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Dear ladies and gentlemen, Let me introduce myself, my name is Diftha, I am 15 years old, and I study at
SMKN 1 Banggai.

There is no word that is the most beautiful and the most perfect, besides our gratitude to Allah SWT.
Blessings and greetings may always be bestowed upon the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

on this occasion I will deliver my speech entitled THE ROLE OF YOUTH IN BUILDING THE

Do you know the important role of this young generation in building the nation?

President Soekarno once said "Give me 10 youths, I will surely shake the world". Youth is a strength for
a country, if there are no youth as the nation's successor, the nation will not progress and develop.

In the past, Indonesian independence started with youths who intended to stand on their own, Soekarno,
Hatta, Tan Malaka etc. Initially, it was a youth movement that intended to gather all Indonesian youths
together to liberate the nation. Even the youth carved a major milestone in the history of the Indonesian
independence movement which resulted in the youth oath.

In this modern era there are many roles for the younger generation, one example is in the development of
technology, many young people are innovating and developing technology in our country. For example,
Ahmad Dzaky created the first online shopping platform, namely Bukalapak, and Mr. Nadiem Makarim
created Go-jek. Even in the government there is a special presidential staff consisting of the nation's
youth. And also the rapid development of technology makes our learning process easier, we can search
for various kinds of learning materials and knowledge through Google or online learning applications
through the teacher's room.

The role of the younger generation is to participate in the democratic process, this can be done by voting
in the election process, or by voicing good opinions. Or as agents of development in various fields, for
example in the field of culture, by introducing cultures to the international world. By using this effort the
productivity in the younger generation can be developed.

From some of the roles of the younger generation that I mentioned earlier, we already know that the role
of this younger generation is very important in building a nation.

So, as the young generation of Indonesia, we must make the best use of our youth and increase our
education, so that we can create lots of new technologies and ideas for the progress and development of
the nation. Because there is no developed nation if we do not love our own nation.

My message to all of us, starting today, let's all move and help build the nation, wake up from laziness,
throw away the old irrelevant habits and adopt new habits that are useful and even though we often
experience failure but we must always be determined to not back off.
Finally, To get 10 not only with 5+5 but there are still 6+4, 9+1, 5×2, even 100-90 as well as success. To
achieve a success not only in one way, therefore be your 10 best portions. Don't be afraid to fall and if
you fall don't be afraid to get back up. But don't forget that "MOTIVATION WITHOUT ACTION IS

That's all I can say, thank you for your attention, if there are good words then take them and if there are
bad words then it's better to throw them away. Hopefully what I convey can be an afterthought and
provide benefits for our lives in the future. I am Diftha.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb

Assalamualaikum wr. Wb.

Dear ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce myself, my name is Intan Anggraini from SMK Negeri 1

First of all, let us praise and thank the presence of Allah SWT. Shalawat and greetings may always be
devoted to the prophet Muhammad saw. On this occasion I will deliver a speech on the theme

Hi friends, do you know about waste that poses a serious threat to our environment?

Plastic waste is one type of waste that can pose a serious threat to our environment. Because the amount
tends to get bigger, plastic bags are a type of waste that is difficult to decompose by natural processes. In
fact, there are several sources who say that currently 80% of marine debris in Indonesia comes from land
and 30% is categorized as plastic waste.

There are many kinds of impacts of plastic waste on the environment, one of them is water pollution on
the ground. Garbage that enters the soil contains toxic plastic particles that kill decomposer animals such
as worms. Plastic waste can also interfere with waterways which will be absorbed into the soil so that soil
fertility is disrupted which results in many infertile plants and crop failures.

Plastic waste affects health, there are many toxic chemical compounds originating from plastic that can
enter the human body through air or food and drink contaminated with plastic waste and will cause
diseases such as lung cancer, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, breast cancer and diarrhea.

Dear ladies and gentleman, based from the fact I mentioned earlier, so now we must Reduce the use of
plastic, because plastic waste cannot be decomposed easily and has great potential to damage nature and
human life. So that when we can reduce the use of plastic in our daily lives, we indirectly help maintain
the balance of the ecosystem on earth so that there will be no damage to nature or various kinds of health

The reason why I took this theme is because I really care about our environment, especially in the area
where I live.

Finally, In order for our environment to be clean, we must reduce the excessive use of plastic.

My final message is lets reduce plastic waste starting from small things so that it has a good impact on
our environment. Make a drastic change "CARE ABOUT WASTE WITH LESS PLASTIC" because the
world is changed by your EXAMPLE not by your OPINION!

Wise people dispose of garbage, throwing plastic waste carelessly is like cultivating sin for the earth.

This is the end of this speech, thank you for your attention, I hope we can meet again on another occasion.

I am Intan anggraini say thank you very mush and forgive me if my words choosing is in a mistake.see
you guys.

Assalamu alaikum wr. wb.

Dear Ladies and gentlemen, let me Introduce myself, I am Nurul Alifah Ramadhani, I am 15 years old, I
am a grade 11 student from SMK Negeri 1 Banggai.

Praise and gratitude we pray to God Almighty, for his blessings and gifts we are still given health and the
opportunity to take part in this competition. On this occasion I will deliver my speech entitled

Did you know that Indonesia is in the 5th position with the most diabetes cases in the world?

Indonesia is ranked after China, India, Pakistan and the United States with a total of 19.5 million and is
predicted to increase to 28.5 million in 2045 for the most diabetes cases in the world.

Pediatrician Kurniawan Satria Denta said that 42.6 percent of toddlers in Indonesia have been exposed to
SWEETENERED DRINKS IN PACKAGES. In a Young Indonesians forum titled The World of
Deception on Sweetened Drinks in Packages, Kurniawan said, “The earlier a person is exposed to
sweetened drinks, the higher the risk of developing obesity.”

Not only obesity, consuming excess sugar can also cause other diseases such as diabetes, heart disease,
kidney disease, blood vessels, cancer, stroke, anxiety disorders, behavior disorders, and dementia or
senile dementia.

Sugar is often the culprit of various non-communicable diseases. This is because sugar works in the body
not only at the surface level but at the molecular and cellular levels. The performance of sugar in the body
that reaches the DNA level makes its effect very systematic, not only causing cavities but also the heart
can be cavities due to sugar. Even for most people, excessive sugar consumption can make them resistant
to insulin.

Therefore we need to reduce the consumption of foods or drinks that contain excess sugar. For example
sweet cakes such as chocolate donuts, cakes, and sweetened drinks such as canned soda, syrup, alcoholic
beverages and even reduce excess consumption of rice because rice also contains sugar.

I chose this theme because health is very important, I want everyone to be aware about health and one of
the ways to be healthy is to reduce excess sugar consumption so that our bodies are healthy and live
longer and happier.

Finally, Let's avoid consuming excess sugar because good health is not something we can buy but
something that can be a very valuable savings. People who ignore their own health are people who save
problems for their future. Therefore, let's learn to live healthy together by reducing excess sugar
consumption and consuming more healthy food or drink.

That’s it from me if there are mistakes in my words, I apologize, there are no prefixes without endings,
there are no meetings without farewells, I Nurul Alifah Ramadhani say goodbye, see you on the top.

Wassalamualaikumwr. Wb.

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