Byman ISISGoesGlobal 2016
Byman ISISGoesGlobal 2016
Byman ISISGoesGlobal 2016
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Daniel Byman
deputy director of the cia, said that aqap retained "the ability to bring
down an airliner in the United States of America tomorrow."
Isis itself also began as an al Qaeda franchise. Following the U.S.
invasion of Iraq in 2003, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi emerged as a leader
of jihadist forces in Iraq. In 2004, he pledged allegiance to Osama bin
Laden and changed his organization's name from the Organization of
Monotheism and Jihad to al Qaeda in Iraq (aqi). After Zarqawi's
death, in 2006, the group took on other names, including the Islamic
State of Iraq. When Baghdadi took over in 2010, the organization was
on its last legs. Local Sunnis had turned against it, undermining its
operations. When U.S. forces pulled out of the country in 2011, the
Iraqi government they left behind seemed ascendant.
But Baghdadi's group rose from the ashes, exploiting the marginal-
ization of Iraqi Sunnis and the Syrian civil war. In 2013, Baghdadi
changed his group's name yet again, to the Islamic State of Iraq and
al-Sham. In 2014, after his fighters captured the Iraqi city of Mosul,
his ambitions grew further: he declared a caliphate over the Muslim
world, shortening the group's name to the Islamic State. Now, isis has
eclipsed al Qaeda in size and strength; it has also outpaced its former
master in spawning affiliates, establishing ever-larger numbers of
franchises and supporters throughout the Muslim world.
The provinces pose a serious threat to Western interests: they en-
able isis to expand its reach and make local groups more deadly in
their regional conflicts. Hotbeds of jihad that have not yet exported
terrorism to the West may do so in the future if local groups strengthen
their ties to isis.
Yet the United States and its allies are only just beginning to factor
the provinces into their counterterrorism strategy. In his last major
address on isis, in December, U.S. President Barack Obama focused
on the terrorist threat that the group's core in Iraq and Syria posed to
the United States, without even mentioning the group's provinces.
The Pentagon has been taking the danger more seriously and has
considered establishing additional military bases in Africa, Asia, and
the Middle East partly in response. But the United States and its allies
must go further, developing a comprehensive strategy to weaken isis'
various franchises. They should start by taking advantage of the tensions
that will probably arise between isis' leadership in Iraq and Syria and
its more remote branches. Al Qaeda's affiliates eventually became a
burden for its core, demanding resources, ignoring its directives, and
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When local goes global: in Paris after the Charlie Hebdo attack, January 2015
fought with it in Iraq and Syria, and the ranks of outsiders keep grow-
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home, they spread their ideology to local groups, giving al Qaeda infor-
mal networks throughout the Muslim world. Today, isis is engaged in
similar activity, but more rapidly and on a far more massive scale, even
winning over groups formerly linked to al Qaeda. Many of these groups,
particularly those in North Africa, worked frequently with isis when it
was still an al Qaeda affiliate.
Accepting the isis label often leads local groups to shift their tactics
and ideology. In addition to fighting local government forces and rival
groups as they did before, many affiliates begin making sectarian attacks
and targeting Westerners in the region. In a particularly brutal but
effective form of violent propaganda, they often behead their victims
and carefully choreograph and videotape the executions for broad dis-
semination. When possible, as in parts of Libya, provinces also adopt an
isis-style governance structure, complete with police, courts, and taxes.
Unlike some of al Qaeda's affiliates, they do not try to form lasting alli-
ances with other rebel groups, and they tend to have little respect for
local authority figures, with tribal leaders an important exception.
So far, however, no isis province has attacked targets in the West.
Local groups are attracted to isis for many reasons. One of the most
important is the most obvious: genuine conviction. As nauseating as isis
is to most Muslims, it has tapped into the beliefs of an important subset
of Sunni Muslims, particularly young men. Isis trumpets sectarianism,
portraying itself as the defender and avenger of Sunnis worldwide
Moreover, the group's slick videos and social media campaigns attract
even young Sunnis who lack real religious knowledge or conviction by
playing into their desires for adventure and a sense of purpose. As
General David Rodriguez, the commander of U.S. Africa Command,
has noted, groups affiliate themselves with isis "to elevate their cause."
Of course, some groups join isis for more practical purposes, such
as access to financial or technical aid. According to The New York
Times, in Afghanistan, isis offered Taliban fighters several hundred
thousand dollars for their support to gain more territory and recruits.
Isis also helps local groups improve the quality of their propaganda:
after strengthening ties with isis in 2014, for example, Boko Haram
was able to elevate its outreach from grainy videos taken on hand-held
cameras to more polished productions distributed via Twitter. Isis
offers its provinces access to experienced fighters and has sent hun-
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As isis grows beyond Iraq and Syria, so, too, does it spread its harsh
brand of religious intolerance. In 2015, the group's followers attacke
Shiite mosques in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen; beheaded Egyp
tian and Ethiopian Christians in Libya; and attacked security force
and Sunni Muslims deemed insufficiently devout. Not only are suc
attacks tragic in their own right; they also risk setting in motion
cycle of retaliation, as has already happened in Yemen. Such cycles
which lead to revenge attacks against Sunnis, only bolster the group
claim to being a defender of the faithful.
Growing sectarianism also threatens the legitimacy of the govern
ments of Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and other religiously divide
countries. In Saudi Arabia, for example, the government currently
finds itself in a dilemma: if it fails to stop isis from bombing Saud
Shiite mosques, it will embolden the extremists and show that it can
not protect its own people; yet if it cracks down on isis, it will ris
looking like the champion of the country's unloved Shiite minority
which could hurt its legitimacy among Sunni chauvinists.
The spread of isis will also worsen the region's refugee crisis. The group
embraces barbarism as strategy; beheadings, rape, and other grotesque ac
are not byproducts of its wars but deliberate tools to intimidate enemi
and reward supporters. In retaliation for a tribal revolt in Libya in Augu
2015, isis fighters killed dozens of members of the tribe, crucifying several
of them in a traffic circle - a punishment familiar to anyone following t
group's parade of horrors in Iraq and Syria. If the provinces expand, man
Muslims and religious minorities will flee rather than endure their rule.
From the West's perspective, however, the bigger concern is that as isi
grows, it will develop new staging grounds and operatives to use fo
international terrorist attacks. Baghdadi has called on Muslims abroad t
travel to Iraq and Syria or to the provinces, if they can; if they cannot,
has said they should focus on local attacks. Gone are the days when West
ern governments had to worry about only the foreign fighters traveling
to Iraq and Syria; increasingly, they have to worry about would-be jihadis
traveling to and from other isis bases around the region and beyond.
Despite all the benefits provinces offer isis, they also come with th
share of trouble. For one thing, they can weaken the jihadist moveme
as a whole. Many of them exist because of local rivalries: members
rival groups spend their time killing one another rather than fighting
their supposed enemies. In Afghanistan, for example, the Taliban and
a renegade faction that has pledged loyalty to isis have warred for
control of Helmand Province, weakening both of them in their fight
against the Afghan government.
Just as al Qaeda did, isis may soon learn that not all affiliates are
obedient servants. When local groups, particularly strong ones, take on
the isis label, they retain their own command structure, personnel, and
parochial goals, and these often fit uneasily with those of the core
group. Time and again, al Qaeda found that many of its regional fran-
chises retained their traditional agendas, continuing to fight the local
fights they always had (although perhaps adding some local Western
targets to the mix). Al Qaeda's leaders
had particular difficulty controlling aqi,
Just as al Qaeda did , ISIS
which they thought spent too much en-
may soon learn that not
ergy killing ordinary Shiites and Sunni all
imams and other leaders who opposed affiliates are obedient
the group. When aqi bombed three
hotels in Amman, Jordan, in 2005, kill-
ing some 60 people, roughly 200 Islamic
scholars from 50 countries condemned the group, calling the killing of
noncombatants "among the gravest of sins." The ferocious criticism
tarnished al Qaeda's brand among many of its Muslim constituents.
As isis absorbs local groups, it will also take on the enemies they
make. Western officials told The New York Times that when the lead-
ers of Sinai Province decided to bomb the Russian plane, they did so
without consulting isis. The move provoked Russia, which until
then had limited its air strikes in Syria to attacks on the moderate
opposition, to launch cruise missiles at isis' forces and infrastructure
in Deir ez-Zor and Raqqa, among other targets.
This process works both ways; local groups that link up with isis can
also get themselves into trouble, painting bull's-eyes on their backs.
Again, the experience of al Qaeda is instructive. In 2010, bin Laden
discouraged the Somali militant group al Shabab from declaring alle-
giance to his organization because doing so would give "enemies" an
excuse to mobilize against al Shabab. Something similar is happening
now. Before the extremist groups in Egypt and Libya pledged allegiance
to isis, the United States cared little about them. Now it has zeroed in
on them. In November 2015, for example, a U.S. air strike near the port
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city of Darnah, Libya, killed an Iraqi who may have been the leader of
isis' affiliate there. By attacking local governments, the provinces also
risk pushing local regimes into the arms of the anti-isis coalition.
Joining up with isis can also cost affiliates local support. Outside ter-
rorist groups tend to be less in tune with conditions on the ground than
their native-born associates are. In 2003, for example, the al Qaeda
core pushed its Saudi affiliate to launch an insurgency prematurely,
despite local leaders' warnings that they were not prepared. The result
was a disaster: after the group conducted several terrorist attacks
against Western targets in the kingdom and strikes on Saudi security
forces, the Saudi government cracked down, killing or arresting most
of the group's members. Because foreign fighters lack grass-roots con-
nections, they also have few incentives to exercise restraint. When isis
tried to set up shop in Darnah in 2014, for example, its brutal behavior
alienated residents, who worked with rival groups to expel it. The
most successful terrorist groups, such as Hamas and Hezbollah, enjoy
close ties with their local populations. They use violence, but they also
carefully moderate their brutality. Isis has yet to learn that lesson.
Last year, it did not seem to matter that the United States and its allies
had no clear strategy for dealing with isis' provinces. Neither Wash-
ington nor its friends were eager to take on yet another messy fight in
the Middle East. Indeed, targeting the provinces appeared counter-
productive: if the groups were locally focused, then bombing them
might just provoke them to attack the West. Yet the attack on the
Russian plane exposed the danger of this line of thinking. Ignoring the
provinces risks allowing isis to grow stronger and more dangerous.
Any strategy aimed at weakening the provinces must include two parts:
severing the link between the core group and the affiliates and attempt-
ing to contain, weaken, and defeat the affiliates themselves. To that end,
the United States and its allies should target provincial command-and-
control centers and locals who have personal relationships with top isis
leaders in Iraq and Syria. Deprived of instruction from headquarters, the
provinces will be forced to go their own way, which could create a world
of new problems for isis' core, costing them local allies.
To fight isis as it spreads, the United States will need military
bases in many remote parts of the world. Flexibility will be vital, since
it is hard to predict which provinces will expand and demand the
most attention. (Yemen, for example, was not a major concern for
U.S. counterterrorism officials until 2009, when the so-called under-
wear bomber, who had been based there, nearly downed an airplane
over Detroit.) To gain the right geographic reach and to ease the burden,
the United States should also work with its allies. France, for instance,
is committed to the anti-isis coalition and has a strong military presence
in North Africa. The United States should divvy up responsibilities
and coordinate operations with France there.
The United States and its allies should also seek to weaken the prov-
inces by portraying the core group as out of touch with local grievances
in the news and on social media. This tactic is more likely to work in
countries where anti-foreign sentiment is particularly strong, such as
Somalia, than in places where national identity is weaker, such as Libya.
Washington also needs to strengthen the states where isis affili-
ates have set up shop. It should provide aid and training to military,
police, and intelligence forces in such places. It should also offer to
help these countries improve their administrative capacity through
judicial reform and social service provision and assist them in securing
their borders by building barriers, improving surveillance, and train-
ing border troops. In countries without a functioning government,
such as Libya, the United States may have to work with local militias
and tribes.
Diasporas that are involved in civil wars in their homelands, such
as the Somali diaspora, are also a counterterrorist concern. Until now,
such struggles have been primarily local, and so if a member of the
diaspora felt compelled to take up arms, he often posed little threat to
his host country. If groups such as al Shabab embrace isis, however,
the threat may grow. But diasporas can also provide an opportunity,
since it is far easier to gather intelligence from the members of a diaspora
community than from their brethren back home. In many cases, the
best way to gain leads is to work with the communities themselves;
the less they feel alienated, the more likely they will be to report any
troublemakers in their midst.
In all these ways, Washington must integrate isis' many provinces
into the overall U.S. strategy against the group. Left unchecked, these
regional affiliates will increasingly threaten the Middle East and the
rest of the world. But with the right policies, the United States and its
allies can do serious damage to both the provinces and their masters,
turning a mutually beneficial relationship into a disaster for both.®
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