21 Day Plan Checklists For A Clean Home
21 Day Plan Checklists For A Clean Home
21 Day Plan Checklists For A Clean Home
Day 1
Start 1 load of laundry, focusing on essentials like undies, socks, & towels
Get a garbage bag & start going around the house gathering trash
Move the clothes from the washer to the dryer
Start one load of dishes
Hang/fold the laundry from the dryer
Day 2
Day 3
Day 5
Day 6
Strip the sheets & pillowcases from the master bedroom & put in the
Set a timer & fold/hang/put away clean clothes
Empty, fill, & start the dishwasher
Transfer your bedding from the washer to the dryer
If there is a second bathroom, go through & put away things that don’t
belong in there
Move counter items to the side in the second bathroom
Use cleaning spray or disinfectant wipes to clean the countertops,
faucets, & sinks in the second bathroom
Clean the toilet bowl, disinfect the seat & handles, & wipe down the
mirror in the master bathroom
Remake your bed with clean linens
Day 7
If there is a second bed, strip the sheets & pillowcases & put in the wash
Set a timer & fold/hang/put away clean clothes
Empty, fill, & start the dishwasher
Transfer the bedding from the washer to the dryer
Start a load of laundry
Vacuum & mop the master bathroom floors
Transfer clothes from the washer to the dryer
Clean the toilet bowl, disinfect the seat & handles, & wipe down the
mirror in the second bathroom
Remake the bed with clean linens
Day 8
If there is a third bed, strip the sheets & pillowcases & put in the wash
Empty, fill, & start the dishwasher
Transfer the bedding to the dryer
Start a load of laundry
Vacuum & mop the floors in the second bathroom
Vacuum half the house
Transfer clothes from the washer to the dryer
Remake the bed with your clean linens
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17
Day 18
Day 19
Day 20
Day 21