Air Pollution's Affect On Climate Change

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Air Pollution's

Effect on Climate
A deep dive into the relationship between Air
pollution and Climate Change
Introduction Air pollution is defined as “the presence in or
introduction into the air of a substance which has
harmful or poisonous effects” by Oxford Languages.
Factories burning Fossil Fuels is a huge factor affecting
Air pollution. According to an article on “air
pollution not only contributes to climate change but is
also exacerbated by it.” Let's explore how…
Air pollution around the World
0-10 Low air pollution
Places with low carbon emissions.
Very environmentally friendly, least
effect on climate

Middle air pollution

Places with average amount of
carbon emissions and
pollutants in the air, most likely
from cars, people, and some
industrial plants

20-80 High air pollution

Zero Dangerous Places with above average or
pollution pollution very high carbon emissions of
pollutants in the air. Likely from
overpopulation and abundance
of industrial plants
Emission Sectors To The Measured Concentration

61% Industrial An example being Smoke

stacks from Industrial Plants.

Wind Erosion Of
15% Mineral Introducing settled particles
Deposits back into the air

3% Road Transport Emissions from Cars, Trucks,

and other land vehicles

4% Harbour Emissions from Trains, Ships,


Domestic Emissions from water heating,

Heating AC, etc.

17% Other Other sources like volcanoes,

wildfires, dust, and pollen.
Air pollution’s correlation to Climate change
↓ Air Pollutants Emitted Rising Sea Level ◉

With temperatures
Sources include, industrial, changes
transportation, domestic
heating, etc ↑

Toxic Emissions Extreme Weather
Change in temperature can
cause things such as
Correlation Such as, PAH, Nitrogen
Oxide, VOCs, Black melting of the ice caps
Air pollutants Carbon, Mercury, etc causing extreme/unnatural
affecting climate weather patterns like
Acceleration of Ozone flooding
→ formation ↑
Nitrogen Oxides and VOCs at
higher temperatures and high The more pollutants
amounts of PM2.5 (fine in the ozone the
particulate matter) in addition thicker it gets, letting
cause this acceleration. less heat escape
heating the Earth.
Air pollution and Climate Change has been linked to..
When an unborn fetus or young child is
exposed to toxic chemicals they are the most
sensitive and it can cause… Cognitive and Behavioral disorders
1 Mental illness and cognitive function
issues have been linked to being exposed
Respiratory illness to smog and toxic air chemicals as a young
Such as asthma, COPD, and 2 child.
lung cancer.
Heat related disease
3 Air pollution resides and heats up areas
without proper infrastructure to keep cool.
Malnutrition Some areas are seeing temperatures never
Air pollution not only affects us
but it affects our crops and food
4 seen before and it is causing an increase in
heat related disease.
supply. Air pollution has been
known to weaken Preterm births and Low birth
photosynthesis. Not to mention 5 weight
febrile respiratory illness, which
is caused by air pollution. When exposed to toxic chemicals in the air it
can lead to mothers to premature and low
weight births.
Air pollution Risks
Air pollution infographics
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun

Venus has very high temperatures

Despite being red, Mars is actually a cold place

10% 30% 50% 70% Jupiter is a gas giant and the biggest planet
Air pollution infographics

75% 50% 30%

Mercury Mars Venus

Mercury is the Despite being red, Venus has a
smallest planet Mars is cold beautiful name

Jupiter 1 2 3 4
Jupiter is a gas giant and the
biggest planet in the Solar Mars Mercury Earth Jupiter
System. It's the fourth-brightest
Mars is cold It’s small We live here It’s huge
What can you do help?

Don’t use Hot water Purchase an Electric

too Often Vehicle
Electric vehicles may seem expensive
Boilers in homes
at first but if you drive enough they
produce much more
actually pay for themselves.Per
emissions than you
20,000km gas vehicles cost $2572 in
gas whereas electric will only cost
Public you $430.
Transportation Avoid Gas powered
Lawn Equipment
Traffic jams leave
many cars idling and Switching from gas powered lawn
produce lots of CO2. equipment are more expensive, break
carpooling and public down/need repairs more often, are much
transportation louder, and bad for the environment.
Pros Cons

● Less greenhouse ● Hard to transport

gas emissions. heavy luggage.
● Less Smog. ● Can be crowded.
● It’s cheaper to ride ● Not available in
public transportation some areas.

An Everyday
than to pay for gas. ● May face some
● No personal Navigation
maintenance problems.
Technology-Public ●
Much cheaper to

initiate a Presto card
than to buy a Car.
● Public
Transportation is
available almost
● Suitable for older
people and people
with physical
Public Transportation Cntd…
Fast Facts
● If you use Public Transportation to come and go from School everyday, the cost should be just less than
$1000 a year.
● Public transportation is said to on average reduce road transportation emissions by 45%.
● “If just one driver per household switched to taking public transportation for a daily commute of 10 miles
each way, this would save 4,627 pounds of carbon dioxide per household per year—equivalent to an 8.1%
reduction in the annual carbon footprint of a typical American household.” Source

Popular Questions

● Aren't there huge wait times in between buses?

○ Main buses come every around 20 minutes and other buses come around every 30 minutes (if
there are no delays).
● How crowded are buses?
○ Buses can be crowded during peak hours (especially near schools) and sometimes the seats fill
up. In this case, you can stand and hold on the handles until somebody gets of the bus.
● Why should you purchase a presto card for an additional cost?
○ The Presto card initiation costs $6 and saves around 40 cents a trip. Over a week, with 5 days on
the bus with two trips a day, you save $4. This building up over time will save you quite a lot.
Air pollution infographics

Low High
Despite being red, Venus is the second
Mars is cold planet from the Sun

Medium Very high

Saturn is the only Jupiter is the biggest
planet with rings planet of them all

Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Air pollution infographics

Air pollution by age:

18-30 30-45
Despite being red, Venus is the second
Mars is cold planet from the Sun

Youngers Elders 45-60 >60

Saturn is the only Jupiter is the biggest
Mercury is the closest Venus has a beautiful
planet with rings planet of them all
planet to the Sun and name and extremely
the smallest high temperatures

Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Air pollution infographics
Jupiter is a gas giant and the
biggest planet in the Solar System

Despite being red, Mars is a very
cold planet full of iron oxide

Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then Jupiter is a gas giant and the
paste the new one here. For more info, click here biggest planet in the Solar System
Air pollution infographics

USA Russia
Mercury is the Venus is the
80% second planet
closest planet to
the Sun from the Sun

Brasil China
Saturn is a gas 40% Jupiter is a gas
giant. It has giant and the
beautiful rings biggest planet
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