Applsci 12 08385
Applsci 12 08385
Applsci 12 08385
Internal Curing Effect of Waste Glass Beads on High-Strength
Cement Composites
Sujeong Pyeon 1 , Gyuyong Kim 1 , Sangsoo Lee 2 and Jeongsoo Nam 1, *
Abstract: High-strength concrete (HSC) uses binders and microfillers with ultrafine particles, such
as silica fume. The resulting dense internal hydration structure rapidly decreases HSC humidity,
causing shrinkage cracks and affecting internal hydration. Herein, the hydration degree inside high-
strength cement composites (HSCCs) was examined using waste glass beads (WGBs) as lightweight
aggregates (LWAs). Moreover, unreacted hydrate reduction and hydrate formation tendencies were
investigated. WGBs with particle sizes within 2.00–6.00 mm were added at ratios of 5%, 10%, and
20% after pre-wetting. The increased number of hydrates inside the specimens were examined under
steam curing (80 ◦ C) and room temperature curing (25 ◦ C). The strength decreased as the WGB
content increased. Thermogravimetric, X-ray diffraction, and Si nuclear magnetic resonance analyses
revealed that the hydration degree of Si inside HSCCs changed when the content of pre-wetted LWAs
changed. A visual inspection of the specimen cross-section and scanning electron microscopy–energy-
dispersive X-ray spectrometry (SEM–EDS) analysis revealed the moisture trapped inside WGB pores
and the hydration tendency. Under steam curing and room temperature curing, the paste contained
different amounts of hydrates, depending on WGB content. Moreover, water-absorbed WGBs were
Citation: Pyeon, S.; Kim, G.; Lee, S.;
continuously desorbed through SEM–EDS, and hydrates were present in WGB pores.
Nam, J. Internal Curing Effect of
Waste Glass Beads on High-Strength
Keywords: high-strength cement composites; densification; waste glass bead; Si hydration; correlation
Cement Composites. Appl. Sci. 2022,
12, 8385.
internal curing technique for concrete using porous lightweight aggregates (LWAs) has
various benefits, such as reducing shrinkage and cost [5]. In a related study, Justs et al.
increased the degree of hydration using a method similar to increasing the water-to-
cement ratio inside the matrix by a hydration process using superabsorbent polymers
(SAPs) and investigated the resultant internal hardening [6]. Mechtcherine et al. and
Mönnig et al. verified the mechanism through which SAP absorbs and releases moisture
inside concrete [7–9]. Rößler et al. applied the moisture absorption property of rice husk
ash to UHPC and confirmed its effect on improving strength [10]. Liu et al. applied porous
aggregates comprising calcined bauxite and basalt aggregates to UHPC and proposed a
method to improve matrix strength, excluding fibers [11]. Sun et al. investigated the effect
of moisture transport of porous aggregates on the shrinkage reduction and microstructure
optimization of UHPC and reported a method for designing a UHPC matrix using a high-
density particle packing model (Andreasen and Andersen model) [12]. To study hydration
inside UHPC with LWA for strength improvement, the hydrates generated inside specimens
were detected using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and scanning electron microscopy–
energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (SEM–EDS). Based on the aforementioned results,
many studies have improved the hydration degree inside UHPC using porous materials.
Most of the internal curing materials currently used in UHPC are porous. The addition
of SAPs and LWAs is the most commonly used method because these materials can signif-
icantly inhibit the increase in the autogenous shrinkage of UHPC and fully compensate
for the initial shrinkage of concrete [13–15]. However, SAPs and LWAs contain numerous
pores, which may degrade the mechanical properties and durability of UHPC by increasing
the number of pores. Therefore, pre-wetted LWAs can effectively minimize the extent of
drying and autogenous shrinkage of UHPC [16]. Bentz et al. reported that the moisture
introduced into concrete by LWA can inhibit internal shrinkage and cracking as well as
improve the hydration degree of the surrounding mortar, thereby improving the strength
of concrete [17–19]. Akcay et al. and Henkensiefken et al. analyzed the influence of LWA
particle diameter on the internal curing efficiency and reported that hydration increases
as diameter decreases [20–22]. Van et al. proposed a mechanism to improve mechanical
properties via the shrinkage reduction in concrete using rice husk ash as pre-wetted LWA
because it can delay the relative humidity reduction inside UHPC and promote the contin-
uous hydration of cement [23]. Wang et al. examined an effective method of mitigating the
autogenous shrinkage of UHPC using coral aggregates [24]. Yang et al. conducted research
to increase the internal relative humidity and decrease autogenous shrinkage by adding
zeolite into cement paste with a low moisture content [25]. The degree of hydration of
UHPC through the internal curing effect of LWA has been primarily analyzed using TGA,
X-ray diffraction (XRD), and SEM–EDS; however, studies on the hydration degree of the
individual elements in paste, such as Si, in high-strength cement composites (HSCCs), such
as UHPC, remain limited.
In previous studies [6–25], the hydration effect of various porous materials was ex-
amined to improve the internal hydration of HSC and UHPC. However, as the studies on
hydration analysis using LWA have not performed thermodynamic modeling based on the
hydration degree of certain elements formed in the HSCC paste, they have failed to identify
the hydration tendency by age. Therefore, this study examined whether non-hydrated reac-
tants inside HSCCs can be reduced using waste glass beads (WGBs) as LWAs based on the
internal hydration mechanism of high-density concrete. In addition, WGB was subjected
to pre-wetting to examine the improvement in internal hydration by water-containing ag-
gregates, and the hydration tendency by age was identified via thermodynamic modeling.
The specimens prepared by adding WGBs at ratios of 5%, 10%, and 20% were subjected to
steam curing and room temperature curing. For each test group, the internal hydration
effect of HSCCs was examined via uniaxial compression testing, XRD/Rietveld-based
quantitative phase analysis, TGA, solid-state 29 Si magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic
resonance (MAS NMR), and thermodynamic modeling. In addition to understanding the
hydration level of the paste, the internal state of WGB pores was confirmed through a
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 18
to understanding the hydration level of the paste, the internal state of WGB pores was
confirmed through a visual inspection of the cross-section of a test specimen mixed with
WGBsinspection of the
and through cross-section
SEM–EDS of a test specimen mixed with WGBs and through
SEM–EDS analysis.
2. Materials and Methods
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Experimental Procedure
2.1. Experimental Procedure
CEM Type1 (SsangYong
1 (SsangYong C&E,
C&E, Seoul,
Seoul, Korea)
Korea) of ASTM
of ASTM C 150-85 C 150-85
and silicaandfumesilica fume
(Elkem Silicones)
Silicones) were used wereas used
binders as binders for the materials
for the materials used to used
prepareto prepare the specimens.
the specimens. Silica
Silica powder (SAC Materials, Pure silica S-SIL 30) was used as
powder (SAC Materials, Pure silica S-SIL 30) was used as a filler, and a polycarboxylate a filler, and a polycarbox-
ylate superplasticizer
superplasticizer for UHPC for UHPC
was used wasfor
used for effective
effective mixing.mixing.
WGB, which WGB,
which was used as an internal moisture supply medium to
was used as an internal moisture supply medium to reduce unreacted hydrates inside the reduce unreacted hydrates
inside the
matrix, hadmatrix,
a particlehaddiameter
a particleofdiameter
2.00 to 6.00of 2.00
mmto 6.00
and mmdensity
a dry and a dry density
of 0.89 g/cm of3 ,0.89
g/cm 3 , as shown in Figure 1. WGB is fabricated through a special
shown in Figure 1. WGB is fabricated through a special heat treatment process at 900 C or heat treatment process
at 900 after
higher °C orthe
waste after
glass theiswaste glass
collected is collected
and crushed intoandacrushed into a finer
finer powder. In this powder.
instance, In
this instance, the Si component of waste glass causes internal
the Si component of waste glass causes internal expansion, resulting in numerous pores expansion, resulting in nu-
inside. pores
This inside. This
fabrication processfabrication processresources;
aims to recycle aims to recycle
the poresresources;
generated theinpores gener-
the process
lead process
higher water lead to a higher
absorption water
rate absorption
of 13.04%. WGBratewasofsoaked
13.04%. in WGB
waterwasfor 48soaked
h, and in
the for 48 h,surface
saturated and thedry saturated surface
(SSD) state wasdryused.
state was used.
1 lists the Table
physical1 lists
and chemical
properties properties
of WGB. In thisof study,
WGB. In this study,
reinforcing reinforcing
fibers and silicafibers
silica sand,
may act whichas
may act as
variables, variables,
were excluded were excluded toobserve
to effectively effectively observe the
the formation of formation
hydration of hydration
products in
products in specimens as a function of curing time. Table 2 lists
specimens as a function of curing time. Table 2 lists the chemical compositions of the the chemical compositions
of the binders
binders used to used
prepare to prepare
specimens, specimens,
and Figure and Figure the
2 shows 2 shows
particle thesizes
of raw sizes of raw
The particleThe particle distribution
distribution of the materialof theused
material used for
for HSCCs is HSCCs
presented is presented
to understandto under-the
stand theconstituting
materials materials constituting
the dense the dense microstructure
microstructure in HSCCs,inwhichHSCCs, which
exhibit exhibitinternal
a dense a dense
internal with
structure structure with nanostructured
nanostructured material. Table material. Table
2 lists the 2 listsresults
analysis the analysis
performed results
with per-
formed(D8 ADVANCE)
with the Brukerequipment
(D8 ADVANCE) of Chungnam
equipmentNational University.
of Chungnam This study
National aimed
to examine
This studythe aimedimprovement
to examine in internal curing by identifying
the improvement the changes
in internal curing in the tightly
by identifying the
changes internal structure
in the tightly as ainternal
closed result ofstructure
mixing WGB withof
as a result the internal
mixing WGB structure
with the ininternal
structure nanosized
in whichmaterials exist.
several nanosized materials exist.
Figure Shapeof
Table Physicalproperties
Saturated Density
Saturated Densityinin
Absorption Loss
Lossonon Ig-
Fineness Stability
Fineness Stability Surface
DryDry Absolute
Absolute ClayLump
Clay Lump Chloride
Rate Ignition
Modulus (%) (%) Density
Density Dry State
Dry State (%)
(%) (%)
(%) (%)
(g/cm3 ) 3 (g/cm3 )3
(g/cm ) (g/cm )
WGB 5.82 4.50 1.00 0.89 13.04 0.13 0.00 0.10
WGB 5.82 4.50 1.00 0.89 13.04 0.13 0.00 0.10
(wt%) CaO SiO2 Al2O3 MgO Na2O K2O SO3 Fe2O3 TiO
Silica fume 0.02 99.0 0.30 0.01 0.05 0.02 0.05 0.05 0.0
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 8385 White cement 66.79 16.14 4.40 2.47 0.08 1.18 3.23 4 3.83
of 17 0.3
Silica powder 0.05 99.0 0.30 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.0
Figure 2. ParticleFigure
size distribution anddistribution
2. Particle size cumulative and
passing rate of binders
cumulative passingand
of binders and WGBs.
Mixture ID. Cement Silica Fume Silica Powder Water Superplasticizer WGB
SP 0
S5 21
S10 42
S20 81
322 106 128 304 20
RP 0
R5 21
R10 42
R20 81
Center). The 29 Si MAS NMR spectrum was obtained at a rotation speed of 10.0 kHz, pulse
width of 2.2 µs, and relaxation delay of 22 s using a 5 mm HX-CPMAS probe and 5 mm
zirconia rotor.
To estimate the extent of hydration, thermodynamic modeling was performed based
on the clinker reactivity obtained using the Gibbs energy minimization software GEM-
Selektor v3.3 and CEMDATA 18.01 database [28]. The reactivity model of UHPC mixed with
WGBs was designed using the Rietveld refinement method and Parrot Killoh’s hydration
model [29]. This method, which tracks hydration dynamics as a function of hydration
time, was used to model HSCC mixed with WGBs. The aforementioned database contains
thermodynamic data as well as data for cement minerals, such as ettringite (Aft), single-
phase aluminum-iron (Afm), hydrotalcite, hydrated garnet, and calcium silicate hydrate
(C–S–H). The chemical composition of cement and the hydration reaction conditions
defined and entered in GEMS were combined with the Parrot–Killoh model to obtain the
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 8385 6 of 17
relationship between cement hydration degree and time. The Parrot–Killoh empirical
model is expressed in Equations (1)–(3). Equation (1) concerns nucleation and growth.
Equation (2) concerns diffusion, and Equation (3) concerns the formation of hydration
phase. The degree of hydration α at time t (in days) is expressed as αt = αt − 1 + ∆t·Rt − 1.
The parameter values used to calculate the degree of hydration were obtained from relevant
literature [30–35]. Equations (1)–(3) are the same as the values of K1 , N1 , K2 , K3 and N3
arranged by Parrott [32].
Rt = (1 − αt )(− ln(1 − αt ))(1− N1 ) (1)
K2 × ( 1 − α t ) 3
Rt = 1
1 − (1 − α t ) 3
Rt = K3 × (1 − αt ) N3 (3)
The cross-section of the specimen was analyzed by cutting the produced specimen to
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW
halfits size. SEM–EDS imaging was then performed by taking a 3 × 3 mm sample6 from
of 18
the specimen. For SEM–EDS analysis, a HITACHI S-4800 (KBSI, Smart openlab) was used.
Figure 3.
Figure X-raydiffraction
3. X-ray diffraction(XRD)
binder (A:
(A: alite,
alite, C:C: calcite,
calcite, D: D: dipotassium
dipotassium sulfate,
sulfate, E:
E: ettringite, G: gypsum, Q: quartz, and R: rutile).
ettringite, G: gypsum, Q: quartz, and R: rutile).
Figure 4.
Figure Compressivestrengths
4. Compressive strengthsofof specimens
specimens subjected
subjected to steam
to steam curing
curing and and
roomroom temperature
temperature cur-
curing as a function of curing time.
ing as a function of curing time.
specimens without WGBs. In general, concrete mixed with LWAs contributes to a decrease
in density, which tends to reduce mechanical strength [40,41]. The reduction in compressive
strength results from the low mechanical strength of WGBs as LWAs, and the destruction
of aggregates results from the increasing volume content of LWAs [38].
If WGBs are to be used in mixing high-strength concrete and cement composites, an
additional review on the mixing rate and curing method of WGBs is needed.
For the samples analyzed using the internal standard method, the quantification re-
sults of calcium hydroxide obtained through the normalization of anhydride are as fol-
lows. For SP, S5, S10, and S20, the measurements at the age of 3 d were 0.2%, 0.2%, 0.3%,
and 1.5%, respectively; moreover, the measurements at the age of 56 d were 0.1%, 0.3%,
0.2%, and 0.2%, respectively. For RP, R5, R10, and R20, the measurements at the age of 3
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 8385 9 of 17
Figure 5. XRD patterns of samples at the ages of 3 and 56 d (A: alite, C: calcite, D: dipotassium
sulfate, E: ettringite, G: gypsum, P: portlandite, Q: quartz, and R: rutile).
Forthe samples
the samples analyzed
analyzedusing the the
using internal standard
internal method,
standard method,the quantification
the quantification re-
sults of calcium hydroxide obtained through the normalization of
results of calcium hydroxide obtained through the normalization of anhydride are asanhydride are as fol-
lows. For SP,
follows. For S5,
SP, S10, andand
S5, S10, S20,S20,
the the
measurements at the ageage
at the of 3ofd3were
d were 0.2%,
and 1.5%, respectively; moreover, the measurements at the age of
and 1.5%, respectively; moreover, the measurements at the age of 56 d were 0.1%, 56 d were 0.1%, 0.3%,
R10, and
and R20,
R20, the
the measurements
measurements at the age
at the age of
of 33 d
d of
of age
moreover,the the measurements
measurements at at
the age of 56 d were 1.5%, 1.0%, 1.2%, and 1.2%, respectively. Figure 6
age of 56 d were 1.5%, 1.0%, 1.2%, and 1.2%, respectively. Figure 6 shows the results ofshows the results
Rietveld results
results of of XRD.
XRD. TheThe fractions
fractions of clinker
of clinker and
and hydrate
hydrate production
production werewere obtained
obtained at at
thethe ages
ages of of 3 and
3 and 56 56
d; d; moreover,
moreover, SP,SP,
R20R20werewere analyzed.
analyzed. When
When thethe mixing
mixing amount
amount of WGBs
of WGBs andand
thethe amount
amount of water
of water cap-
werewere the same,
the same, the of
the level level of internal
internal constituent
constituent materials
materials verifiably
verifiably differeddiffered
based onbased
steamand curing
room and room temperature
temperature curing. curing.
Figure calculation
calculation results
results forclinker
for clinkerconstituents
constituents andproduct
and producthydrates
from the
the resultsofofXRD
results XRDquantitative
3.4. TGA
Figure 6 shows the derivative TG/TGA (DTG/TGA) results of HSCC specimens at
the ages of 3 and 56 d, respectively. The weight loss at 100 ◦ C or less was caused by the
dehydration and decomposition of bound water and ettringite [43]. At the age of 3 d, SP and
R10 specimens showed the highest weight losses, which were 2.53% and 3.69%, respectively.
At the age of 56 d, S20 and R10 specimens exhibited the highest weight losses, which were
3.24% and 2.79%, respectively. The weight loss observed in the range of 250–280 ◦ C is due
to the decomposition of aluminum hydroxide [44]. Among S-group specimens at the age of
56 d, S10 and S20 specimens showed thermal decomposition and mass losses of 2.22% and
2.32%, respectively. As WGB content increased, the weight reduction in samples increased,
and a more dynamic difference was observed in room temperature curing than in steam
curing. According to Figure 7, at the age of 3 d, the SP sample had the highest weight loss.
However, according to Figure 8, at the age of 56 d, the S20 sample had the largest weight
reduction with a WGB content of 20%. Pre-wetted WGBs reduced the strength owing to
the nature of LWAs, but the water contained inside contributed to the hydration reaction in
the matrix, as confirmed by the difference in the TGA of the generated hydrates.
in samples increased, and a more dynamic difference was observed in room temperature
curing than in steam curing. According to Figure 7, at the age of 3 d, the SP sample had
the highest weight loss. However, according to Figure 8, at the age of 56 d, the S20 sample
had the largest weight reduction with a WGB content of 20%. Pre-wetted WGBs reduced
the strength owing to the nature of LWAs, but the water contained inside contributed to
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 8385 10 of 17
the hydration reaction in the matrix, as confirmed by the difference in the TGA of the
generated hydrates.
Figure 7. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of samples at the ages of 3 and 56 d (the derivative
TG Figure
(DTG) 7. Thermogravimetric
and weight reduction analysis
curves of(TGA) of samples
the steam curing at
of 3 and 56 dcuring
(the derivative
(DTG) and weight reduction curves of the steam curing and room temperature curing specimens
are classified according to age, and the combustion materials are selected according to the tempera-
are classified according to age, and the combustion materials are selected according to the temper-
ture range).
ature range.).
Figure 7. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of samples at the ages of 3 and 56 d (the derivative TG
(DTG) and weight reduction curves of the steam curing and room temperature curing specimens
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 8385 11 of 17
are classified according to age, and the combustion materials are selected according to the temper-
ature range.).
Figure8.8. 29Si magic-angle
Figure magic-angle spinning
spinning nuclear
nuclear magnetic
The R10 sample exhibited a weight loss similar to that of R20 at an early age, but it had
the highest weight loss of all samples at the age of 56 d. This indicates that most hydrates
were formed in the R10 sample, which is obvious in its XRD peak intensity. Moreover, the
hydration degree of the specimen with a WGB content of 10% was higher in the case of
room temperature curing. In addition, in S-group specimens, those specimens with the
highest weight losses at the ages of 3 and 56 d were SP and S20, respectively. This indicates
that internal curing is more effective as age increases and is considered to influence the
improvement of the internal curing of WGB after steam curing. R-group specimens showed
proportional results with increasing weight loss and increasing WGB mixing rate as age
increased. Thus, internal curing by WGBs was performed in R20, in contrast to RP, which
was sealed inside as age increased.
Considering a major weight loss, the AFm phase-related dehydration of C–S–H and
ettringite occurs at 100 ◦ C or less; moreover, the evaporation of bound water in the phys-
ically bound matrix occurs at 130 ◦ C. Dehydroxylation of portlandite then occurs until
400–450 ◦ C, followed by the decarbonation of calcium carbonate and unreacted clinker
between 500 and 700 ◦ C [45–48]. At an early age, portlandite was apparently consumed for
some level of hydration as age increased, confirming the occurrence of pozzolanic reaction.
This led to a larger change in R-group specimens, and the consumption of portlandite
increased as WGB content increased. All samples showed similar tendencies, indicating
that significant initial hydration occurred because of the curing environment, such as steam
curing. Table 5 summarizes the relative weight loss due to the dehydration of C–S–H and
ettringite, dehydroxylation of portlandite, and decarbonation of unreacted clinker. The
weight loss trend below 200 ◦ C clearly decreased with long-term age, and the decrease
rate was larger in the case of steam curing specimens. The ratio of Ca(OH)2 produced was
similar for both steam curing and room temperature curing on the 56th day. The amount of
CaCO3 clearly decreased with time due to long-term aging, and the decrease was large in
the specimens subjected to steam curing.
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 8385 12 of 17
related to Q4 , and silica powder displayed a peak at −112.5 ppm, representing the presence
of micro-silica [54,55]. In Figure 8 (56 d), a significant amount of micro-silica remained
owing to the low pozzolanic reaction of the silica powder component in the R20 sample, but
more pozzolanic reaction occurred as age increased. A similar tendency can be observed
from the S20 sample in Figure 8 (3 d).
For the S20 sample, the hydration degree of Si at the age of 3 d tended to increase with
age; in particular, it was approximately 4-fold higher at the age of 56 d than that at the age
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 8385 13 of 17
of 3 d. For the R20 sample, the hydration degree of Si was approximately 5-fold higher at
the age of 56 d than that at the age of 3 d. In the NMR results for the same WGB content
and age, Q1 , Q2 , and Q3 had higher intensities in the steam curing environment than that in
the standard curing environment. This indicates that the moisture inside pre-wetted WGBs
can improve the hydration degree of Si in the specimen in a steam curing environment.
(a) (b)
Figure 9.
9. Thermodynamic
Thermodynamic modeling
modeling of
of samples:
samples: (a)
(a) S20
S20 and
and (b)
(b) R20
R20 specimens.
3.7. Cross-Sectional
3.7. Cross-Sectional Analysis
Analysis of
of Specimens
Figure 10
Figure 10 shows
cross-sectionofof a specimen
a specimen mixed
mixed withwith
at the atage
theofage56 of
56 d, confirming the distribution of WGBs inside the specimen and the moisture
confirming the distribution of WGBs inside the specimen and the moisture inside WGBs. inside
For S20,For S20, numerous
numerous white products
white products wereinside
were formed formed insideThese
WGBs. WGBs. These were
products products
were heterogeneous substances with gel-like aggregates. Some WGBs still
erogeneous substances with gel-like aggregates. Some WGBs still had residual moisture,had residual
which which
could could be confirmed
be confirmed with eye.
with the naked the naked eye. WGB
WGB pores poreswith
were filled werehydrates
filled withby
hydrates by the moisture captured in WGBs. SEM analysis confirmed internal
the moisture captured in WGBs. SEM analysis confirmed internal voids; a large amount voids; a large
of C–S–Hofgel
C–S–H gel wason
was formed formed on surface.
the pore the poreFor
surface. For R20, was
R20, moisture moisture was confirmed
confirmed to remain
to remain inside WGBs when the cross-section of the specimen was
inside WGBs when the cross-section of the specimen was visually checked. SEM visually checked.
SEM–EDS analyses of WGBs confirmed that the intensity of the spectrum was lower than
that for S20. These results were similar to those of thermodynamic modeling. Thermody-
namic modeling confirmed the hydration tendency of paste except in the case of WGB;
however, even in the case of WGB, hydration tendency can be considered similar to that
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 8385 14 of 17
SEM and SEM–EDS analyses of WGBs confirmed that the intensity of the spectrum was
lower than that for S20. These results were similar to those of thermodynamic modeling.
Thermodynamic modeling confirmed the hydration tendency of paste except in the case of
WGB; however, even in the case of WGB, hydration tendency can be considered similar to
that inside the pores of paste and WGBs connected by micropores. In addition, when steam
curing was performed and when the absorbed water in WGB was mixed, the hydration
tendency inside WGB was higher. Therefore, microstructure hydration could be improved
by combining the mixing of captured WGBs and steam curing to effectively improve the
internal curing of HSCCs. In addition, this trend was confirmed by the tendency for
forming hydrates in pores similar to that of Beyene et al. and Zhang et al. [58,59]. Beyene
et al. identified the hydrate form and content level through SEM-EDS, which was similar to
that found around R20 WGB analyzed in this study. S20 has high silica (Si) and the calcium
(Ca), magnesia (Mg), and alumina (Al) contents are up to 3-fold higher than that in R20. It
was found that there was a difference in the amount of hydrate formed in the surface pores
of WGB as hydration was promoted by steam curing. A study by Zhang et al. confirmed
the formation of abundant hydration products in the vicinity of LWA due to water released
from LWA. This study found that the analysis results of the formation of hydrates generated
around WGB and surface voids were similar to the results of thermodynamic modeling
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW
analyzed in Section 3.6. Accordingly, the curing water released by the WGB promotes 15 of 18
hydration of the cement particles around it and makes the particle spacing denser.
Figure 10.
10. Cross
Cross sections
sections of
of test
test specimens
specimens mixed
mixed with
with WGBs
WGBs that
that confirm
confirm the
the state
state of
of the
the moisture
trapped inside WGBs: (a) S20; and (b) R20 specimens.
trapped inside WGBs: (a) S20; and (b) R20 specimens.
The experimental
revealed that WGBs
that WGBs used in HSCCs
used in HSCCscould im-
improveinternal hydration
internal hydrationreactions. TheThe
reactions. curing method
curing for HSCCs
method for HSCCsmixed withwith
mixed WGBs was
was to affect
demonstrated the number
to affect the numberof hydration products
of hydration basedbased
products on age,
on which may may
age, which also
influence the extent
also influence of strength
the extent development.
of strength In the In
development. case
steamof curing, strength
steam curing, devel-
opment and internal
development hydrate
and internal formation
hydrate levels at
formation earlyat
levels ages were
early almost
ages weretwice
almostthat of room
twice that
temperature curing at curing
of room temperature the ageatofthe
56 d.
ageEven after
of 56 completing
d. Even steam curing,
after completing the proportion
steam curing, the
of unreactedofsilica
inside silica inside was
was partially partially
reduced, andreduced, and moisture
the internal the internal moisture
content was
content wasatmaintained
maintained at a by
a certain level certain level byWGBs.
pre-wetted pre-wetted WGBs.
Therefore, Therefore,
WGBs WGBs could
could contribute to
reducing to reducing unreacted
hydrates hydrates
inside HSCCs. inside HSCCs.
4. Conclusions
This study used WGBs as LWAs to improve the internal hydration degree of HSCCs
that use ultrafine particles. Moreover, internal hydration characteristics were investigated
for different aging durations. The correlation between the presence of pre-wetted WGBs
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 8385 15 of 17
4. Conclusions
This study used WGBs as LWAs to improve the internal hydration degree of HSCCs
that use ultrafine particles. Moreover, internal hydration characteristics were investigated
for different aging durations. The correlation between the presence of pre-wetted WGBs
and internal hydration was established. The results of this study are summarized as follows.
1. The compressive strength of HSCC specimens decreased as WGB content increased,
regardless of the curing environment. This was due to the low mechanical strength of
the added WGBs; strength decreased as the volume content of WGBs increased.
2. From XRD pattern analysis results, S-group specimens showed similar reactant peak
tendencies regardless of age. In R-group specimens, as WGB content increased
according to age, the production of products, such as belite, also increased.
3. From TGA results, S20 specimen exhibited the highest weight loss at the age of 56 d
in the section below 200 ◦ C. Based on these results, NMR spectrum analysis was
conducted for S20 and R20 specimens; the extent of pozzolanic reaction increased as
the Q1/Q2 ratio decreased.
4. The interactions among the major hydration products inside the matrix were iden-
tified through thermodynamic modeling. The volume of the generated hydrates
differed depending on the curing environment, and a large difference in the amount
of C–S–H gel generated was confirmed at an early age. R20 specimen exhibited
hydrate proportions similar to those of S20 specimen with increasing age.
5. The residual moisture trapped inside WGB was confirmed through cross-sectional
imaging of the specimen and SEM–EDS analysis. The amount of hydrates produced
by S20 and R20 confirmed through EDS analysis was found to have a difference of up
to 3 fold in the Si, Ca, and Al content. Moreover, the hydration tendency inside WGB
was similar to that in thermodynamic modeling.
The XRD, TGA, 29 Si MAS NMR, and SEM–EDS results of the HSCC paste mixed
with WGBs subjected to steam curing and room temperature curing showcased varying
formation of hydrates, including C–S–H gel. These results agreed with the results of
thermodynamic modeling. This study also confirmed the effect of internal curing by WGBs.
However, the compressive strength tended to decrease with the addition of WGBs owing
to the prior damage and poor mechanical properties of WGBs. Therefore, an analysis of the
hydration products formed inside WGB micropores is required. Moreover, further research
is required in the future to decrease the influence of WGBs on strength by adjusting the
geometry and size of WGBs or by selecting a more suitable LWA than WGB. This will help
improve the hydration degree in a highly densified matrix, such as UHPC.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, S.P. and J.N.; methodology, S.P.; investigation, S.P.; formal
analysis, G.K. and J.N.; data curation, S.P.; visualization, S.P.; writing—manuscript draft, S.P.; writing—
reviewing and editing, S.P., S.L. and J.N.; validation, S.P., G.K., S.L. and J.N.; supervision, G.K., S.L.
and J.N. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the National Research Foundation of the Ministry of Science
and ICT of Korea in 2020 (grant number 2020R1C1C101403812).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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