2015 EWW Review of Kirkpatric Etc
2015 EWW Review of Kirkpatric Etc
2015 EWW Review of Kirkpatric Etc
Wee, Lionel, Robbie B. H. Goh and Lisa Lim, eds. 2013. The Politics of
English: South Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Asia Pacific. Amsterdam:
John Benjamins. ix + 322 pp. EUR 95.00 (hardcover). ISBN 978-90-272-
Reviewed by Jonathan Newton
1. Introduction
English threads itself through the political, social and educational ecology of Asia
in richly varied, complex and dynamic ways. While “entity-English” (Kirkpatrick
and Sussex 2012) maintains a dominant position in syllabuses and curricula across
Asia, Asian Englishes flourish and find expression in a range of varieties (and sub-
varieties). Code-mixing between English and local languages is also widespread.
Predictably then, English is a site of contestation between pressure towards con-
vergence from above and the “bubbling up” (Pennycook 2013: 5) of localized in-
digenous language practices from below.
Of course Asia is a multifaceted construction and as such offers a kaleidoscope
of contexts which produce to diverse national responses to English. Yet within
this diversity, English has rapidly established itself as a lingua franca in pan-Asian
communication, its status to be further solidified in late 2015 when it is to be
formally adopted as the official language of the ASEAN Economic Community
(AEC). Across the region English is also the dominant “foreign” language in
schools. Indeed, as Kirkpatrick and Sussex (2012) remind us in the first of the two
volumes reviewed here, “there is no country in Asia where English is not the first
language after the national language” (p. 3). Situating these trends in a global con-
text, Kirkpatrick and Sussex suggest that Asia will play a pivotal role in the future
of World Englishes, not least because in India and China it has two of the largest
blocks of English speakers, with both countries pursuing a policy of expanding
English language education (p. 3). The second of the two volumes reviewed here
(Wee, Goh and Lim 2013) takes us beyond education to explore the impact of
English in political, cultural and social spheres. Taken together, there is much to
be gleaned from these two collections to inform our understanding of the pres-
ent and future of English as an international language, not just in Asia, but, by
extrapolation, globally.
Each book is a collection of papers presented at (or “inspired by”) one of two
forums in which scholars from across Asia came together to explore the pres-
ence and impact of English as an international language in Asia. Wee, Goh and
Lim (2013), based on the first of these forums chronologically speaking, emerged
from a workshop on the politics of English in Asia at the National University of
Singapore in August 2009, and the second, Kirkpatrick and Sussex (2012), grew
out of an international forum on English as an International Language (EIL) in
Asia held in Macao in December 2010. I shall now review each book in turn in
order of publication before concluding with some general points.
As the title suggests, the volume edited by Kirkpatrick and Sussex focuses on the
implications for education of English’s role as a dominant international language
in Asia. Education, the editors argue, acts as a prism, concentrating the social and
political sway of languages. It is thus a site of intense contestation. Themes ad-
dressed in this collection include: whether to use entity English (the notional stan-
dard variety based around a model native speaker) or a local variety in a syllabus
and as the performative target; how much space to devote to English across the
curriculum from primary to secondary school and into tertiary education; the re-
lated issue of how early to introduce English in the curriculum; which subjects are
taught in English; and what cultural content is appropriate in English classes in
Asian contexts.
To my mind, three pivot chapters hold the book together and in concert pres-
ent the broad backdrop against which the remaining country-specific chapters can
be situated. The first is Bolton’s overview of the field of World Englishes in which
he presents a survey of English as an international language within Asia. Bolton
engages with Graddol’s (2006: 72) claim that, with the trend across Asia to learn
English at an ever-earlier age (in China, for example, English was made compulso-
ry for all primary schools in 2001), English will become less of a “foreign language”
and more like “a near universal basic skill”. However, as Bolton points out, this
wholesale promotion of English has not been “an unqualified success story” (p. 23),
a point to which most of the chapters in both volumes attest. An obvious example,
as discussed by Gill, is the reversal in Malaysia in 2009 of the (at that time) recently
introduced policy of using English as the language of instruction for science and
maths. In its place, the country returned to using Bahasa Malaysia. The Philippines
provides another counter example in the move away from English-medium in-
struction and towards multilingual education (a trend discussed in more detail
in the chapter by Tinio in the Wee, Goh and Lim volume). As the chapters in
this book illustrate, across the region there is widespread concern about the nega-
tive effects of an overemphasis on English on local and national languages and on
other areas of the curriculum.
These themes are explored in detail in the second pivotal chapter in the book,
the chapter by Kirkpatrick, which carries the book’s title. Using the Indonesian
experience of English in education as a point of reference, Kirkpatrick critiques
language policies that promote English at the expense of the welfare and mainte-
nance of other languages. Notable amongst these policies is the currently popular
“earlier the better” approach to English language education in the region which
Kirkpatrick argues is having a profoundly negative impact on local languages. He
argues instead for a lingua franca approach to the teaching of English in which
English is introduced in schooling only after other core languages (the national
language, a local lingua franca and the learner’s mother tongue) have been estab-
lished. Such an approach, he proposes, would also focus on functional English
proficiency for international intelligibility rather than proficiency defined in na-
tive speaker terms (p. 38). Here Kirkpatrick lays out, in unambiguous terms, an
agenda for promoting English as an International Language (EIL) as the basis for
English education across the region.
Pennycook’s chapter, in the latter third of the book, provides the third pivot
point for understanding the role of English in Asia. Pennycook takes issue with
notions of English as a static “system-entity-edifice” (pp. 138–143), proposing in-
stead a negotiated model of English defined by local practices. This is feasible,
he argues, because English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) is an ideological construct
and a way of viewing the world rather than a linguistic system. To support this
argument, Pennycook critically deconstructs the claim that another widely spoken
lingua franca, Mandarin Chinese, is the most widely spoken mother tongue. He
notes, for example, that this claim ignores the range of local varieties of Putonghua
(common language) and the fact that Putonghua is spoken by a little over 50 per
cent of the population of China, many of whom will have only learnt it as a school
language. Turning to English, he argues for the need to view ELF as dynamic and
constitutive of diverse local practices. As he concludes, “lingua franca communi-
cation is emergent and multilingual: we speak both our own and each other’s lan-
guages. It is built from the bottom up: it is an emergent collection of local language
practices” (p. 152).
A theme that appears across both volumes is the place of “culture” and intercul-
tural teaching practices in English language education. This theme is particularly
tolerance and offer a means to reflect on both linguistic and cultural ethnocen-
trism. As with Wen’s chapter on China, Proshina provides a useful agenda for
enhancing interculturality through ELT in Russia.
Language policy is the focus of the chapters on Malaysia and Indonesia. In
the first, Gill critically examines the recent shifts in policy on the language used
to teach science and maths in Malaysia. An initial reversal from Bahasa Malaysia
to English in 2002 was followed in 2009 by a re-reversal from English to Bahasa.
These shifts reflect a struggle between the forces of linguistic nationalism and de-
velopment-oriented nationalism. Gill examines the context for these changes and
public reactions to them. She raises the question of whether it is appropriate or
effective to use language as it was in the case of the re-reversal to “pursue advance-
ment and equalize the opportunities provided for the peoples of a multi-ethnic
nation” (p. 56). She is referring here to one of the main reasons for the re-reversal
back to Bahasa Malaysia; that is to mitigate the negative impact of English-based
instruction on the educational performance of students from the Malay com-
munity. In order to address the needs of all the main ethnic groups in Malaysia
(Malays, Chinese and Indian) she suggests that schools could be provided with
greater freedom to choose which language to teach these subjects in.
In the chapter on Indonesian language policy, Hamied situates English in the
context of Indonesia’s overriding concern for national unity in a country con-
taining hundreds of local languages and in which Bahasa Indonesian, the official
language of the country, has been used as a key tool for cultivating a sense of
national unity. Hamied provides a useful historical overview of language policy in
the country and follows this with a discussion of current challenges which include
assessment issues and a shortage of resources and adequately trained teachers.
For Hamied an issue of concern is declining proficiency in the national language
which he suggests may be the result of placing too much emphasis on foreign
languages, especially English, although there is little evidence or argumentation
provided to support this claim.
The remaining chapters cover a wide range of topics. Oanh reports on a survey
of teacher attitudes to localized varieties of English. She finds, predictably, that
teachers strongly favour standard English and the role of English as an Asian lin-
gua franca but are reluctant to accept localized varieties. Hino’s chapter on Japan
is a fascinating exploration of the conflict of cultural values in pedagogies and
textbooks used to teach English in Japan. Hino provides a nuanced and insight-
ful account of the Japanese approach to translation and its basis in 1000 years of
reading and translating from Chinese which he argues has had a profound impact
on the Japanese approach to learning English. Most noticeably this has led to a
privileging of the written form, which sits uneasily with imported methodologies
and their tendency to focus on oral communication. An education focus is largely
absent in three chapters in the latter half of the book and so I will not discuss them
at length here. These are Sussex’s chapter on inter-language switching in interna-
tional English, Mukherjee’s chapter on competing varieties of Sri Lankan English,
and Moody’s chapter on English in popular Asian music.
Overall this collection does a fine job of articulating a wide range of current
concerns regarding the educational implications of the growth of English as an
international language across Asia. It is ably introduced by the editors who also
provide the compelling final chapter, “A Postscript and a Prolegomenon”, in which
they highlight three central threads that run through this collection: tensions be-
tween English as system-entity-edifice and as an emergent means-for-communi-
cation; the exercise of English in policy and practice; and communicacy, defined
as the skill sets necessary for successful language users.
Wee, Goh and Lim (2013). The Politics of English: South Asia, Southeast
Asia, and the Asia Pacific.
The Wee, Goh and Lim volume is broadly organized by Asian region: South Asia
(India and Sri Lanka), South-East Asia (Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines)
and Asia Pacific (Korea and Japan). A novel structure has been adopted in which
each country is represented by two chapters, one providing a critical assessment
of the country’s language policy and the other focusing on the use of English in
particular cultural domains. As this is the larger of the two volumes by almost 100
pages I shall devote more of this review to discussing its content. Furthermore,
there is such richness and diversity in this collection that I will work sequentially
through each of the chapters in the book to do justice to it.
The book begins with Pennycook’s agenda-setting chapter on language policy,
language ideologies and language practices. Pennycook criticizes the plannability
of language, arguing that language policy is not so much about language as it is
about “language ideology”. He draws on examples from the region including job
advertisements for English teachers in Vietnam, the Singaporean “Speak Good
English” policy, and language artefacts from the Philippines and India, to show that
local language practices are always “divergent, exceptional and deviant” by their
very nature (p. 3). Language planning attempts in Singapore are, for Pennycook, a
particularly good example of on-going language ideological struggles which reveal
the impossibility of turning the language of the state into the language of every-
day use. Somewhat provocatively, Pennycook concludes that planning languages
as distinct entities is doomed to failure because of the self-generating qualities of
local language practices — “language variety and difference will keep bubbling
up from below” (p. 5). Taking this argument to its logical conclusion, Pennycook
Having traced the historic origins of the grip of English in the Philippines in the
first half of the chapter, Lorente shifts her focus to mitigating the grip of English in
the second. Here she focuses on the (then) pending Multilingual Education (MLE)
house bill to introduce mother tongue education in all subjects from pre-school up
to the end of grade school. While lauding how this bill reengages with national lan-
guage policy and with multilingualism, she also cautions that the symbolic power
of English still remains, as evident in the way the bill has promoted mother tongue
education as a means to more effectively learning English and Filipino rather than
as a good in its own right.
In the second chapter on the Philippines, Tinio focuses on the economic power
of English in outsourcing industries set up in the Philippines and in the export of
Filipino labour. Drawing on Bourdieu’s notions of the “linguistic market” and “lin-
guistic capital”, Tinio examines economic needs-based sub-varieties of Philippine
English — the kinds of working knowledge of English required to meet market
demand, a demand that is typically for women and has led to a feminization of la-
bour. Tinio is worth quoting in her powerful concluding statements on this issue:
Inscribed into the subordinate varieties of Philippine English is both a history and
current order of exploitation in the name of either modernization and industri-
alization or development or in the name of a congenial, economically equal and
liberal Asia-Pacific family. (p. 221)
Whether it is the female assembly line worker, the domestic helper, the bargirl, or
the call centre operator, Tinio argues that “these women serve as the very founda-
tions of the global economic order that oppresses them” (p. 221), through their
contributions to the Philippine government’s interest payments on its enormous
foreign debt, a debt that ensures their ongoing subjugation.
The English they speak, idiosyncratic as it is, serves as a not so silent witness of the
tenderness, care, libido, pretence at/desire for an ease with Western culture that is
imbricated into this oppression. (p. 221)
The Asia-Pacific — Korea and Japan — is the focus of the final of the three sections
of the book. It begins with Hiramoto’s insightful critique of the state of English
language teaching in Japan. Hiramoto examines what she describes as the love-
hate relationship the Japanese have with English in general. Traditional study of
English in Japan is focused on passing exams with the result that Japanese students
are often unable to communicate in English even after years of study. This has
resulted in a whole sector devoted to filling this gap through offering “conversa-
tion English”. But here a native speaker ideology predominates with conversation
invariably involving idealized native speakers: “Caucasians, Americans, hamburg-
er-eaters, [and] drugstore patrons” (p. 236). Hiramoto argues that this kind of
essentializing contributes to an inferiority complex about English and the West
exacerbated by the “shame” of not being able to converse in English despite years
of study. She concludes that to shift these negative outcomes, the Japanese school
system needs to work on fostering in learners the identity of a native Japanese
learner of English rather than a non-native English speaker.
In the second chapter on Japan, Morita investigates the practice of using
English loanwords in Japanese, words that a 2007 government report found were
not understood by the average Japanese person, with 80 per cent of people sur-
veyed stating that they encounter too many loanwords in everyday life. Morita
explores the use of loanwords in the media and government documents, showing
how, in the latter, these words are used not so much for information but for their
“semiotic branding” (p. 261), for the way they bestow “an aura of access to the in-
ternational community and its consensus” (p. 261).
Korea is the final destination in this collection. In her chapter, Min takes us
on a powerful literary-historical journey through the lives of English speakers in
Korea, her subjects being the Korean imaginaries of the English language as rep-
resented in and beyond literature and the cinema. One such subject is the adoptee
— the 200,000 children placed in transnational adoption — who Min argues is
one of the most powerful English speaking voices in contemporary Korean and
Korean-American literature and who represents the disjunctive distance between
English as a symbol of elite status on the one hand, and of national cultural loss on
the other (p. 283).
In the penultimate chapter, Park interrogates the relationship between English,
class and the neoliberal reforms of Lee Myung-bak’s regime (2008–2012). Park ar-
gues that the significance of English in Korea is greater than might be immediately
obvious from an account of factors such as colonialism, global dependencies and
language policy. Rather, “English is implicated much more deeply in local politi-
cal processes, mediating relations of class and social reproduction and indexing
models and stereotypes of personae that reflect contrasting values and positions”
(p. 288). This chapter offers a compelling account of the role of English in neolib-
eral globalization and its complicity in reproducing inequalities rooted in class
2. Concluding comments
While these are not the first edited collections to address similar themes in the
Asian context (see e.g. Murata and Jenkins 2009) their appearance reflects the ever-
growing importance of English across Asia and the need to identify and critically
examine its impacts, both negative and positive. As their titles suggest, the two
volumes address different dimensions of English in Asia; Wee, Goh and Lim focus
broadly on social, cultural and political impact and implications of the spread of
English while Kirkpatrick and Sussex focus on educational themes. There is over-
lap though. Hiramoto’s chapter in Wee, Goh and Lim examines the phenomenon
of conversation English classes in modern Japan while three of the chapters in the
Kirkpatrick and Sussex volume are more sociolinguistic than educational in orien-
tation. But these are trivial points. Overall, the two volumes overlap in necessary
and helpful ways since any discussion of the politics of English inevitably draws
attention to language policy and thus also to education policy.
Of course neither book can feasibly do justice to every single country in Asia,
a point that Wee, Goh and Lim acknowledge in their introduction, where they
note that neither China nor Hong Kong are addressed in separate chapters in their
book. Also noteworthy in their absence from both books are any chapters devoted
to the countries that make up mainland South-East Asia: Thailand, Vietnam, Laos,
Cambodia and Myanmar. To address these gaps, both books include introductory
and concluding chapters (as well as a number of non-country specific chapters in
the Kirkpatrick and Sussex collection) that expand the reach of the books by in-
cluding discussions of Asian countries which are not the topic of separate chapters.
The books are wide-ranging in other ways which more than compensate for
any gaps in geographical coverage. Wee, Goh and Lim include a particularly rich
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Reviewer’s address
Jonathan Newton
School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies
Victoria University of Wellington
P O Box 600, Wellington, 6140, New Zealand