PLEB Service Specification Template ARTA 2023
PLEB Service Specification Template ARTA 2023
PLEB Service Specification Template ARTA 2023
3.2 If the
complaint has
probable cause,
the Board
Secretary will
prepare a formal
charge and the
case will submit
for raffling.
4. Raffle of Case/s None 5 minutes Senior
5. Docket the None 3 minutes Administrative
complaint and turn Assistant
it over to the
assigned Encoder
4. Complainant may 6. The Board will None 2 hours Members of the
file a Motion for conduct Board where the
PREVENTIVE deliberation case was raffled
SUSPENSION (Not regarding the
exceeding 90 days) motion.
7. Issue None 15 minutes Senior
Summons to the Administrative
respondent/s Assistant
5. Filing of Counter- 8. Receive None 15 minutes Senior
Affidavit/Answer Counter- Administrative
(Respondent/s of the Affidavit/Answer Assistant
Case) and check for
*Make sure to wait for completeness.
the “receiving copy”
of the submitted
[The Respondent/s
may file their Answer
seven (7) working
days from receipt of
the summons.
Respondent/s must
furnish the
through personal
service, registered
mail, or private
courier before filing.]
9. Turn over to the None 15 minutes Process Server
assigned Encoder
for the issuance of
Notice for
10. Delivery of None Assigned Process Server or
Notice for process Driver
Clarificatory server must
Hearing serve the
notices within
twenty four
(24) hours
from receipt
of the
6. Attendance of both 12. Pre-hearing None At least (2) Members of the
parties is required. conference hours. Board where the
They may be assisted [Within fifteen (15) case was raffled,
by their respective days from receipt *Multiple Board Secretary,
counsel and bring of the Counter- hearing days Senior
their witnesses, if Affidavit/Answer may be Administrative
available. the Board calendared Assistant
*PNP member must Members shall as necessary. (Stenographer), and
be in complete conduct the pre- Process Server
uniform hearing
conference for the
purpose of: (a)
defining and
simplifying the
issues of the
case; (b) entering
into admissions
and/or stipulation
of facts; (c)
marking of
exhibits after
identification by
; and (d) threshing
out other matters
relevant to the
14.1. Issuance of
15. Delivery of None Assigned Process Server
Decision process
server must
serve the
notices within
twenty four
(24) hours
from receipt
of the
8. Filing of Motion for 16. Receive the None 15 minutes Senior
Reconsideration required Administrative
[The Party adversely documents and Assistant or Process
affected by the check for Server
decision may file a completeness
motion for
reconsideration within
ten (10) days from
receipt of a copy of
the decision]
9. Filing of Notice of 17. Receive the None 15 minutes Senior
Appeal required Administrative
[NAPOLCOM RAB documents and Assistant or Process
(Regional Appellate check for Server
Board) Appeals from completeness
the decision of the
PLEB shall be taken
by the party adversely
affected by filing a
furnish the other
party, within ten (10)
days from receipt of a
copy of the decision]
2.2 Start
processing the
3. Pay the required 3. Accept the PHP 15 minutes City Treasurer’s
fees at the City payment based on 50/Cleran Office
Treasurer’s Office by the Order of ce or
showing the Order of Payment Certificati
Payment. *Make sure on and
to secure Official 3.1 Issuance of PHP
Receipt, it will be the Official 10/page
issued upon payment Receipt of
True Copy
Return to the PLEB 4. Check the 15 minutes Administrative Aide,
Office for the Official Receipt Process Server, or
processing and releas Driver
of Clearance or 4.1 Issue the
Certification Certificate or
Clearance to the
PNP member