Final Lesson Plan Communicative Style 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Tarlac State University

Lucinda Campus, Tarlac City
Tel. No. (045) 493-0812; Fax No. (045) 982-0110
Re-accredited Level III by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities of the
Philippines (AACUP), Inc.


Communicative Style in Various Situations

Prepared by:

English 4B

Checked by:


A Detailed Lesson Plan in English (Grade 9)

I. Learning Objectives:
At the completion of this lesson, students will be able to:
a. Define what is communicative style.
b. Classify the different communicative styles.
c. Demonstrate the different communicative styles in a real-life context.
d. Value their relationship with the people that surrounds them.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Communicative Styles
Reference: English9_q1_mod3of3_TypesofCommunicative-Styles_v2.pdf
Instructional Materials:
Teacher’s Materials Students’ Materials
Chalkboard Pen and paper
Printed Teaching Materials
PowerPoint Presentation

III. Procedure:

A. Preparation
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Good morning class! How is everyone?

Good morning, Ma’am! We are fine,
That is great to hear!
Before we start our class, let us pray
(Call a student to pray) Let us bow our heads and feel the
Before you take your seat, kindly pick presence of the Lord… Amen.
up the pieces of paper under your chair
and sit properly.
I think everyone is present. I’m so glad
that everyone understands the reasons of
coming to school regularly.
a. Review
Before we formally start our lesson, let
us have a brief review about the topic we
discussed last meeting. Can someone
recall it?

(Student raises hand) Ma’am we talked

about four types of sentences according
to use. And these are declarative,
Exactly! What is a declarative sentence? imperative, exclamatory, and
interrogative sentences.

Great! What about the imperative

(Students raises hand) Declarative
sentences states information.

Very good! What about exclamatory (Student raises hand) Imperative

sentences? sentences commands or requests.

And lastly, what is interrogative

sentence? (Student raises hand) It expresses strong

Very good! Do you have questions about (Student raises hand) Sentences that
types of sentences? asks questions.
If none, do you want to play a game? None, Ma’am.

Yes, Ma’am.
b. Motivation
I have a friend named Spongebob. Now
he will be going to school. Upon
traveling from their house to school he
will meet different people in every
Now, I want you to choose what is the
appropriate response of Spongebob upon
meeting these people.
Are you ready?
Yes, Ma’am.
First Station: At Home (Spongebob and
his mom)
Mom: What do you want to eat for your
a. Mom, I want adobo for lunch,
thank you for asking. I love you!
b. Duh sis, of course, my favorite,
What do you think is the appropriate
response of Spongebob?
(Student raises hand)

Why not letter b?

(Student’s answer)

That is right. One way of showing our

respect to our mother is by addressing
them the proper way. Right?

Yes, Ma’am!
Second Station: In a jeep (Spongebob
and the jeepney driver)
Jeepney driver: Spongebob, do you have
any coins? Barya lang sa umaga.
a. None, manong. I will just pay
you tomorrow.
b. None, manong. I just have etneb
on my wallet.
What should be the appropriate response
of Spongebob?
(Student raises hand)
What do you think is wrong with letter
(Student’s answer)

Station 3: Outside of school (Spongebob

and his bestfriend)
Bestfriend: What’s up, pre?
a. Pre! I have tea for today! Do you
want to spill?
b. Good morning, Sir. (Student raises hand)
Station 4: Inside the school (Spongebob
and his teacher)
Teacher: Do you understand the lesson
a. Omsim, mare.
b. Yes, Ma’am. (Student raises hand)
Who among you here addresses your
teacher as mare, siss, gurl.
(Student’s answer)
Nobody. Because there is a polite and
proper way of addressing your teacher.

B. Lesson Proper
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Have you noticed the way you talk to

your friends compared on how the way
you talk to other people?

It is like you are talking to them in a

unique way and vice versa, right? For
instance, I’m pretty sure you don’t say
‘Hello’ to your best friend, instead
you’ll say something else like ‘Sis’ or

And you don’t talk that way to other

people. Am I right? You won’t say,
‘Hoy sis’ or ‘Hoy pre’ to your parents,

The way we communicate has a big Yes, Ma’am.

impact on how we get on with people
and get the things we want. If the way,
we speak is inappropriate we might
encounter problems along the way.
Remember good communications skills
can help you avoid conflict and solve


Now let us discuss about

communicative styles. What is
communicative style? Kindly, read.

(Student raises hand)

Communicative style it is a speech style

which portrays how a language is
characterized in terms of degree of
Okay, thank you. Communicative style formality.
it is a speech style which portrays how a
language is characterized in terms of
degree of formality.

It means that it depends on the situation

on what style of speech you are going to
use. Of course, you are very much
aware of it because we have these in
day-to-day experiences.

Now, we have different kinds of

communicative style. We have intimate,
casual, consultative, formal and frozen.
The first type of communicative style is
Intimate. Can someone read what is
Intimate communicative style?

(Student raises hand)

Intimate style is used in an informal
situation. Used by people with very
close relationships. Used by couples,
family, and best friends. And intimate
style the word choices are often forms of
endearment. For example, my love,
Thank you. honey, babe, darling, and or sweetie.

Now, have you ever watched some

romantic movies on television? Or have
you ever watched a short movie that the
main genre is family and the son, and
the mother are having a heart-to-heart

For example, when you have boyfriend Yes, Ma’am.

or girlfriend, you will say, “Love, how’s
your day? Take care. I love you!” Or
when you have a problem, and you want
to talk to your mom, you will say,
“Mom, can we talk? I need help.” That
is an example of intimate style
conversation. Do you have questions
about intimate style?

Now let us move on to the next None, Ma’am.

communicative style which is casual.

Let’s have the second style, which is the

casual communicative style. Can
someone read what "casual
communicative style" is?

(Students raise their hands)

Casual communicative style indicates
informal interaction between friends and
acquaintances. It is unpretentious and
not utilized for high-pressure
Thank you! interactions.

As the name suggests, conversations in

a casual setting are less stuffy and more
personable because of the relaxed
atmosphere. When conversing
informally, the use of slang and
abbreviations is tolerated. However, one
should be careful not to overuse them to
the point that they are seen as rude or

Casual language is only appropriate

when talking to a group or person with
whom you are comfortable and know

For example, you talk to your teachers

very formally, and sometimes we are
pressurized enough that we hesitate to
ask, but with our close friends, we
manage to just be ourselves and say
whatever we want. For example, you
want to ask your teacher, "Ma'am, are
we going to write the questions and then
answer them?" Then the teacher will
answer yes. But if we ask our close
friend, "Hey, are we going to write the
question, then write the answer?"
Because you are already familiar with it,
your friend will respond with "omsim"
without any misunderstanding as to
what slang that means.

Do you follow, class?

Yes, ma’am.

We are done with intimate and casual

styles. Now, let’s move forward to the
third style, which is the consultative
communicative style. But before we
define what consultative communicative
style is, let us watch this video first. A
conversation between a teacher and a

Based on what you have watched, what (The students watched the video)
have you noticed about the

As you can see in the video, there is a (Student raises hand)

turn-taking between the speaker and
listener. A good example of consultative
communicative style because it happens
in a two-way participation, right?
Wherein, the speaker provides
background information and the listener Yes, Ma’am.
participates by giving feedback. What
the speaker will say next depends on the
feedback provided by the listener.

Next, can someone read the second


(Student raises hand) It is used in semi-

Take note that consultative speech style formal situations.
is used in semi-formal situations. Why
is it semi-formal? Because it involves
formal people in a formal venue, but the
conversation is in a friendly way. Like
in the video, the communication
happened in school, but the way they
communicate is not too formal nor

Is it clear, class?

In addition, sentences or responses are

short, such as yes ma’am, thank you Yes, Ma’am.
Doc, and the like. It signals that both
parties are listening attentively or have
understood each other. Lastly, it is the
most operational among the others.
Most operational in the way that it is
useful and helpful in solving a problem
or addressing concerns.

We also have other examples.

A conversation between…
Doctor and patient,
Teacher and student,
Lawyer and client
Employer and employee

What else, aside from those examples?

Anyone who can give me other
examples of situations or scenarios
where we used the consultative speech

(Student raises hand) Conversation

between Manager and customer, Ma’am.
Remember, the goal of this style is to
give advice about certain issue in order
to address a concern. As the name
implies, consulting is to provide advice.

We are done with the first three styles,

can you name them, anyone?

(Student raises hand)

Exactly! So now, we’ll move on to the Intimate, casual and consultative style.
next which is a one-way nature of
communication intended to share
information in a formal way. Let me
emphasize that “formal way”. From the
definition itself, we are now proceeding
to the fourth communicative style ---

Can somebody read the definition of

formal communicative style?
Yes, student name, you are

The formal communicative style is also

considered to be a straightforward
speech. There is no participation from
the listener. This style is often used in
the following formal situations where
there is only one-way communication:

 Speeches
 School lessons
 Graduation ceremony
 A television newscast
 Giving announcements
 A business meeting an interview
or in a classroom
 Used for academic and business
Thank you!
As I mentioned earlier, the formal
communicative style is a one-way
nature of communication intended to
share information in a formal way. It is
used in speaking to medium or large
groups; the language used follows a
commonly accepted format. Usually
uses complete sentences before being
delivered, it does not use slang words
but well-defined and standard ones.

Let's go back to casual style of

communication, again it is characterized
by everyday language use. Casual style
is a style used in informal or casual
situation and using informal language,
as opposed to a formal style. Formal
communication is also known as official
communication and informal
communication is also known as
grapevine communication. When we
say grapevine communication, it
basically means a word for gossip. It
means gleaning information from places
other than the official source. Rumors,
“he said/she said” situations, are other
terms used to describe grapevine

Is formal communicative style clear?

If none, then let’s proceed to the last Yes, ma’am.

communicative style which the Frozen
Communication style. Can someone
please read?

(Student raises hand) Frozen speech

style is usually used in formal settings. It
is a style of communication that almost
Thank you. Okay, so frozen never changes.
communication style is used in formal
settings, and it does not require any
feedback from the audience. It usually
uses long sentences with good grammar
and vocabulary. The use of language is
fixed and relatively static. Here are
some examples of the frozen
communication style.

 The Preamble of the

 Marriage Ceremonies
 National Pledge
 National Anthem
 Motto
 Judicial Sentencing
 Contracts
 Wills

As you may have noticed the examples

given here are truly for formal setting
and does not require any feedback from
the audience. First, we have The
Preamble of the Constitution. So, when
you preach or recite the Preamble does
the audience will give feedback?
No, ma’am!
Correct! And, with the other examples
like Marriage ceremonies, National
anthem, Motto, and so on… Is Frozen
communication style clear to you,
students? Do you have any questions or

None, Ma’am!
Well done class.

C. Application

Now class let us see if you listened

attentively. We have two boxes here,
one for the different communicative
styles, and the other box consisting of
all the groups.

Direction: First, you will be grouped

into five. Each group will draw a
random communicative style. All
groups will be given 5 minutes to
prepare and 2 minutes to act in a
particular situation according to the
communicative style that you picked in
front of the class. You will be graded
based on the rubric.

Is the direction clear?

Okay, let’s start the groupings. 1, 2, 3… Yes, Ma’am!

Go to your respective group.

In each group, choose your

representative and come in front to pick
which communicative style you will be
going to act.

Okay, 5 minutes to prepare starts now.

(Each group will do a collaborative

Time’s up! discussion)

Okay, thank you for your participation. (Students performed the scenario)
Let’s give them Love Clap! Everybody
stands up. We will show you how to do
the love clap and then you will follow.

D. Generalization
Again class, what is communicative

(Student raises hand) Ma’am,

communicative style it is a speech style
which portrays how a language is
characterized in terms of degree of
Great! What are the types of formality.
communicative style?

(Student raises hand) Ma’am, we have

intimate, casual, consultative, formal
Good job. Can someone give and and frozen communicative styles.
summarize the definition of each
communicative style?

(Student raises hand) Ma’am, intimate

style is used by people with very close
relationship, casual style uses informal
language, consultative style gives advice
about certain issue or address concern,
formal style shares information in a
formal way and lastly the frozen, it is
the most formal style of communication
wherein the audience is not allowed to
Very good. Well done class. raise questions to the speaker.

IV. Evaluation:
Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer from the given choices.
Write your answer on separate sheet of paper.

1. What speech style is characterized by a complete absence of social

a. Casual
b. Formal
c. Frozen
d. Intimate

2. In which of the following situations would the casual communicative style be

a. during a business meeting
b. while chatting with a classmate
c. while conversing with husband or wife
d. while speaking with a person in authority

3. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the intimate communicative

a. It is used in informal situations.
b. It is used in private conversations.
c. Participants use titles to address the person spoken to.
d. The participants need to have a very close relationship.

4. Veena is chatting with her friends while waiting for their class to start. They
were talking about what they did over the weekend and how they studied for
their upcoming exams. Which of the following would most likely NOT be used
in their conversation?
a. standard grammar
b. slang and contractions
c. loose sentence structure
d. rapid pronunciation of words
5. Ms. Mosquera and her husband are attending a business meeting together.
Which of the following should they NOT do?
a. Avoid the use of jargons and slang.
b. Use more formal words when speaking with others.
c. Use proper sentence structure and grammar when speaking.
d. Use the intimate communicative style when talking to each other.

6. How do listeners participate in the consultative communicative style?

a. by giving feedback
b. by asking a lot of questions
c. by leading the conversation
d. by taking charge of the situation

7. Who among the following will likely make use of the consultative
communicative style?
a. Close friends
b. A husband and his wife
c. A teacher and a student
d. A mother and her daughter

8. In which of the following situations is the consultative communicative style

often used?
a. business meeting
b. casual friendly chat
c. dining out with the family
d. attending baptismal ceremony

9. Which of the following terms of address is NOT USED when speaking in the
consultative communicative style?
a. Babe
b. Ma’am
c. Mr.
d. Sir

10. Glenda is doing a survey about the effects of earthquake in her community.
Which of the following communication situations would require her to use
the consultative style?
a. Asking her friends for their opinions
b. Researching on information to include in her study
c. Interviewing the evacuees regarding their experiences
d. Telling her best friend regarding what her study is about
V. Assignment:

Direction: Write a short dialogue about a particular situation between your chosen
two characters in whatever communicative style you choose (intimate, casual,
consultative, or formal) with a minimum of 15 lines. Don't forget to make a creative
Features 4 3 2 1 Score
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