Final Chapter 1
Final Chapter 1
Final Chapter 1
Looking at the numbers, it was made certain that a mosquito bite can
be life-threatening. As a result of a mosquito’s attack, the most alarming
situation of all is having been infected. Mosquito-borne diseases claim the
lives of more people than war, terrorism, and gun violence combined
(Hwang, 2019). To prevent mosquito bites and the spread of disease-causing
agents, insect-repellents are frequently used as the first line of defense.
However, even the most affordable and gold standard of insect-repellents, N,
N-diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET), is still prohibitively expensive for
low-income populations where repellents are most needed. As schools and
workplaces transition back to full face-to-face operations, individuals are
more than ever exposed to them. It is important that they gear up for
protection. Fortunately, the option of making homemade products had been
offered as an alternative for these commercial products. The researchers
came up with a formula for a product with key ingredients of oregano and
lemongrass extract.
This part of the study presents the null and alternative hypotheses
supplying each problem statement.
Conceptual Framework
Conceptual Background
There were two groups utilized under observation for the Tire Testing:
Group A with a tire applied with the alternative lotion, and Group B with a tire
applied with the commercial lotion product (OFF Lotion). By doing so, it
evaluated the ability of each treatment to repel mosquitoes from the tires.
This was done and assessed by the researchers and their observations after
six days, and having the setups transferred to two different mosquito-prone
The results and findings of this study will be beneficial to the following:
Government. The findings of this study will give the government the
opportunity to supply and promote mosquito bite protection for low-income
people by introducing an inexpensive alternative insect-repellent lotion.
The final data rooted from the evaluation gathered from the processes
of product comparison with the commercial lotion product, which was
accomplished by ten researchers (for Tire Testing) and ten respondents (for
Human Skin Testing and qualities of odor and consistency). Respondents for
the second aforementioned testing were selected randomly and are bonafide
Grade 11 and Grade 12 students of Southwestern University PHINMA.
Definition of Terms
Mosquitoes are still the world’s number one vector of human and
animal diseases and are conspicuous nuisance pests as well. According to
the Enhanced 4S Strategy pursuant to DOH's Administrative Order No.
2018-0021 dated July 25, 2018, one of the preventive measures to ensure
dengue prevention is to secure self-protection. In relation to our study,
oregano and lemongrass have been found effective in preventing mosquito
bites, such as from Aedes aegypt, a type of mosquito that is the known
vector of several viruses, including dengue virus, yellow fever virus,
chikungunya virus, and Zika virus (Benaid, 2019).
Related Literature
two millennia in China, Egypt, and ancient India. This includes plant essential
Organic Insect-Repellent
Many chemicals have been used to kill or repel mosquitoes, but they
are also quite dangerous to people. Consumers have recently become
increasingly accustomed to purchasing commercial repellent solutions made
of plant-based chemicals because they are frequently regarded as "safe"
compared to well-known synthetic repellents. The development of new
natural products is urgently required in light of the knowledge of
conventionally used insect-repellent plants gained through ethnobotanical
investigations. In their study, plant-based insect-repellents are discussed as
a form of personal defense. The product was created to provide both
exceptional consumer safety and excellent repellency. In the field trial, this
plant-based repellent made from the leaves of 5 different plants showed
good results, and lemongrass is one of those plants (Shukla et al., 2018).
According to Maanikuu & Peker (2017), shea butter is a solid fatty oil
extracted from the nuts of the shea (Karite) tree, also known as Vitellaria
paradoxa or V. nilotica. The chemical composition of shea butter includes a
saponifiable fraction composed primarily of stearic and oleic acids with lesser
amounts of palmitic, linoleic, and arachidic acids. It also contains a
substantial unsaponifiable fraction composed of bioactive substances that
are responsible for shea butter’s medicinal properties that can repel insect
bites. Shea butter has been used for mosquito repellent.
Tires Test
lemongrass and oregano oil extracts are more effective repellents than those
candles with lemongrass oil extract only or oregano oil extract only.
Mosquitoes and ticks are attracted to skin odors and the carbon
dioxide we exhale. They also use heat, movement, and visual cues to find a
possible host (Breugel et al., 2015). In addition, according to Bissinger et al.
(2010), repellents affect an insect's senses, such as smell and taste, to
prevent it from finding a human or animal host. As a result, the odor of the
chosen plants when making an alternative insect repellent lotion should be
considered as well because it is a major factor in repelling mosquitoes.
Skin Reaction
Organic Insect-Repellent
synthetic repellents, and provides jobs for the community. The main critique
of their study is that plant-based natural repellents, rather than
synthetically-laced skin lotions, electronic liquidators, and mosquito coils, can
effectively prevent man-mosquito contact. The findings of experiments on the
skin irritant and protection period indicate that essential oils could be utilized
as natural repellents to avoid contact with dengue vectors in humans
(Rajkumar et al., 2010).
Tires Test
Research Method
The researchers sought in finding out how much of the variance can
be attributed to the independent variable alone. This was accomplished by
using an independent sample t-test. It examined the means of two
independent groups to see if there was statistical evidence that the
populations’ means differ considerably.
Table 1.1
Materials used in the preparation of Lemongrass and Oregano aqueous
Extract Insect-Repellent Lotion and Car Tire Experiment:
Product Ingredients
Container pump 1
Car Tires 2
Water 1 liter
The following equipment and utensils were used in making the insect
repellent lotion: aqueous extracts of lemongrass and oregano, an electric
mixer, a mixing bowl, a measuring cup, a strainer, a wok, a spoon, a
container, and a coke bottle (1 liter).
Table 1.2
Electric mixer 1
Mixing bowl 1
Measuring cup 1
Strainer 1
Wok 1
Spoon 1
Container 1
1. Sample Collection
Table 1.3
Information on Oregano-Lemongrass leaves collection
2. Sample Preparation
3. Production
surface soil. The plants were then cleaned and immersed in boiling water for
5-10 minutes at up to 85-95°C to extract the plant extracts. Following the
extraction, another pot of water was brought to a boil to melt the shea butter
and coconut oil. The shea butter and coconut oil were then combined in a
bowl on top of a hot pan of boiling water, along with the lemongrass and
oregano extracts. After mixing, the mixture had to be chilled and refrigerated
for 24 hours. After cooling, the mixture was blended with an electric mixer
until it reaches a lotion-like consistency. Finally, the completed product had to
be placed in a pumping container which can be ready to use.
Tire Testing. Two experimental groups: Group A (car tire treated with
10 grams of alternative lotion) and Group B (car tire treated with 10 grams of
commercial lotion product). Two setups were placed in two different
mosquito-prone areas: (1) residence of Cecille Adriana Cordeta, and (2)
residence of Raine Heart Campos. Groups were observed after three days.
All ten (10) respondents gave their observations through the Organoleptic
Intensity Scale.
Skin Reaction Test and cite their observations as part of lab journaling as
recommended by the researchers’ hired chemist.
Statistical Treatment
The first method utilized in this study was the statistical mean. The
statistical mean determined the central point of the data being processed as
well as the outcome that was referred to as the mean of the given data.
When this method was used, it was possible for the researchers to identify
the overall trend of a data set as well as to obtain a quick and concise view of
the data. A parametric test such as the t-test was also used, particularly a
two tailed t-test, to see if there was a significant difference between the two
groups that were being compared. The researchers had to determine initially
the p-values of each attribute; if they happened to be less than the
significance level of 0.05, then there are significant difference(s) between the
two groups. However, if there were values more than 0.05, then there are no
significant difference(s) between the two groups.
There was a single observation from the two independent groups; the
Tire Testing conducted a set of two (2) trials with a 3-day interval from the
two (2) selective locations. The data from the Human Skin Testing gathered
from the ten (10) respondents with a total of five (5) successive trials,
assisted the researchers in comprehending how various study factors,
including their results, interacted with one another. Since the subjects were
independent of one another, measurements for one subject had no impact on
measurements for any other subject.
1- Non repellent
3- Averagely repellent
4- Fairly repellent
5- Very repellent
Scale 5 4 3 2 1
Insect-Repellent Lotion
Commercial Lotion
(OFF Lotion)
1- Unpleasant
2- Slightly unpleasant
3- No odor
4- Moderately pleasant
5- Extremely pleasant
Scale 5 4 3 2 1
Product A
Product B
1- Thin
2- Moderately thin
3- Average
4- Moderately thick
5- Extremely thick
Scale 5 4 3 2 1
Product A
Product B
Skin Reaction
(E) 0- Normal skin 1- Dusky pink 2- Dull red 3- Brilliant red 4- Deep red-purple
Product A Product B
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Erythema (E)
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Do you experience
any skin sensitivity,
irritation, or pain
where the treatment
was given?