Abstract—The main function of the dc-dc converter in a grid- of the switching devices [4]. Among a large number of the
connected photovoltaic system, is to regulate the terminal voltage existing dc-dc converters, boost converter has become the most
of the PV arrays to ensure delivering the maximum power to commonly used for feeding a grid-tied inverter. The real merit
the grid. The purpose of this paper is to design and practically
implement a robust continuous-time model predictive control of using a boost converter is its relatively simple topology that
(CTMPC) for a dc-dc boost converter, feeding a three-phase is lacking in others dc-dc converters such as a quadrature boost
inverter of a grid-connected PV system to regulate the PV converter, and interleaved boost converter [5], [6]. However,
output voltage. In CTMPC, the system behavior is predicted because of its limited efficiency, the boost converter is usually
based on Taylor series expansion, raising concerns about the adopted for low power single-phase system, which presents
prediction accuracy in the presence of parametric uncertainty
and unknown external disturbances. To overcome this drawback, a concern about the DC-link voltage ripples. Such a concern
a disturbance observer is designed and combined with CTMPC reveals the need for designing an appropriate control of the
to enhance the steady-state performance in the presence of model grid-tied single-phase inverter system, whilst the main focus
uncertainty and unknown disturbance such as the PV current, of this paper is mainly concerned with the control of the boost
which varies nonlinearly with the operating point. An interesting converter independently of the inverter type. On the other side,
feature is that the composite controller reduces to a conventional
PI controller plus a predictive term that allow to further improve a three-phase inverter can guarantee lower DC-link ripples
the dynamic performance over the whole operating range. The with a classical Proportional-Integral (PI) controller, and it can
effectiveness of the proposed controller was tested numerically also be used for some specific low power PV applications such
and validated experimentally with the consideration of the grid- as the household PV installed system. This partially explains
connected PV inverter system and its controller. why a three-phase grid-tied inverter is chosen, in this research
Index Terms—Continuous-time model predictive control work, to test the performance of the proposed controller for
(CTMPC), dc-dc boost converter, disturbance observer, grid- a dc-dc boost converter. However, all the results presented in
connected inverter system, photovoltaic system, PI observer, this paper can be expanded to single-phase grid-connected PV
renewable energy.
In the dc-dc boost converter control, a conventional cas-
I. I NTRODUCTION caded scheme is widely adopted because of its relatively
Ower electronic converters are essential to ensure efficient simple structure, which can ease the controller design and
P and reliable use of the PV power generation in either
grid-connected or stand-alone applications. In a grid-connected
the practical implementation. The cascaded control scheme
consists of a fast inner-loop, whose reference value, i.e., the
application, which is the focus of this work, a single/three- current reference, is provided by a slower outer-loop. The later
phase inverter and a dc-dc converter are usually utilized to in- is designed to control the terminal voltage of the PV array, and
terconnect the PV unit to its host grid via a DC-link capacitor. its reference value is usually determined by a maximum power
In addition, an input capacitor is normally placed between the point tracking (MPPT) algorithm [7].
dc-dc converter and the PV array to form the PV generator [1]. In the outer-loop control, a PI controller is well suited to
The main role of the inverter is to regulate the power exchange initiate a stable and accurate control, especially when the input
between the grid and the PV system, so as to comply with the capacitor is very big [8]. However, the transient performance
grid code. In such a topology, the active power is controlled by may be heavily influenced by the changes in the operating
regulating the DC-link voltage [2], while the reactive power point if the input capacitor is very small due to the so-
is maintained at a specified level, which is mainly dictated by called dynamic resistance [9]. More recent works have been
the grid connection requirement [3]. The dc-dc converter is dedicated to the influence of the dynamic resistance on the
considered to enable extracting the maximum available power PV voltage regulation, including those reported in [10]–[13],
from the PV generator by exploring the control capabilities and revealed that a PI controller alone may not be an adequate
choice to accurately control the boost converter for the whole
R. Errouissi, A. Al-Durra, and S. M. Muyeen are with the Petroleum operating range. Therefore, a PI controller combined with the
Institute, P.O. Box 2533, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (e-mails: dynamic resistance estimation might be a judicious solution to
rerrouissi@pi.ac.ae, aaldurra@pi.ac.ae, and smmuyeen@pi.ac.ae).
This work was supported by "The Petroleum Institute Research Center guarantee a good dynamic performance independently of the
(PIRC)" Research Grant. input capacitor size. An early attempt to include the estimate
of the dynamic resistance into the PI controller, was through real-time implementation.
the use of an adaptive PI controller [12]. The basis for such In the inner-loop control, several approaches have been
a controller relies on estimating the dynamic resistance to proposed to achieve a fast transient response, including the
continuously adjust the controller parameters, so as to cancel finite-control-set model predictive control (FCS-MPC) [21],
the undesired effect caused by the PV current variation. In that sliding mode control (SMC) [22], [23], PI controller [24],
work, the proposed controller was applied to a single-phase etc. In this paper, a PI controller is derived for the inner-
system, and the inherent current and voltage ripples were used loop control using the same design process as for the outer-
to determine the dynamic resistance. However, this approach loop. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed controller was
breeds other problems such as the limited estimation accuracy validated with the consideration of a grid-connected three-
in the presence of the measurement noise. Another drawback phase inverter, so as to take into account the real dynamics
of that method is its limited applicability to a single-phase of the whole system. PI controllers are designed to control the
system. A recent attempt to preserve the nominal tracking three-phase grid-tied inverter.
performance over the entire operating range was through the
use of a disturbance observer-based control (DOBC) [13]. In II. S YSTEM M ODELING
that work, good performances were obtained, but only a stand-
alone application was considered, and no realistic scenarios Figure 1 shows the schematic of a dc-dc boost converter
were performed under grid-connected PV system. tied to the ac bus via a DC-link capacitor C, a three-phase
In light of the aforementioned problems related to the PI inverter, and a line filter composed of an inductance L and
controller, this paper proposes a design methodology to derive a resistance R. The DC-link voltage vdc is kept constant by
a predictive PI controller for a dc-dc boost converter feeding controlling the switching devices S{1,6} . The main focus of
a grid-tied inverter. The whole derivation is based on com- this work is to regulate the PV output voltage v0 through the
bining a Model Predictive Control (MPC) and a Disturbance switching actions of the semiconductor device Sb . Here, Cb
Observer (DO). The MPC is essentially an optimal control and Lb , represent the input capacitor and the boost inductor,
that minimizes a quadratic cost function consisting of the respectively. For the boost converter, the measurable variables
difference between the system output and the trajectory to are the inductor current iL and the PV voltage v0 . The
be tracked over a finite time horizon. The proposed MPC, voltage vdc is seen as a known disturbance, whereas the
known as Continuous-Time MPC (CTMPC), uses Taylor series current ip is considered as an unknown disturbance that needs
expansion to predict the system behavior by considering the to be estimated and compensated in the control law.
nominal model [14]–[16]. The disturbance observer is intro-
duced to estimate the uncertain part, not considered in the ip i L Lb i0
D S1 S2 S3
nominal model, to improve the prediction accuracy [17]–[19].
+ + ia L R ea
In this work, the major role of the disturbance observer is to va
v0 vdc ib eb
estimate the PV current instead of the dynamic resistance. It PV
Cb Sb C
ic ec
turns out that the composite controller, consisting of CTMPC − − S4 S5 S6 vc
and DO, reduces to a PI controller plus a predictive term
that has the role of improving the tracking performance for a Boost converter Grid-connected three phase inverter
smooth reference signal. The design process and the additional
predictive part represent the essential difference between the Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of a PV three-phase conversion system.
proposed method and the existing adaptive PI controllers. An Assuming that the converter operates in a continuous con-
adequate choice of the reference signal permits to have a good duction mode, then, the dynamics of the boost converter
dynamic response by exploring the tracking performance ca- depicted in Fig. 1 can be described by the following set of
pabilities of the predictive controller, while the integral action differential equations
eliminates the steady-state error. Another advantage lies in the
di v v v
estimation of the PV current instead of the dynamic resistance. L = 0 − dc + dc d
Such an estimation can be directly used for other algorithms, dt Lb Lb Lb (1)
such as MPPT technique, which avoids the need for additional dv0 iL ip
=− +
filter for the current measurement. Similar design process is dt Cb Cb
recently adopted in [20] to develop an accurate control of a where d represent the duty-cycle control. In the cascaded
solar energy conversion system consisting of a dc-dc boost scheme, the inner current control loop provides the duty-
converter and a grid-tied inverter. However, that work focuses cycle d, which is realized by means of a fixed frequency PWM.
only on the control of a grid-tied inverter without treating the Making use of (1), the current controller can be designed based
control of the dc-dc boost converter, and only a PI controller on the linear model of the current equation given by
is used to regulate the PV output voltage. Another difference
is that the proposed disturbance observer reduces to a PI diL
= Ai iL + Bi ui + Fi bi , ui = (d − 1) . (2)
controller in this work, while the work presented in [20] dt
considers the integration of the system model to estimate where
the lumped disturbances due to the existence of unmatched vdc 1
disturbances, raising concern about the relative complexity of Ai = 0, Bi = , Fi = , bi = v0 + δi (3)
Lb Lb
The term δi is added to the model to represent the lumped Hence, (10) can be simplified as
disturbances caused by model uncertainty. In the outer voltage
loop, the current iL is treated as a control input. Thus, the e (t + Tr ) = Π(Tr ) (H (y) − Gu − M b) (12)
current reference, for the inner-loop, can be determined from
the outer-loop voltage control based on the following linear where
model T
Π= 1 Tr , H (y) = e (t) ẏr (t) − Ay (13)
= Av v0 + Bv uv + Fv bv , uv = iL . (4)
dt The column matrices G and M are given by
1 1 0 0
Av = 0, Bv = − , Fv = , bv = i p + δ v (5) G= , M= (14)
Cb Cb B F
The term δv represents parameter variations and external Invoking (13)–(14), and replacing e(t + Tr ) in (8) by its
disturbances. In order to simplify the controller design, it is expression given by (12), the approximate cost function =
assumed that can be expressed as follows
lim δ̇i (t) = 0, lim δ̇v (t) = 0 (6) T
t→∞ t→∞ = = (H (y) − Gu − M b) Υ (Tr ) (H (y) − Gu − M b)
III. ROBUST C ONTINUOUS -T IME M ODEL P REDICTIVE where Υ (Tr ) is a 2 × 2 matrix and is determined as follows
A. Baseline Controller: Formulation of CTMPC Υ (Tr ) = ΠT (Tr ) Π (Tr ) (16)
Consider a mathematical model for a single-input-single-
output (SISO) disturbed linear system The derivative of the cost function with respect to the control
input is given by
ẏ = Ay + Bu + F b (7)
where u ∈ R, y ∈ R, and b ∈ R, are the input, the output, = −B Υ1 Υ2 H (y) + BΥ2 Bu + BΥ2 F b (17)
and the disturbance, respectively. The continuous-time MPC
is essentially an optimal control that results from minimizing where Υ1 = Υ2,1 , and Υ2 = Υ2,2 . Thus, considering the
a quadratic cost function defined by matrix Υ(Tr ), it can be shown that
2 2
= = [e (t + Tr )] = [yr (t + Tr ) − y (t + Tr )] (8) Υ1 = Tr , Υ2 = Tr2 (18)
where, yr represents the output reference, e(t) is the tracking Making use of d=
= 0, the optimal control is given by
error, and Tr is known as predictive time. In the continuous-
time MPC formulation, the control input is not usually in- u (t) =B −1 Υ−1
Υ1 Υ2 H (y) − Υ−1
2 2 Υ2 F b
cluded in the cost function to simplify the stability analysis. In (19)
=B −1
K 1 H (y) − F b
such conditions, the control effort can be restricted by tuning
the predictive time Tr or/and limiting the set-point changes. where the controller gain K is expressed as follows
The optimal control is derived based on the optimality condi-
tion given by 1
d= K= (20)
=0 (9) Tr
Following [18], the design methodology of a continuous- Substituting (19) in (11) gives the closed-loop system error
time MPC is based on approximating the future tracking equation as follows
error e(t + Tr ) with the use of Taylor series expansion up ė + Ke = 0 (21)
to (ρ + r)th order, with r denotes the control order and ρ is
the relative degree of the system. The main role of the control Therefore, since the predictive time is positive, it is clear
order is to ensure the stability of the closed-loop system for that the closed-loop system, under the continuous-time MPC,
systems having high relative degree [25]. However, for the is asymptotically stable. For real-time implementation, the
system under investigation, it is clear that the relative degree disturbance is not always available for measurement. For the
is equal to 1 for both loops. That is why, the control order r purpose of making the proposed controller more convenient
is set equal to be zero in this work. Hence, an approximate for practical implementation, the continuous-time MPC can
of e(t + Tr ) is given by be modified as
e (t + Tr ) = e (t) + Tr ė (t) u (t) = B −1
(10) K 1 H (y) − F b̂
Making use of (7), from the definition of the relative degree ρ, = B −1 Ke (t) + ẏ r − Ay − F b̂
it follows that
ė (t) = ẏr (t) − ẏ = ẏr (t) − Ay − Bu − F b (11) where b̂ is an estimate of the real disturbance b.
B. Composite Controller: CTMPC and a Disturbance Ob- methodology is based on Taylor series expansion. For power
server converter applications, the predictive time is mainly decided
Considering the measurement of the output y, an observer by the switching frequency [27], which dictates the nominal
can be derived to estimate the disturbance as follows [26], performance specification of the settling time defined by (21).
The observer gain is selected to correspond to the desired
b̂ = µ ẏ − Ay − Bu − F b̂ (23) settling time under the composite controller by considering
the transfer function (28).
where µ is the observer gain. Combining (7) with (23), gives Remark 2: It it noticed that if the disturbance b is composed
the dynamics of the disturbance observer as follows of a measurable variable bm and an unknown component bu ,
ėb = −µF eb − ḃ (24) with b = bm + bu , the composite controller can be modified
where eb = b̂ − b is the disturbance estimation error. It is
u (t) = B −1 Ke (t) + ẏ r − Ay − F bm − F b̂u (29)
evident that the disturbance observer can be made stable by
choosing the parameter µ so as to have µF > 0. This means
where b̂u is simply computed by the PI observer given by (26).
that the estimation error can be made bounded and its bound
Now, assuming that b̂u (0) = −µe (0), and substituting (26)
depends on ḃ. Hence, with the assumption that lim ḃ = 0, it
t→∞ into (29) gives the predictive PI controller as follows
is clear that the observer converges to the actual disturbance
as t → ∞. According to (24), a large observer gain µ Zt
results in a fast disturbance estimation, but it may magnify the u (t) = Pb e (t) + Ib e (τ ) dτ + Nb (t) (30)
measurement noises. Hence, attention should be given when 0
selecting the observer gain for practical implementation. The where Pb = B (K + F µ), and Ib = B −1 F Kµ are the
major drawback of the observer (23) is that it includes the proportional and the integral gains of the PI controller, respec-
time derivative of the output. To tackle the need for ẏ, the tively. The predictive term Nb (t) = B −1 (ẏ r − Ay − F bm ) has
disturbance observer can be further simplified by substituting the role of predicting the error between the system output y
the control law (22) into (23). In doing so, we obtain and the trajectory to be tracked yr . Such a term is not usually
˙ considered in the classical PI controller, which makes the pro-
b̂ = −µKe (t) − µė (t) (25)
posed controller superior in terms of the tracking performance,
By integrating the above equation, one can simplify the particularly, when dealing with a smooth reference.
disturbance observer as follows
Zt C. Application to the Boost Converter
b̂ (t) = −µK e (τ ) dτ − µe (t) + µe (0) + b̂ (0) (26) The composite controller, consisting of a continuous-time
0 MPC and a disturbance observer, is applied to the dc-dc boost
converter by means of the conventional cascaded scheme.
Hence, as pointed out in [18], selecting b̂ (0) = −µe (0) For the inner-loop, the composite controller is applied to the
allows recovering approximately the nominal performance, current dynamics (2) to determine the duty-cycle d = (ui + 1)
defined by (21), in the absence of disturbances. For instance, minimizing the cost function (8), with y = iL , and yr = iLref ,
substituting (22) into (11) with the consideration of (26) gives where iLref is the current reference. Invoking (30), the inner-
the output tracking error dynamics as follows loop controller can be expressed as
ė (t) + (K + F µ) e (t) + F µK e (τ ) dτ = −F b + F ξ (0) L µi µi Ki 1
ui = Ki + ei (t) + ei (τ ) dτ − v0
vdc Lb Lb Lb
0 0
(27) (31)
where ξ (0) = b̂ (0) + µe (0). Therefore, by neglecting the where ei = iLref − iL is the current tracking error. Under a
disturbance variation, the reference-to-output transfer func- cascaded structure, the current reference iLref is generated by
tion P (s), for a constant set-point, can be expressed by the outer-loop control. This can be accomplished by applying
the predictive PI controller (30) to the equation (4) to find the
(K + F µ) s + F µK
P (s) = (28) optimal input uv = iLref minimizing the cost function (8),
s2 + (K + F µ) s + F µK with y = v0 and yr = v0ref , where v0ref is the desired
The poles associated with (28) are s1 = −K and s2 = −F µ. voltage reference. In doing so, we get
This implies that the closed-loop system is asymptotically
stable, since the predictive time Tr is positive and the observer µ v µ v K v
uv = −Cb Kv + ev (t) + ev (τ ) dτ + v̇0ref
gain µ satisfies µF > 0, as mentioned above. According Cb Cb
to (28), it is clear that the disturbance observer has also an (32)
impact on the dynamic performance. where ev = v0ref − v0 is the PV voltage tracking error.
Remark 1: To facilitate the design process, the predictive Remark 3: It should be noted that the time derivative of the
time Tr can be considered as the first design parameter, current is not included in the current loop control to avoid
which must be selected as small as possible, since the control magnification of the measurement noise, since the current
reference iLref = uv is based on the voltage measurement. ratio and ωni,v represents the natural angular frequency. The
As a result, the composite controller for the inner-loop reduces typical value of ζ is equal to √12 , while ωni,v can be selected
to a PI controller with a feed-forward term that compensates 4
according to the desired settling time approximated by ζωni,v ,
the variation of both the DC-link and the PV voltages. Note with the consideration of the switching frequency [30]. It is
that the value of Vdc is updated in the inner-loop control. noticed that, in the cascaded scheme, the outer-loop should be
Remark 4: For the voltage regulation, the composite con- designed to have slower response than that of the inner-loop.
troller includes the time derivative of the reference, which To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach,
allows improving the tracking performance in comparison simulation tests are carried out using MATLAB/SIMULINK
to a conventional PI controller. Therefore, a filtered voltage with the use of a single diode PV panel model, developed
reference can be used, instead of a step input, to take advantage in [31]. Under standard conditions, the PV panel can operate
of the tracking capability of the proposed controlled, while at at a maximum power point (MPP) of 1 kW, and its I–V
the same time, to limit the inductor current during the transient. characteristic curve is plotted in Fig. 3. The switching
frequency for the dc-dc boost converter is selected to
v0ref iLref Comparator be fsc = 12.5 kHz, while that for the three-phase inverter is
ui + d +
v0 Eq : 32 iL Eq : 31 Sb set to be fsi = 6.25 kHz. The simulation tests were performed
+ - with a control period of 80 µsec. The time step for the
1 Carrier complete developed model is set equal to 1 µsec.
ed 10
Kpv + Kpi + + vd∗
vdcref + idref + +
PV output current ip (A)
K 8
- - -
Kiv 1/s + Kii 1/s + MPP
vdc Lωiq 6
ia,b,c id +
Kpi vq∗
iqref + + 4
ea,b,c abc → dq
PLL i -
q Kii 1/s + +
(b) 0
0 40 80 120 160
PV output voltage v0 (V)
Fig. 2. Control schemes for (a) dc-dc converter (b) grid-tied inverter,
with K = , and Kpi = 14.2419, Kii = 7.4570×103 ,
3ed Fig. 3. Characteristic I–V curve of the PV array under standard conditions,
Kpv = 0.1403, and Kiv = 7.0133. with IM P P = 7.75 A, VM P P = 129 V, and PM P P = 1 kW.
B. Tracking Performance Under Maximal Power Point Figure. 4 shows that the PV output voltage tracked its
First test was concerned with the reference tracking per- reference with zero steady-state error in spite of unknown
formance evaluation with a step change in the PV voltage PV current ip , which varies nonlinearly with the operating
reference from 158 to 130 V. The PV voltage of 130 V has point. As can be seen in Fig. 5, the estimate bv followed
been selected to extract the maximum power from the PV the inductor current iL with an error which tends to zero as
panel. Such a test is equivalent to a change in the active time goes to infinity, indicating that the disturbance observer
power P delivered to the grid, with P : 0 → 1kW . is asymptotically stable, since the current iL is equal to
the unknown component ip in the steady-state regime. As
illustrated in Fig. 6, the reactive power Q is maintained equal
to zero, while the active power P follows its command of 1 kW
with a steady-state error resulting from the inverter losses.
PV output voltage (V)
PV voltage
iL 180
PV output voltage (V)
PV voltage
0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1
Time (s) 120
Current iL (A) and esimate bv (A)
0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 0
Time (s)
According to Figs. 7(a) and 8(a), the proposed controller
P allows achieving good transient and steady-state performances
300 independently of the operating points. More interestingly,
similar dynamic performance can be observed over the entire
0 operating range. The inductor current iL , shown in Figs. 7(b)
−200 and 8(b), exhibits a good dynamic performance without a
0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1
Time (s) significant overshoot as the PV voltage changed due to the
filtered PV voltage reference. Similarly to the previous test,
Fig. 6. Active and reactive powers delivered to the grid in response to a step the estimate bv closely followed the inductor current iL .
change in v0
causes the settling time of the voltage control to approach that
140 of the current control, which certainly affects the stability of
PV voltage the cascaded control scheme. To address such a concern, the
120 observer gain µv is set to be 0.1, so that the settling time of
the outer-loop is equal to twelve times that of the inner-loop.
1 1.2 1.8 2.4 3
Time (s)
B. Tracking Performance Under Maximal Power Point
(a) PV output voltage response
This experimental test was performed to validate the first
Current iL (A) and esimate bv (A)
A. Experimental Setup
Experimental tests were conducted to validate the proposed
controller with the consideration of realistic scenarios by con-
necting the output of the dc-dc converter to a grid-connected
inverter as shown in Fig. 9.
Fig. 10. Boost converter’s response under a step input of PV voltage: v0 (20
V/div), iL (5 A/div), bv (5 A/div), and ebv (5 A/div).
Also, it can be seen that the estimate bv tracked accurately test, the inductor current response is slow in comparison with
the inductor current iL and the estimation error ebv converges the simulation test because of the limited dynamics of the PV
to zero at the steady-state regime. For the grid-tied inverter emulator.
control, it is clear that that the DC-link voltage and the
reactive power Q are well controlled. Here, P represents
the active transferred to the grid. The unity power factor
operation is guaranteed as shown in Fig. 12. It is noted that
the modulating signals m∗a , m∗b , and m∗c are generated using
third harmonic injection technique, so as to to prevent over-
modulation problem.
the value of Cb is set incorrectly in the controllers, and it existing semiconductor devices are now capable of operating
is chosen to be equal to 25% of its nominal value. As seen, at a high switching frequency without significant switching
under nominal value of Cb , the PI controller allows achieving losses, especially for low power applications. The efficiency
a good transient response of the boost converter over the of the dc-dc boost converter can be further improved if the
whole operating range, but a degraded performance is observed power converter module, consisting of the inverter and the
under model uncertainty as shown in Fig. 16. As illustrated in boost converter, operates at its nominal power of 20 kVA. This
Fig. 17, the proposed design process is proved to be effective is because the power converter is usually designed to function
regarding model uncertainty in comparison with the classical at high efficiency when it operates at its nominal power, while
PI controller design. the maximum power of the PV emulator is limited to 1.6 kW.
Fig. 17. Voltage and current waveforms in response to upward steps of v0
under CTMPC, and with incorrect value of Cb : v0 (20 V/div), iL (5 A/div), M ODELLING AND PARAMETERS OF THE P HOTOVOLTAIC
and bv (5 A/div). A RRAY
E. Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Developed System An equivalent circuit of the PV cell, known as a single-diode
model, including the series and parallel resistances, is shown
This test was conducted to investigate the switching fre-
in Fig. 18. But, the practical equation that usually adopted
quency effect on the efficiency η of the dc-dc boost converter.
to describe the I–V characteristic of a PV array is given as
Such an objective is achieved by evaluating the efficiency η,
around the maximum power point, for different values of the
switching frequency fsc . From the results, it was found that, in
V + Rs I V + Rs I
the frequency range fsc : 3.125 → 12.5 kHz, the efficiency η I = Ipv − I0 exp −1 − (33)
Vt a Rp
remains almost the same and is about 94 %, indicating that the
change in the switching frequency does not have a prominent where Ipv , I0 and Vt are the PV current, the saturation
effect on the efficiency. The possible reason is that the dc- current, and the thermal voltage, respectively, of the array.
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