23/2021 v404.0.4
04/15/2021 v409.8.7
05/18/2021 v414.0
05/19/2021 v415.0
05/28/2021 v418.0.11
06/04/2021 v420.04
06/22/2021 v423.0
07/12/2021 v428.0
09/01/2021 v440.0
10/29/2021 v456.0.1
11/05/2021 v457.0.13
11/23/2021 v462.0
11/29/2021 v464.0.6
12/02/2021 v465.0
12/17/2021 v470.0.7
01/11/2022 v470.0 (development likely halted during holidays)
01/20/2022 v474.0.4
02/07/2022 v479.0
02/10/2022 v480.0.8
03/11/2022 v486.0
03/21/2022 v490.1
03/23/2022 v491.0
04/05/2022 v494.0.4
04/06/2022 v495.0.7
04/11/2022 - 04/12/2022 v496.0
04/21/2022 v498.0
04/27/2022 v501.0.1
04/28/2022 v501.0.4
05/03/2022 v502.0
05/13/2022 v502.1
05/19/2022 v506.0.8
05/20/2022 v504.0 (testbed version, likely going back to record a demo for someone rather than a rollback)
05/25/2022 v508.0.6
06/08/2022 v510.0.4
06/14/2022 v510.0 (possibly recording another testbed demo)
06/27/2022 v515.0
07/20/2022 v524.0
07/22/2022 v526.0.11
08/03/2022 v529.0.6
08/05/2022 v530.0
08/08/2022 v531.0.4
08/11/2022 v528.0 (demonstrating a lighting bug on the airboat.)
09/06/2022 v541.0.4
09/07/2022 v541.0.6
09/12/2022 v542.0
09/13/2022 v533.0 (vehicle interior modularity demo)

PC specs used during recordings

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1650 v3

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080

Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-2135

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080

AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3970X


AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO 3975WX


AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2950X


Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-2135


Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-2135


AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO 3955WX

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080

Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10980XE


AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO 3955WX


AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO 3975WX

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti

AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO 3955WX

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti

AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO 3975WX

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080

State of the Game?

The game is most likely in a polishing and debugging phase

In the clips with their date on 12 and 13 September 2022
(Americas_1 2022-09-13, Americas_1 2022-09-12), you can check the tag of the videos
and you can see the name of the exe running: game_win64_bankrelease.exe

From the metadata

By doing so with other clips you can see that there are videos running on game_win64_beta.exe
and one running on game_win64_debug.exe

“Bankrelease” is a debug build that aims at being “feature complete,” while beta adds on extra
functionality and aims for being “content complete.”

If you’re unfamiliar with those terms, Feature Complete essentially means that the game has full
UI functionality and the core gameplay features are all there and playable. Content Complete
means that all of the game’s content is now there and playable, but it may be visually unrefined
and have a lot of bugs or glitches present. From a Content Complete state, the dev team would
generally launch into a “polishing” phase, which can take wildly different amounts of time
depending on the size of the game and the work that needs to be done to bring
it up to a standard.

To compare it with other similar situations in game development, in June 2022 it was
announced that Final Fantasy XVI was “content complete” and the team was focusing on
polishing and debugging. And the game comes out on June 22, 2023.

The Python Leak
This code was leaked alongside the game’s footage on September 18th 2022, but goes unnoticed
most of the time. It is a python code which is related to the menu, and not the game’s code. It suggests
that one of the main color schemes for GTA VI might be purple and white, specifically the menu.

“#americas is purple background with white text”

The hex color for the purple is #800080, which appears like this.

Thank you for reading!


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