Lesson 2.4 - Good Quality Control Laboratory Practice
Lesson 2.4 - Good Quality Control Laboratory Practice
Lesson 2.4 - Good Quality Control Laboratory Practice
Quality Control is part of Good Manufacturing Practice which is
concerned with:
specifications and testing, and
the organization, documentation and release procedures
which ensure that the necessary and relevant tests are
actually carried out and that materials are not released
for use, nor products released for sale or supply, until
their quality has been judged to be satisfactory.
Principles QC Personnel shall comply with requirements as stipulated in
Manufacturers of TM/HS shall have a quality control systems Chapter 2 – Personnel:
which is designed to ensure that products are manufactured - Qualification and competency of QC Personnel
under adequate conditions and in accordance with - Responsibilities
procedures so as to meet established specifications, - Joint responsibility of the Heads of Production and QC
Quality control is not confined to laboratory operations, but department
must involve in all decisions which may concern the quality of Qualification and competency of QC personnel
the product. Quality Control personnel shall have particular expertise
To meet this purpose, Quality Control Department should be in products, in order
appropriate and independent o to be able to carry out identification tests and
o to detect adulteration,
Quality Relationship: Differences Between QC and o to detect the presence of fungal growth,
QA infestations, and
o to identify non-uniformity when receiving and
checking crude materials
Competent personnel with specific expertise on natural
products should be an advantage, since crude material can be
an aggregate of an individual natural material which contain
an element of heterogeneity.
Qualification and competency of Microbiology Analyst:
o Microbiological testing shall be performed and
supervised by an experienced person, qualified in
microbiology or equivalent.
Quality Assurance o Analyst should have basic training in microbiology
A wide-ranging concept which covers all matters which and relevant practical experience before being
individually or collectively influence the quality of a product allowed to perform work covered by the scope of
Appropriate infrastructure or “quality system” consists of testing
organization structure, procedures, processes and resources o Shall understand:
The sum total of the organized arrangements to ensure procedures for containment of
that the products are of the quality required for their intended microorganisms within the laboratory
use facility
Quality Assurance therefore incorporates Good In safe handling of microorganisms
Manufacturing Practice plus other factors outside the scope of Training for Microbiology Analyst shall cover:
these Guidelines, such as product design and development o basic technique of:
plate pouring,
counting of colonies,
Differences between QC- QA aseptic technique,
Manufacturing PRACTICE
AY 2023-2024 Dr.Kim Alexandra Pedrosa
1st Semester 08/24/2203
o Types of reagents
Directly used
Prepared in laboratory: Chemical
substance, buffer solution, volumetric
Training solution, solvent.
The head of Quality Control Department shall have adequate o Grade of reagent
training (such as knowledge of Good Quality Control (purity) should be appropriate for use as
Laboratory Practice and TM/HS analysis) and practical indicated in the testing procedure
experience, which can enable the person to perform the Analytical
functions effectively HPLC − USP, BP, EP, JP grade,
PREMISES o Label of Reagents
The Quality Control Department shall have a designated area
with sufficient to perform any required analysis before, during
and after manufacture.
Quality Control Laboratory/Premises shall comply with
requirements as stipulated in Chapter 3 – Premises and
Availability of QC equipment shall be based on testing
o Balances
o Measuring equipment of an appropriate range and Preparation of reagent
precision shall be available for analytical test o Responsibility for this task should be assigned
o Glassware clearly specified in the job description of the
o Analytical instrument/equipment assigned
For calibration and documentation regarding QC equipment o Prescribed procedures should be used which are in
refer to Chapter 3 – Premises and Equipment and Chapter 5 accordance with published pharmacopoeia or valid
– Documentation internal method/instruction
Verification of Equipment o Records such as log-book should be kept of the
o Equipment shall be verified to determine if they are preparation and standardization of
still operating in a valid state reagent/volumetric solutions.
o Verification of equipment should be done prior to the
testing method verification
o For details, refer to Appendix 2- Verification
General Principles
o Reagent, media culture, reference of substances, o Visual inspection
materials and culture used in tests and assays – of Delivered reagent containers should be
appropriate quality and should be accompanied by visually inspected to ensure that the seals
the certificate of analysis, and are intact.
the material safety data sheet, if required o Water as reagent
Chemical testing The appropriate grade for testing as
o Reagents described in the pharmacopoeias.
The quality of the water should be verified A substance whose characteristics are
regularly to ensure that water meet the assigned and/or calibrated by comparison
specifications with a primary reference substance
o Storage Preparation of Working standard
reagent/volumetric solution should be kept in The information shall include the
reagent bottle and put it on the shelf results of all tests and verifications
stored under the designated storage used to establish the reference
conditions (ambient temperature, under substances and expiry date or
refrigeration, with proper dessication). retest date; signed by the
note: responsible analyst
flamable reagent= flamable storage All preparation shall be performed
poison or toxic reagent = stored in in accordance to instruction and
a locked or secured cabinet duly recorded
Reference Substances and Reference Materia o Handling
o Reference substances are intended for use in A person should be nominated to manage
specified chemical and physical tests, in which its reference substances and reference
properties are compared with those of the product materials.
under examination, and which possesses an Registration of material should be maintained
adequate degree of purity in log book, at least containing information
o Reference materials are intended for calibration of :
and/or qualification of equipment, instruments or
other devices, e.g. pH buffer for pH-meter
Reference Substance:
o Active ingredients for herbal material(s) or
o Constituent with known therapeutic activities are
known, the active ingredients should be Identification number should be:
standardized to contain a defined amount of o Marked on each vial/container
this/these constituent(s) o Quoted on the analytical worksheet when used
e.g. : Piperine originated from Piper Media
retrofractum extract, Apigenin originated from o Media shall be obtained from qualified supplier
Apii herbal extract o Growth promotion test should be done on each
o The reference standard may be a botanical sample prepared media
of the herbal material o Positive and Negative control should be carried out on
If the herbal medicine is not described in a every test
recognized pharmacopoeia, a herbarium o Records such as log-book should be kept for the
sample of the flowering or fruiting top of the preparation of media (incl. expired date of media)
whole medicinal plant or part of the medicinal Reference Culture
plant may be used for macroscopic o Reference cultures should be obtained from
recognized source which have WHO International
o Primary reference substance
Biological Standards Category (status and traceable),
A substance that is widely acknowledged
− e.g. Eschericia coli ATCC 8739, Pseudomonas
to possess the appropriate qualities within a
aeruginosa ATCC 9027
specified context, and whose assigned
o Subcultured not more than 5 generations (passages)
content is accepted without requiring
o Provided with CoA
comparison with another chemical
Note: Pharmacopoeia chemical reference Passage of reference culture:
substances are considered to be primary
reference substances.
In the absence of a pharmacopoeia
reference substance, a manufacturer should
establish a primary reference substance
Active ingredients for health supplement
material(s) or preparation(s) Constituent with
known therapeutic activities are known, the
active ingredients should be standardized to
contain a defined amount of this/these
e.g : Ascorbic acid
o Secondary reference substance (working
Samples received by QC laboratory:
routine for control: natural, starting, packaging materials and
finished products
ongoing stability samples
environmental monitoring: cleanliness of production area,
water as starting material and final rinsing for equipment
investigative testing: complaint, recall, deviation,
must be taken from each batch and Sampling PLAN for Starting Material
well documented in: Examples of use of sampling plans n, p and r (Consider a
o Sampling form consignment of 40 containers (N) of a starting material)
o Sample Log book o n plan: samples taken from 7 containers selected at
Due to herbal materials are an aggregate of individual random. The appearance and identity of each of these
plants and/or different parts of the same plant and thus have 7 samples is checked. If the results are concordant,
an element of heterogeneity, sampling should be carried out the 7 samples are combined to produce a single,
o by personnel with the necessary expertise composite sample from which an analytical sample is
Sampling procedure shall describe: prepared for full testing
method of sampling o p plan, samples taken from each container. The
sampling tools, to include instruction for cleaning and appearance and identity of each of these samples is
storage of sampling equipment checked. If the results are concordant, the samples
sampling facility are appropriately combined to form 3 final, composite
amount of the sample to be taken must be in accordance samples to be used for retention (or full testing if
with sampling plan required).
instructions for any required subdivision of the sample o r plan, samples taken from each container. The
type and condition of the sample container to be used appearance and identity of each of these samples is
identification of containers sampled (label checked. If the results are concordant, 10 samples are
the storage condition selected at random and individually subjected to full
sampling forms to be used testing
Sampling Plan Sampling PLAN for Packaging materials
Definition of Sampling Plan: Examples of sampling plan include:
o description of the location, number of units and/or o Number of sample (n) = 1 + √N
quantity of material that should be collected, and o BS 6001-1, ISO 2859 or ANSI/ASQCZ1.4-1993. The
associated acceptance criteria. objective is to ensure that there is a low probability of
o An example of sampling plan for starting materials accepting material that does not comply with the
N plan, p plan, r plan predefined Acceptance Quality Level (AQL)
Sampling PLAN for Natural materials (medicinal plants)
Initial inspection to each container shall indicate that the lot
is uniform
Sample taken
Sampling Facility
Sampling should be conducted at defined locations and by
procedures designed to prevent contamination of the material
sampled and contamination of other materials
Where possible, sampling should be performed in an area or
booth designed for this purpose, although this will not be