Electric Bus Technician Training

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Class Objective

After completion of the GILLIG Battery Electric

Bus Safety and Familiarization program, each
mechanic will be familiar with the system
component identification, location and operation.
We will also cover electrical accessory systems
and their operation. Safety precautions and
troubleshooting will also be discussed.

Class SOP’s

• Break times
• Lunch time
• End of class
• Questions are encouraged
• Handouts are provided, but
please take notes!

• Practice general safety procedures.
• Always wear safety glasses and proper PPE equipment.
• Use high voltage test equipment properly.
• Use care when working with high voltage components.
• Care should be used dealing with electricity, as shocks can
• High voltage safety will be covered in detail later in the class.

HV Safety Training Note
To safely work on the Gillig Battery Electric Bus technicians must be both Authorized
and Qualified to perform said work.
Upon completion of Gillig BEB training the technician will be Trained in the Gillig safety
procedures for the lock out/tag out of both the Low Voltage and High Voltage electrical
For the technician to be Authorized and Qualified to perform the work requires training
from the technician’s employer.
This training includes training in NFPA 70e, Arc flash and Fall protection.
Please receive this training prior to working on the HV electrical system of the BEB



Ebus High Voltage
• Amount of Current Passing Through Bodies Varies

• Body resistance varies from 1000 to 500,000 ohms

• Resistance lowers when skin is moist or damaged (cut, broken, burned)

• 5 Milliamps Under the Right Conditions Can Be Dangerous

• 100-200 milliamps can be fatal

• Ebus can operate up to 750 volts and 350 amps

High Voltage Electric Vehicle Safety
• This is a fully electric vehicle which operates at or above 700 volts DC.
• Therefore, ONLY trained and qualified personnel can service the internals of the components.
• NFPA70E and this training are required in order to be authorized to service this electric vehicle
• Cummins Technical Training Department needs to be involved in all technician training prior to being allowed to work on
the unit internal parts of the components
• Ensure proper lockout-tagout is performed on the vehicle during every service event
• The high voltage battery will not be serviceable in the field
• If a battery failure is found, the entire high voltage battery pack will be replaced or it will be repaired by a factory Cummins
• PPE required
• Class 0 Insulated gloves
• Gloves should be replaced 6 months after manufactured date printed on the gloves
• Leather glove protectors
• Safety glasses
• Long sleeve natural fiber clothing
• Emergency Safety hook

NOTE: Check the integrity of gloves by inflating and rolling them up toward the fingers to see if they hold air. If they do not, throw the
gloves away and buy new gloves. Also visually inspect the gloves by stretching it to make sure there are no cracks or tears. Ensure
gloves are not expired.

In addition, a minimum of 2 individuals are required to be present while working on the EV system. One works on the system and the
other observes and is prepared to respond in case of emergency.
High Voltage & LOTO Safety Training for
GILLIG’s Battery Electric Bus

Before attempting any assembly or disassembly of the high voltage system components
you must take the required supplementary classes listed below:

• Arc Flash
• Lockout/Tagout
• Fall Protection

Special tools will also be required to work on the high voltage system and these tools
must “always” be used to ensure your safety.

Safety Labeling and Terminology

High voltage shock warning labeling

• Arc Flash

• Warning / Caution

• Dangerous / Deadly

• Reference existing electric bus user’s

manual for labels.

• Kissling LV Automatic Disconnect – Low Voltage Automatic Disconnect – the new
version of the “Knife” switch.
• BEBDT – Battery Electric Bus Drive Train
• BMS – Battery Management System
• ESS – Energy Storage System
• EVSE – Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment – the infrastructure side charger
• LOTO – Lockout/Tagout
• LV – Low Voltage (less than 50 V AC or DC, or typically 12/24V DC)
• HV – High Voltage (greater than 50 V AC or DC)
• HV AC – High Voltage Alternating Current (not to be confused with HVAC – Heating,
Ventilation, and Air Conditioning)
• HV DC – High Voltage Direct Current
• HVIL – Hazardous or High Voltage Interlock Loop
• MSD – Manual Service Disconnect
• SCM – System Control Module
• VAC – Volts Alternating Current
• VDC – Volts Direct Current
• HVJB – High Voltage Junction Box
• MPIL—Measurement Port Interlock Loop

Relevant Standards
• NFPA National Fire Protection Agency Part 70E (National Electric Code)
• Article 480 – Storage Batteries
• Article 490 – Equipment, over 600V, Nominal
• Article 625 – Electric Vehicle Charging Systems

• SAE J2910_2014 – Recommended Practice for the Design and Test of Hybrid
and Electric Trucks and Buses for Electrical Safety
• OSHA CFR 1910.147 Lockout/Tagout – The Control of Hazardous Energy
• Cal-OSHA Title 8 Regulations
Emergency Shutdown Procedure

In an emergency, first responders can perform a rapid high voltage shutdown by

either turning the HV Disconnect to OFF or the LV disconnect to OFF. The HV
disconnect is the preferred Emergency Shutdown Switch, as it provides the
highest levels of safety and redundancy. Nevertheless, the LV disconnect can
safely be used as an Emergency Shutdown Switch.

Be aware that using the HV Disconnect may result in high voltage system fault
codes and errors. You may be required to clear these codes and errors before
resuming normal vehicle operation.

CAUTION: Follow the regular LOTO procedures when not an emergency.

GILLIG’s Battery Electric Bus High Voltage
& Accessories Architecture

Description of the high voltage

components and system design

Red components are supplied

by Cummins.

Blue components are supplied


The Cummins Electric Powertrain

operates at up to 750 VDC.

Component Overview

High Voltage Battery Pack

Nominal voltage 650 V

Battery chemistry Lithium ion


Cooling Water and Ethylene

glycol (50:50)

Capacity 74 kWh


High Voltage Battery Information
• Pack contains 360 individual cells
• Controllers
There are 16 controllers in each battery pack
15 battery module units (BMU’s)
1 pack management unit (PMU)
• Then a supervisory controller that
controls all battery packs that is called
the Battery Management Controller
• These controllers need 24 volts (power,
ground, and ignition) to operate
Any voltage much lower than 24 volts may
cause a controller to not wake up
Lithium-Ion Battery (ESS)
• The Lithium-Ion Battery is the power source for the Battery Electric Bus Drive Train
(BEBDT) on the e-Bus

• Nickel Manganese Cobalt is the specific subtype of Lithium-Ion battery used.

• These batteries output very high voltages (600-750 VDC) and are therefore potentially
very dangerous if not properly handled.

• Usable capacity of the battery is approximately 80% of rated capacity.

• The battery packs are liquid cooled by the BTMS. The liquid cooling system is also
used in cold conditions to warm the batteries up for use.

High Voltage Battery Pack (ESS)
Burst disc

• Location: On the roof, rear of the

Lifting points
bus, and in front of the rear axle

High voltage positive

• Multiple HV battery packs on the
• Weight: 536 kg [1181.68 lb.]/ea
• The High voltage battery stores
disc chemical energy which is used to
High voltage negative
Mounting power all devices.

Coolant outlet • Serviceable parts

Coolant inlet

OEM wiring
harness connector
• Service tools
• Battery lifting tool 22
Battery Pack Pin Out
Each pack has
an internal
HVIL circuit

High Voltage Battery Packs CAN

Pack 4 Pack 5 Pack 6

Pack 2

Pack 1

Pack 3

High Voltage Battery Pack ID
Battery Pack (ESS) Pack ID Adress Configuration

High Voltage Battery Pack
High voltage battery location identification

• Each high voltage battery has a unique serial number which is used for identification

• All packs are the same part number

• Each pack has 16 controllers

• Each Battery connector is keyed differently

• Pins on the harness connector are shorted together for location identification

• PMU will read the serial number of each battery pack and send these S/Ns via CAN to the
Cummins Private CAN network

• BMC identifies battery location by the keyed connectors on the battery

• Electronic service tool needed for recalibration

Lithium Ion Battery Handing Procedure

Battery High Voltage Safety Design

There are two contactors inside each ESS

battery pack, one for the positive high
voltage output and one for the negative
Manual Service
high voltage output. Both of these High voltage DC
positive (+) connector Disconnect location
High voltage DC
negative (-) connector
with BLOTO and lock
contactors must turn on for high voltage to
be available outside the battery pack.

The picture identifies these connectors as

they should all be avoided when handling
the batteries unless you are doing an
Coolant outlet Coolant inlet
assembly or disassembly operations that connector
CAN interface port

requires that you to be exposed to them.

Lithium Ion Battery Handing Procedure

Do not step on
battery or place
tools on top of the
battery at any time.

Lithium Ion Battery Handing Procedure
Battery Storage:

The following guidelines have been provided by Cummins (battery manufacturer), for full battery
handling details, refer the Cummins BP74E Lithium, Ion Cell Safety Data Sheet:

 Do not crush, puncture, incinerate, immerse in water or heat over 125 degrees F.
 Do not attempt to remove the battery casing.
 This battery contains flammable electrolyte. Incorrect use may cause heat generation
or electrolyte leakage.
 Evacuate area if smoke or fire is present, IMMEDIATELY REPORT IT
 Store in a cool, dry place. Store at room temperature for best results. Keep away from heat,
sparks and flames. Keep below 60 degree C. Keep above -30 degree C. Charge between –
30 degree C and 45 degree C. Use only approved charging equipment. Do not disassemble cell.
Do not puncture, crush or dispose of in fire.
 Do not open crate unless doing incoming inspection or battery installation on bus chassis or roof

Manual Service Disconnect (MSD)
• Location: On the High voltage battery pack
• The MSD provides a safe, reliable solution to manually
disconnect the HV battery system
• Large terminals of the MSD breaks the connection
between the contactor and the HV ESS positive cable
• Small terminals are part of internal ESS HVIL
• MSD Lockout tool (bloto) should be used to lockout the
MSD receptacle
• Before removing the MSD, make sure low voltage is shut-
off and locked out.
• To remove the MSD, use the following:
• Hold down the MSD lever to release the receptacle
locking feature
• Rotate the MSD lever back by 90
• Disconnect the MSD from the receptacle pins
• Remove the MSD and store in a safe place
What Is High Voltage Isolation Safety
• Essential for high voltage safety

• Two isometers are inside the ESS battery

• One detects potential between high voltage

(positive and negative) cables/components and
ground when contactors close.
Second Isometer detects battery isolation faults
internally when contactors are open

• Any potential triggers a fault which then ESS

opens contactors.

• If isolation fault is triggered, a “high voltage

exposure” on the dash display will be illuminated
Voltage Isolation Diagnostics
• Monitored by the BMS, Isolation faults are
triggered at system level.

• If isolation falls below 500 Ohms/V, the “high

voltage exposure” light will be illuminated, and the
drive system will be disabled and high voltage will
be disconnected once the vehicle is brought to a

• In addition, the high voltage system will be

de‐energized and discharged to less than 60 VDC
within 2 minutes of an event which disconnects a
high voltage connection.

• Refer to troubleshooting tree for proper

troubleshooting procedures

Bus Doors Interlocks

Function Of Proximity Sensors:

If interlocks (4 Switches) are broken (door opened) then the bus propulsion is disabled. A proximity sensor is
synonymous with “safety interlock switch”

Interlocks are not operational when the bus is in “Rear Run” or “Maintenance” Mode. This allows properly
trained service specialists to perform maintenance safely.

On initialization the high voltage contactors inside the ESS Battery Packs will not close when an interlock is
tripped, disabling the high voltage out of the ESS and into the High Voltage junction box.

Interlocks also ensure that all exterior doors are closed and secured before bus propulsion begins.

Bus Doors Interlocks

Streetside: HVAC Access Door

Bus Doors Interlocks (Continued)

Rear: Powertrain Compartment Door Curbside: Power Train Compartment Door

Bus Doors Interlocks (Continued)

Curbside Body Panel For

Chassis Battery Access

The interlock for the chassis

battery on the curbside is located
just forward of the rear wheel
access door.

Curbside: Chassis Battery Access Body

Panel Interlock Location

High Voltage Junction Box

• The HVJB connects all positive and negative sides of

all batteries into one positive and one negative DC
output source

• The junction box is a Cummins supplied component

• High Voltage measurement after lockout-tagout will

be taken on the high voltage junction box

• High Voltage Test Ports include MPIL circuits

• Service tools
• Multimeter (1000 volt)
• High Voltage PPE

High Voltage Junction Box HV Emergency Disconnect Switch

• High Voltage Disconnect Switch (Quarter turn and LOTO lockable)

• The HVJB is located at the rear of the vehicle. This switch has two functions – 1) as an
easily accessible, rear bus mounted high voltage emergency shut off switch and 2) as an
additional LOTO switch for the high voltage system downstream to the HV junction box
which includes;

 HVDC Junction Box, including front and rear DC plug-in chargers

 Motor Inverter and Motor
 Accessory Inverter and downstream components (HVAC, and Air Compressor)
 DC/DC Converter
 Coolant Heater

• Benefits of this disconnect switch: When combined with the high voltage measurement
test ports, it allows the operator to safely work on the bulk of the high voltage system.

Location of the HVJB Junction Box HV
Emergency Disconnect Switch

High Voltage DC Junction Box
Opportunity charger
• All Connections are labeled on the
junction box.
• Connections in blue circles are AUX

Low Voltage Propulsion Inverter

Connector Connections
Plug in charger
Battery Connections

DC/DC Connections

DC/AC Connections 40
High Voltage DC Junction Box

Serviceable Parts By Cummins Only At This Time

Opportunity Voltage Sensor Assembly
Charge Fuses Fuses
Many Different sizes. Make sure to replace
with same size.
Charge Contactors

NOTE: Only Cummins Factory Trained Technicians

should service the HVJB

Charge Port 1 Charge Port 2

Fuses Fuses

High Voltage DC Junction Box

Opportunity Serviceable Parts By Cummins Only

Charge Voltage Sensor Assembly
Contactors Fuses
Many Different sizes. Make sure to
replace with same size.
Charge Contactors

Charge Port 1 Charge Port 2

Contactors Contactors

High Voltage DC Junction Box

Assembly Serviceable Parts By Cummins Only
Voltage Sensor Assembly
AUX Fuses Many Different sizes. Make
sure to replace with same
Charge Contactors

Inverter Fuses

High Voltage Junction Box Fuses

Opportunity Fuses DC/DC Fuses

2000 amp 40 amp
Plug in Charge Fuses AUX Fuses
800 amp 20 amp
Traction Inverter Fuses 40 amp
800 amp 80 amp
DC/AC Fuses 100 amp
400 amp NOTE: Make sure when replacing AUX fuses that the
same size of fuse is installed that was removed. AUX
fuse sizes will depend on OEM.

Location of the High Voltage Junction Box HV
Emergency Disconnect Switch (Continued)

When to use: The switch should be used during an emergency. However, it should be
expected that fault codes may be set during the emergency stop process.

The switch should also be used as part of GILLIG’s normal LOTO procedure for the high
voltage system on the bus, after the automatic low-voltage disconnect has been locked out at
the front street side of the bus.

When not to use: The HV Junction Box Emergency Disconnect switch should not be used in
the standard process of turning off the bus. It is only intended for emergencies or part of the
LOTO as indicated above.

HVJB High Voltage Box Measurement Ports
• HVJB Measurement ports are used to confirm the shut down of the high voltage system.
• This confirmation utilizes a LOTO procedure using a meter test to validate the system is deenergized.
• The measurement ports also include an interlock loop. When the caps are removed the interlock, the
loop is broken, and high voltage will not initialize or shutdown if activated.
• This circuit is referred to as MPIL (measurement port interlock loop)
• The measurement ports are not wired directly to high voltage bus bars
• The voltage sensor provides the voltage to the ports via two small wires (HV+ and HV-)
Voltage Sensor

MPIL Port 46
Propulsion Inverter
• Location: Rear of the bus underneath the rear HV
battery packs.

• Weight: 36 Kg [78 lb.]

• Propulsion inverter regulates the AC power

provided to the propulsion motor to meet driver
commands for vehicle propulsion.

• The inverter receives high voltage DC power and

produces 9-phase AC power output. The inverter
also receives 9-phase AC power during
regenerative braking by the traction motor and
rectifies back to DC power for battery storage

• Serviceable parts
• Coolant ports

• Service tool
• Floor jack
Propulsion Inverter

OEM wiring harness


DC power - in Resolver harness to

propulsion motor

Coolant in/out

9-phase AC cable
Coolant in/out

Propulsion Invertor

• Battery, Simplified Inverter SIMPLIFIED AC MOTOR CIRCUIT

and Traction Motor. SIMPLIFIED

Power Regulation

• IGBTs as switches.
A+ B+ C+
• 3-phase inverter switches
HV DC energy on/off to BATTERY

create an AC signal. VLINK


• Cummins uses a 9 phase

invertor (3-3 phase
invertors in one housing) A- B- C-

Propulsion Motor
• Location: Under the bus-rear end.

• Weight: 363 kg [800 lb.]

• The propulsion motor is used for the

conversion of electrical energy to mechanical
energy and vice versa (regenerative braking).

• The propulsion motor receives high voltage

9-phase AC power and produces mechanical
torque at its output shaft.

• Serviceable parts:
• Speed sensor
• Driveshaft yoke
• Tone wheel

• Service tool:
• Propulsion motor cradle

Propulsion Motor

The traction motor

provides 3,500 N-m
9-phase AC cable

(2581 lb-ft) of torque

for up to 30 seconds
Resolver harness to
propulsion inverter
with a continuous
output of 2,060 N-m. Coolant tube
Tone wheel

Power output is 350

kW (469 hp) for up to
30 seconds, with a
continuous output Driveshaft yoke

of 195 kW.
Operating range is 0
to 3,400 rpm. Speed sensor

Traction Motor

• Rotor turned when power is

suppled to coils which
generates magnetic field in

• Pattern alternates to
continue rotation of the

• Each phase of positive and

negative IGBTs must not be
switched on at the same
Traction Motor
• Alternating current applied to stator
windings to produce rotating magnetic field
in the rotor.

• Magnetic attraction makes rotor to follow


• Slip: When rotor turns at slower speed than

the alternating magnetic field of the stator.

• No slip means no current, which means no


• Cooling essential for proper operation and

will be covered later in the class.
Propulsion Motor Maintenance
Daily Checks
Check SOC of HV batteries
Check coolant level of electronics
cooling package
Check coolant level of battery
thermal management system

Routine Maintenance
Check propulsion motor mounting
bolts are still torqued once a year-
165 Nm

Check high voltage cable

compression fitting (yellow in
picture below) on propulsion motor
once a year- 12 Nm

DC/DC Converters
• Location: On the rear left side of the bus beside the Air compressor
DC/DC • There are 2 DC/DC converters on the electric vehicle. A maximum of 3
Convertors DC/DC could be on the electric vehicle
• Weight: 10.3 kg [23 lb.]/ea
• DC/DC Converter modifies or steps down DC voltage. It is used where
conventional belt driven alternators are not present.
• The DC/DC converter receives high voltage DC power and produces a
regulated low voltage DC power output (750 VDC to 24 VDC).
• Max output
• Current: 270 amps at 28.5 volts each
• Power: 7.5 kW each
• Gillig runs battery sense wires (Pos/Neg) from the convertors to the
Kissling switch 10a fuse 16. These wires tell the convertor LV battery
voltage so the convertor can control charge rate.
• Cummins will control the voltage/current output based on HV potential
• Serviceable parts:
• Coolant ports

DC/DC Converters

Coolant connection

High voltage DC
OEM wiring connection
Coolant connection in/out Low voltage DC connection
vent connector

System Control Module (SCM)

• Location: Rear left side of the bus

• The (SCM) system control module

controls the entire system.

• Gillig will activate Gateway output G1-

O013 High voltage shutdown to the
SCM to initialize high voltage.

• Serviceable parts
• No serviceable parts

Charge Controller Unit

• Location: On the rear and front sides of
the vehicle close to the charging

• Weight: 1.5kg [3.3 lb.]/ea

• One per charging receptacle

• Interface between EVSE (electric

vehicle supply equipment) and SCM

• Controls plug lock, measures receptacle

temperature sensors, monitor for EVSE
connection to charging receptacle

• Serviceable parts
• No serviceable parts
Battery Management Controller (BMC)

• Location: Upper center of the PTC
compartment. Mounted on the AC
bulkhead plate

• In charge of the Cummins private ESS


• Weight: 5 kg [11 lb.]

• The BMC controls the battery system.

It is the brains of all 6 battery packs

• Serviceable parts
• Fuses
• Relays
• Control Board

Battery Management Controller (BMC)

Curtis board Fuses


Charging Receptacle

• Location: 3 charging receptacles - Rear
curbside of the bus, rear street side of the
Front bus and front street side of the bus

• Type 1 CCS

• EVSE Connection status indicator

• Yellow/Orange – provides direct
feedback to the user after connecting an
EVSE that a valid EVSE connection has
been detected by the SCM/CCU

• Charging status indicator

• No light – Charger not connected
• Green flashing light - charging
• Solid green light – Fully charged
(100% SOC)
DC Charging State Flow The SOC of the LV battery has to be
greater than 14 volts. This voltage is
needed to wake up the SCM.

Plug in charger

Check for errors in the

Check EVSE Setup
Wakes up CCU, charging system
Switch 2 is ON

Calculate Voltage Limit

and current limit for
Check Parking Brake Check charger lock state
charging. Charging in
Check charger proximity progress.

Isolation check done by

EVSE, SCM commands
SCM sends Charger Check battery the battery to stop
Connection Status to communication Isolation test Close charging
Battery and Commands contactors
Closing Battery

SCM determines the

Check for charging
port on which charger is Check battery Check voltage diff b/w HV bus and
contactor closure
connected and whether contactors charging contactors
it’s AC/DC charging
Operator Guide

• There are 3 possible optional charging ports (1 front and 2 rear) on this electric vehicle.
• Do NOT charge electric vehicle from both ports at the same time.
• Only 1 of 3 can be active at any given time.
• System only recognizes the first charging receptacle plugged in and only activate charging contactors
on connected receptacle
• There are two methods for charging the HV battery
• Grid charging
• Regenerative charging
Grid charging
• Direct current (DC) charger used
• Charging Lamps
• No light – Charger not connected
• Green flashing light - charging
• Solid green light – Fully charged (100% SOC)

Safety Charging Systems

View of Rear Charging Port

Safety Charging Systems (Continued)

View of Front Charging Port View of Front Charging Port

Shown with Charging Ports Open
Safety Charging Systems (Continued)

Charging LED Status Indicator Label

Function Of Charging LED Status Indicators:

GILLIG’s charging systems and charging station providers adhere to the CCS
communication standard and use CCS-Type 1 or CCS-Combo 1 inlets and plugs.
The CCS protocol enforces strict handshaking between the charger and the bus to ensure
that the charger only provides allowed voltages and currents that the vehicle requests.
The charger also enforces it’s own limits for safety. Ground fault and isolation detection is
employed to ensure that no unintended currents or voltages are present.
Charging will not occur if there is a fault. The charging safety systems are continuously in
effect whenever a charger is plugged into the vehicle and powered up.


System Indicator Lights (Rear Run Box)
contactors are closed and HV system is

EV MAINTENANCE: The HV system has

detected a fault in the system and requires
maintenance. Will flash until Dinex goes to

ECP STATUS: Indicates the status of the

Modine ECP system efans. Indicator off is
the normal status.
System Indicator Lights (MFD)
“Warning - High Voltage Exposure”

If the Cummins EV System senses a major fault,

the red “EV Stop” Indicator will turn on. Once bus
speed drops below 3 mph, “Warning - High
Voltage Exposure” will fill the MFD screen. Once
the bus stops, propulsion will be disabled and
you will not be able to move the bus.

This warning may come on because a high-

voltage contactor in the EV System has stuck
shut, which could subject the chassis and body of
the bus to the full 750 Volts DC potential of the EV
Battery Packs (Isolation Fault). If a person
touches the bus and a ground, they could be
electrocuted, possible fatally.

System Indicator Lights (MFD)


The ECP Coolant (Low) indicator will turn on to
warn you that the coolant for the Electronics
Cooling Package is low.


The ECP Coolant Temp indicator will turn on to
warn you that the coolant for the Electronics
Coolant package is overheated.


The EV Battery Coolant (Low) indicator will turn on
to warn you that the coolant for the main high
voltage EV battery packs is low

System Indicator Lights (MFD)


The EV Battery Coolant Temp indicator will turn on
to warn you that the coolant for the for the main EV
battery packs is overheated.

Lights when one or more of the six EV battery
packs has been taken off-line because of an
internal electrical problem.

This indicator means that the bus is ready to drive:
the interlocks are disabled, the accelerator is
enabled, and either “Drive” or “Reverse” is

System Indicator Lights (MFD)
This indicator turns on when a EV System pre-
starting sequence is underway. Wait until this
indicator turns off before pressing the EV System
Start button.

The HVIL indicator will turn on if the High Voltage
Interlock Loop has been broken.


The State of Charge (Low) indicator lamp will alert
you when the high voltage EV battery packs SOC
has depleted to 10% or less.

System Indicator Lights (MFD)

The “EV Ready” indicator flashes when
connection is in process and turns on solid when
High Voltage system is online.

The EV Stop indicator can turn on either Yellow or

If the “EV Stop” indicator turns on YELLOW, along

with a buzzer, it means an EV System problem
has been detected and power may be restricted.

If the “EV Stop” indicator turns RED, along with a

buzzer, the propulsion system will be disabled.

System Indicator Lights (MFD)

Vehicle Limited Performance Mode

If this indicator turns on, it means that the motor
power requested cannot be provided due to battery
temperature and/or SOC limits, and that
performance may be reduced.

HV Access Panel
If this indicator turns on, it means that a high voltage
access panel is open or an uncapped HV
measurement port on the HVJB is uncapped. It can
also indicate if the HV shut down switch is turned off.
This indicator is a button. Press the indicator to view
a full screen layout of the bus to determine what door
or port is causing the issue
System Wake-up signal

Schematics To
Cover Wake Up

Power Distribution – Battery Saver / Disconnect Switch

Con E01 – Memory 12V / 24V to Front Electrical

Power / Control to Dash Panel & Rear Fuse Panel

Con E03 – To Control Reset Button – brings

Box memory power online

24V to Power Steering Pump Battery disconnect switch

(OFF = no power to bus)

12V / 24V to Equalizer

12V / 24V power into the
switch from batteries

Batt & Mem Power

Con E02 – Mem Power to
To chassis PTC

Kissling Battery Saver – Functional Diagram
Relevant Circuits:
Pin 20 = IGNITION Circuit (keyswitch)
Pin 11 = BMS-BAT1A Circuit (Emergency Sw)
Pin 8 = BATT RESET Circuit (From STSP Sw)
Pin 17 = MASTER Circuit (From multiplex)
Pin 18 = LOW SOC DISC Circuit (From Vanner)

Reference Schematics:
13-76303R008 (Ignition Power Schematic)
13-76428R003 (Equalizer Schematic)
13-79756R000 (Kissling Control Box Schematic)

Power Levels:
Memory Power = SCM, BMS, Charge Controllers, dataloggers,
fire detection & bell, keyswitch
Battery Power = power to front & rear electrical panels, rear
fuse panel (see 13-71898R005)
Ignition Power = dedicated circuit breakers for devices that only
need power with the key on

Kissling Battery Saver – Functional Diagram
Step 3
Turning on the bus (typical process):

1. Turn battery saver main disconnect switch to the

ON position. You may hear relays switching
inside the box.

2. Press the green Bat Sys Reset push button until

you hear the relays switch and the Bus Memory Step 2
Pwr LED turn on. Memory power will be provided
to critical powertrain system control modules,
safety components, and the common of the key
switches to allow for step 3 that follows.
Ignition select
switch on
3. Turn the front bus master run switch fromOFF rear
to run box
Day Run and you will hear the relays coil and the
Bus Bat Pwr LED turn on. Battery power will be
provided to the distribution panels and the
multiplex will start to power up the bus.

Kissling Battery Saver – Functional Diagram Continued

• Repeat steps 1 & 2 from the previous slide, but

use the ignition select switch on the rear run box
to select “rear ignition” and this will provide power
to the powertrain, but disable propulsion and the
driver’s controls at the front of the bus. This will
also disable the rear door interlock switch to allow
for servicing of components in the powertrain

Ignition select
switch on
rear run box
Ignition select
switch on
rear run box

Kissling Battery Saver – Functional Diagram

Turning off the bus (typical process):

1. Turn the front bus master run switch from Day

Run to OFF. The bus battery power will remain Step
Step 1
on until the multiplex sleep timer drops out. The
sleep timer duration will vary by application and
can be disabled at the MBC in the rear panel.

2. When the coach batteries have depleted beyond

a pre-determined “low SOC” or “state of charge”
threshold, the Vanner Equalizer will send a 24V
pulse to the disconnect switch to drop out the
memory power circuits. If battery power is still Ignition select Step
switch on Step 22
energized, then both battery and then memory rear run box
power will be disconnected. This protects the
batteries from deep cycling, extending battery
life, and allows for a successful start up the next
time the bus is needed for service.

Kissling Battery Saver – Functional Diagram Continued

Turning off the bus (emergency process):

1. Turn the main “emergency” disconnect switch at

the rear of the bus to the OFF position and the
battery saver switch will first disconnect battery
and then memory power. This switch is designed
to only be used for emergency situations or to
safely lock out the High Voltage system while
allowing Low Voltage to be brought online. Step 1

Ignition select
switch on
rear run box

Kissling Battery Saver – Functional Diagram Continued

Turning off the bus (emergency process):

The battery saver switch only responds to a falling

edge from the emergency disconnect. Therefore, it is
possible to re-start the bus with the emergency switch
at the rear of the bus locked out, preventing High
Voltage exposure while allowing Low Voltage to be
brought online to service the bus.

Pin 11 is Ignition
only select
falling edge on
rear run box

Regenerative Braking

• Regenerative braking is an energy

recovery mechanism which slows the
vehicle by applying a negative torque to
the propulsion motor which inherently
turns the propulsion motor into an
electrical generator to charge the HV

Regenerative Braking

• Operation
• Regen braking is activated when the driver gets to a lower
percent of acceleration and increases up to zero accelerator
pedal position. Vehicle slows down and energy is being

• Limitations
• Regenerative braking is dependent on the battery’s state -
the following will limit regen-braking
 High battery temperatures
 Low battery temperatures
 High battery state of charge (> 90% SOC)

• If Regen-braking is limited, the driver display will project a

message stating “Regenerative braking is limited”

High Voltage Cables


High Voltage Cables

High Voltage Cable Inspection

High Voltage Cable Repair

• ONLY for “minor” damage to jacket (outer layer)!

• Minor nicks, cuts, abrasion, deformation to the jacket layer only
• NOT for severe cuts or cable damage  replace cables
• Tape sample below

Isolation Detection Review

• Essential for HV safety

• Most severe faults in HV system will be caught by isolation detection
• Coolant leak in high voltage packs
• Severely damaged or cut high voltage cables
• Damage to high voltage systems due to crash or impact
• Performed inside Cummins ESS Battery Packs
• Each pack can perform isolation detection, only one pack checks at a time
• Frequently measures resistance between
• HV+ and chassis
• HV- and chassis
• If resistance above 500 Ohms/volt, then no problem
• If resistance between 100 Ohms/volt and 500 Ohms/volt, then sets warning light and
disables high voltage and propulsion when the vehicles comes to a stop.


GILLIG’s Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) Program Policy

Procedures Involving More Than One Authorized Person

If more than one individual is required to Lockout/Tagout out equipment, each shall place their own
personal lockout device on the energy isolating device(s). When an energy isolating device cannot
accept multiple locks and tags, a multiple lock out HASP will be used.

In a group setting: If lock out is required, a single lock may be used to lock out the equipment with
the lock’s key being secured on one responsible person who will take ownership for everyone’s
personal safety. This key will be in their possession until the job task has been completed and all
LOTO has been removed.

GILLIG’s Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) Program Policy

Basic Rules for Using Lockout/Tagout Procedures

1. All equipment shall be locked out or tagged out to protect against accidental or inadvertent
operation when such operation could cause injury to personnel.

2. Do not attempt to operate any switch, valve, or other energy isolating device when it is locked and
tagged out.

3. Never try to repair or perform maintenance on any piece of equipment without locking and tagging
it out ALL Energy Control Points (ECP’s) first.

4. Do not touch or operate any piece of equipment unless trained and authorized to do so.

5. Do not touch anything that is locked out and tagged out unless you are responsible for working on
it and are sure the energy has been disconnected.

GILLIG’s Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) Program Policy

Removal of a Lockout Device

Only an authorized employee can remove their own lock and tag from any energy control points, to
restore the operating functions to that particular piece of equipment but after they re-installed all
guards and safety devices to it first.

However, should any authorized employee leave the facility before removing their lock and tag first,
the safety manager is the ONLY authorized individual who may remove the authorized employee’s
lock and tag but only after all guards have been re-installed and the proper notification to that
employee has been made first prior to the removal of the lock.

(Lockout /
Electric Bus

(Lockout /
Electric Bus

LOTO (Lockout
/ Tagout)
Electric Bus

LOTO (Lockout / Tagout)
Battery Electric Bus Procedures

(Lockout /

(Lockout /

(Lockout /

Main Service Disconnect (MSD)


• Location: Driver’s side

• Disconnects low voltage

• Rotate switch counterclockwise to disconnect

low voltage

• Use a padlock to lockout LV disconnect switch

during a service event

Manual Service Disconnect (MSD)

• Location: On the High voltage battery pack

• The MSD provides a safe, reliable solution to manually

disconnect the HV battery system

• MSD Lockout tool should be used to lockout the MSD receptacle

• Before removing the MSD, make sure low voltage is shut-off

and locked out.

• Breaks HVIL

• To remove the MSD, use the following:

• Hold down the MSD lever to release the receptacle
locking feature
• Rotate the MSD lever back by 90
• Disconnect the MSD from the receptacle pins
• Remove the MSD and store in a safe place

Cummins Battery Pack Hardware
Equipment shown, on the left is the
“Lockout / Tagout device and its referred
to as “BLOTO” and on the right is the MSD device.

• The Manual Service Disconnect (MSD) is manually removeable and linked to the high voltage in the ESS batteries.
• When the MSD is disconnected there is no path for current to flow out of the ESS battery pack.
• The MSD has a latch that must been disengaged to remove the MSD
• The MSD is part of a high voltage interlock loop (HVIL). Taking out the MSD opens the HVIL thus disabling
the high voltage
• The MSD should be removed from all ESS packs present on the vehicle only whenever maintenance needs to be
performed on parts of the high voltage system

• NOTE: The MSDs have a lifetime of 500 insertion/removal cycles

Lithium Ion Battery BLOTO Procedure
Battery Lockout Tagout (BLOTO) Procedure

1. Place the BLOTO module and the padlock next to the battery.

2. Install the BLOTO module as shown in the pictures below.

3. Install padlock on BLOTO and provide key to the department’s supervisor.

LOTO (Lockout / Tagout) Battery Electric Bus Procedures
Testing – Follow the steps in order;

CAUTION: All ESS battery packs are connected in parallel. As a

result, the MSDs for ALL ESS battery packs must be exchanged
with the Cummins MSD LOTO Device (BLOTO) whenever any
work is done on the high voltage system.

The entire high voltage system up to and including the cable side
connections on the ESS battery packs is now in an electrically safe
work condition.

Ebus Power up procedure:

• The first step is to install all of the MSDs from all 6 batteries (3 on roof, 2 in PTC, and one
in chassis)

• Turn the High Voltage Junction box rotary switch to the on position

• Turn the Kissling red rotary switch to the on position, then press the green button that is to
the left of the red on/off knob

• Turn the rear run Kill switch up to the front position

• Go inside the bus and turn the master run switch to the ‘on’ position

• Press the EV system start button on the dashboard

• Repeat the safety steps on probing HVJB junction ports and you should see HV 600-750

Potential Failure Modes
Symptoms: Unable to close contactors at key-on

Failure modes:
• High Voltage Interlock (HVIL) Failure Diagnostic
• ESS Isolation Diagnostic
• Datalink Diagnostics
• Low battery SOC
• Shifter Not in Neutral
• Communication Issue
• Rear Ignition Switch In Kill Position
• Emergency Disconnect Switch In OFF Position
• Engine Or Side Access Doors Open

What is High voltage interlock loop (HVIL)?
• The High Voltage Interlock Loop (HVIL) is a single circuit which is connected in series through
every high voltage connection (Except ESS’s) on the vehicle and through every lid switch
• /connection on a high voltage component.

• The HVIL system starts and ends inside the SCM (System Control Module). The SCM sends out a
low voltage signal (12 Volt) on one wire of the HVIL loop and measures the voltage on the other

• If any high voltage connection or lid to a high voltage component is removed, the HVIL loop will be
broken, the SCM will measure an open circuit, and the high voltage contactors in the system will
be opened, isolating all high voltage to the HV battery packs.

• HVIL within high voltage connections are typically, but not always, “last make/first break”, meaning
the HVIL loop will close after any high voltage connections are made and before any high voltage
connections are opened, ensuring that the high voltage connections are never made or broken
under current flow conditions.

HVIL Failure Diagnostic

• FC8173 : HVESS HVIL Status - Voltage Above Normal or Shorted to High Source.

• FC8174 : HVESS HVIL Status - Voltage Below Normal or Shorted to Low Source.

• FC8175 : HVESS HVIL Status - Condition Exists. HVIL_Open_Circuit_Error

• FC8176 : HVESS HVIL Status - Root Cause Not Known. HVIL_Shorted_High_Error

Refer to troubleshooting trees to diagnose the fault codes above.

High Voltage Interlock Loop (see 13-76976R001)
Cummins OEM Wiring Diagram:

• SCM outputs a 12V source from J1-

80 which goes through a series
circuit and is returned to J1-35.

Additional OEM Components:

• High Voltage Junction Box

• High Voltage Heater
• ThermoKing HVAC System
• Air Compressor
• Front Charger JB (PTC Area)
• Front Charger JB (Chassis Area)

• Refer to the HVIL Schematic for the

High Voltage Interlock Loop Continued
Driver Display:

There will be a message on the

driver display (MFD) when the HVIL
circuit is broken. The message
“Warning – High Voltage Exposure”
will appear along with a flashing
lighting bolt and a HVIL indicator.

• This is driven by the “High Voltage

Warning Lamp” status
communicated via CAN from SCM.

• Commonly caused by an HVIL

circuit break, but this is not the only
root cause. Start by
troubleshooting the HVIL circuit.

Summary of the High Voltage Interlock Loop
• The High Voltage Interlock Loop (HVIL) is a single circuit which passes in series through each high voltage
connection on the vehicle.

• The HVIL system starts and ends inside the Cummins SCM (System Control Module). The Cummins SCM
outputs a low voltage signal (12V) onto HVIL circuit and looks for the signal to be returned to the SCM after
going through the loop.

• The HVIL is also connected to every top cover lid switch on all components in the HVIL loop.

• If any high voltage connection or lid to a high voltage component is removed, the HVIL loop will be broken, the
Cummins SCM will measure an open circuit, and the high voltage contactors in the system will be opened,
isolating all high voltage to the ESS battery packs.

• Impact on safety systems – The HVIL loop serves to ensure that the high voltage contactors within the ESS
battery packs will be opened and high voltage will be contained within the ESS battery packs whenever
someone tries to access high voltage

• The HVIL system is always active whenever the low voltage system is on. Removing power to the low voltage
system will automatically ensure that the contactors within the ESS battery packs are open and
there is no high voltage present outside the ESS battery packs.
Isolation Test with Megohmeter



GILLIG E-bus CAN Architecture (see 13-76424R042)



GILLIG E-bus CAN Architecture (see 13-76424R042)

Service Diagnostic Connections:

CAN 3 (F/G) Color Code: CAN 1
1 = Black
2 = Green
3 = Red
4 = White
5 = Blue
6 = Yellow
CAN 4 (H/J) CAN 2 (C/D) CAN 6


Rear Electrical Panel Front Electrical Panel

Maintenance Intervals

GILLIG Accessory Components

GILLIG Accessory Components BTMS
• Battery charging and discharging
generates heat.
Target Temp = 20 C / 68 F
• The HV battery system needs to be
heated, cooled, and sub-cooled.
Heating request ON: 8 C /
• Utilizes Liquid cooling. 46.4 F
Heating request OFF: 10 C /
• J1939 communicates to BTMS. 50 F
Cooling request ON: 20 C /
• Temperature controlled when vehicle 68 F
Cooling request OFF: 18 C /
awake and contactors are closed. 64.4 F
• Also functions during stationary
GILLIG Accessory Components BTMS
• Battery Thermal Management System (BTMS)

• Maintains battery cell temperature by circulating chilled or heated

coolant through the packs
• Standard 50/50 engine coolant (WEG)
• Coolant temperature range is 50°- 70°F

• Two heat exchangers are integrated in the main HVAC unit to provide
heating and cooling of the coolant for the high-voltage batteries.
One heat exchanger uses refrigerant from the AC system to
cool the battery coolant when cooling of the batteries is
The second heat exchanger uses heated coolant from the
main HVAC system to heat the battery coolant when heating of
the batteries is required.

• Surge tank and coolant filter mounted above main unit

• HVDC compressor and coolant heater

• LVDC variable speed pump and fans

GILLIG Accessory Components BTMS Pump/Controller
• Gillig uses a Gorman Rupp pump and controller.

• The BTMS pump and controller are the same parts as the HVAC pump and controller.

• When the controller is installed, the harness will set the controller address and make it location/system specific.

• The BTMS controller source address is ID 32.

• The controller will receive a speed signal from Gillig via CAN from the IO controls MBC.

• This CAN signal will set the speed of the pump to 450 watts.

• The speed is viewable using GRI pump software.

• If the controller loses CAN, the pump will default to 270 watts.

• The ignition wire (Con B pin 3) on the BTMS pump controller comes from the SCM or Battery Management
Controller. It will be turned when a (ESS) battery cooling or battery heating request is being made by Cummins.

GILLIG Accessory Components BTMS
• Battery Thermal Management System controllers are
located behind the Thermo King return air grill.

• Both controllers are the same part number but are

programmed differently for their individual functions.

• The TK passenger/main controller is for bus HVAC


• The BTMS TK controller monitors the battery temps as

transmitted by Cummins via J1939. Based on these
temps the controller will open/close flow control valves for
either heated coolant or refrigerant to the individual heat

• Since the TK scroll compressor powered is inverted AC

the duty cycle of the compressor is variable.

• During BTMS cooling operation, the compressor speed

may be at full speed or down to slow enough speed that it
may seem the compressor is off.

GILLIG Accessory Components BTMS
BTMS heating heat

Flow control valves

BTMS cooling heat


GILLIG Accessory

GILLIG Accessory

GILLIG Accessory Components BTMS

GILLIG Accessory Components Aux Coolant Heater
• Coolant heat
• Same cabin heaters as diesel buses
• Fill process is same as diesel buses
• Standard 50/50 engine coolant

• Two versions: all-electric (warm climates) and dual

mode (cold climates)

• All electric
• Valeo Thermo DC
• 700V DC heater
• 20 kW (68,000 BTU/hr) capacity

• Dual mode
• Electric + Diesel
• Valeo Thermo H
• Two heaters in one
• Same all electric heater as Thermo DC
• Diesel fired heater similar to Thermo
S on diesel buses
• 30 kW (102,000 BTU/hr) capacity
• Both share one heat exchanger

• HVAC pump controller is source address 57.

• The 24-volt ignition wire comes from rear PDM CB50

24-volt ignition. Loss of voltage on this wire will result in
pump failing to run and loss of comms.

• The pump will run at three different speeds.

135 watts for circulation to TK only.

275 watts for circulation TK and passenger loop or

passenger loop only.

400 watts during fill process.

• These requests are sent via gateway from IO controls as

three separate digital outputs for speed. You should be
able to use the G5 tablet/RTM and see if the logic is
satisfied and messages are being sent. We also send
the run request via gateway as a separate command.
GILLIG Accessory Components Air Compressor
• Electric Air Compressor (EAC)

• Powerex 700VDV Direct Drive Scroll Compressor

• Powerex convertor converts DC to 3 phase AC

• 100-120 psi operating range (down from 110-130

psi on diesel buses)

• Uses standard D2 governor.

• No ping tank, single AD-IP dryer

• Remote mounted air filter to draw in clean air

• Filter should be cleaned/replaced every 2500

GILLIG Accessory Components Air Compressor
• Electric Air Compressor OS Bearing

• Lubricate every 10,000 hours

• Use only Powerex Grease and a hand

powered grease gun

• Remove dust cap

• Rotate compressor till OS grease fitting

is visible

• Pump hand power grease gun 4 times

• Replace dust cap

GILLIG Accessory Components Air Compressor
• Electric Air Compressor Pin Crank Bearings

• Lubricate every 10,000 hours

• Use only Powerex Grease and a hand

powered grease gun

• Remove fan duct

• Remove nuts and bolts and then fixed scroll

from air end

• Grease the three crank bearings with 4

pumps of a hand powered grease gun

• Replace fixed scroll and fan duct

GILLIG Accessory Components Power Steering

• Electro-Hydraulic Steering
(EHS) system contained in LV
battery box underneath driver

• Concentric 24V DC pump

• 5.1 qt reservoir with filter

• TAS85 steering gear

• 2 Group 31 batteries, not 4

GILLIG Accessory Components ECP
• Electronics Cooling Package (ECP)

• Cools the traction motor, traction motor inverter, HV

to LV convertors and TK DC to AC invertor

• One radiator and one pump

• Pump and fans all LVDC

• Radiator access through rear street side skirt panel

• Pump access through engine door or from


• Surge tank access through street side access door

• Coolant temperature is 15° to 20°F above ambient

• Standard 50/50 engine coolant

GILLIG Accessory Components ECP

GILLIG Accessory Components ECP

GILLIG Accessory Components ECP



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