Fusion 360 CAM 3D

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CAM using Fusion 360


Introduction to Design for

Introduction to Design for
CAM using Fusion 360

1. Introduction

2. introduction to Fusion 360

3. What is Digital manufacturing?

4. Design Innovation.

5. Create a rendered image.

6. The basics of Fusion 360

7. File and project administration

8. Learninh how to create and define

9. Basics of feature creation

10. Basics of feature modification

11. export STL

12. Mechanical Motion with assembly

13. Create a detailed drawing.

14. Integrated Manufacturing Workspace

1. Overview

2. Setting up for a 3-axis machining job

3. Identifying types of geometry

4. Adaptive clearing and roughing

5. rest machining adaptive toolpaths

6. finish cutting walls and floors of parts

7. general 3D finishing toolpaths

8. finishing toolpaths for complex

9. process planning a part

10. set up a CAM program.

11. finalize a CNC mill part

12. review and export a CNC program

1. Description

2. Multi-axis file setup

3. Multi-axis positioning for drilling and

tapping holes

4. Multi-axis positioning for milling

5. using multi axis contour

6. creating and understanding multi-axis


7. using multi-axis flow

8. multi-axis flow for 3 vs 5 axes

9. designing a soft jaw

10. roughing and finishing a basic part

11. creating a second setup

12. Machining a part to be held in a fixture

13. Preparing a multi-axis setup

14. toolpath and export organization

15. Exporting and documenting a program

16. Additional tools for getting the job

usion 360

course overview
access the software

trends in manufacturing
introduction to digital manufacturing
manufacturing process

design innovation trends

access sample projects

create a rendered images

data management
create a new project and folder
open, close and save files
access and customize tools
understand bodies and components
capture design history

invite and remove collaborators from a project

view admin settings and set a default hub
share and manage links

copy and move designs from one folder to other

practice exercises

create a basic sketch

fully define a complex sketch
create and shell a drafted part
create a revolve


as built joints
drive and animate a joint
edit a joint

add parts table
drawing dimensions
practice exercises

define a new tool

facing toolpath
contour toolpath
simulate a program
export an NC file
practice exercises

Fusion 360 settings

model a body for stock
common CAM workflow

set up a CAM program and tool library

identifying 2D and 3D pockets
identifying open and closed pocket geometry
comparing a traditional vs. adaptive tool motion
practice exercises

create a closed 2D pocket clearing operation

create a closed 3D adaptive clearing toolpath
create a closed 3D pocket clearing toolpath
create a 2D adaptive clearing toolpath
create a 3D adaptive clearing toolpath
apply 3D clearing toolpaths to complex geometry
apply adapive clearing toolpaths to open pockets

understand rest machining

rest machining with a 3D adaptive toolpath
rest machining a 3D pocket
pocket vs. adaptive 3D rest machining
practice exercises

identify thin and small features

create multiple step roughing passes
rough and finish a closed pocket
understand and use spring passes
use spring pass on a small lip
use a bore toolpath with a spring pass

use 3D contour and ramp toolpaths

find strengths and weakness in circular finishing toolpaths
identify 3D stepover for a specific tool

identify complex geometry that needs finishing

create a pencil toolpath
create a scallop toolpath
reorder multiple finishing toolpaths
manufacturing extensions
practice exercises

complete a process plan for a milling

review a tool library

create or edit a milling setup

face and counterbore the mountng boss

create a circular toolpath pattern
create chamfer toolpaths
drill and tap holes

export G code for the part

create a setup sheet
practice exercises


importing a tool library to the cloud

creating a new CAMsetup for Multi-axis
Creating a 3D adaptive clearing operation
Create a 2D contour on a complex part
2-axis pocketing

drilling and tapping in 3-axis

5-axis drilling
creating a pattern of toolpaths

comparing posted code for multi-axis positioning

creating a 3 plus 2 pocketing toolpath

patterning a pocket toolpath
creating a multi-axis contour
create a pocket operation in the side of a part
finishing off multi-axis positioning toolpaths

setting up a multi axis contour toolpath

controlling the lead or lag of the tool
controlling maximum tilt during a multi-axis
using shaft and holder clearance

setting up a new CAM program

creating a swarf toolpath with contour selection
creating a swarf toolpath with surface selection

multi-axis flow for 3 vs 5 axes

controlling a flow toolpath for 3 axes

controlling a flow toolpath for 5 axes
avoiding collisions

creating a distributed design

create soft jaw geometry
add a pobing location

create a CNC mill setup

rough and finish a basic part from the bottom

create a 2nd setup in fusion 360

clear and finish a part
export an NC file for specific toolpaths
using multiple WCS offsets
creating multiple copies of the same setup with
WCS offsets
creating a body for stock setup
setting up for a CNC mill
rough and finish a retaining feature

creating a new setup for final machining

creating a probe operation
roughing and finishing a multi-axis part

using folders in a setup

creating an NC program

creating multiple setup sheets

viewing toolpaths in A360

surface creation for toolpath setup

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