Expense Tracker Web Application

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Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Expense Tracker Web Application

Mallika Mittal1, Vidhi Maheshwari2, Rinkaj Solanki3, Nidhi4
Student1,2,3, Associate Professor4
Department of Computer Science,
Delhi Technical Campus, Greater Noida,Uttar Pradesh, India

Abstract:- Budget Tracker is an easy-to-use daily cost II. BACKGROUND STUDY

management system, effectively managing daily web-
based programs that reduce the need for handy manuals The idea of developing this project in the mobile platform
that keep records neatly and easily access user-stored for the convenienceof users. Because whenever they make an
data. The web application "Expense Tracker" is designed immediate expense, they can add to the mobile app. Another
to manage daily expenses efficiently and effectively. By concern is keeping personal expenses is a GREATproblem, in
using this app we can reduce hand counts for daily everyday expenses we often do not know where the money is
expenses and track expenses. In this application, the user going. Some of the most common methods used to deal with
can give his salary to calculate his total cost per day and this problem incommon situations are like using sticky notes
these results will be stored for each user. The app has a by regular users. As this showsit is a different approach used
system for predicting the income and expenses of a by different people. This makes use of this datainconsistent.
manager using data mining. In this application, there are There are still problems in areas such as there is no guarantee
3 entries such as manager, manager and employees. ofdata interoperability, there is a chance that important inputs
Administrator reserves the right to add, edit, remove will be missed and manual errors may creep in. Data recorders
manager, add, edit, remove employees, and receive all are not always managed, andit can be a busy process to have
custom reports. To the Administrator, the rights are to a general idea. of those costs. We believe it is a useful design
increase the type of expenditure, verify costs, increase and mobile application that addresses these issues. Thus that
revenue type, verify revenue and generate reports. For app is able to record costs and provide a comprehensive view
employees, the rights to add and arrange costs,income and of the easyto use user interface and this app.
statistics, and shipping to be guaranteed.
Tracking daily expenses is nothing new. Many
Since the beginning of human civilization, humans have traditional and technical approaches have been developed to
been able to change theirdestiny in order to buy or sell. Since track our costs and budgets for implementation. Decades ago
then, it has become an integral part of our daily lives. Most of and today we record our expenses in a registerto calculate the
us have a steady income and receive it on time (i.e., daily, profit or savings. Not only that, many desktop and mobile
monthly, yearly, etc.). In addition, everyone follows a strict apps are designed for this purpose. Quicken and Microsoft
spending budget. Generally, the budget is compiled in stages. Money were the first desktop applications built decades ago,
Categories vary, for example, food, entertainment, but are not known to consumers.We can also predict future
transportation, education, health, clothing, and more. costs.
However, expenditure is limited to budget revenue. For this
reason, we need to track our expenses so that they do not IV. METHODOLOGY
exceed our budget. In the old days, people tracked their own To reduce manual statistics, we recommend a website.
expenses, which meant using a pen and paper would be very This website allows users to keep a digital digital diary. Each
difficult and time consuming. Nowadays the advent of user will be required to register on the system at the time of
electronic devices such as smartphones and computers has registration, the user will be given an id, which willbe used to
made our lives easier and faster. We may use computers to keep a separate user record. The Budget Tracker program will
track your daily expenses using software available online and track user revenue daily. This application takes the user's
offline. There are other applications that can track daily revenue and divides it into allowed daily expenses. If you skip
expenses. These applications use a manual input system from those day expenses you will be reduced if you earn money
the keyboard, which is tedious and time consuming. To meet then give new expenses for the day the allowableamount, and
the challenge of avoiding input, we suggest the best way to if you spend less days you will add to the savings. The budget
do the same things in an automated and efficient way that tracking system will produce a report at the end of the month
takes less time.Under the proposed method, users can dispose to reflect Revenue through multiple graphs. It will allow you
of, complete and monitor data. to add to the amount of savings you have saved for specific
Celebrations or days such as Birthdays or Birthday

IJISRT22JUN669 www.ijisrt.com 1893

Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 CSS The waterfall model is a sequential approach, where
 JAVASCRIPT each fundamental activity of a process represented as a
separate phase, arranged in linear order. In the waterfall
 I DO model, you must plan and schedule all of the activities before
B. BACK TECHNOLOGY: starting working on them (plan- driven process). Waterfall
 PHP model is used for the project because all the requirements
are clear as this project is not dealing with the clients and
 MySql
hence beforehandplanning can be made about how to carry
out each phase of development.


Fig. 1: Working Model

Fig. 2: Working Model

IJISRT22JUN669 www.ijisrt.com 1894

Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165


A budget helps you to see where your money is going,

makes it easier to identify problem areas, helps you to move
around where needed and helps you achieve your financial
goals. As a business owner or a working person, the better
you understand your budget, the more likely you are to stay
on top of your financial health. The elements considered in
this project are - Source of Income, Focused Costs, Business
Cost, Investment, Savings etc. While building this
sophisticated cost tracking app, students learn many
advanced React & JavaScript themes. Some of them are React
Regional Management, Context API, Local Storage, Material
UI, and how to create a scalable React folder. But most
importantly, the implementation of adding voice power to
your applications.


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