Course 1 - RES and Management

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Code Title

University Department/Faculty/School
HCMUT Faculty of Chemical Engineering
Year of delivery Semester
2017 Fall
ECTS/Credits Language
6/4 English


Attending modality
Classroom, lab work

Nguyen Quang Nam Division of Electrical Machines and Apparatus

E-mail: Phone +841678886605

Workload distribution
Total hours per module
(1 ECTS = 25 workload hours)
Teaching in presence Tutorial Laboratory Homework Project Work Final exam
45 hours 6 hours 9 hours 90 hours 0 2 hours

Specific teaching Objectives of the course

The output of the course should be:
1. Ability to explain the role of renewable energies in the global energy situation.
2. Ability to explain for principles of photovoltaic systems.
3. Ability to explain for principles of wind power systems.
4. Ability to explain for principles of biomass convertion to biofuels
5. Ability to explain for principles of other sourse of renewable energy
6. Ability to explain operating principles of energy storage systems.

“This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication
[communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein”
Main topics
Chapter 1: Introduction of renewable energy and resources (5 hours)
1.1 Introduction of renewable energy
1.2 Energy and sustainable development
1.3 Renewable energy in Vietnam and over the world
1.4 Physical and chemical basic principles of renewable energy
1.5 Social implications
Homework (10 hours)
Chapter 2: Solar energy (10 hours)
2.1 Solar thermal and application
2.2 Photosynthesis process and application
2.3 Photovoltaic Energy and application
2.4 Social and environmental aspects
Homework (10 hours)
Chapter 3: Wind energy and wind power system (5 hours)
3.1 Introduction to Wind power
3.2 Wind turbine
3.3 Wind turbine efficiency
3.4 Wind turbine economic
3.5 Environment impact assesment of wind power system
Homework (10 hours)
Chapter 4: Biomass and biofuels (5 hours)
6.1 Introduction to biomass and biofuels
6.2 Biomass and biofuel classification
6.3 Themal process of biomass to biofuel
6.4 Bio and chemical process to biofuels
6.5 Social and environmental aspects
Homeworks (10 hours)
Chapter 5: Other sourses of Renewable Energy (5 hours)
5.1 Small hydro energy
5.2 Tidal energy
5.3 Ocean energy
5.4 Geothermal energy
5.5 Social and environmental aspects
Homework (10 hours)
Chapter 6: Energy storage systems and distribution (5 hours)
6.1 Introduction of energy storage and distribution
6.2 Electrical storage: batteries and accumulators
6.3 Fuel cell
6.4 Power distribution
6.5 Other energy storage technology
Homework (10 hours)
Chapter 7: Renewable energy policy and management (10 hours)
7.1 Introduction to the Energy management
7.2 Legislation and incentives
ERASMUS Plus Programme – ECO RED Project number: 561571-EPP-1-2015-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
7.3 Institutional and economic factors
Homework (10 hours)
Laboratory of Renewable energy system (9 hours)
- PV system demonstration
- Wind turbine system demonstration
- Microgrid system demonstration
- Biofuel production demonstration
Homework Lab report(20 hours)

Course description

The goals are to impart basics of renewable energy resources, energy conversion processes, power
converters and electrical machines. The acquired knowledge can help understand fundamental functions
of a renewable energy system in practice, or further study on renewable resources in course projects and
senior project.
In particular, the course should cover:
- Overview of renewable energy resources in Vietnam and all over the world.
- Introduction of a photovoltaic system.
- Introduction of power system wind power system .
- Introduction of biomass and biofuels
- Introduction of other renewable resources.
- Energy storage systems
- Renewable energy management

Methodology applied in laboratory activities and project work

 9 hours lab work will help the students understanding the renewable energy resource
 Demonstration from lab technician
 Group discussion

Students should attend the lecture, although absence is not punished.
Homework assignments are normally due in 2 weeks time, from the moment they are announced
(posted on the e-learning).
The final grade of the student depends on the following metrics:
Homework assignment, and mid-term examination will be added together to make up the first mark
(50%), and their weighting factors are to be fixed by the instructor and announced to the student right at
the beginning of the course.
Final examination (50%) will make use of writing format, lasting 90 minutes.

ERASMUS Plus Programme – ECO RED Project number: 561571-EPP-1-2015-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Recommended literature
[1] Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems - Gilbert M. Masters - Stanford University - John
Wiley & Sons, April 2004.
[2] Fuel Cell Handbook - EG&G Technical Services - U.S. Department of Energy Office of Fossil Energy
National Energy Technology Laboratory, P.O. Box 880, Morgantown, West Virginia 26507-0880 -
November 2004.
[3] Wind and Solar Power System - Mukund R. Patel - CRC Press, Boca Raton London New York
Washington, D.C. – 1999.
[4] Power Electronics for Renewable Sources - C. V. Nayar,S. M. Islam - Centre for Renewable
Energy and Sustainable Technologies, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia, -
[5] Renewable Energy Technologies - Long Term Research in the 6th Framework Programme 2002-2006
– European Commission.

ERASMUS Plus Programme – ECO RED Project number: 561571-EPP-1-2015-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

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