Research Article: Quasi-Static Cyclic Test On A Concrete-Encased Frame-Reinforced Concrete Tube Building Model

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Shock and Vibration

Volume 2018, Article ID 5643872, 14 pages

Research Article
Quasi-Static Cyclic Test on a Concrete-Encased
Frame-Reinforced Concrete Tube Building Model

Lei Zeng ,1 Yunfeng Xiao,2 Juan Chen,1 and Yiguang Chen1

School of Urban Construction, Yangtze University, Jingzhou 434023, China
School of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Lei Zeng;

Received 7 February 2018; Revised 7 May 2018; Accepted 22 May 2018; Published 13 June 2018

Academic Editor: Mohammad A. Hariri-Ardebili

Copyright © 2018 Lei Zeng et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

This paper experimentally investigated the seismic behavior of a 1:5 reduced-scale model of concrete-encased steel frame-reinforced
concrete core tube building. The quasi-static testing with multipoint loading was carried out, and mode-superposition response
spectrum method was adopted to control the amplitude of displacement. The damage process, crack pattern, and failure mode were
observed. Various parameters were obtained, including lateral deformation, hysteretic characteristics, strain distribution, ductility,
and energy dissipation capacity. The test revealed the distributions of base shear between the core tube and frame. The result
indicated that the core tube bears major loading and exhibited overturning failure, afterwards frame carry the surplus load and
exhibited column tensile failure and joint panel shear failure. The characteristic of two seismic resistant systems are reflected by the
excellent cooperation of core tube and frame.

1. Introduction compression ratio for CS column. Chen et al. [7] explores an

analytical model to predict the compressive bearing capacity.
Concrete-encased steel frame-reinforced concrete core tube The core concrete is enhanced by the steel, which results in
(CS frame-RC core tube) buildings are becoming increasingly the higher bearing capacity. Meanwhile, the steel skeleton can
popular around the world in high-rise buildings [1–3]. This improve the ductility [8, 9]. Thus, CS member is suitable for
composite structural system consists of columns located on the frame of composite structural system. CS frame is proved
the periphery of the building and tube located on the center of to have the advantages of reducing cross-section area and
the building. This arrangement embodies the design concept excellent global stability [10]. In particular, the exterior joints
of two lines to resist shear force [4, 5]. The first line of defense with unsymmetrical section (T- and L-shaped steel section)
is RC core tube with high lateral stiffness; it will bear most can satisfy the nonuniform force state and save space [11,
of the shear force caused by the horizontal earthquake. The 12]. The failure mechanism of the frame is the beam-hinged
second is CS frame, which mainly undertakes the vertical mechanism, which satisfies the seismic design principle of
load and partial overturning moment caused by horizontal strong column and weak beam. The ductility and energy
load. Meanwhile, when the stiffness and resistance of core dissipation capacity of CS frame are much better than RC
tube degenerate under a strong earthquake, the framework frame [13]. The reinforced concrete core tube provides high
will continue to bear the surplus loading. Compared with initial stiffness and bears major shear. The deformation would
RC frame structure, the bearing capacity of this composite be strictly controlled, and lateral instability is effectively
structural system is obviously improved, and the lateral prevented [14]. The CS frame-RC core tube buildings benefit
deformation of the building can be limited to an expected from the two components with individual characteristics [15].
level. There are only a limited number of researches about
As a distinctive component in this composite structural experiment on the composite structural system. Several shak-
system, the CS member has been systematically studied. Li ing table tests were carried out and seismic performance was
et al. [6] have conducted experiment for limit values of axial analyzed [16–18]. The results showed that the whole specimen
2 Shock and Vibration

generally exhibited bending failure. The damage mainly Table 1: Similarity relationship of the model.
occurred at the bottom of core tube and joint. The lateral
displacement was still under the safety limits regulated by Physical quantity Dimensions Ratio of similitude
Chinese Code. As an alternative, numerical simulation meth- Length L 𝑆L = 1/5
ods were also proposed. Some macroelement based models Young’s modulus FL−2 𝑆E = 1
were established for seismic analysis of composite high-rise Mass FT2 L−1 𝑆m = 1/25
buildings aiming at predicting their global responses under Stress FL−2 𝑆𝜎 = 1
earthquakes [19–22]. Static pushover analysis, dynamic time Time T 𝑆T =
history analysis, and incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) Poisson ratio 1 ]=1
method were applied to evaluate the nonlinear responses of Force F 𝑆F =1/25
composite high-rise buildings [23, 24].
However the test models above are designed with small
similarity ratio (1/20, 1/35) [16–18], which is restricted by the The frame is composed of CS columns and steel beams
shaking table capacities. The disparity between the acceler- with I cross-section, while the core tube is made of rein-
ation similarity ratio of earthquake actions and actual sim- forced concrete. Considering the laboratory conditions, a
ilarity ratio for gravity acceleration cannot be ignored [25]. 1:5 reduced-scale model was constructed for the quasi-static
In addition, lateral force caused by earthquake is expected to tests. The model was 10 stories with square cross-sections,
resist by both frame and core tube through composite action. with 20 beams and 12 columns in each story. The total height
Because there are remarkable differences in stiffness between of the model was 8700 mm. The depth of the foundation,
frame and core tube [23, 24, 26], the frame columns may the first story, and the rest of the stories were 500 mm, 1000
fail by shear and crush in resisting strong earthquakes and mm, and 800 mm, respectively. Two holes were arranged on
eventually leads to sudden collapse of whole structure [27, each story for elevator doors. The details and dimensions of
28]. It is significant to evaluate the seismic performance of this the specimen are shown in Figure 1. It should be mentioned
composite structural system through specimen with a larger that the selected span is small because of the limitation of
similarity ratio, which can represent the general behavior of laboratory conditions. Compared with typical building, the
the prototype. Mechanical behavior of the parts (the bottom linear stiffness ratio of beams and floor system increases. The
of core tube and joint of frame) under complicated force state capacity of shear transferring between core tube and frame
should be carefully analyzed. is enlarged. It may lead to less damage degree of beams and
In this paper, a 1:5 reduced-scale model of concrete- floor system.
encased steel frame-reinforced concrete core tube building
is constructed, and quasi-static testing is conducted to assess Based on the requirements of Architectural Structure
the response under axial compression and cyclic horizontal Load Standards (GB50009-2001) of China, the live- and dead-
load. The lateral load and corresponding displacement and loads for the test model are 2.0 kN/m2 and 1.6 kN/m2 ,
strain of steel and concrete are measured. The crack pattern respectively. A certain amount of sandbags is stacked on
and failure mode of each component are observed. The floors to simulate the uniform load. Because it is difficult
seismic performance is evaluated by the obtained hysteretic and dangerous in construction, only the tenth-floor slab is
curve, ductility, energy dissipation capacity, and stiffness not constructed. But the columns, beams, and core tube are
degradation. The function of two seismic resistant systems of still constructed, and the ninth-floor slab is defined as the
this structure is verified. top of specimen. The removed dead load is added by the
additional sandbags in the ninth floor. The materials used
for the test model were identical to those of the prototype
2. Experimental Program structure, thereby indicating that the scaling factor of the
elastic modulus was 𝑆E = 1. Table 1 shows the similarity
2.1. Test Model Design. A typical multistory CS frame-RC
core tube building prototype was designed in accordance with
the Code for Seismic Design of Buildings of China (GB50023-
2009). The effects of vertical loads (live- and dead-loads) 2.2. Test Model Construction. The CS columns had a square
and lateral loads were provided referring to the Technical cross-section of 100 mm × 100 mm. Figure 2 shows the con-
Specification for Concrete Structures of Tall Building (JGJ3- figurations and skeleton of the CS columns. The cross-shaped
2002). The prototype building was designed based on an 8- structural steel used in the columns consisted of several hot-
degree seismic fortification intensity zone and a II-type of site rolled steel plates. The steel plates were welded to create a
classification. The design basic acceleration of ground motion cross-shaped steel section. Figure 3 shows the steel beams
𝑎g was 0.20g, which was with a reference probability of and configurations of beam-column joints. An I cross-section
exceedance, 10% in 50 years. The site was classified according was adopted in the steel beams. The beams steel plates were
to the equivalent shear-wave velocity of soil and the site welded to the columns steel skeleton.
overlying depth, the design characteristic period of ground The composite slab was adopted. The slab system was
motion 𝑇g was 0.35s for a II-type of site. It should be composed of thin steel plate, concrete, steel bar, and stud
noted that the seismic intensity and response spectrum used connectors. Single-layer mesh reinforcement is used, and 10
during the design were those given in the Chinese seismic mm length stud connectors were welded to the steel plate to
code. strengthen the bond between the steel plate and concrete. A
Shock and Vibration 3

Beams, no slab in tenth story





150 300 150





600 600 600

1 2 1800 3 4
(a) Cross-section (b) Elevation

Figure 1: Dimensions of specimen (units: mm).

100 80


2 37 2 37



1: Longitudinal bars 4
2: Stirrups 4@100
(a) Column (b) Steel skeleton

Figure 2: Configurations and skeleton of CS columns (units: mm).

4 Shock and Vibration



1: Stirrups 4@100
2: Stirrups 4@50 24 2 24
3: Longitudinal bars 4 50
(a) Joint (b) Beam

Figure 3: Details of joint and beam (units: mm).

1 2 3

4 5

1: 4@50 4: Steel sheet with 2mm in thickness

2: 4@50 5: Bolt with 10mm in length
3: Concrete

Figure 4: Composite slab system (units: mm).

Table 2: Materials properties of steel.

Yield Strength Ultimate Strength Elastic Modulus

𝑓y (N/mm2 ) 𝑓u (N/mm2 ) 𝐸s (N/mm2 )
Φ4 bars 305 424 2.1 × 105
Φ12 bars 347 451 2.1×105
Steel plate 327 463 2.0 × 105

sectional view and details of the reinforcements are shown in 2.4. Test Setup and Loading Histories. The structural vibra-
Figure 4. tion induced by earthquakes is contributed by all modal
A square cross-section is used for the core tube, and the responses. The mode-superposition response spectrum
dimensions are shown in Figure 5. The thickness is 60 mm method is an effective and accurate method, which can
for the first two floors and 40 mm for the rest. Double- consider the influence of higher mode shapes [29]. The
layer mesh reinforcing is arranged in the tube, including four contribution of each mode shape is different in the total
12mm diameter bars in the corners. For the actual structure, response; thus the participation coefficient 𝜂 is introduced to
the cross-section indeed decreases along with the height. As describe this proportion. The loading program is detailed as
the scale of specimen is reduced by similarity ratio, there follows.
is a small difference in dimension. For the convenience of (1) Reference [5] has carefully described the program
construction, the using cross-section is identical. about measuring dynamic characteristics. Several vibration
pickup sensors were installed as shown in Figure 6(a). A
2.3. Material Properties. The material properties of the steel signal acquisition system with at most six channels was
plate and reinforcement were tested as shown in Table 2. The connected to record the data; however it was enough
spot mixed concrete was used for the CS columns, composite for measuring the mode shapes. The details of vibra-
slabs, and core tube. The measured cube compressive strength tion pickup sensors and acquisition process are shown in
(𝑓cu ) before test was 41.5 N/mm2 . Figure 7.
Shock and Vibration 5

800 (1000 in the first floor)

800 (1000 in the first floor)

2 2

1 1

150 300 150

600 600
(a) Dimension of the north and south wall (b) Dimension of the east and west wall
150 300 150 1 2 3 4

1 2 3

1: 12 3: 4@50 1: 12 3: 4@50

2: 4@50 4: Concrete 2: 4@50 4: Concrete
(c) Reinforcement of section 1-1 (d) Reinforcement of section 2-2

Figure 5: Detail of core tube (units: mm).


1: Reaction wall 4: Vibration pickup sensor

2: Actuator 5: Displacement meter
3: Scaffold
(a) Loading and measuring device (b) Picture of specimen

Figure 6: The test setup.

6 Shock and Vibration

Table 3: Participation coefficients of mode shapes.

Mode shape 1st-order 2nd-order 3rd-order 4th-order 5th-order

Participation coefficient 𝜂𝑖 /% 74.41 14.26 5.50 2.82 1.49

(a) Vibration pickup sensors and DASP system (b) Measuring process

Figure 7: Measurement for dynamic characteristics.

Δ 9,1 Δ 9,2 Δ 9,3 Δ 9,4 Δ 9,5

Δ 4,1 Δ 4,2 Δ 4,3 Δ 4,4 Δ 4,5

Figure 8: The first five mode shapes.

(2) Based on the dynamic characteristics, Data Acquisi- total mass. The mode shapes and participation coefficients are
tion and Signal Processing (DASP) program was adopted to influenced.
carry out the modal analysis (see Figure 7(b)). The higher (3) The reverse cyclic loading applied by multipoint is
mode shapes and corresponding participation coefficient 𝜂 proved to accurately consider the influence of higher mode
were obtained. According to Code for Seismic Design of shapes [19]. According to existing experimental equipment,
Buildings (GB 50011-2010), the number of selected mode two actuators were set up at the 4th- and 9th-floor slabs (see
shapes is determined by the sum of 𝜂, which should be Figure 6). The displacement-controlled method was adopted,
more than 90%. Table 3 shows the 𝜂 of first five modes; the and Figure 8 shows the first five mode shapes. The amplitude
sum has already satisfied the requirement. The density of of displacement is defined by (1) [29] and finally Δ 9 /Δ 4 =1.5:1.
used material should be enlarged to five times based on the In the loading program, displacement increment at 9th floor
scale effect. However the steel and concrete material with 5- is 8 mm per level, and three cycles are applied at each level as
fold density are not available, and the mass missing is not shown in Figure 9. Once the bearing capacity falls to 85% of
considered. But the required live- and dead-loads are taken the ultimate lateral load, or the specimen is unable to continue
into account and calculated by scale factors. This part of bearing axial forces, the test is regarded as finished.
mass (including the mass of removed 10th-floor slabs) is 𝑁
applied by sandbags. The missing mass due to scaled material Δ 9 ∑𝑖=1 𝜂𝑖 Δ 9,𝑖
= 𝑁 𝑖 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (1)
density leads to the decrease of effective floor masses and Δ 4 ∑𝑖=1 𝜂𝑖 Δ 4,𝑖
Shock and Vibration 7



Displacement (mm)





Figure 9: The history of loading program.


(a) The selected component for attachment of strain (b) Strain gauges for concrete and steel

Figure 10: The arrangement of strain gauges.

where Δ 9 and Δ 4 are the actual displacement applied on exhibited elastic state after loading and unloading. As the
9th and 4th floor; Δ 9,𝑖 and Δ 4,𝑖 are lateral displacement of top displacement reached 16 mm, horizontal cracks primar-
i-th mode shape as shown in Figure 8; 𝜂𝑖 is participation ily occurred at the boundaries along the wall height, and
coefficients of i-th mode shapes. microcracks developed at the bottom of column on the first
floor. Then the cracks gradually extended with opening and
2.5. Instrumentation. The measuring points were defined closing. When the top displacement reached 32 mm, diagonal
to capture the overall response of the test model during cracks with 45∘ angle were observed on the west and east
loading as well as any local effects, such as CS columns of core tube on the first floor. As the top displacement
and core tube yielding. Displacement sensors were mounted reached 56 mm, shear cracks appeared in column-beam
on the slabs of each story at the loading side. Due to the joints, and local bulge occurred on the profiled steel sheets
symmetry of cross-section, the components at 1st and 2nd on 4th, 7th, 8th, and 9th floors. The diagonal cracks on
floor in Figure 10(a) were selected for attaching strain gauges the core tube eventually developed to X-shaped intersecting
as shown in Figure 10(b), and the detail is shown in Figure 11. cracks. Once top displacement reached 88 mm, concrete at
wall edges seriously spalled and crushed. The longitudinal
3. Experimental Results reinforcements were exposed, which were accompanied by
the buckling and fracture. At present the core tube was
3.1. Experimental Phenomena. Figures 12–15 show the devel- regarded as overturning failure, and the frame continued to
opment of crack pattern. In the initial stage, the specimen bear the surplus loading. Horizontal cracks were found on
8 Shock and Vibration

50 150 150
1 1

50 50


75 75

1: Strain gauges 1: Strain rosettes

2: Strain gauges
(a) Strain of steel skeleton (b) Strain of concrete

Figure 11: Arrangement of strain gauges and rosettes at the first and second floors (units: mm).

(a) The south wall (b) The north wall

(c) The west wall (d) The east wall

Figure 12: Cracks on core tube at the first floor.

Shock and Vibration 9

(a) The interior column (b) The corner column

Figure 13: Cracks on columns at the first floor.

(a) The interior joint (b) The exterior joint

Figure 14: Cracks on joints at the second floor.

Figure 15: Cracks on slab at the second floor.

10 Shock and Vibration


3 4

2 3

1 2

0 1
−150 −100 −50 0 50 100 150 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030 0.035
Lateral displacement (mm) 
Δ 9=8mm Δ 9=−56mm Δ 9=8mm Δ 9=88mm
Δ 9=−8mm Δ 9=88mm Δ 9=24mm Δ 9=136mm
Δ 9=24mm Δ 9=−88mm Δ 9=56mm
Δ 9=−24mm Δ 9=136mm
Δ 9=56mm Δ 9=−136mm
(a) Absolute displacements (b) Story drift ratios

Figure 16: Lateral deformation.

the surfaces of the 1st- and 2nd-floor slabs, massive spalling 3.2. Deformation and Strains. The lateral displacement of
of concrete occurred in the joint, and the steel skeleton each floor at stages of Δ 9 =±8 mm, ±24 mm, ±56 mm, ±88
was deformed. Once the top displacement reached 136 mm, mm, and ±136 mm is shown in Figure 16. Interstory drift ratio
the load reduced to 85% of the ultimate bearing capacity, 𝜃𝑖 is defined as follows:
the specimen was severely damaged, and experiment was
(Δ 𝑖 − Δ 𝑖−1 )
concluded. 𝜃𝑖 = 𝑖 = 1, 2, 3, . . . , 9 (2)
Each component of the specimen exhibited various fail- ℎ𝑖
ure modes. The core tube exhibited relatively wide cracks where Δ i is lateral displacement of the i-th floor and hi is the
and severe concrete crushing localized at the bottom. There height of ith floor.
were two types of cracks as shown in Figure 12; one was The absolute displacements and story drift ratios are
horizontal tension cracks, which mainly occurred on the shown in Figure 16. According to (2) and measured data, the
north and south of core tube (perpendicular to the loading maximum story drift ratio is 𝜃4 . During the loading process,
direction). Under the action of tension and compression, the the damage patterns at 4th floor presented previously. As
concrete was seriously crushed, and the width of the cracks the lateral displacement increased, the stiffness at 4th floor
was approximately 10 mm (see Figures 12(a) and 12(b)). The obviously degenerated, and the damage degree was larger
other was oblique shear cracks, which mainly occurred on the than other floors. According to Technical Specification for
west and east of core tube (parallel to the loading direction). Concrete Structures of Tall Building (JGJ3-2002) of China,
Cracks gradually extended at 45∘ angle and eventually formed the limiting value of elastic-plastic interstory ratio for frame-
X-shaped intersecting cracks (see Figures 12(c) and 12(d)). core tube structure is 0.01. It is clear that when Δ 9 reached 32
Compared with the core tube, frame exhibited relatively mm, the specimen begins to enter the plastic stage.
few cracks as shown in Figures 13 and 14. Horizontal tension The strain of steel skeleton in columns is at range of
cracks occurred at the bottom of the column, with a small 1974–3148 𝜇𝜀, which gets into the yielding stage. The strain
amount of concrete spalling. Shear cracks were observed in of steel skeleton in beam is generally less than 500 𝜇𝜀, and it
the joints particularly on the 1st and 2nd floors, which were remains in the elastic stage. The concrete strain is 1284–3539
accompanied by severe concrete crushing. The longitudinal 𝜇𝜀, exceeding the ultimate compressive strain of 0.003. In
reinforcements and steel skeleton were exposed and bent. general, under the action of cyclic loading, both of the
As shown in Figure 15, horizontal cracks mainly occurred columns and core tube mainly bear lateral loads.
on the floor slabs. Concrete was crushed at the boundary
between floor slabs and the core tube, and the steel plate was 3.3. Hysteretic Curve. The hysteretic curve of the specimen
compressed and exhibited locally bulging. indicates the relationship between base shear and top dis-
In general the core tube characterized by large lateral placement. The hysteresis curve shape is between the spindle
stiffness had borne major loading and worked as first seismic and the “S” form, as shown in Figure 17. The specimen
resistant system. Once it failed by overturning, the frame sup- generally exhibited three stages: yielding, ultimate, and failure
ported the structure as the second seismic resistant system. stage. In the initial stage of loading, the specimen remains
Shock and Vibration 11

Table 4: Degradation of bearing capacity.

Top displacement /mm 88 96 104 112 120 128

Positive 1 0.97 0.98 0.98 0.96 0.96
𝜆 𝑖 /%
Negative 1 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.94 0.95

e d c b a a b c d e 500

P (KN)
400 400

300 300
200 200
100 100
P (KN)

−100 −150 −100 −50 0 50 100 150
−200 Δ (mm)
−400 −300

−500 −400
−150 −100 −50 0 50 100 150
Δ (mm)
Figure 18: Skeleton curve.
Figure 17: Hysteretic curve.

P A2
elastic, the loading and unloading curves are straight, and PG;R
minor residual deformation occurs. With increasing hori- PO
zontal displacement, the specimen reaches the elastic-plastic PS
stage, and the area of the hysteresis loops increases. The peak
loads of the subsequent two cycles, at one displacement level,
gradually decline. When top displacement reaches 32 mm,
the hysteresis loop inclines toward the horizontal axis, and A1
obvious stiffness degradation and residual deformation indi-
cate that the specimen attains yielding stage. The specimen A 1 =A 2
reaches the ultimate stage at 88 mm, where the maximum PO=0.85PG;R
load is 356 kN. The core tube completely fails at this point,
the frames have varying levels of damage, and the bearing ΔS Δ G;R ΔO
capacity of the specimen begins to decrease. As the top
displacement reaches 136 mm the specimen moves into the Figure 19: Equivalent energy method.
failure stage.
The damage process of different components can be
described as follows (zones a–e as shown in Figure 17): (a) The peak loads of the specimen during the second and
when Δ 9 was less than 16 mm, no damage occurred and the third cycles of each displacement level are both lower than the
specimen was intact. Then minor damage occurred on the previous ones, and, finally, the bearing capacity degenerates
columns at first floor. (b) When Δ 9 reached 32 mm, the core by about 5%.
tube began to get damaged; however the columns did not
develop further damage. (c) When Δ 9 reached 56 mm, the
core tube seriously got damaged; meanwhile the joints and 3.4. Envelope Curve. The skeleton curve of the specimen
floor slabs slightly got damaged. (d) When Δ 9 reached 88 is symmetrical in both positive and negative directions as
mm, the core tube failed and the damage degree of joints shown in Figure 18. In order to confirm the yield and damage
and slabs was aggravated. (e) When Δ 9 reached 136 mm, the points, the equivalent energy method is adopted, as shown
frame got into failure stage. in Figure 19. A1 and A2 are the shaded areas. The loads and
According to the Specification of Testing Methods for displacements at the yield point, limit point, and failure point
Earthquake Resistant Building (JGJ101-96) of China, the are presented in Table 5, where 𝑃y , Δ y , 𝑃max , Δ max , 𝑃u , and
degradation of bearing capacity can be described by coeffi- Δ u are the loads and displacements at yielding, ultimate, and
cient 𝜆 𝑖 in (3), shown in Table 4. failure points, respectively.
𝑃𝑖 The skeleton curve shows the elastic-, plastic-, and
𝜆𝑖 = (3) degradation-stages. In the initial stage, the curve is a straight
line, bearing capacity increases rapidly, and stiffness remains
where Pi is the peak load at i-th displacement level. stable. With increasing loads, concrete cracks and steel
12 Shock and Vibration

Table 5: Yielding, ultimate and failure point of specimen.

Yielding Ultimate Failure

𝑃y /kN Δ y /mm 𝑃max /kN Δ max /mm 𝑃u /kN Δ u /mm
Positive 238.49 32.15 351.72 87.93 298.46 136.27
Negative -243.52 -31.39 -356.12 -86.55 -304.95 -133.92


B 0.35

O C E Δ 0.25


Figure 20: Hysteretic loop and energy dissipation capacity. 0.10

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Δ (mm)
yields, and the skeleton curve gradually inclines toward the
horizontal axis. The maximum base shear is 356 kN at the Figure 21: Energy dissipation capacity.
ultimate stage. The bearing capacity then decreases to 298 kN
at failure owing to the serious damage of the core tube and 8

3.5. Ductility and Energy Dissipation. The displacement duc- 6

tility coefficient, 𝜇, is calculated by (4), and an equivalent
KC (kN∗GG−1 )

viscous coefficient, ℎe , to evaluate the energy dissipation of

specimen, is calculated by (5).
𝜇= u (4)
ℎe = ⋅ (5)
where Δ u and Δ y are parameters as described in Table 5, 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
𝑆(ΔABC+ΔCDA) is the area of one hysteretic loop as shown in Δ (mm)
Figure 20, and 𝑆(ΔOBE+ΔODF) is the total area of ΔOBE and
ΔODF. Figure 22: Degradation of stiffness.
The displacement ductility coefficient 𝜇 is 4.27. The
equivalent viscous coefficient ℎe is shown in Figure 21, and
the maximum value is 0.374 when Δ 9 reaches 88 mm. It where Pi and Δ i are the peak load and corresponding
meets the requirement of 𝜇≥3 in Code for Seismic Design displacement at i-th displacement level of 9th floor, respec-
of Buildings (GB50011-2010). Compared with the results of tively.
other frames (L-shaped column composed of concrete-filled The stiffness degradation is shown in Figure 22. It can
steel tubes frame [30]), the mentioned parameters are 𝜇=3.31 be seen that the stiffness of the specimen remains con-
and ℎe =0.336. It is proved that specimen for CS frame-RC stant in the initial stage, but it degenerates rapidly once
core tube building allows larger inelastic deformation. the core tube damage. Platform segment shows the elastic
stage of specimen, and the degradation reveals the cumu-
3.6. Stiffness Degradation. The stiffness of specimen can be lative damage of structure. Finally the stiffness degener-
described by secant stiffness K i , as calculated by ates for about 67.49%. Compared with the result of [30],
󵄨󵄨 󵄨󵄨 󵄨󵄨 󵄨󵄨 in which stiffness degradation is 79.07%, CS frame-RC
󵄨+𝑃 󵄨 + 󵄨−𝑃 󵄨
𝐾𝑖 = 󵄨󵄨󵄨 𝑖 󵄨󵄨󵄨 󵄨󵄨󵄨 𝑖 󵄨󵄨󵄨 (6) core tube buildings maintain larger stiffness even at failure
󵄨󵄨+Δ 𝑖 󵄨󵄨 + 󵄨󵄨−Δ 𝑖 󵄨󵄨 stage.
Shock and Vibration 13

4. Conclusions References
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system, the core tube carried the major load and suffered 2010.
extensive damage. Major horizontal tension cracks and X- [3] S. C. Goel, “United States-Japan cooperative earthquake engi-
shaped oblique shear cracks occurred at the bottom of core neering research program on composite and hybrid structures,”
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