Chapter 4 and 5 Edited 2

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FEU Diliman

Basic Education Department




Table 1.0: Age of Respondents

Age F % Rank

15 and below 1 1.00% 3

16-17 49 50.00% 1

18-19 48 49.00% 2

20 and above 0 0% 4

Total 98 100.00%

From the data gathered, it appears to be that students aged between 16 -17 and 18

-19 are comfortable talking about their physical inactivity and the time spent in playing

MOBA games with the frequency of 49 between the ages of 16-17 (50.00%). While

senior high school students aged between 18-19 with a frequency of 48 (49.00%) being

ranked second.
FEU Diliman

Basic Education Department

Table 1.1: Respondents as to Sex

Sex F % Rank

Female 62 63.30% 1

Male 36 36.70% 2

Total 98 100.00%

According to the data, females responded more to our survey with the frequency

62 (63.60%) while Male had 36 (36.70%) with a total of 98 respondents.

Table 1.2: Grade Level

Grade Level F % Rank

Grade 12 50 51% 1

Grade 11 48 49% 2

Total 98 100.00%
FEU Diliman

Basic Education Department

Based on the data collected, there are 50 (51%) Grade 12 respondents while there

are 48 (49%) Grade 11 respondents. Both Grade 11 and 12 are interested in the research


Table 1.3: Strand Track

Strands F % Rank

ABM 12 12.2% 2

GAS 4 4.1% 4

HUMMS 7 7.1% 3

SPORTS 0 0% 5

STEM 75 76.5% 1

Total 98 100.00%

From the gathered data, the strand with the highest number of respondents is the

STEM track with a frequency of 75 (76.5%). Followed by ABM with 12 (12.2%)

respondents, then the HUMMS track with a frequency of 7 (7.1%), then the GAS track

with 4 (4.1%) respondents. There were no respondents from the SPORTS Track.
FEU Diliman

Basic Education Department

Table 1.4: Respondents’ Height (in cm)

CM Frequency %

145-150 cm 6 6.1%

151-155 cm 20 20.4%

156-160 cm 19 19.4%

161-165 cm 13 13.3%

166-170 cm 22 22.4%

171-175 cm 9 9.2%

176-170 cm 2 2.0%

171-175 cm 0 0%

176-180 cm 2 2.0%

181-185 cm 2 2.0%

186-190 cm 2 2.0%

191-195 cm 1 1.0%

Total 98 100.00%
FEU Diliman

Basic Education Department

In terms of height, with a total respondents of 98, the average height of the

respondents in centimeters is 163.64. The lowest height recorded is 143 cm and the

highest height recorded is 195.98 cm. The height range with the most amount of

frequency is 166-170 cm with a frequency of 22 (22.4%). Meanwhile, the least number of

participants are the height range of 171-175 cm with a frequency of zero.

Table 1.5: Respondents’ Weight (in kg)

KG Frequency %

30-35 kg 1 1.0%

40-45 kg 9 9.2%

46-50 kg 18 18.4%

51-55 kg 17 17.3%

56-60 kg 10 10.2%

61-65 kg 13 13.3%

66-70 kg 9 9.2%

71-75 kg 4 4.0%
FEU Diliman

Basic Education Department

76-80 kg 7 7.1%

81-85 kg 2 2.0%

86-90 kg 1 1.0%

91-95 kg 1 1.0%

96-100 kg 1 1.0%

101-105 kg 0 0%

106-110 kg 0 0%

111-115 kg 3 3.0%

116-120 kg 1 1.0%

186-190 kg 1 1.0%

Total 98 100.00%

With a total number of respondents of 98, the average weight of the respondents is

62.96 kg. The highest weight being 187 kg while the lowest weight is 35 kg. The weight

range with the highest frequency is 46-50 with a frequency of 18 (18.4%). The lowest

amount of frequency according to the data is the ranges 101-105 and 106-110 kg with a

frequency of zero.
FEU Diliman

Basic Education Department

Table 1.6: Respondents as to BMI

BMI Categories Weight Status F %

Below 18.5 Underweight 14 14.29%

18.5 - 24.9 Healthy Weight 58 59.18%

25.0 - 29.9 Overweight 16 16.33%

30 and above Obesity 10 10.20%

Total 98 100.00%

From the data gathered, most participants fall under the weight status of Healthy

Weight with a frequency of 58 (59.18%). The second highest frequency is 16 (16.33%)

which is the overweight category for BMI. The third highest frequency is 14 (14.29%)

which is the weight status of underweight. Finally, the category with the least amount of

participants is Obesity with a frequency of 10 (10.20%).


Table 2.0: How much time (in hour) on average do you spend playing MOBAs per

FEU Diliman

Basic Education Department

Hours F % Rank

Less than 1 hour 52 53.1% 1

1 to 2 hours 25 25.5% 2

3 to 4 hours 11 11.2% 3

4 to 5 hours 3 3.1% 5

More than 5 hours 7 7.1% 4

Total 98 100.00%

The hours spent in playing MOBAs per day shows that (53.1%) of respondents

play less than 1 hour, (25.5%) of the respondents with 1 hour to 2 hours of playing, while

respondents with (11.2%) plays 3 to 4 hours and (3.1%) 4 to 5 hours. According to the

data, seven respondents (7.1%) play more than 5 hours per day.

Table 2.1: How frequently do you exercise per week?

Routines F % Rank

No exercise 23 23.5% 2
FEU Diliman

Basic Education Department

1 to 2 full exercise 42 42.9% 1


3 to 4 full exercise 16 16.32% 3


4 to 5 full exercise 10 10.2% 4


More than 5 full 7 7.1% 5

exercise routines

Total 98 100.00%

According to the table, the respondents with the total 42.9% do 1 to 2 full exercise

routine/s per week. 23.5% of the respondents prefer not exercising on their daily basis. In

addition to this, 16.3% of respondents chose 3 to 4 full exercise routines and 10.2% with

4 to 5 full exercise routines while on the other hand, 7.1% of respondents the least

responded to being fully active in participating in more than 5 full exercise routines.

Table 2.2: What is the average duration (in minutes) of your workout routine?

Minutes F % Rank
FEU Diliman

Basic Education Department

No exercise 21 21.4% 3

10-20 29 29.6% 1

30-40 26 26.5% 2

40-50 9 9.2% 5

More than 50 13 13.3% 4

Total 98 100.00%

Referring to the data gathered from respondents and their exercise routines, the

respondents' most dominant time for their daily exercises is 10-20 minutes, taking up

29.6% of total respondents. Meaning that most people would want to stay in shape but

not dedicate a whole lot of time for their routines. While the lowest number of

respondents is the workout routine of 40-50 minutes taking only 9.2% of the total

respondents. Another observation is the good number of respondents who do not exercise

at all, taking up about 21.4% of current respondents. Furthermore indicating that at least

78.6% of respondents allot time for their exercise routines. At least 13.3% of respondents

allot more than 50 mins for their exercise routines.

FEU Diliman

Basic Education Department

Table 2.3: How cans or bottles of sweet drinks do drink on average

Number of cans F % Rank

0 cans or bottles 68 68.7% 1

1 to 2 cans or 30 30.3% 2


3 to 4 cans or 0 0% 4


4 to 5 cans or 1 1% 3


More than 5 cans 0 0% 5

or bottles

Total 98 100.00%

The table reveals that 68.7% of respondents do not consume sweet cans or bottles.

While 30.3 percent of respondents drink one to two cans or bottles per day, the least of

the respondents consumes 4 to 5 cans per day on average.

FEU Diliman

Basic Education Department

Table 2.4: How many bags of chips on average do you eat while playing?

Number bags of chips F % Rank

0 bags 61 61.6% 1

1 to 2 bags 36 36.4% 2

3 to 4 bags 1 1% 3

4 to 5 bags 1 1% 4

More than 5 bags 0 0% 5

Total 98 100.00%

According to the data, 61.6% of the respondents do not eat while playing, and

36.4% of those who do eat 1 to 2 bags of chips. In addition, 1% of the respondents eat 3

to 4 bags, and another 1% eat 4 to 5 bags.

Table 2.5: How many servings of sweet foods on average do you consume while


Number of servings F % Rank

Less than 1 serving 64 64.6% 1

FEU Diliman

Basic Education Department

Number of servings F % Rank

1 to 2 serving 28 28.3% 2

3 to 4 servings 5 5.1% 3

4 to 5 servings 1 1% 4

More than 5 0 0% 5


Total 98 100.00%

According to the data gathered from participants of the study, the one ranked first

in the amount of servings the participants consume while playing MOBAs is less than 1

serving with a frequency of 64 (64.6%). Meanwhile the lowest ranked with the least

number of participants is more than five servings with frequency of 0 (0%).

Table 2.6: How many meals of fast food on average do you eat while playing?

Number of meals F % Rank

Less than 1 meal 59 60.20% 1

1 to 2 meals 30 30.61% 2
FEU Diliman

Basic Education Department

Number of meals F % Rank

3 to 4 meals 6 6.12% 3

4 to 5 meals 2 2.04% 4

More than 5 meals 1 1.02% 5

Total 98 100.00%

Coming from the data collected, the category which is ranked highest is “Less

than 1 meal,” with a frequency of 59 (60.20%). After that, the second highest ranked

category is “1 to 2 meals,” with a frequency of 30 (30.61%). Only one (1.02%)

participant has answered in the survey that they eat more than 5 meals on average while

playing MOBA games.

FEU Diliman

Basic Education Department

Figure 2.0: Correlation of Time Spent on Playing MOBAs to Exercise Frequency

The correlation between time spent on Playing MOBAs and Exercise Frequency

has a positive correlation although weak as it only has an R Value of 0.044.

Table 2.8: Correlation of Time Spent on Playing MOBAs to Exercise

FEU Diliman

Basic Education Department

Exercise Frequency F %

Never 22 22.45%

Rarely 41 41.84%

Sometimes 11 11.22%

Often 17 17.35%

Always 7 7.14%

Total 98 100.00%

According to the data gathered, 7 (7.14%) respondents play MOBAs to exercise

always, 17 (17.35%) of the participants often play MOBAs to exercise, 11 (11.22%) of

the participants sometimes play MOBAs to exercise, 41 (41.84%) rarely play MOBAs to

exercise, and 22 (22.45%) of the participants never play MOBAs to exercise.

FEU Diliman

Basic Education Department

Figure 2.1: Correlation of Time Spent on Playing MOBAs to Dietary Habits

Time spent on MOBAs and Dietary Habits technically has a positive correlation

although the relationship between the variables are very weak. The R value for the

correlation using Pearson’s R is 0.0024.

Table 2.9: Correlation of Time Spent on Playing MOBAs to Dietary Habits

Dietary Habits F %

Never 0 0.00%
FEU Diliman

Basic Education Department

Dietary Habits F %

Rarely 8 8.16%

Sometimes 28 28.57%

Often 47 47.96%

Always 15 15.31%

Total 98 100.00%

According to the data gathered, 15 (15.31%) respondents always play MOBAs to dietary

habits, 47 (47.96%) of the participants often play MOBAs to dietary habits, 28 (28.57%)

of the participants sometimes play MOBAs to dietary habits, 8 (8.16%) rarely play

MOBAs to dietary habits, and 0 (0.00%) of the participants never play MOBAs to dietary




Table 3.0: Do you consume three full meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) on a regular


F % Rank
FEU Diliman

Basic Education Department

Yes 65 66.3% 1

No 33 33.7% 2

Total 98 100%

According to the data gathered, the majority of the respondents consume three full

meals on a regular basis with a frequency of 65 (66.3%) and 33 (33.7%) of the

participants do not consume three full meals a day.

Table 3.1: Diet components affected due to PC MOBA Gaming

Components Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation

I avoid sugary drinks 3.52 Sometimes

I eat nutritious protein such as

4.07 Always
fish, nuts, poultry and beans.

I eat a variety of whole grains

(ex; whole-wheat bread, 3.96 Often

whole-grain pasta, etc).

I avoid eating ready-made meals 3.17 Sometimes

FEU Diliman

Basic Education Department


I avoid cold cuts or any other

2.88 Sometimes
processed meats.

I prefer using olive or canola oils

3.44 Sometimes
for my food.

I try to limit myself from eating

refined grains (white rice, white 3.13 Sometimes


I eat plenty of fruits of all colors. 3.89 Always

I drink plenty of water. 4.46 Always

I refrain from eating food with

high trans fats (dairy products, 2.98 Sometimes

fried chicken, french fries).

I drink tea or coffee that

contains small amounts of sugar 3.32 Always

or no sugar.

I consume vegetables. 4.11 Always

FEU Diliman

Basic Education Department

Average Weighted Mean 3.58 Often

According to the given table, the majority of the students responded sometimes

(3) and always (5) to the components affecting their diet. The first statement appears that

35 responded ‘Sometimes (3)’ as they try to avoid sugary beverages that are leading

sources of unhealthy calories. As seen from the statement “ I drink plenty of water” has

been the highest number of respondents in verbal interpretation “always’. Furthermore,

this sums up how respondents maintain their eating habits in a nutritious way and refrain

themselves from consuming high trans fats.

Table 3.2: Exercise Components affected due to PC MOBA Gaming

Components Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation

I am physically active for at

3.60 Often
least 30 minutes per day

I try to workout at least once

3.76 Often
a week.

I participate in any kind of

2.96 Sometimes
physically-active sport
FEU Diliman

Basic Education Department

(basketball, soccer)

I have a workout routine that

3.41 Often
I follow.

I use the stairs instead of

escalators or elevators in
3.47 Often
various establishments

(school, mall, etc.)

I jog. 2.90 Sometimes

I do cardio. 3.38 Sometimes

I do stretching. 3.84 Often

I do house work. 3.97 Often

I practice yoga. 1.95 Rarely

I do dance workout. 3.59 Often

I do bodybuilding. 2.10 Rarely

Average Weighted Mean 3.24 Sometimes

FEU Diliman

Basic Education Department

According to the data collected from respondents, the most frequent exercise they

get when playing MOBA games is doing house work, having a weighted mean of 3.97.

After that, stretching is the most frequent exercise with a weighted mean of 3.84, then

respondents trying to work out at least once a week with a weighted mean of 3.76. The

third least frequent component of exercise is jogging with a weighted mean of 2.90 and

the second least frequent component is bodybuilding with a weighted mean 2.10. The

component with the least amount of frequency is practicing yoga with a weighted mean

of 1.95. All in all, the average weighted mean for the components of exercise being

affected by playing MOBAs is 3.24.


Table 4.0: Indirect Factors for Diet

Components Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation Rank

I have religious practices

2.06 Disagree 6
that affects exercise.

I do not have enough

3.02 Neutral 2
time due to school

I cannot participate in a 2.01 Disagree 7

FEU Diliman

Basic Education Department

diet plan due to health


I cannot participate in a

diet due to financial 2.17 Disagree 4


My friends influence my
2.36 Disagree 5

My family influences my
3.46 Agree 1

The media (social media,

mass media) influences 2.99 Neutral 3

my diet.

Average Weighted Mean 2.58 Disagree

As determined by the data gathered by the reporters, family influence ranks

number one with a weighted mean of 3.46 on the indirect factors affecting the diet of the

senior high school students. Ranking at number 2, students think that sometimes they do

not have enough time to prepare their meals with a weighted mean of 3.02. At number 3,
FEU Diliman

Basic Education Department

students seem to think that media influence is another indirect factor that affects their

diet. From ranks 4 to 7 , students disagree that friends' influence, financial issues,

religious practices, and health issues are factors that affect their diet. The average

weighted mean of the data gathered is 2.58.

Table 4.1: Indirect Factors for Exercise

Components Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation Rank

I have religious practices

1.78 Strongly Disagree 6
that affects exercise.

I do not have enough

3.02 Neither 2
time due to school

I cannot participate in a

diet plan due to health 1.80 Strongly Disagree 5


I cannot participate in a

diet due to financial 1.71 Strongly Disagree 7


My friends influence my 2.55 Neither 4

FEU Diliman

Basic Education Department


My family influences my
2.78 Neither 3

The media (social media,

mass media) influences 3.17 Neither 1

my diet.

Average Weighted Mean 2.40 Disagree

According to the findings of the study, "the media (social media, mass media)"

received the most votes with a mean of 3.17 on the indirect factors influencing the

exercise of FEU Diliman senior high school students. "I don't have enough time due to

school" received the second highest position, with a mean of 3.02. "My friends influence

my diet", the third indirect factor affecting exercise, came in third with a mean of 2.78.

The data collected has an average weighted mean of 2.40.



FEU Diliman

Basic Education Department

The goal of this study was to discover if there are any correlations between the

amount of time spent playing MOBA games and diet and exercise, as well as to develop a

solution to improve the health of MOBA players. Findings from literature about gaming

suggests that it may have an impact on diet and exercise. The researchers' goal was to

create a demographic profile of their respondents and see if there were any indirect

factors at play that could affect diet and exercise, as well as to learn about the

components affected by MOBA gaming. This study's beneficiaries include FEU Diliman

senior high school students who play MOBAs, their parents, and nutrition science

professionals. This study's beneficiaries include FEU Diliman senior high school students

who play MOBAs, their parents, and nutrition science professionals. They can assist

them in educating senior high school pupils and providing suggestions, while

professionals can provide evaluations to students in order to improve their physical

health. The data collected from the respondents focused on the individuals' eating habits,

physical activity, and time spent playing online games. Due to the restrictions of online

classes, the assessment for FEU Diliman students was conducted using a Google Forms


The research method adopted is a combination of qualitative and quantitative

methods, but mostly using correlational research. The study will be conducted at Far

Eastern University - Diliman. The study was chosen to examine the relation between
FEU Diliman

Basic Education Department

MOBAs and diet and exercise of FEU Diliman senior high school students. The

instruments utilized were survey questionnaires that were distributed to senior high

school students at FEU Diliman through the use of Google forms. Through this study,

self-prepared survey questionnaires were used to gain a relation between time spent on

MOBAs and diet and exercise. In order to answer the study questions, the researchers

used previous literature and concepts to appropriately develop inquiries. To conduct the

research in an ethical manner, researchers included a consent form with the survey

questionnaire. This is to tell the respondents that they are a part of the study and that the

information they provide will be used solely for the purposes of the study and will be

kept private at any time. The researchers used Slovin's formula, weighted mean formula,

frequency and percentage formula, likert scale, and pearson's correlation coefficient in

order to accurately evaluate the data.


From the data gathered from respondents on the survey, there can be certain

implications that can be inferred from the analyzed statistics. First, the majority of the

respondents spend less than one hour playing MOBAs on the computer. Most of the

respondents of the survey also exercise at least once or twice per week and in their

workout routine most respondents have an average duration of 10 to 20 minutes or even

30 to 40. The researchers can therefore conclude that less time playing MOBA games can
FEU Diliman

Basic Education Department

lead to more frequent physical activity. Another evidence to support this conclusion is

most of the respondents are frequent in trying to exercise at least once a week. In terms of

indirect factors on exercise, the data suggests that the factors presented in the survey do

not affect the participants. Using Pearson’s R, the researchers have determined that there

is a connection although a weak one.

In terms of time spent playing MOBA games affecting diet, on the topic of

sweet-drink consumption, most of the respondents do not drink these beverages and even

if they did, it is only one or two cans or bottles. This data is in conflict with one of the

related literatures of the study, in particular the research of Turel, O. et al. (2017). Most of

the respondents do not eat bags of chips as well, as well as sweet foods such as chocolate,

ice cream or candy, and do not have any meals of fast food while playing. The

researchers have determined that this suggests that the less time you spend playing

MOBA games, the better your diet is. To further reinforce this conclusion, based on the

data on the components affecting diet due to MOBA gaming, most of the respondents are

often going for healthier options rather than unhealthy ones. Most respondents sometimes

avoid sugary drinks, always eat nutritious protein, often eat a variety of whole grains, as

well as sometimes avoiding ready-made meals. Most respondents always drink plenty of

water and eat plenty of fruits of all colors as well. The respondents also always consume

vegetables. Similarly to exercise, using the Pearson’s correlation, there is a weak

FEU Diliman

Basic Education Department

connection in the relationship of time spent playing MOBAs and diet. From this, the

researchers have concluded that in order to establish that MOBA games would have an

effect on diet and exercise that more concrete evidence must be found.


The future direction of this study is to create a diet and exercise regimen that can

compensate for the time spent playing MOBA games. A further study of this can be

created where MOBA players can try out certain diets and exercises in varying intensities

while still playing MOBAs. That being said there are certain limitations that the research

suffers from. There are no physical examinations and the answers are self-assessment

from the respondents. Most of the respondents barely play any PC MOBA games so

perhaps specifically targeting those that are can be an improvement for further studies.

Certain limitations also lie within the related literature found for this research as there is

not much literature based solely on PC MOBAs or MOBAs in general and thus the

researchers had to indirectly link PC MOBAs to screen time and gaming as a whole.

Future researchers can also broaden the genre of games, instead of just PC

MOBAs, perhaps both Mobile and PC MOBA games. Future researchers can also extend

this further to Online Games and maybe even gaming in general. Not only that, perhaps
FEU Diliman

Basic Education Department

the parameters can even be extended to gaming and physical health, not only in diet and

exercise but perhaps even specific topics such as eyesight, back issues or hand problems.

The researchers recommend this paper to senior highschool students who play

MOBA games as the results serve as evidence that there might be a connection to the

game they play and their health. The researchers also recommend that this paper can be

used as a guide by parents to educate themselves and guide their children towards

affirmative action towards healthy living. Furthermore, the researchers hope that nutrition

science related professionals can use this when evaluating their clients towards improving

physical health. Finally, future researchers can use this paper in furthering knowledge

about the effects of MOBA Gaming or maybe gaming in general and its possible

correlation towards health.

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