DLP Eng 11
DLP Eng 11
DLP Eng 11
English 11
Content Standard:
Distinguishes the unique feature(s) of one communication process from the other.EN11/12OC-Ia-4
At the end of the session, students are expected to:
a. Define Communication,
b. Differentiate the different Types of Communication; and
c. Give examples for each Type of Communication.
Types of communication
Jasper Hope S. Julian
Coupon Bond(Tarpaper) with Written Objectives
Song title and lyrics for the activity
Pictures for each type of communication
PowerPoint Presentation of the Lesson
B. Analysis
Nice tactic!
Do you think that proper communication helps
you to won the game, Clarisse? Yes, ma’am. Through helping each other and properly
understanding the words, we were able to identify the
correct song.
Very good! How about you, Abegail? Communication is the transmission of message.
All of your answers are correct!
Why do you think that is happening? Maybe ma’am because of the noise in our surroundings, or
we have different belief and understanding that is why we
cannot understand each other.
Nice example!
Now since we do have Non-Verbal
Communication, we also have the antonym of
this which is the Verbal Communication. Since it is in contrast with the Non-Verbal, I think it is the
use of our voice through our mouth to communicate our
Do you think what is a Verbal Communication, ideas properly.
Brilliant idea!
What is happening inside this classroom is an You are using your voice and mouth to teach us the ideas
example of Verbal Communication between the about the lesson.
teacher and her students. Why do you think we
are doing Verbal Communication, Riona?
Very good!
I serve as the speaker and you serve as my
listener. My way of delivering my lesson to you is
to use my voice and mouth to communicate.
Though it will take much of your time, it is also
important that you consider Written
Communication. During the days when
cellphones were still not available, our ancestors
use letters as a form of their communication.
That is the last type of communication which is The Visual Communication includes signs, maps or
Visual Communication. Who can read and drawings as well as color and graphic design.
explain the definition, Rondel?
D. Generalization
Very good!
Who can differentiate the types of
Our topic for today is about the different Types of
communication, Clouds?
Communication which are Verbal, Non-Verbal, Visual and
Written Communication.
F. Evaluation
Direction: Write V if the situation or word is a
Verbal Communication, N if it’s Non-Verbal, W if
it’s Written Communication and VS if its Visual
Communication. Write your answer in a
1. Posture
2. Speaking from your point of view
3. Eye Contact
4. Touch
5. Phone Call
6. Speech
7. Interview
8. Diary
9. Debates
10. Tables
Time is up!
Now let us answer our quiz.
1. Write an essay with the title, "The Art of Effective Communication: Strategies for Success"
2. Read and study about the Barriers of Communication.
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